[PEN-L:3671] Re: Re: Race as a construct

1999-02-23 Thread rc-am
or is it simply a matter of ideology, i.e., what's in people's heads, something that can be solved if we simply reveal that it's wrong and if we use correct forms of speech and discourage others from using incorrect speech? jim, many whom you might call pomos are idealists, but not all by any

[PEN-L:3680] real and formal subsumption

1999-02-23 Thread rc-am
on a less complex matter than why people do the things they do... does anyone have any replies to tom's query on formal and real subsumption? i'd be grateful if anyone had any ideas on this at all. angela

[PEN-L:3736] Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Doug: How about Fred Jameson? Is he one of the defilers too? What's wrong with hybridizing, anyway? Is there some threat of impurity or something? And what's postmodernism again? I keep forgetting. Fred Jameson? I have never found any compelling reason to read him. I just might go to my grave

[PEN-L:3737] Re: Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Michael Yates
Friends, I seem to recall that Doug was highly critical of Burbach. They had an exchange in teh URPE Newsletter awhile back. michael yates Louis Proyect wrote: Louis, I don't know if you're signed on or not but i hope you get this. while I am not a particular fan of much of what is

[PEN-L:3738] RE: Re: Re: Peter Dorman's suggestion

1999-02-23 Thread Max Sawicky
Jim wrote: It seems to me that any author who does not disclose the funding of the research that went into an article should not have that article published in any respectable journal. We were not talking about respectable journals, but those of the economics profession. What do other

[PEN-L:3741] Re: Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Doug Henwood
Louis Proyect wrote: Why so odd? After urging people to read Judith Butler, Zizek, Bourdieu for months on end, one can only draw the conclusion that you've drifted apart from Marxism, as would describe my personal relationships over the years. You have no idea what Bourdieu writes about, do

[PEN-L:3742] Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Friends, I seem to recall that Doug was highly critical of Burbach. They had an exchange in teh URPE Newsletter awhile back. michael yates Burbach and Kargalitsky's book "Globalization and Its Discontents: The Rise of Postmodern Socialisms" is very much in line with books by William Greider

[PEN-L:3743] Re: Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Michael Perelman
I think that we should let Doug Henwood characterize his own thought rather than impose our own interpretations. -- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chico, CA 95929 530-898-5321 fax 530-898-5901

[PEN-L:3750] Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Michael is quite right. He has urged me not to characterize Doug's thoughts and I found myself slipping back into that mode again yesterday. After writing something and hitting the enter key, I slapped my forehead and said, "Goddamnit, that was a characterization, what got into me?". In a way,

[PEN-L:3751] Re: Re: Re: Serbia

1999-02-23 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.
Paul, As you well know, I respect your knowledge of the situation in Yugoslavia, both current and former. I find myself very much at odds over the current situation. I do not like the idea of US troops in Kosovo. I agree with you that there has been a long term demographic shift with a

[PEN-L:3752] Re: Re: Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Brad De Long
Just for the record, I disagree pretty strongly with Burbach and Aronowitz on lots of things; I'm sure most people who've read my critique of Stanley on science and work... Doug I haven't, but I'd like to... Brad DeLong -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

[PEN-L:3753] Re: subsumption sublux

1999-02-23 Thread Hsin-Hsing Chen
My reading of Marx's real and formal subsumption agrees with Jim Divine's. The following is a message I sent to Michael and Tom off-line about specific case that I am working on. Looks like it might be of interest to others, too. = Greetings, If you got other

[PEN-L:3755] Re: Re: Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Tom Kruse
Doug notes: The notion that women maquiladora workers find something liberating in factory work (amidst the harassment and exploitation) comes from people who've actually talked to them. And those who do (Tiano, for example, in her book _Patriarchy on the Line_, or Ong in her book on Malaysia,

[PEN-L:3757] Re: Re: subsumption sublux

1999-02-23 Thread Jim Devine
Tom Kruse writes: I've just reviewed Marx on "formal" vs. "real" subsumption of labor to capital, the former understood as "...capital [making] use of noncapitalist modes of production while leaving the means of production in the hands of the producers and leaving internal processes such as

[PEN-L:3765] Re: Re: Re: Race as a construct

1999-02-23 Thread Charles Brown
I agree with both Maggie's and Jim's analyses here. I think they capture fundamentals of the consciousness of racism and sexism. In some senses, those of us who want to end these problems have our whole theory in the statements Maggie and Jim make here, and the complexities are in practice,

[PEN-L:3766] Re: long waves

1999-02-23 Thread Jim Devine
At 01:37 PM 2/23/99 -0500, Barkley wrote: Have just received a copy of the _Encyclopedia of Political Economy_ edited by Phillip Anthony O'Hara, Routledge, 1999, London, which contains stuff by a lot of listmembers, some of it not bad. Anyway, was just looking at the entry on long

[PEN-L:3767] Re: Re: Re: Re: Serbia

1999-02-23 Thread ts99u-1.cc.umanitoba.ca []
Barkley, I know you trace the problem back to the 89 elimination of Kosovo's autonomy and to Milosivic's policies, but I do think that is something of an oversimplification. I was in Yugoslavia around that time staying with the senior civil servant in the Slovenian foreign affairs

[PEN-L:3769] Bourdieu, etc.

1999-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
I wouldn't dismiss Bourdieu so quickly. His book Distinction contains a welter of phenomenological insights into how the ruling class is able to reproduce its hegemony. Sam Pawlett Sam, I enjoy media critics and have read Mark Crispin Miller, Mark Hertsgaard and Neil Postman with great relish.

[PEN-L:3771] Bourdieu, etc.

1999-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Is that esoteric? Doug No, what you clipped from my post is what I find esoteric, the notion of "cultural capital". Louis Proyect (http://www.panix.com/~lnp3/marxism.html)

[PEN-L:3778] Pentagon Estimates Kosovo Costsboundary=------------CE7858C4FEFDBD7F2307DC6A

1999-02-23 Thread Tom Lehman
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --CE7858C4FEFDBD7F2307DC6A Dear Pen-L, Three to Four Billion Dollars for operations in Bosnia and Kosovo...of course that's not counting cost over-runs... Your email pal, Tom L. http://www.newsday.com/ap/rnmpin1m.htm

[PEN-L:3780] Bourdieu, etc.

1999-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Seems to me that the reasons are obvious and direct as to why"senstionalized banality" dominates television rather than propaganda that would raise mass consciousness to overthrow the system. The bourgeois , the ruling class, tightly control the content of television , because it is such a

[PEN-L:3781] Re: Bourdieu, etc.

1999-02-23 Thread Charles Brown
Of course, there are only two main classes in capitalism, but there are middle strata, a scientifically correct and Marxist category. See, for example, _Contemporary Capitalism and the Middle Classes_ by S.N. Nadel (Progressive Publishers/International 1982; well you might have to borrow my

[PEN-L:3784] Bourdieu, etc.

1999-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
From a paper on Bourdieu by Jon Beasley-Murray at the Spoons Archives: http://lists.village.virginia.edu/~spoons/marxism/jbm.cultcapital.html Traditionally, only the exchange at the cash register concerns economics. In Marxist terms, the price paid is related to the book's value which is a

[PEN-L:3785] Re: Clarification on Cuba

1999-02-23 Thread Barbara Laurence
Lou, I'm pleased that my Cuba book was useful to you. About Harvey review. I want to help make this as sharp as possible, as there are many Harveyists around. I haven't read his new book and read Limits to Capital some time ago. But I think I have pretty good sense of how he thinks, and that

[PEN-L:3792] Re: Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread MScoleman
In a message dated 99-02-23 09:56:34 EST, you write: Maggie, my problem is not with pomos who do their own thing. It is really with attempts to create a hybrid of Marxism and postmodernism such as Roger Burbach, Stanley Aronowitz, Antonio Callari and Doug Henwood are doing. A Monthly Review

[PEN-L:3794] Re: Re: Re: Re: Race as a construct

1999-02-23 Thread MScoleman
In a message dated 99-02-23 12:11:10 EST, Jim Devine writes: racism can pay for white workers in the short run but it hurts them in the long run. Further, because most people don't have the secure position that allows them to look to the long-term or to act on their perspective, they get

[PEN-L:3797] Fem econ debate

1999-02-23 Thread michael
A few years back ahead the student of mine was majoring in women's studies and economics. She was concerned about whether capitalism and was compatible with socialism. Eventually she got up enough nerve to get on Fem-econ and she raised her question, which set off the debate. --

[PEN-L:3798] Papa Doc and the Social Construction of Race

1999-02-23 Thread Michael Perelman
A reporter supposedly asked Papa Doc, what percentage of the population of Haiti is white? Papa Doc responded 90 percent. The reporter could not believe what he heard. He asked several times to make sure that got the right answer. Each time Papa Doc responded in an identical fashion. Finally,

[PEN-L:3796] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Don't just offer facts

1999-02-23 Thread MScoleman
In a message dated 99-02-23 13:45:26 EST, you write: I was a small part of this debate, which was productive despite DM's aggressive, flamer attitude. An edited version was later printed in FEMINIST ECONOMICS. Marxists among us will note that DM vociferously defended the proposition that

[PEN-L:3790] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Serbia

1999-02-23 Thread Joseph Green
Paul Phillips wrote: However, all that is not the point of my critique of Green. Rather it is his claim that the KLA represents the revolutionary working- class trying to overthrow the fascist imperialists Where did I claim this? You actually never bothered to read the article I

[PEN-L:3788] Re: long waves

1999-02-23 Thread Michael Perelman
Barkley asked about Hyde Clark. I have a note on him in my new book, The Natural Instability of Markets -- well in a couple of months it should appear -- The Search for the Cycle Economists have proposed numerous alternative explanations for the business cycle, ranging from the changes in the

[PEN-L:3789] Re: Re: McCloskey

1999-02-23 Thread michael
Blackboard economicst had been in the works. Some work is being done on bourgeois virtue, but not nearly at the pace that he had worked before. Again, I think that the story is that economists have been willing to embrace Dierdre because Donald had won his stars. Even so, it is one of the few

[PEN-L:3787] BLS Daily Report

1999-02-23 Thread Richardson_D
This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. --_=_NextPart_000_01BE5F7D.B263DA90 BLS DAILY REPORT, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1999 Economic forecasters surveyed quarterly by the Federal Reserve Bank of

[PEN-L:3786] Re: Bourdieu, etc.

1999-02-23 Thread Jim Devine
Louis writes:I just don't like French thinkers. They are a bunch of verbose intellectual snobs. I prefer Italians, Peruvians and Trinidadians. You should check out Dumenil Levy, who do decent Marxian economics (both theory and empirical work, especially on the rate of profit) despite their

[PEN-L:3782] Sociological terrorism?

1999-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
The Times (London) September 8, 1998, Tuesday Insults fly in Left Bank cafes as intellectuals court screen fame From Adam Sage in Paris FRENCH intellectuals have cast aside their highbrow prose and pretensions to swap playground insults in a row over their unstinting efforts to appear on

[PEN-L:3776] Re: Bourdieu, etc.

1999-02-23 Thread Charles Brown
Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/23/99 02:34PM His book On Television is actually critical of the concentration analysis; you may remember that I quoted it against (shy, retiring) Mark Crispin Miller right here on PEN-L. He argues instead that the sensationalized banality of the media

[PEN-L:3775] Re: Re: Bourdieu, etc. v0401172cb2f8b1d04f13@[]

1999-02-23 Thread Peter Dorman
I have vowed not to get into any arguments over Marxism, but here I am going to break my vow, because I think the issues are important. There are (at least) two things wrong with Louis' statement. 1. There is no such thing as an iron law of capital accumulation that leads to concentration.

[PEN-L:3774] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Serbia

1999-02-23 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.
Paul, I agree with you vis a vis the KLA. Guess I'm glad that a settlement has been reached, if it means a cessation of bloodshed in the area, although it may lead to worse stuff down the road, depending on details, details... I also did not say that the ending of Kosovo autonomy in

[PEN-L:3773] Bourdieu, etc.

1999-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Barkley: Bourdieu's concept is not exactly Marxist but is a lot closer in that it emphasizes social relations. He develops it in the context of traditional societies and sees at as a kind of balancing between people in terms of obligations. Thus a Northwestern American Indian might gain

[PEN-L:3770] Re: Bourdieu, etc.

1999-02-23 Thread Doug Henwood
Louis Proyect wrote: The model for FAIR and the Nation is the sort of anti-monopolist crusades of the turn-of-the-century. It has lots in common with Ralph Nader's crusade against Microsoft and other such neo-progressivist efforts. What they seem to miss is that concentration of capital is not a

[PEN-L:3768] Re: McCloskey

1999-02-23 Thread DOUG ORR
Barkley Rosser wrote: I should add beyond my earlier message that indeed Deirdre has published a book since the sex-change, which is doing quite well, I believe. "Blackboard Economics" is in the title, but I don't remember the whole thing. All in all, I would say that Deirdre is enjoying

[PEN-L:3762] long waves

1999-02-23 Thread Rosser Jr, John Barkley
Have just received a copy of the _Encyclopedia of Political Economy_ edited by Phillip Anthony O'Hara, Routledge, 1999, London, which contains stuff by a lot of listmembers, some of it not bad. Anyway, was just looking at the entry on long waves, written by the editior (O'Hara) who

[PEN-L:3761] Re: Re: Re: Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Doug Henwood
Tom Kruse wrote: Doug notes: The notion that women maquiladora workers find something liberating in factory work (amidst the harassment and exploitation) comes from people who've actually talked to them. And those who do (Tiano, for example, in her book _Patriarchy on the Line_, or Ong in her

[PEN-L:3760] Re: Re: Re: Don't just offer facts

1999-02-23 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.
I should add beyond my earlier message that indeed Deirdre has published a book since the sex-change, which is doing quite well, I believe. "Blackboard Economics" is in the title, but I don't remember the whole thing. All in all, I would say that Deirdre is enjoying something of a celebrity

[PEN-L:3759] Re: Re: Re: Race as a construct

1999-02-23 Thread Jim Devine
Maggie writes: Not to speak for Angela but to talk about false consciousness -- i think that racist or sexist beliefs ARE a form of false consciousness. For example, whites who believe they are superior because of their skin color can use this belief in superiority to justify all kinds of self

[PEN-L:3758] World System Holistic?

1999-02-23 Thread Ricardo Duchesne
Frank thinks the concept of mode of production is irrelevant, that concepts like feudalism and capitalism "are useless for the analysis and understanding of world history. He derides that very rich Marxist debate over modes of production as "analogous to those about how many angels can dance

[PEN-L:3754] Re: Re: Re: Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Doug Henwood
Brad De Long wrote: Just for the record, I disagree pretty strongly with Burbach and Aronowitz on lots of things; I'm sure most people who've read my critique of Stanley on science and work... Doug I haven't, but I'd like to... http://www.panix.com/~dhenwood/Jobless_future.html. Doug

[PEN-L:3749] RE: A Tainted Max?

1999-02-23 Thread Max Sawicky
Along with the disclosure requirements, could we not have an energetic discussion about just what kind of organizations the foundations are. I think a wider exposure of the Heritage Foundation would do some good. I can't imagine a bigger yawn than revelations about where Heritage gets

[PEN-L:3748] Re: Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Doug Henwood
Louis Proyect wrote: Burbach and Kargalitsky's book "Globalization and Its Discontents: The Rise of Postmodern Socialisms" is very much in line with books by William Greider and Richard Barnet that view the spread of multinational corporations as an unmitigated evil, particularly in the

[PEN-L:3747] BLS Daily Report

1999-02-23 Thread Richardson_D
This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. --_=_NextPart_000_01BE5F47.6D9C67F0 BLS DAILY REPORT, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1999 RELEASED TODAY: CPI -- The CPI-U rose 0.1 percent in January, the

[PEN-L:3746] Rethinking Marxismf30fd9cb.36d2256a@aol.com

1999-02-23 Thread Michael Perelman
Louis Proyect wrote: The big picture is about the relevance of Marxism. Social Text and Rethinking Marxism are trying to redeem the Marxist project with massive transfusions of postmodernist ideology. I reject this approach since it would blunt its effectiveness. Journals like these are

[PEN-L:3745] A Tainted Max?

1999-02-23 Thread Michael Perelman
Along with the disclosure requirements, could we not have an energetic discussion about just what kind of organizations the foundations are. I think a wider exposure of the Heritage Foundation would do some good. I don't think anybody would be shocked to find labor union money going to EPI.

[PEN-L:3735] BLS Daily Report

1999-02-23 Thread Richardson_D
This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. --_=_NextPart_000_01BE5F3D.A12F4980 BLS DAILY REPORT, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1999 _Inflation remained largely absent in January, with the consumer price

[PEN-L:3734] Re: Re: Don't just offer facts

1999-02-23 Thread Brad De Long
Friends, The Deidre McCloskey referred to used to be Donald McCloskey. She had a sex-change operation I believe so that her physical appearance would be attuned to the fact that she thought of herself as a woman. As Donald, she was well-known for her work in the rhetoric of economics. I have

[PEN-L:3733] Re: Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Doug Henwood
Louis Proyect wrote: Maggie, my problem is not with pomos who do their own thing. It is really with attempts to create a hybrid of Marxism and postmodernism such as Roger Burbach, Stanley Aronowitz, Antonio Callari and Doug Henwood are doing. How about Fred Jameson? Is he one of the defilers

[PEN-L:3732] Postmodernist Marxism

1999-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Louis, I don't know if you're signed on or not but i hope you get this. while I am not a particular fan of much of what is lumped under post modernist writing, I also find myself in disagreement which much of what is written under the title "Marxism." So I fail to understand why you are

[PEN-L:3731] Robert Rubin and Bruce Babbit held in contempt over ripoff ofIndian trust funds

1999-02-23 Thread Louis Proyect
NY Times, February 23, 1999 Two Cabinet Secretaries Held in Contempt Over Problems in Indian Trust Accounts By TIMOTHY EGAN For nearly a century, American Indians have been asking the federal government for a simple accounting of money and land held in trust for them since the days of treaty

[PEN-L:3730] Re: subsumption sublux

1999-02-23 Thread rc-am
Tom Kruse writes: I've just reviewed Marx on "formal" vs. "real" subsumption of labor to capital, the former understood as "...capital [making] use of noncapitalist modes of production while leaving the means of production in the hands of the producers and leaving internal processes such as

[PEN-L:3719] Re: Re: real and formal subsumption

1999-02-23 Thread rc-am
hi jim, sorry, i got people a bit confused by not quoting tom kruse's original post when i asked this. i do know what real and formal subsumption refers to, and i would even add to your preliminary but excellent remarks below that these concepts bear a difficult relation to those marx used in

[PEN-L:3718] Re: Re: Race as a construct

1999-02-23 Thread rc-am
carrol wrote: For an extreme example of how this practice of attacking categories unattached to proper names creates nonsense. On one of these lists a week or so ago some idiot created two categories, one a category of poor whites all of whom were assumed to be racist slobs, and a category of

[PEN-L:3688] Re: Re: Foucault, Butler and Lacan: never talksabout what you do

1999-02-23 Thread rc-am
chaz wrote: In this regard, socalled postmodernism is not much different than theories about long waves in economics. How does the theory of long waves, even of the "longue duree" , contribute to overthrowing capitalism ? What is its PRACTICE ? WHAT IS TO BE DONE ? now chaz, i know you're

[PEN-L:3679] Re: Re: Race as a construct

1999-02-23 Thread rc-am
jim wrote: That's why I used the phrase "some of the PoMos lean toward the latter" (the idealist interpretation). Since I have never read all of, or even a lion's share of, the PoMo literature (not to mention all of the Post-Structuralist, Post-Marxist, Post-Colonial, or Post Toasties