[PEN-L:7258] Fwd: Re: It is gone to far: Tim

1996-11-05 Thread MScoleman
I agree with most of Doug's message, reproduced in full below. However, I disagree with the direction of causation. Doug correctly (imho) points out that while the right is becoming more and more organized, the left is floundering, splintered into dozens of small pieces. If I read the message

[PEN-L:7240] Fwd: pomo and opera

1996-11-04 Thread MScoleman
No, opera is opera and pomo is pomo. I was merely observing my own reasons for loving opera -- I'm sure there are many (hmmm, now that I've said that, I suppose that's a very pomo statement). I still read pomo work, in fact, there have been persons, still alive, who have pointed out some of the

[PEN-L:7202] Re: Pomo and Opera

1996-11-03 Thread MScoleman
I must say, I preferred Carmen (or Turandot or ...) when I did not understand the words, there was no translation, and I could make up the story to go with the characters and the music and the scenery. Now that they have that big translation over the stage at Lincoln Center I have dropped my

[PEN-L:7203] Fwd: Re: Pmom:swimming or drowning

1996-11-03 Thread MScoleman
This was sent and re-sent, hope it gets through. maggie Subject: Fwd: [PEN-L:7158] Re: Pomo: Swimming or drawning Bill, I'm not sure if we agree or disagree -- but maybe that's pomo at its best! I think that pomo has been very useful in some senses -- it has certainly forced diversity into a

[PEN-L:7155] Re: Pomo: Swimming or drawning

1996-11-02 Thread MScoleman
I think pomo is seen as difficult to engage because it's core concept is that there is more than one truth. If one can't preach the ultimate truth, then one can't be a hero. If one can't be a hero, one will take her/his toys and go home. sincerely, maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:7085] Fwd: Re: AIUSA responds to allegations of unionbusting

1996-10-31 Thread MScoleman
Dear Nathan; I think you're right. It has also been my experience that when a group massively withdraws a petition to organize, they have been subject to some form of systematic harrassment. I had forgotten all about Taft-Hartley until I read your earlier message. This has been used

[PEN-L:7086] Re: dental hygene (White collar/unproductive worker?)

1996-10-31 Thread MScoleman
I think clean teeth are a product. I also think that the prejudice against service workers as not at the heart of production arises out of the fact that most service workers are women, hence not worthy of MANLY consideration in revolutionary theory, if this message sounds a tad sarcastic, it is

[PEN-L:7016] Fwd: Exploitation in progressive organisations

1996-10-29 Thread MScoleman
I work in a unionized setting, so, it is not necessary for me to adopt the goals of the company I work for. However, it seems that non-union workers, especially those on the fast track up, do need to adopt company goals. I still think, though, that non-profits require a dedication which is not

[PEN-L:7017] Re: Alternatives to Herfindahl Index

1996-10-29 Thread MScoleman
The problem with all indexes measuring market concentration, including Herfindahl, is deciding what makes up a company in an industry. Since the merger and diversification craze of the 1980s, most corporations own pieces of very diverse markets. The other problems with all concentration indexes

[PEN-L:6958] Re: AI unionbuster?

1996-10-28 Thread MScoleman
Friends who work for progressive organizations tell me that the fastest way to turn a progressive place conservative is to mention unionizing the workers. Currently I have about a half dozen friends who work/worked for either lefty type organizations or unions and every last one of them has a

[PEN-L:6986] Fwd: Re: AI unionbuster?

1996-10-28 Thread MScoleman
I'm not sure I understand the transposition of my comments from private progressive organizations to a public sphere. I think the characteristics of the two sectors are quite different. The public sphere is highly unionized, and monitored by a phalanx of civil service rules. These help control

[PEN-L:6924] Fwd: afghan women

1996-10-25 Thread MScoleman
I would urge everyone on pen-l to fill the white house email with messages about the inhuman treatment being unilaterally inflicted on Afghan women -- messages about same follow. you can all email Clinton at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Forwarded

[PEN-L:6925] Re: I'm afraid to say this...

1996-10-25 Thread MScoleman
Query: Who 'owns' and maintains the internet today? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:6857] Fwd: Shawgi and Censorship

1996-10-22 Thread MScoleman
I think this comes under the heading of what goes around comes around. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerald Levy) Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 96-10-20 17:22:29 EDT Oh My! Poor Shawgi --

[PEN-L:6858] Fwd: Re: revolutionary ecological fiction

1996-10-22 Thread MScoleman
"Glory Season" Sci Fi, fem style. maggie - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thad Williamson) Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 96-10-20 18:32:48 EDT Let me add another major category of stuff I'm looking for re the annotated

[PEN-L:6800] Re: susan fleck on Shawgi

1996-10-20 Thread MScoleman
I have to agree with the following two, er maybe three, sentiments, plus a thought or two of my own: 1. Sid sends high volume but engages in conversation with others on the list. 2. Shawgi just sends, does not converse. IMHO, this is preaching, even though I too agree with a piece of Shawgi's

[PEN-L:6774] Re: Marginal Tax Rates

1996-10-19 Thread MScoleman
Just to add a couple of points to Max's about the regressivity of the tax code: sales tax is a flat tax, and the poor pay more than the wealthy in two ways on sales tax: 1. the poor consume all of their income, and, up to relatively high levels of income, 'dissave' (using a keynesian term) at

[PEN-L:6776] Re: humor

1996-10-19 Thread MScoleman
(y)M*W=(y)D M=money W=work D=debt y=percentage of income spent on consumption If one cancels the y out, then all the money earned at work goes to debt. If one does not work, one does not incur debt. (HA) maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:6778] Re: Trial Of 440 Students To Begin Shortly

1996-10-19 Thread MScoleman
I hit the delete key every time I see Shawgi's messages, primarily because I hate being preached to -- even if there is a vague chance I might agree with the message. However, It is getting very, very tiring having to monitor my entire message list for possible shawgi's before reading said list,

[PEN-L:6634] Fwd: nobel prize and iaffe newsletter

1996-10-11 Thread MScoleman
wow. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William S. Brown (907) 465-6423/789-2448) Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 96-10-11 14:59:59 EDT William Vickery was killed in a car wreck last night. He

[PEN-L:6635] Fwd: Vickrey's death

1996-10-11 Thread MScoleman
- Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William S. Brown (907) 465-6423/789-2448) Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 96-10-11 15:17:50 EDT One of my students who works for a radio station called to tell me the details of Vickrey's

[PEN-L:6553] Re: Why raise the minimum wage? (fwd)

1996-10-09 Thread MScoleman
Dear Enid; Refer your student to REAL WORLD MICRO by dollars and sense, sixth edition, "Bare Minimum: A Low minimum Wage Depresses all Wages." pp. 20-24. From the viewpoint of standard, neo-classical, micro theory, the argument is that minimum wage sets the standard for many businesses to pay

[PEN-L:6554] Re: Critiques of human capital theory?

1996-10-09 Thread MScoleman
Patrick; One feminist critique of human capital theory is that families tend to invest more capital in sons than daughters. There is some good work about this in development literature. In the USA, this is signified by the fact that over 90% of male professionals complete their education

[PEN-L:6555] Re: Why raise the minimum wage

1996-10-09 Thread MScoleman
A rise in the minimum wage would only be inflationary if the minimum wage was paying more than marginal product, and there is no reason to assume that marginal product of labor is covered by minimum wage. ( of course, this is all if you accept that inflation is cause by increased wages and not

[PEN-L:6392] Re: Privatizing Welfare

1996-09-28 Thread MScoleman
This news article provides some proof for the argument that welfare is a motor force in driving the domestic economy while foreign wages paid to armed forces personnell is not. Does anyone have any ideas how one could determine the multiplier effect on this??? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:6166] Thanks!!!

1996-09-14 Thread MScoleman
I would like to thank everyone who sent me responses to my queries for progressive lists. In fact, I've been flooded with information. I am going to do a little investigations on my own, and then will get back to everyone with a compiled list. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:6138] Re: Help II

1996-09-12 Thread MScoleman
Are there any lists or web sites out there relating to: Post Keynesianism Issues of ethnicity Also, does anyone have email addresses for the following two lists: femjur marxism Finally, to repeat an earlier request -- can people please send me the email addresses of any list they consider

[PEN-L:6103] re: rethinking overdetermination

1996-09-10 Thread MScoleman
Just one more note on music. In my original post I mentioned Joe Hill -- labor organizer and singer. His medium was what I think of as 'snide, sarcastic folk'. Now, it is true that folk music has been co-opted by alot of upper class types, but, Joe Hill was put to death on a frame up because

[PEN-L:6064] Re: A Labor Party in Buffalo?

1996-09-09 Thread MScoleman
Paul, Hey, that's not fair :), you can NOT tell us you've been ex-communicated by pope tony without telling us the whys and wherefores! maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:6065] Fwd: re: rethinking overdetermination

1996-09-09 Thread MScoleman
Oh shit, I better turn in my union card, I listen to classical music (rgh) maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug Henwood) Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Multiple

[PEN-L:6067] Re: Assistance, please

1996-09-09 Thread MScoleman
Dear femeconers and pen-lers; Would people please reply to me off list with addresses of 'progressive' lists and web sites? I am making a non-objective, non-scientific survey. maggie coleman Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:6011] Re: Latin II -- 1961 or so...

1996-09-07 Thread MScoleman
Bill Cat == thanks == maggie

[PEN-L:6002] Re: universities and $$$

1996-09-06 Thread MScoleman
I know how to use ceteris paribus, but can anyone give me a translation? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5976] Fwd: Re: New project for pen-l some good news

1996-09-05 Thread MScoleman
Steve; Congrats! I just graduate in May so I know how hard you worked!!! maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED] p.s. I taught two classes today for the first time. Did I ever feel like an old bat in front of all those college freshkids! - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL

[PEN-L:5953] Re: sex offenders' recidivism

1996-09-03 Thread MScoleman
I know I said something like this a month or two or three ago, but I'll take another stab. I think the debate here is missing the main point -- that most sex abuse, whether it be child abuse, or rape, or whatever, takes place in the home between persons who are at least acquainted with each

[PEN-L:5834] Re: Taxes: Dole, Clinton the Left

1996-08-25 Thread MScoleman
Dale Tussig is absolutely right -- I confused SSI with Social Security, and my remarks were meant to discuss social sec. Thanks for clearing that up and thanks for the info on ssi. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5826] Re: Taxes: Dole, Clinton the Left

1996-08-23 Thread MScoleman
One thing which seems to be missing from the SSI discussions is the history that SSI was originally part of larger programs which were supposed to take care of dependent persons in general. Even before the programs passed Congress in the 1930s, welfare was separated off from SSI and made subject

[PEN-L:5789] Re: Labor History and Labor economics

1996-08-22 Thread MScoleman
LOOK FOR THE UNION LABEL, A History of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, Gus Tyler, m.e. sharpe, 1995 FEMINISM IN THE LABOR MOVEMENT, Women and the United Auto Workers, 1935-1975, Nancy F. Gabin, Cornell University Press, 1990 AMERICA'S WORKING WOMEN, A Documentary History, 1600

[PEN-L:5807] RE: Crack Intelligence Agency

1996-08-22 Thread MScoleman
Please, all these tid bits of info -- what IS the story??? maggie

[PEN-L:5806] Fwd: Feminist Studies

1996-08-22 Thread MScoleman
I thought some pen-lers might be interested in this. maggie - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mp57) Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 96-08-22 14:47:57 EDT HOT OFF THE PRESSES!! The summer 1996 issue of Feminist Studies (Volume

[PEN-L:5785] Re: tax help needed

1996-08-21 Thread MScoleman
Joliet city gov't should require an investigation by an outside accounting firm. Also, fiscal information is produced yearly for stock holders -- these must be publically filed with the Securities Exchange Commission. Read them and see what the company is telling its stockholders -- I doubt if

[PEN-L:5747] Re: welfare

1996-08-19 Thread MScoleman
So, it is white women who are having more and more babies out of wedlock. No wonder the religious right is in such a fury. These brazen hussies are making them look bad. (heh, heh, heh). Ok, cheap shots aside, I still wonder if the rise in out-of-wedlock babies for caucasian women is REALLY

[PEN-L:5701] Re: 1 gold star

1996-08-15 Thread MScoleman
Awarded to Doug: ONE GOLD STAR. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5702] Fwd: welfare

1996-08-15 Thread MScoleman
The following was returned because I addressed it incorrectly -- so, read past all the dull headers. maggie - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mail Delivery Subsystem) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 96-08-15 16:14:15 EDT This is a MIME-encapsulated message

[PEN-L:5681] Fwd: ECOFEM: State of Women in India (fwd)

1996-08-14 Thread MScoleman
no comment. maggie - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Affleck-Asch) Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 96-08-14 04:28:35 EDT [fwd of post to ECOFEM on State of Women in India - PNWNOW-GEN ADMIN] -- Forwarded message

[PEN-L:5686] Re: welfare

1996-08-14 Thread MScoleman
It is my understanding that unwed motherhood is only increasing next to the extremely high marriage rate of the 1950s. Apparently Americans married at a higher rate during the 50s/early 60s than they have at any other time in the history of this country. For example, 13% of girls born in

[PEN-L:5657] Re: welfare

1996-08-13 Thread MScoleman
I still think that a significant portion of the rise in 'illegitimate' child birth is a fact of more accurate reporting. (leaving aside the idiocy of calling any child birth illegitimate. after all, does this mean the child was not born?) maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5656] Fwd: Lexis data base with info that could be used for credit card fraud

1996-08-13 Thread MScoleman
I thought people might be interested in this. maggie - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefanie R. Schmidt) Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 96-08-13 15:36:26 EDT I thought that femecon subscribers should be aware that Lexis is

[PEN-L:5658] re: Lexis

1996-08-13 Thread MScoleman
Dear Femeconers and pen-lers; As suggested by an earlier post, I called Lexis at 1-800-543-6862. Indeed, I gave the young woman who picked me up my ss# and she read me back my name, phone number, current address, previous address, and birthdate. My 'previous address' was one I doubt even

[PEN-L:5665] re: Lexis

1996-08-13 Thread MScoleman
Max, if I get a mill, let's do lunch. maggie

[PEN-L:5572] Re: [SOLUTIONS] Four Ways to Abolish Affirmative Action

1996-08-06 Thread MScoleman
Dear Anders; Thank you for the appologies -- very, very well put. And again, I do think that the solutions you proposed ( such as criminalizing discrimination) are very good. Discussion affirmative action from solely a race or gender perspective is frequently necessary and valid, (I tend to

[PEN-L:5522] Re: [SOLUTIONS] Four Ways to Abolish Affirmative Action

1996-08-02 Thread MScoleman
While I concur with the spirit of some of the suggestions put forth in this article -- I strongly OBJECT to the SEXIST nature of the writing. White women with a bachelor's degree make, on average, less than an African American man with a high school diploma. This is not to say that African

[PEN-L:5378] re:testing

1996-07-28 Thread MScoleman
I haven't been receiving any mail, so I am just testing my system. maggie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5276] Fwd: schlafly letter (fwd)

1996-07-23 Thread MScoleman
How can this woman sleep at night? Read on at your own peril, and not on a full stumach. 'sister rat' maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric W Swank) Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL

[PEN-L:5255] Fwd: URGENT! esp. New Yorkers

1996-07-22 Thread MScoleman
Call or email our government, please. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Multiple recipients of list) Date: 96-07-22 00:28:44 EDT ACTION ALERT:

[PEN-L:5239] Re: Bumper S...

1996-07-20 Thread MScoleman
Max is right, nuck fewt is preferable to newter newt. the problem is, finding someone willing to nuck fewt at any price. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5241] Re: info request...

1996-07-20 Thread MScoleman
Call the economics department, 212-229-5717 and speak to the secretary. I am sure she would send you a reading list. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5240] Re: women employees

1996-07-20 Thread MScoleman
Well, I could certainly write extensively on each point. However, I must say, that I strongly identify, on a personal level, with the point that middle aged women tend to be fussy and mean tempered. This is for several reasons: 1. Most foremen are much dumber than the middle aged women they

[PEN-L:5225] Re: [SOLUTIO...

1996-07-18 Thread MScoleman
Well, there was a political economist named Nathaniel Ware actively writing during the first half of the nineteenth century. He suggested that those receiving charity be put to death. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5226] Re: Bumper S...

1996-07-18 Thread MScoleman
I just want to note that about a year or a little more ago I was flamed for coining the phrase: "Newter Newt." On my way back from the iaffe conference this summer, two of us stopped in Blatimore to pig out on crabs. We wandered into a tourist shop, and there, bigger than life, for everyone

[PEN-L:5227] Fwd: CDF: Urgent Welfare Aler...

1996-07-18 Thread MScoleman
I think pen-lers would find this interesting. maggie - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric W Swank) Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Multiple recipients of list) Date: 96-07-18 09:49:19 EDT List, This is a

[PEN-L:5208] Re: AIRAANZ WWW ...

1996-07-17 Thread MScoleman
o.k., i'll bite, what is airaanz? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5209] Re: racist insti...

1996-07-17 Thread MScoleman
I missed Shawgi Tell's initial message, however, given the theme of some of the responses, I would like to note that here in the big apple, gangs are almost always ethnic: -- Asian, Irish, Italian, Hispanic (i.e., Dominican, Columbian, Puerto Rican), African American . The exception is girl

[PEN-L:5191] Re: Leave Be...

1996-07-16 Thread MScoleman
I would like to thank Shaheen Fatemi for providing us with a humanizing insight to Guitty Nashaat (Mrs. Becker). Having only been provided work by Gary Becker to read in graduate school, I had absolutely no idea that his wife was an economist. If you have time, Shaheen Fatemi, perhaps you would

[PEN-L:5192] Re: Becker a...

1996-07-16 Thread MScoleman
After re-reading Patrick's lengthy (and very interesting) post, I only have two, er, three comments: 1. I mis-read the original post, and do agree that left ECONOMISTS are not bringing their share of theoretical analysis to the inter-disciplinary table. And yes, feminists have been using both

[PEN-L:5160] Re: on effic...

1996-07-14 Thread MScoleman
I agree with Blair, since it is impossible not to teach nc economics, then it should be taught critically. Just a word on his germ theory -- I too learned nc theory sort of after the fact. I read capital first. viritically yours, maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5139] Re: becker a...

1996-07-12 Thread MScoleman
I must respectfully disagree with Patrick Mason as to the benefits which can be derived from Beckers work. This is not meant as a point for point dispute, so I have not reproduced Patrick's original message. 1. Becker has not produced any more statistical proof that his theories work than any

[PEN-L:5092] Re: one last...

1996-07-11 Thread MScoleman
I hate to display my extreme ignorance in this matter, but, what IS Libertarianism? (this is not a trick question, I really don't know) Is there a volume or volumes I could read to get an idea of Libertarian positions? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5044] Fwd: Re: Three M...

1996-07-10 Thread MScoleman
Blair, we disagree on this one. A similar argument could be made for chernoble which is STILL hot, and may destroy much more than it already has. While it is true that three mi is did raise consciousness about the danger of 'benign' nuclear energy -- it still has not stopped the production of

[PEN-L:5091] Fwd: Re: progres...

1996-07-10 Thread MScoleman
If diversity of ethnicity causes riots and poverty does not, then is this article saying that we should all live in same race communities? Hmmm, could one take this a step further and say that there would be even less rioting if we all lived in same gender communities and practiced same gender

[PEN-L:5034] Re: Gary Becker

1996-07-09 Thread MScoleman
Michael Etchison (of PUCT) seems to feel that the posts about Gary Becker have been uncivil. Well, like efficiency, that's a matter of opinion. Personally, I think they have been mightily restrained, especially considering the fact that a number of feminists I know monitor pen-l and I KNOW what

[PEN-L:5035] Re: Hedonism

1996-07-09 Thread MScoleman
Barkley Rosser notes, correctly, that there is no way to measure efficiency outside the nc framework. I would take this a couple of steps further: 1. The nc frame work does not measure efficiency. It measures a trade off between a couple of points which may or may not lead to an efficient

[PEN-L:5036] Re: Careeris...

1996-07-09 Thread MScoleman
Tavis asks; "Written by runaway computers or space aliens?" I vote for the aliens. maggie

[PEN-L:4998] Re: G. Becker's ...

1996-07-08 Thread MScoleman
Jim; Thanks for the info. However, the wife that got dibs on the nobel prize (two weeks before the clause expired) was last year's nobel prize winner, not becker. I forget the name of last year's winner -- it doesn't really matter, he was a HE and from the Chicago school, just like all the

[PEN-L:5011] re: Correction

1996-07-08 Thread MScoleman
While it was true that there was one utility function, daddy's, there was one utility function because daddy was the altruist and it was in everyone's interest to maximize daddy's utility. So, while the 'rotten wife' and 'rotten kids' might want to maximize their own utility to the detriment of

[PEN-L:4973] Fwd: Re: discrim...

1996-07-04 Thread MScoleman
Jerry, Certainly, Bill Clinton might think/say the message. Dole and Newt were chosen as representatives of the ruling classes, one might fill in any name(s) they thought were appropriate. maggie - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4971] Re: scrooge effect

1996-07-03 Thread MScoleman
Jim mentions that Gary Becker's wife committed suicide. I have been told this before. Did she commit suicide before or after he won the nobel prize? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4937] Re: mothers-...

1996-07-01 Thread MScoleman
Yes, ellen! maggie

[PEN-L:4938] Fwd: Emotion is required for ...

1996-07-01 Thread MScoleman
For all those digit heads out there. fondly (heh, heh, heh) maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Forwarded message: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 96-07-01 17:21:27 EDT To Myra and anyone else interested in this

[PEN-L:4939] Re: Marginal Uti...

1996-07-01 Thread MScoleman
Blair raises an interesting point. I can't remember constant returns to income, what I remember from NC theory is that people in different incomes spent money differently. Hence, the poor spent proportionally more money on food than the rich, while the rich invested more than the poor (ye gods,

[PEN-L:4378] re: French Strike

1996-05-21 Thread MScoleman
This announcement ran in the 1996 3rd issue of New York STREET NEWS: "Paris in December" "What the mainstream media did not tell you about the French Strikes on December 95. What has happened in France is directly related to what has been happening right here to the U. S. worker. This show

[PEN-L:4366] Re: 1996-05-18 P...

1996-05-20 Thread MScoleman
I'm not sure why President McMuff's position on welfare should be a surprise. PRIOR to the much touted contract on america, McMuff had already proposed MOST of the points in contract to change the welfare system. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4330] Re: social s...

1996-05-16 Thread MScoleman
Blair says something like "I'd like god to enter the debate and clear up these misunderstandings (Logan's run and samuelson)" Dear Blair; God's on busy, she's sitting in on the Kevorkian trials and trying to influence the Nobel prize economics committee away from appointing another chicago

[PEN-L:4331] Re: film, gossip

1996-05-16 Thread MScoleman
One my good days I am magnanimous and think that both men and women gossip about the same, but about different things. On my bad days, I think men gossip more. Do I have any proof? Almost 18 years working in a primarily male work environment has taught me that men gossip just as much as women.

[PEN-L:4281] Re: male backlash

1996-05-15 Thread MScoleman
Jim raises some good points. I did not mean to imply that economics are solely responsible for male backlash. However, the far right uses women in the market place as one of their catch-all repositories for supposed social evils, in the same way that the Nazis blamed social and economic evils

[PEN-L:4283] Re: social secur...

1996-05-15 Thread MScoleman
Yes, let's kill off the old people then we won't have rising medical costs. Wasn't there a movie with Michael York about a time when everyone over a certain age was eliminated? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4285] Re: Robert S...

1996-05-15 Thread MScoleman
Come ON guys, you don't expect someone in Samuelson's position to deal with REALITY do you? maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4261] Re: One family's...

1996-05-14 Thread MScoleman
Sid's forwarded message about the HMO is heart breaking, but, not unusual. In fact, even insurance carriers not connected with hmos are stepping in and over riding doctors orders -- as one can see by laws passed in Connecticut and New Jersey requiring insurance to pay for a second night for

[PEN-L:4264] Re: Male/Fem Wages- Bell Curves

1996-05-14 Thread MScoleman
Doug mentions an article (would you mind sending the reference again? I deleted your earlier message to which I am now responding) where the gini coefficients show that women are increasingly occupying the middle ground of income distribution. I think this was a response to my not

[PEN-L:4234] Re: Fwd: a s...

1996-05-12 Thread MScoleman
Jerry asks "what was the response on femecon?" to the very sexist message, 'a sleeping giant'. Well, so far almost none. At first, I thought maybe it was a joke and there would be some sort of punchline at the end. Then, not knowing what to do besides hit the delete key, I forwarded it. Now,

[PEN-L:4236] Re: Fwd: a s...

1996-05-12 Thread MScoleman
In response to Blair's comment and question: 1. While sitting and reading Faludi's book from end to end would drive even a rabid feminist (such as myself) nuts, it's a great resource for quotes. I keep it on the shelf with other quotables and resource books -- like Webster's Dictionary. 2. I

[PEN-L:4238] Re: FW: GOP cand...

1996-05-12 Thread MScoleman
In their own voices, slaves invariably present a different view of how well they were treated in the south. One place to read of their treatment is in a book edited by Dorothy Sterling titled "We are Your Sisters, Black Women in the Nineteenth Century." The book contains reprints of

[PEN-L:4112] Re: the new AF...

1996-05-03 Thread MScoleman
First, a disclaimer, I do not think unions should be in the credit card business. HOWEVER, The afl/cio is way behind the times, the CWA has a couple of agreements with different credit card companies. Like others, they offer a lead in rate much lower than other cards, then up it after a year or

[PEN-L:4067] re: Beijing meetings

1996-05-01 Thread MScoleman
pen-l Dear Femeconners and Pen-lers; A woman I work with is doing a school project on the Beijing meetings. For background, she is looking for information from the 1985 women's meetings in Nairobi. Specifically, she would like the text of the "Nairobi Forward looking strategy for the

[PEN-L:4068] Re: May First

1996-05-01 Thread MScoleman
Happy May Day everyone. maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3966] Re: the CPI

1996-04-26 Thread MScoleman
Jim Devine touches upon one of the problems I see as primary with all macro indicators when he points out that even if the real wage is rising, the gap between high and low income is widening. The CPI and all the other macro indicators hide the differential ability of different segments

[PEN-L:3967] Re: Noll/Ma Bell...

1996-04-26 Thread MScoleman
When looking at the moves of the 'baby' bells to link up, a little history is probably appropriate at this moment. In 1952 (I think it was 52, it might have been 56) WECO owned the bell system as a whole and A.T.T. Long Lines was a (relatively small) department within the holding corporation.

[PEN-L:3875] Re: subsidie...

1996-04-20 Thread MScoleman
Here is the big apple (I am -- for myself -- vehemently opposed to living anywhere where I have to drive for everything), one of the best known subsidizations of the burbs is public transportation. Now, I forget the exact figures, but anyone can certainly get them from either the Urban League or

[PEN-L:3876] Re: a solution t...

1996-04-20 Thread MScoleman
Can we vote? If we can vote, I want Jim Devine's solution-- one year, free party, no debt. I also want to collect my weekly wage in full for the entire year. maggie

[PEN-L:3805] RE: ATT and ...

1996-04-16 Thread MScoleman
Oh my, I wasnt' going to jump in on this but 1. Att is the ONLY unionized long distance carrier in the USA. WALD is not unionized. Those who don't think this matters should try working for both -- there is a difference. 2. A friend of mine invested her small nest egg in Working

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