[proletar] Riot Crushes Sense of Hope in Iraq Enclave

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/01/international/middleeast/01neighborhood.html?hpex=1141275600en=17b07b7d60816fcbei=5094partner=homepage The Mood Riot Crushes Sense of Hope in Iraq Enclave By SABRINA TAVERNISE Published: March 1, 2006 BAGHDAD, Iraq, Feb. 28 - The sheik sat in a simple room and

[proletar] Re: [apakabar] Standar Ganda di Siang Bolong

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
On 1 Mar 2006, at 12:31, lautputih wrote: Ada benarnya pendapat si PB dan si poltak dlm hal tidak pas-nya apel ke apel. Namun sisi pandang saya yg berbeda. Kartunisasi nabi itu dilakukan 'murni' tanpa brain, alias bisa dilakukan oleh orang goblok sekalipun. Berbeda dgn hal itu,

[proletar] Writers slam Islamic 'totalitarianism'

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/9F873D63-8FE0-4789-8292-BB3623E86995.htm Writers slam Islamic 'totalitarianism' Wednesday 01 March 2006, 1:24 Makka Time, 22:24 GMT The recent violence surrounding the publication in the West of caricatures of Prophet Muhammad illustrate the

[proletar] Women politicians 'making gains'

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/4758036.stm Last Updated: Tuesday, 28 February 2006, 15:29 GMT Women politicians 'making gains' Rwanda has the highest proportion of female members of parliament A record number of women are serving in

[proletar] Re: Anti- Islam Begins To Replace Anti- Semitism In Western World, Gul

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik kim3hook
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, mangdeden1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Lu mau adu tingkat pendidikan sama gw? Apa lu gak malu berulangkali dipermalukan dipo masalah adu-aduan? Hihihi jangan kebanyakan ngimpi lu. Jangan bawa-bawa si dipo dah, dia udah ngabur terkaing- kaing saking

[proletar] BBC: Fresh bombings shake Iraq capital

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Jusfiq HADJAR
BBC NEWS Fresh bombings shake Iraq capital At least 23 people have been killed in a fresh wave of bomb attacks in the Iraqi capital, amid warnings the country is on the brink of civil war. The worst death toll was in a blast near a security checkpoint that killed at least 20 people and wounded

[proletar] Heavens, Asia's going Christian

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
Mar 2, 2006 Heavens, Asia's going Christian By Michael Vatikiotis SINGAPORE - The official guide to churches and Christian organizations in Singapore runs to more than 390 pages. With names like [EMAIL PROTECTED], Great Shepherd Assembly and City Impact, there are 44 registered churches from

[proletar] Britain demands return of unspent tsunami aid

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
Britain demands return of unspent tsunami aid David Hencke, Westminster correspondent Wednesday March 1, 2006 Millions of pounds of taxpayers' aid money destined to help victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami is still stuck in the bank accounts of World Bank and United Nations organisations a

[proletar] Church allowed accused to leave quietly

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
Thursday » March 2 » 2006 Church allowed accused to leave quietly Charges date back to late 1970s in Burnaby home for mentally disabled Kim Bolan Vancouver Sun Tuesday, February 28, 2006 A B.C. man charged with indecently assaulting a mentally disabled resident at a Catholic group home in

[proletar] U.S. Muslim charities: U.S. government targeting us

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
Last update - 07:37 01/03/2006 U.S. Muslim charities: U.S. government targeting us By Reuters WASHINGTON - U.S. Muslim charities feel they are being targeted by the U.S government's counterterrorism efforts. On Tuesday, a coalition of U.S. Muslim organizations requested a meeting with

[proletar] Iran has right to civil nuclear power: Chirac

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
Iran has right to civil nuclear power: Chirac WASHINGTON: Iran’s top nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani said in an interview with Time magazine’s online edition that Tehran would consider direct talks over its nuclear programme with the Bush administration. Washington’s claims that Iran is

[proletar] He suggested that Washington promote Indonesia as a democratic model

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
Southeast Asia’s Democracy on a Rocky Road Denis D. Gray, Associated Press BANGKOK, 1 March 2006 — Democracy in Southeast Asia is taking a beating as mass demonstrations fail to dislodge an authoritarian leader in Thailand and the Philippines reels under a state of emergency allowing arrests

[proletar] London Mayor Says He's Targeted for Criticizing Israel

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
***Mr. Livingstone's comments have been blown out of all proportion, and cannot in any way justify this unprecedented blow to the values of freedom and democracy, said the Muslim Association of Britain. ***Lha orang bule terlahir hipokratik, meng-injak2 the value of freedom and democracy...

[proletar] Muhammad Cartoons Rile Calif. College

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
Today: March 01, 2006 at 5:36:32 PST Muhammad Cartoons Rile Calif. College By GILLIAN FLACCUS ASSOCIATED PRESS IRVINE, Calif. (AP) - A student panel discussion that included a display of the Prophet Muhammad cartoons descended into chaos, with one speaker calling Islam an evil religion and

[proletar] Fwd: Sambutan Atas SAMBITAN

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Mira Wijaya Kusuma
Catatan laluta: Karya puisi Sambutan atas SAMBITAN oleh Nurdiana kurasakan sebagai refleksi semangat juang zaman Orde Baru pada ingatan Karya antologi puisi SAMBITAN - Setumpuk Layang-Layang Putus , iaitu berisi karya ekspresi diri Ira Iramanto yang melukiskan tentang Refleksi suka dan

[proletar] Manifes anti Neo-Totaliterisme (Islamisme)

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik kakuro4u
http://www.jp.dk/indland/artikel:aid=3585740/ Offentliggjort 28. februar 2006 22:30 / Opdateret 28. februar 2006 23:48 Læs manifestet som Salman Rushdie og 11 andre europæiske intellektuelle har skrevet, hvori de advarer mod islamisk totalitarisme. MANIFESTO: Together facing the new

[proletar] Amir Taheri: Islam prohibits neither images of Muhammad nor jokes about religion

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik kakuro4u
Bonfire of the Pieties AMIR TAHERI Islam prohibits neither images of Muhammad nor jokes about religion. The Muslim Fury, one newspaper headline screamed. The Rage of Islam Sweeps Europe, said another. The clash of civilizations is coming, warned one commentator. All this refers to the

[proletar] Bayi Berekor Telah Jalani Tiga Kali Pemeriksaan

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
REFEKSI: Suatu bukti evolusi dari mahluk missing link Darwinism? HARIAN ANALISA Edisi Kamis, 2 Maret 2006 Bayi Berekor Telah Jalani Tiga Kali Pemeriksaan Medan, (Analisa) Setelah menjalani perawatan selama enam hari di RSU Pirngadi Medan terhitung Jumat (24/2) hingga Rabu (1/3), bayi

[proletar] Demonstran Akhiri Aksi dengan Penyegelan PT Freeport

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
HARIAN ANALISA Edisi Kamis, 2 Maret 2006 Demonstran Akhiri Aksi dengan Penyegelan PT Freeport Jakarta, (Analisa) Ratusan mahasiswa dan rakyat Papua yang tergabung dalam Front Persatuan Perjuangan Rakyat Papua Barat (Front Papera-PB) mengakhiri aksinya dengan menyegel PT Freeport Indonesia

[proletar] Indonesia Siap Lakukan Revolusi UU Kewarganegaraan

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.gatra.com/artikel.php?id=92685 Indonesia Siap Lakukan Revolusi UU Kewarganegaraan Washington, 1 Maret 2006 16:06 Pemerintah Indonesia siap melakukan perubahan besar-besaran atas Undang Undang Kewarganegaraan, agar seusai dengan situasi saat ini. Kami akan membuat suatu revolusi

[proletar] Takut Disidang, Raju Menangis

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.indopos.co.id/index.php?act=detailid=6426 Kamis, 02 Mar 2006, Takut Disidang, Raju Menangis STABAT - Kegaduhan kemarin terjadi di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Stabat, Langkat. Peristiwa itu bermula ketika terdakwa Muhammad Azwar alias Raju dipanggil jaksa agar masuk ke ruangan

[proletar] Kelayakan Pertamina - Exxon Diadu

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.indopos.co.id/index.php?act=detail_cid=214246 Kamis, 02 Mar 2006, Kelayakan Pertamina - Exxon Diadu Tenggat Berlalu, Pemerintah Belum Ambil Alih Blok Cepu JAKARTA - Tenggat satu hingga dua minggu untuk menetapkan operator blok Cepu berlalu. Negosiasi PT Pertamina dengan PT

[proletar] China dan Kita

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.kompas.com/kompas-cetak/0603/02/opini/2478592.htm China dan Kita Ivan A Hadar Selama dua hari, koran ini (Kompas, 27-28/2/2006) menurunkan berita ancaman China. Kecemasan serupa pernah disuarakan koran ini beberapa tahun lalu. Sejak 25 tahun terakhir, China tumbuh pesat,

[proletar] Enam Gajah Mati Diracun Sianida

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Harry Adinegara
Indopos itu kayaknya koq ngak ada kerjaan ya, berita-in gajah mati kena racun apa. Ato terlalu banyak ruang kosongnya Indopos itu ya? Lha wong orang di racun aja ngak ada yang ngegubris koq. Liat tuh kemana urusannya Bung Munir? Kan ngak ada berita lagi kan! Boro boro ngurusin gajah

[proletar] Kesaksian Paulus dari 3 Tempat Berbeda beda

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik tawangalun
Orang macam PAULUS inilah yang menjungkirbalik ajaran Yesus. Menurut sejarah, maka tokoh Paulus alias Saulus ini muncul kira-kira tahun 38 M. Ada pula yang mengatakan tahun 80 M, tetapi saya kira yang jelas ia ada hidup di zaman Yesus, paling tidak ia seangkatan dengan

[proletar] Orang Islam bertawaf bersama seluruh benda di alam semesta

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik tawangalun
Orang Islam bertawaf bersama seluruh benda di alam semesta Apakah manusia pernah memperhatikan bahwa sesungguhnya benda-benda di semesta ini bertawaf (mengelilingi) sesuatu yang merupakan suatu bentuk simbol bersujud pada Allah SWT. Sebenarnya kegiatan bertawaf itu merupakan simbol bersujud

[proletar] Hutan di Pulau Jawa Tinggal 4 Persen

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
MEDIA INDONESIA Rabu, 01 Maret 2006 00:32 WIB Hutan di Pulau Jawa Tinggal 4 Persen Penulis: Parwito SEMARANG--MIOL: Saat ini total luas hutan di Pulau Jawa diperkirakan hanya 0,55 juta hektare atau tinggal 4 persen dari luas total tanah di pulau tersebut. Padahal, sampai pertengahan abad

[proletar] Heavens, Asia's going Christian

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/HC02Ae03.html Mar 2, 2006 Heavens, Asia's going Christian By Michael Vatikiotis SINGAPORE - The official guide to churches and Christian organizations in Singapore runs to more than 390 pages. With names like [EMAIL PROTECTED], Great Shepherd

[proletar] US troops want out of Iraq

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/HC02Ak01.html Mar 2, 2006 US troops want out of Iraq By Jim Lobe WASHINGTON - The findings of an unprecedented poll of US troops in Iraq are certain to add to steadily growing pressures on the administration of President George W Bush to accelerate

[proletar] Is it science, religion, art or a waste of time?

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Ambon
Is it science, religion, art or a waste of time? By Adam Phillips The New York Times THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2006 LONDON Psychotherapy is having yet another identity crisis. It has manifested itself in two recent trends in the profession in America: the first

[proletar] Re: Anti- Islam Begins To Replace Anti- Semitism In Western World, Gul

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik yasuaki_kurata05
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, mangdeden1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, yasuaki_kurata05 yasuaki_kurata05@ wrote: Mang Deden boleh saja mengatakan bahwa anti Jews adalah kesalahan tapi kalau kita baca di majalah Sabili dan dan komentar sebagian tokoh


2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
***Lho kenapa ke Indonesia ? Bukankah 99% masukan2 di milis2 adalah mencemong Indonesia, menyatakan putus asa pada Indonesia ? ***Entah si Rice atau anggota2 milis yang bodoh ? Pokoknya, tanpa bantuan Indonesia, strategi global AS tidak mungkin sukes lha... Mar 02 08:23 KEAMANAN REGIONAL JADI

[proletar] Adidas, Puma Lacoste alihkan order ke Indonesia

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
***Hukum ekonomi sudah ada patentnya. Perkembangan di Tiongkok sudah mencapaii optimum bahkan mem-bubble. ***Menyaksikan 'demokrasi koboi' di Thailand dan Pilipina, investor asing antreri kembali ke Indonesia, sudah mulai terjadi. ***Salam dan salut untuk presiden SBY dan tim kerjanya,

[proletar] Menjadwal utang IMF? No!

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
Menjadwal utang IMF? No! Ada wacana yang menggelisahkan kita hari-hari ini, utamanya soal pengelolaan utang dari Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF). Semula berkembang ide mempercepat pelunasan utang IMF yang saat ini posisinya masih sekitar US$7,8 miliar. Tetapi wacana itu cepat sekali

[proletar] Ada apa dengan Freeport?

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
Rabu, 01/03/2006 Ada apa dengan Freeport? Oleh : Diena Lestari Diakui atau tidak, pernyataan spontan mantan Ketua MPR Amien Rais agar pemerintah melakukan revisi kontrak dari perusahaan tambang terbesar di Indonesia, PT Freeport Indonesia, tak ubahnya membangunkan harimau tidur. Tak

[proletar] Bird flu 'doesn't worry Swedes'

2006-03-01 Terurut Topik Holy Uncle
***Swedes believe that the media are overplaying the risk. ***Sama saja dengan laporan media yang nakut2i orang asing untuk datangi Indonesia. Tamu2 dari Singapura, Hongkong, Jepang, Jerman, Prancis dan Aussie yang datang membicarakan dagang, setelah tiba di Jakarta, pada bingung melihat