Re: installing 2 and 3 alongside on MS Windows

2012-05-25 Thread Max Erickson
Ulrich Eckhardt wrote: Hi! I'm using Python 2.7 for mostly unit testing here. I'm using Boost.Python to wrap C++ code into a module, in another place I'm also embedding Python as interpreter into a test framework. This is the stuff that must work, it's

Re: How to convert simple B/W graphic to the dot matrix for the LED display/sign

2012-03-04 Thread Max Erickson
Petr Jakes wrote: What file format is the graphic in? How big is it? What file format do you want it to be? Now, I am able to create the png file with the resolution 432x64 using PIL (using draw.text method for example). I would like to get the 432x64

Re: GDAL-1.7.1 : vcvarsall.bat missing

2010-06-25 Thread Max Erickson
kBob wrote: On Jun 25, 1:26 am, Mark Lawrence wrote: On 24/06/2010 21:48, Christian Heimes wrote:   I am attempting to install the GDAL bindings (GDAL-1.7.1) on a Windows XP Desktop with Python 2.6 and GDAL. During install, the If it suits

Re: Numeric literals in other than base 10 - was Annoying octal notation

2009-08-23 Thread Max Erickson
bartc wrote: Scott David Daniels wrote in message James Harris wrote:... Another option: It can be assumed however that .9. isn't in binary? That's a neat idea. But an even simpler scheme might

Re: httplib incredibly slow :-(

2009-08-12 Thread Max Erickson
Chris Withers wrote: I'm still reeling from what seems to be such a huge problem with httplib that seem to be largely ignored :-( Chris There is an httplib2 (but I don't know anything further about it...): Calling wget or curl

Re: Python graphics / imaging library

2009-07-18 Thread Max Erickson
Peter Chant wrote: No, it does not. However, if PIL was updated last in 2006. Python in 2009 has gone to version 3.1. If PIL is compatible with 3.1 then I'm fine. But I don't want to have to stick with Python 2.5 as the rest of the world moves on.

Re: Delicious API and urllib2

2009-04-07 Thread Max Erickson
Bill wrote: The delicious api requires http authorization (actually https). A generic delicious api post url is https:// The simplest way is probably to

Re: Geometry package

2009-03-29 Thread Max Erickson
Justin Pearson wrote: Hi all, I'm looking for a geometry package in Python; something that will let me define line segments, and can tell me if two line segments intersect. It would be nice if the lines could be defined in n-space (rather than be confined to 2 or 3

Re: A different kind of interface

2009-01-23 Thread Max Erickson wrote: Years ago I have found this nice small program, TextCalc: Despite being very limited and being not integrated with everything else, it's so handy that for me in certain situations it's the right tool to use when I have

Re: Flash Decoder

2008-05-28 Thread Max Erickson
Mathieu Prevot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 2008/5/28 Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Ankit wrote: Hi everyone,i wanted to build a flash decoder using python can somebody tell me which library to use and what steps should i follow to make a flash(video) decoder?By a decoder i mean that i

Re: send yield

2008-05-15 Thread Max Erickson
castironpi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Why can't I write this? -- Because you don't know how? max --

Re: do you fail at FizzBuzz? simple prog test

2008-05-12 Thread Max Erickson
Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On May 12, 1:30 pm, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Duncan Booth wrote: [...] I think the variant I came up with is a bit clearer: for i in range(1,101):    print '%s%s' % ('' if i%3 else 'Fizz', '' if i%5 else 'Buzz') or i More than

Re: What is the purpose of ptyhon in Windows

2008-05-07 Thread Max Erickson
WolfgangZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb: hi All, At least I'm living in a free country and nobody forces me to learn python. So I don't fully understand why you HAVE TO learn it. When your problems can be solved in a

Re: ISBN Barecode reader in Python?

2008-05-05 Thread Max Erickson
Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: All: I have written a program to query Amazon with ISBN and get the book details. I would like to extend so that I can read ISBN from the barcode (I will take a photo of the same using webcam or mobile). Are there

Re: Python equivalent to PHP's SPL __autoload() ??

2008-04-27 Thread Max Erickson
Ixiaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I was curious (and have spent an enormous amount of time on Google trying to answer it for myself) if Python has anything remotely similar to PHP's SPL __autoload() for loading classes on the fly?? After digging through docs I feel doubtful there is such a

Re: urllib2 Basic authentication, what am I doing wrong?

2008-04-13 Thread Max Erickson
On Apr 13, 2:11 pm, Michel Bouwmans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Using this nice class (adapted to urllib2) as a basehandler I see that no Authentication-header is being send out: What am I doing wrong here? I spend almost my entire

Re: [ANN]: Python-by-Example updates

2008-04-12 Thread Max Erickson
AK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Python-by-Example is a guide to LibRef, aiming to give examples for all functions, classes, modules, etc. Right now examples for functions in some of the most important modules are included. thanks, The second set of examples on

Re: Mutagen File Problem

2008-03-12 Thread Max Erickson
aiwarrior [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi i'm having a IO error saying a file does not exist even though i perform a isFile() check. Can you help me out figuring what is wrong? Thanks in advance from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3 from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 for root, dirs, files in

Re: Hyphenation module PyHyphen-0.3 released

2008-02-23 Thread Max Erickson
thebjorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Visual Studio 2003 was not found on this system. If you have Cygwin installed, you can try compiling with MingW32, by passing -c mingw32 to -- bjorn You need to convince MingW to use the correct VS runtime. Cribbing from:

Re: a newbie regex question

2008-01-25 Thread Max Erickson
Dotan Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Maybe you mean: for match in re.finditer(r'\([A-Z].+[a-z])\', contents): Note the last backslash was in the wrong place. The location of the backslash in the orignal reply is correct, it is there to escape the closing paren, which is a special character:

Re: Extracting images from a PDF file

2007-12-27 Thread Max Erickson
Doug Farrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, Does anyone know how to extract images from a PDF file? What I'm looking to do is use pdflib_py to open large PDF files on our Linux servers, then use PIL to verify image data. I want to do this in order to find corrupt images in the PDF files.

Re: Converting Excel time-format (hours since 1.1.1901)

2007-12-07 Thread Max Erickson
Dirk Hagemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dirk Additional to my last posting: if you want to try this out in Excel you should replace the command REST by the english command what should be something like remainder. The equivalent in my (U.S. English, 2000) version of excel is called 'MOD'.

Re: matching a street address with regular expressions

2007-10-11 Thread Max Erickson
Andy Cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Check out kodos for an interactive python regexp tester Andy On systems with tkinter installed(So pretty much all Windows and lots and lots of Linux systems), the script in the Tools/Scripts directory of the

Re: setuptools without unexpected downloads

2007-10-03 Thread Max Erickson
Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ... This recent blog post contains step-by-step instructions on using free tools to compile python extensions: -- ... The package available here:

Re: Python command line error

2007-05-28 Thread Max Erickson
Mick Duprez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi All, I've installed Python 2.5 on a number of machines but on one I'm having problems with the CLI. If I fire up the 'cmd' dos box and type 'python' I get a line of gibberish and it locks up the cli, if I run the 'command' dos box I get a few lines

Re: Installation of eyeD3 on Windows (newbie)

2007-05-06 Thread Max Erickson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I would highly appreciate if someone could help me with how to proceed (step-by-step) to get started and use the eyeD3 library in Windows? Many thanks in advance! It appears that you need to do as follows: Extract the tar.gz to a temporary directory. rename

Re: Do other Python GUI toolkits require this?

2007-04-20 Thread Max Erickson
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 2007-04-20, Max Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If we are being pedantic about describing a curve that shows the progress of a person in learning a topic, there is no arguing with you, a steep curve describes fast uptake and is a good thing

Re: Do other Python GUI toolkits require this?

2007-04-20 Thread Max Erickson
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Just asserting how something can make a difference withouth arguing how in the particular case it actucally makes a difference is just a divertion tactic without real merrit. In the face of a notion that all steep curves determining progress made in

Re: Python Web Servers and Page Retrievers

2007-04-11 Thread Max Erickson
Collin Stocks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --=_Part_19087_21002019.1176329323968 I tried it, and when checking it using a proxy, saw that it didn't really work, at least in the version that I have (urllib v1.17 and urllib2 v2.5). It just added that header onto the end, therefore making there

Re: Python Web Servers and Page Retrievers

2007-04-08 Thread Max Erickson
Subscriber123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: urllib, or urllib2 for advanced users. For example, you can easily set your own headers when retrieving and serving pages, such as the User-Agent header which you cannot set in either urllib or urllib2. Sure you can. See:

Re: How to find tag to /tag HTML strings and 'save' them?

2007-03-26 Thread Max Erickson
John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: htags = soup.findAll({'h2':True, 'H2' : True}) # get all H2 tags, both cases Have you been bitten by this? When I read this, I was operating under the assumption that BeautifulSoup wasn't case sensitive, and then I tried this: import BeautifulSoup as BS

Re: Join strings - very simple Q.

2007-03-24 Thread Max Erickson
7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Mar 24, 8:30 am, Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In case you are feeling that the ','.join(l) looks a bit jarring, be aware that there are alternative ways to write it. You can call the method on the class rather than the instance: jl =

Re: Idiom for running compiled python scripts?

2007-03-20 Thread Max Erickson
Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ... #!/usr/bin/env python from myprog import main if __name__ == __main__: main() Of course this compiles into myprog.pyc on first run as I am wanting. I have one of these stubs for all my python scripts I've created so far. Is there not a

Re: help!! *extra* tricky web page to extract data from...

2007-03-13 Thread Max Erickson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How extract the visible numerical data from this Microsoft financial web site? If you simply download the HTML file you'll see the data is *not* embedded in it but loaded from some other file. Surely if I can see the

Re: PIL: reading bytes from Image

2007-03-11 Thread Max Erickson
cyberco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks, I've tried the StringIO option as follows: = img ='/some/path/img.jpg') img.thumbnail((640,480)) file = StringIO, StringIO() Is the above line exactly what you tried? If it is, the comma and space in

Re: PIL: reading bytes from Image

2007-03-10 Thread Max Erickson
cyberco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm using to send an image to the client. This works (shortened): print open(path, rb).read() but this doesn't: img = img.thumbnail((10,10)) print img.getdata() or print img.load() How do I get the bytes of the Image

Re: Alternatives for Extracting EXIF and JPEG Data from Images

2007-03-04 Thread Max Erickson
Roger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Does anybody have a pointer to a Python library/utility that will extract the chrominance and luminance quantization tables from JPG images? I have been using the _getexif method from PIL, which works fine, but doesn't extract the quantization data. I am a

Re: PyCon blogs?

2007-02-28 Thread Max Erickson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Was anybody blogging about PyCon (talks and/or sprints)? Got any pointers? Thanks, Skip In no particular order:

Re: urllib2 and HTTPBasicAuthHandler

2007-01-16 Thread Max Erickson
m.banaouas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, I started to use urllib2 library and HTTPBasicAuthHandler class in order to authenticate with a http server (Zope in this case). I don't know why but it doesn't work, while authenticating with direct headers manipulation works fine! ...

Re: urllib2 and HTTPBasicAuthHandler

2007-01-16 Thread Max Erickson
m.banaouas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ... passman.add_password(None, auth_url, data['user'] , ... The only thing I can come up with is that auth_url can't begin with a protocol, like http:// or whatever. max --

Re: Universal Feed Parser - How do I keep attributes?

2007-01-11 Thread Max Erickson
Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: At Wednesday 10/1/2007 14:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: d = feedparser.parse(' 94089') d.feed.yweather_location u'' You have to feed it the *contents* of the page, not its URL. The online

Re: recursive function

2007-01-08 Thread Max Erickson
cesco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I have a dictionary of lists of tuples like in the following example: dict = {1: [(3, 4), (5, 8)], 2: [(5, 4), (21, 3), (19, 2)], 3: [(16, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (3, 4)]] In this case I have three lists inside the dict but this number is

Re: and directory naming: trailing slash automatic?

2006-11-10 Thread Max Erickson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I'm a big fan of One thing that I think is a good idea is for directories to automatically have a slash appended to them if it is not automatically added. Eg: from path import path dir = path('/some/dir') x = dir + file #

Re: Py3K idea: why not drop the colon?

2006-11-10 Thread Max Erickson
color='orange' if color=='red' or 'blue' or 'green': print Works? Works? --

Re: PIL - Pixel Level Image Manipulation?

2006-11-08 Thread Max Erickson
Gregory Piñero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 11/8/06, Gregory Piñero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I want to be able to randomly change pixels in an image and view the results. I can use whatever format of image makes this easiest, e.g., gray scale, bit tonal, etc. Ideally I'd like to keep the

Re: how do I pass values between classes?

2006-11-06 Thread Max Erickson
kath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi, Larry Bates thanks for the reply... You might consider doing it the same way wx passes things around. When you instantiate the subclass pass the parent class' instance as first argument to __init__ method. Yes thats absolutely right.. That way

Re: Converting a .dbf file to a CSV file

2006-11-02 Thread Max Erickson
Johanna Pfalz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is there a module/method in python to convert a file from .DBF format to .CSV format? Johanna Pfalz There is an example provided. max --

Re: question about True values

2006-10-25 Thread Max Erickson
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Gabriel Genellina wrote: At Wednesday 25/10/2006 22:29, Terry Reedy wrote: the string class's nil value. Each of the builtin types has such an empty or nil value: string list[] tuple ()

Re: list comprehension (searching for onliners)

2006-10-20 Thread Max Erickson
Gerardo Herzig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all: I have this list thing as a result of a db.query: (short version) result = [{'service_id' : 1, 'value': 10}, {'service_id': 2, 'value': 5}, {'service_id': 1, 'value': 15}, {'service_id': 2,

Re: wxPython help wxSashWindow

2006-10-19 Thread Max Erickson
MatthewWarren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks, is that a newsgroup I can view through google groups? I tried seraching for it but google says no.. And I'll give that list a subscribe. I have found a wxPython google group, but only 11 members and a handfull of posts in a year...

Re: advice for web-based image annotation

2006-10-19 Thread Max Erickson
Brian Blais [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I want to set up a system where I can have my family members write comments about a number of pictures, as part of a family tree project. Essentially, I want them to be able to log into a website (I already have the webspace, and the server runs

Re: Attribute error

2006-10-14 Thread Max Erickson
Teja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, What is attribute error? what causes that error, especially with COM objects? To be precise : Attribute Error: LCAS.LabcarController.writeLogWindow() Here, LCAS is a COM object Thanks Teja.P LabcarController might be a function. See:

Re: Ok. This IS homework ...

2006-10-14 Thread Max Erickson
spawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: but I've been struggling with this for far too long and I'm about to start beating my head against the wall. -- I tried adding an additional while statement to capture the second number, but it didn't seem to solve my problem. Help!

Re: problem with the 'math' module in 2.5?

2006-10-14 Thread Max Erickson
Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: from math import * sin(0) 0.0 sin(pi) 1.2246063538223773e-016 sin(2*pi) -2.4492127076447545e-016 cos(0) 1.0 cos(pi) -1.0 cos(2*pi) 1.0 The cosine function works fine, but I'm getting weird answers for sine. Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong?

Re: problem with the 'math' module in 2.5?

2006-10-14 Thread Max Erickson
Max Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Try sin(pi*0.5) to see similar behavior to cos(pi) or cos(pi*2). Uhh, switch that, cos(pi*0.5)... --

Re: MP3 files and Python...

2006-10-10 Thread Max Erickson
Karlo Lozovina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm looking for a Python lib which can read and _write_ ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags, and as well read as much as possible data from MP3 file (size, bitrate, samplerate, etc...). MP3 reproduction is of no importance... Try mutagen:

Re: changing a file's permissions

2006-10-02 Thread Max Erickson
James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --=_Part_63041_761240.1159752399799 I'm writing a script in linux to excercise my python skills and have encountered a minor issue. Writing the script and creating an ouput file was simple enough and didn't take too long. However, I don't have permissions

Re: Is it possible to change a picture resolution with Python?

2006-09-20 Thread Max Erickson
Lad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: from image: This is some example code: from PIL import Image im = nx, ny = im.size im2 = im.resize((int(nx*1.5), int(ny*1.5)), Image.BICUBIC) Bye, bearophile,

Re: Eval (was Re: Question about the use of python as a scripting language)

2006-08-10 Thread Max Erickson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Brendon A shortcut occurs to me; maybe someone can tell me what's wrong Brendon with my reasoning here. It seems that any string that is unsafe Brendon to pass to eval() must involve a function call, and thus must Brendon contain an opening

Re: class return another instance

2006-08-08 Thread Max Erickson
Keith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Any help would be great. Cheers, Keith Do you absolutely need the functionality to be in the __init__ method, or does something like the following work: IDs={} class ID: pass def factory(ident): if ident in IDs:

Re: Unicode question

2006-07-28 Thread Max Erickson
Ben Edwards (lists) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am using python 2.4 on Ubuntu dapper, I am working through Dive into Python. ... Any insight? Ben Did you follow all the instructions, or did you try to call sys.setdefaultencoding interactively? See:

Re: code is data

2006-06-23 Thread Max Erickson
Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: However, I knew of the existence of such languages but I am mostly interested in standardized code interchange, like for example with JSONP which fetches some external javascriptcode from another server using JSON and places the translated

Re: very strange bug coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, int found

2006-06-21 Thread Max Erickson
bussiere maillist [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --=_Part_118629_1441854.1150895040355 i truly didn't understand this error : Traceback (most recent call last): File D:\Programmation\FrancePaquet\, line 77, in ? cabtri = zz + chiffrescabtri + clefc TypeError: coercing

Re: mapping None values to ''

2006-06-18 Thread Max Erickson
Roberto Bonvallet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You don't need map when using list comprehensions: [ for i in [a, b, c] if i in (None, None)] That loses list elements that aren't in the tests: a=7 b=None c=None [ for i in [a,b,c] if i in (None,None)] ['', ''] max --

Re: Package

2006-06-02 Thread Max Erickson
I'm no expert, but your post made me curious. It appears that __all__ has the effect of ensuring that from test import * picks up test1, but doesn't go any further than that. from test.test1.test2 import * should cause test3 to be imported. max --

Re: argmax

2006-06-01 Thread Max Erickson
David Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 1. Why is there no argmax built-in? (This would return the index of the largest element in a sequence.) 2. Is this a good argmax (as long as I know the iterable is finite)? def argmax(iterable): return max(izip( iterable, count() ))[1] use len:

Re: Variable name has a typo, but code still works. Why?

2006-05-31 Thread Max Erickson
mateus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: print hello world I have a nested loop where the outer loop iterates over key value pairs of a dictionary and the inner loop iterates over a list each list of which is a mapped value from the dictionary def showReport(self): for dev, sessions

Re: create a text file

2006-05-30 Thread Max Erickson
per9000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: # w is for writing myfile = open('theoutfile',w) That won't work, the second argument to open needs to be a string: myfile = open('theoutfile', 'w') max --

Re: create a text file

2006-05-30 Thread Max Erickson
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Max Erickson wrote: # w is for writing myfile = open('theoutfile',w) That won't work, the second argument to open needs to be a string: w = 'w' /F Is it inappropriate to call the w on the left side of the equal's sign a string? I.e., w

Re: regex/lambda black magic

2006-05-25 Thread Max Erickson
Andrew Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ValueError: invalid literal for int(): % Does anyone see what I am doing wrong? Try getting rid of the lamba, it might make things clearer and it simplifies debugging. Something like(this is just a sketch): def callback(match): print

Re: regex/lambda black magic

2006-05-25 Thread Max Erickson
Andrew Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: import re,base64 # Evaluate captured character as hex def ret_hex(value): return base64.b16encode(value) def ret_ascii(value): return base64.b16decode(value) Note that you can just do this: from base64 import b16encode,b16decode and

Re: Accessing object parent properties

2006-05-23 Thread Max Erickson
One way: class Boo: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent=parent class Foo: X=1 def __init__(self): self.test=boo(self) --

Re: Which is More Efficient?

2006-05-19 Thread Max Erickson
Dustan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: The task manager says CPU Usage: 100% when the program is running, and only when the program is running. Efficiency is a measure of 2 things: CPU usage and time. If you measure just time, you're not necessarily getting the

Re: altering an object as you iterate over it?

2006-05-19 Thread Max Erickson
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote It has been, at a time, recommended to use file() instead of open(). Don't worry, open() is ok - and I guess almost anyone uses it. --

Re: Option parser question - reading options from file as well as command line

2006-05-16 Thread Max Erickson
Andrew Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi Everyone. I tried the following to get input into optionparser from either a file or command line. The code below detects the passed file argument and prints the file contents but the individual swithces do not get

Re: Option parser question - reading options from file as well as command line

2006-05-16 Thread Max Erickson
Andrew Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Any ideas? I don't know much about optparse, but since I was bored: help(o.parse_args) Help on method parse_args in module optparse: parse_args(self, args=None, values=None) method of optparse.OptionParser instance

Re: cross platform libraries

2006-05-05 Thread Max Erickson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: I went to this webpage Isn't it supposed to run on the network and close the connected machine. That code uses the windows libraries on the machine it is run on to generate

Re: Need help removing list elements.

2006-04-29 Thread Max Erickson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: But this gives me IndexError: list out of range You are making the list shorter as you are iterating. By the time your index is at the end of the original list, it isn't that long any more. Creating a new list and appending the elements you

Re: Is Python a Zen language?

2006-02-25 Thread Max Erickson
Given that python code is often described in terms of being 'pythonic' or not, and that pythonic is a term that is apparently well agreed upon yet seemingly impossible to define for someone who does not already understand the word, python is probably a zen language. max --

Re: How to I write DBASE files without ODBC

2006-02-06 Thread Max Erickson
Durumdara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Can anybody known about DBASE handler module for Python ? max --

Re: How to generate graphics dynamically on the web using Python CGI script?

2006-01-20 Thread Max Erickson
Sparklines is a script that does exactly what you are asking using python and PIL: max --

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-17 Thread Max Erickson
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Grant Edwards wrote: On 2006-01-16, Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [Grant Edwards] That made me smile on a Monday morning (not an insignificant

Re: Decimal ROUND_HALF_EVEN Default

2006-01-16 Thread Max Erickson
3c273 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hello, I'm just curious as to why the default rounding in the decimal module is ROUND_HALF_EVEN instead of ROUND_HALF_UP. All of the decimal arithmetic I do is rounded half up and I can't think of why one might use round half even. I

Re: Recursive tree list from dictionary

2006-01-14 Thread Max Erickson
David Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi. I am wanting to create a tree list result structure from a dictionary to categorize results. The dictionary contains elements that identify its parent. The levels of categorization is not fixed, so there is a need for the

Re: Unicode Question

2006-01-09 Thread Max Erickson
The encoding argument to unicode() is used to specify the encoding of the string that you want to translate into unicode. The interpreter stores unicode as unicode, it isn't encoded... unicode('\xbe','cp1252') u'\xbe' unicode('\xbe','cp1252').encode('utf-8') '\xc2\xbe' max --

Re: Converting milliseconds to human time

2006-01-06 Thread Max Erickson
the hard way(in that you have to do it yourself): def prntime(ms): s=ms/1000 m,s=divmod(s,60) h,m=divmod(m,60) d,h=divmod(h,24) return d,h,m,s print '%d days %d hours %d minutes %d seconds' % prntime(100) 0 days 0 hours 16 minutes 40 seconds print

Re: Newbie Question: CSV to XML

2006-01-06 Thread Max Erickson
ProvoWallis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi, I'm learning more and more about Python all the time but I'm still a real newbie. I wrote this little script to convert CSV to XML and I was hoping to get some feedback on it if anyone was willing to comment. It works

Re: New to Python, WxPython etc, etc

2006-01-03 Thread Max Erickson
rodmc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:1136299565.613252.202670 import _gaim import wx from wxPython.wx import * ID_ABOUT = 101 ID_EXIT = 102 class MyFrame(wxFrame): def __init__(self, parent, ID, title): I don't have an answer to your question,

Re: Accessing next/prev element while for looping

2005-12-18 Thread Max Erickson
j is a built-in object used to make complex numbers. Or at least it was, until you rebound it to the current element from myarray. That's bad practice, but since using complex numbers is rather unusual, one you will probably get away with. Is it? j Traceback (most recent call last): File

Re: tutorial example

2005-11-12 Thread Max Erickson
Not in python. For example, what would you call the following? def rsum(n, m): print n+m return n+m In python a method is callable attached to an object. A function is a callable object constructed with a def statement. max --

Re: tutorial example

2005-11-11 Thread Max Erickson
import math def distance1(x1, y1, x2, y2): dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 dsquared = dx**2 + dy**2 result = math.sqrt(dsquared) print result return result def distance2(x1, y1, x2, y2): dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 dsquared = dx**2 + dy**2 result =

Re: wxPython newbie question, creating mega widgets , and DnD

2005-11-10 Thread Max Erickson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: A side question - why is their a EVT_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG but no EVT_LIST_END_DRAG, unlike tree's which have BEGIN and END? I need a draggable list box, and would prefer to not handle low level mouse events. My intuition(so

Re: How to use writelines to append new lines to an existing file

2005-09-22 Thread Max Erickson
Nico Grubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi there, I would like to open an existing file that contains some lines of text in order to append a new line at the end of the content. My first try was: f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w') #create new file for writing

Re: Replacing an XML element?

2005-09-20 Thread Max Erickson
Nick Vargish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: I've been trying to figure out how to do something that seems relatively simple, but it's just not coming together for me. I'm hoping someone will deign to give me a little insight here. The problem: We have XML documents that

Re: web scrapping - POST and auto-login

2005-09-19 Thread Max Erickson
james at wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: james at wrote: the entire 26 character string from site A, but [1] how do i crop it to 10 characters. [1] still at a loss on this one, but i can get to it later, unless you've got any ideas. strings are slicable: s='a

Re: web scrapping - POST and auto-login

2005-09-19 Thread Max Erickson
james at wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Max Erickson wrote: the entire 26 character string from site A, but [1] how do i crop it to 10 characters. strings are slicable: The only reason i've gotten this far is a basic understanding of syntax and programming in general

Re: nested tuples

2005-09-09 Thread Max Erickson
Luis P. Mendes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in suppose I'm reading a csv file and want to create a tuple of all those rows and values, like ((row1value1, row1value2, row1value3),(row2value1, row2value2, row2value3),..., (rowNvalue1, rowNvalue2, rowNvalue3)) I haven't found the way to do it just

Re: is dict.copy() a deep copy or a shallow copy

2005-09-04 Thread Max Erickson
Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: D={'Python': 'good', 'Basic': 'simple'} E=D.copy() E {'Python': 'good', 'Basic': 'simple'} D['Basic']='oh my' D {'Python': 'good', 'Basic': 'oh my'} E {'Python': 'good', 'Basic': 'simple'} Hmm, this looks like a deep copy to

Re: Dynamic image creation for the web...

2005-08-28 Thread Max Erickson
Tompa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi, I would like to create images on the fly as a response to an http request. I can do this with PIL like this (file from PIL import Image, ImageDraw check out sparklines:

Re: Excel Character object through COM

2005-08-26 Thread Max Erickson
Krisz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:,1) Traceback (most recent call last): File interactive input, line 1, in ? AttributeError: Characters instance has no __call__ method So my question is that am I doing something wrong or

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