Re: [Qgis-user] qgis / windows upgrade from 2.6 to 2.6.1

2015-01-25 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 25.01.2015 um 15:55 schrieb Tourspur Infopost: I recently installed qgis 2.6, which caused a series of problems, although I saved old 2.2 project versions als 2.6 version before continuing working. E.g. project files collapsed while changing legend items and where completely destroyed

Re: [Qgis-user] Cutting lines with a polygon boundary

2015-01-25 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 25.01.2015 um 13:51 schrieb Zoltan Szecsei: So, does anyone know of a way to efficiently cut features in multiple layers using a polygon, and then to be able to select the pieces (multiple layers) that are either inside or outside the polygon, and then delete them? Disregarding the

Re: [Qgis-user] Cutting lines with a polygon boundary

2015-01-25 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 25.01.2015 um 21:43 schrieb Zoltan Szecsei: /*but meant: */Vector- GeoProcessingTools- Clip, but. /*(my bad, apologies)*/ /*It does not delete, it clips them out into a new layer/- which is not what I'm hoping to achieve./*/ I usually copy the styling from the old to the new layer,

Re: [Qgis-user] Aerograms style

2015-01-22 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 21.01.2015 um 20:16 schrieb Dear all, I would like to customize the map using the style as aerograms to show the intensity of a phenomenon, but I do not find this option in QGIS. Can anyone help me? I am not sure what you mean by aerogram style. You can use a

Re: [Qgis-user] How to get a raster base layer file?

2015-01-22 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 22.01.2015 um 17:02 schrieb image93: I would like download a raster base layer representing streets (like open streeet map for instance). For openstreetmap data, you could use the BigMap service, as described here:

Re: [Qgis-user] Errors when re-opening new installation of QGIS

2015-01-14 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 14.01.2015 um 17:32 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde: Upon retrieving of the new plugin.xml this is ok? At least for me. I (and most others who reported the bug) don't have the plugin installed. Or is it still a problem when you have the plugin locally installed? The buggy version was

Re: [Qgis-user] export coordinates in diferent src

2015-01-10 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 10.01.2015 um 11:17 schrieb daniel pinto: hello i have a poligon wit 120 vertices and i have the coordinates in wgs 84 espg 4326 i need the same coordinates im the atribute table in utm 33s espg 32733 is it possible to export them in this src and add to the atribute column witout usic

Re: [Qgis-user] Coordinate Display

2015-01-09 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 10.01.2015 um 00:07 schrieb Willem Buitendyk: Hi Nicolas, Thanks for the response but I think I’m not explaining myself clearly. I have a map that I want to keep in the BC Albers (meters) projection but I also want to have the coordinate display show in decimal degrees. It seems with QGIS

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis run time error

2015-01-09 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 09.01.2015 um 15:28 schrieb Gerardo Jiménez: Each time I try to open qgis 2.61 64 bits on win7 I get this error. Run time error Program c:\programa~1\qgisbr~1\bin\qgis-bin.exe R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the c run time library incorrectly. Please contact the

Re: [Qgis-user] projection center

2015-01-03 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 04.01.2015 um 00:47 schrieb JoeLemonnier: How do I shift the center of projection. For instance: 1) how would I make a map of the Bering Straits , showing Russia on the left and Alaska on the right. 2) How would I make a world map centered at 11 degrees so that the continents are unbroken.

Re: [Qgis-user] projections and measuring

2015-01-03 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 04.01.2015 um 00:06 schrieb Barbara Burcul: hi! i want to measure something in raster file, and i set crs to wgs 84/UTM zone 33 N to get coordinates in meters, but they are still in degrees so i don't understand if i'm doing something wrong? 'Set CRS for layer' is NOT the right way to

Re: [Qgis-user] Which Projection to use?

2014-12-09 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 09.12.2014 um 13:14 schrieb Joris Hintjens: thanks Kristin and Nicolas, Now I get which UTM zone I’ min, and I’ve been spending the last hours in trying to find the corresponding EPSG code and/or the proj4 code to enter in QGIS. they are not listed in the default list in Qgis Any suggestions

Re: [Qgis-user] Cannot open GML files in Qgis 2.6 under Windows

2014-12-05 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 04.12.2014 um 17:32 schrieb Even Rouault: The fact that it worked for some people is if you read the .gml without having the .xsd next to it. Deleting the .xsd makes the files accessible with full geometry in QGIS too. HTH, André Joost ___

Re: [Qgis-user] Cannot open GML files in Qgis 2.6 under Windows

2014-12-04 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 04.12.2014 um 13:23 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde: I tried it with this GML: And indeed only get tables and no geometries... BUT if I use ogr to open

Re: [Qgis-user] program crash qgis 2.6 while closing program

2014-11-27 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 27.11.2014 um 15:49 schrieb Tourspur Infopost: I recently installed the new version of qgis 2.6 on my pc (windows 7). Every time I try to close down the qgis software properly via Project/close qgis or via x-corner, a program crash occures (while creating a minidump-dmp file stored in my

Re: [Qgis-user] Loading rectangular raster data in QGIS

2014-11-24 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 24.11.2014 um 12:39 schrieb Nicole Stoffels: Dear all, I am trying to load a raster file containing rectangular cells into QGIS. The header looks like this: ncols 97 nrows 60 xllcorner 276591.68 yllcorner 5539072.48 cellsize 58.198 , 87.623 NODATA_value -

Re: [Qgis-user] Quick query re plugins

2014-11-17 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 16.11.2014 um 21:46 schrieb Goyo: 2014-11-10 11:38 GMT+01:00 Lester Anderson Hi Nathan, OK I have tested a couple plugins (all stated as working for 2.x) but they do not show up in the manage plugin list: C:\Users\landerso\.qgis2\python Copied into python folder:

Re: [Qgis-user] Original Shapefile update

2014-11-17 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 16.11.2014 um 17:35 schrieb Alexandre Neto: Hello Tom, Any change made to a shapefile in one project will be updated in other projects that use the same shapefile. If you have both projects open at the same time, it might be necessary to refresh the canvas in the other project to see the

Re: [Qgis-user] Drawing over lapping polygons from postgis vector data table.

2014-11-13 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 13.11.2014 um 10:34 schrieb Dave Potts: Hi I am trying to display the results of a spatial analysis, the return form is a set of polygons of increasing size. All located on top of each other. I want to draw it, so it looks like a target, but all that happens is that the largest polygon is


2014-11-10 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 10.11.2014 um 18:58 schrieb Diego Lawrie: El complemento digitizing tools tiene una opcion que dice flip lines. Hay que instalar previamente este complemento There is also a plugin called Swap Vector Direction for that purpose. HTH, André Joost

Re: [Qgis-user] Creating DEM from ASCII Coordinates

2014-11-08 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 08.11.2014 um 14:56 schrieb berounba: Using Raster - Conversion - Translate I've got the error ERROR 1: At line 1, found 5550999.00 instead of 5551154.00 for nBlockYOff = 0 from Cells with same Y coordinates must be placed on

Re: [Qgis-user] Creating DEM from ASCII Coordinates

2014-11-07 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 07.11.2014 um 09:16 schrieb berounba: Hi all, I have a ASCII-File with x-/y-/z-Values. For using in QGIS2threejs is is necessary to have a DEM. I assume it is a geoTIF. Is there possibility to convert the Vector-Layer (ASCI Values) to a DEM or may be a plug in? If the ASCII file

Re: [Qgis-user] Plugin Rectangles, Ovals and Diamonds (not digitizing)

2014-11-06 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 06.11.2014 um 00:33 schrieb Filipe Dias: Hi, I'm referring to a different plugin but with a similar name: Rectangles, Ovals and Diamonds rather than Rectangles Ovals and Digitizing This plugin generates geometries based on data from the attributes table. There's no digitizing involved

Re: [Qgis-user] MTR and Postgis - lots of crashes

2014-11-06 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 06.11.2014 um 10:43 schrieb Andreas Neumann: Hi, Am I the only one that still gets a lot of crashes with complex projects when the data sources are on Postgis and MTR (parallel rendering in multiple cores) is turned on? I get most crashes on Windows, hardly any on Linux, but this may be due

Re: [Qgis-user] MTR and Postgis - lots of crashes

2014-11-06 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 06.11.2014 um 11:15 schrieb Andreas Neumann: My PC has 8 cores. I reduced it to 7 max cores (still crashes), 4 (still crashes), 3 cores (still crashes), 2 (no more crashes). Very strange ... So obviously, things get worse if I go beyond 2 cores (out of 8). Well - two cores are better than

Re: [Qgis-user] Home range plugin and animove plugin

2014-11-06 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 06.11.2014 um 16:43 schrieb Hello everybody, anybody know what I have to do install Home range plugin and animove plugin? What version of QGIS I need for windows 7 ? Thanks a lot Massimiliano See

Re: [Qgis-user] Plugin Rectangles, Ovals and Diamonds (not digitizing)

2014-11-05 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 05.11.2014 um 13:06 schrieb Filipe Dias: Hi, The plugin Rectangles, Ovals and Diamonds was available in QGIS a few versions ago. I would like to create a feature request for a tool that implements this plugin's functionality but I can't find the repository. Does anyone have the email of

Re: [Qgis-user] Printing with OSM layers

2014-11-03 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 03.11.2014 um 08:15 schrieb Paolo Cavallini: Il 02/11/2014 05:09, Phil (The Geek) Wyatt ha scritto: I am on a WIN64 (Home Premium) machine trying to get OSM layers to print via composer but nothing I do seems to give a result. The maps are always minus the OSM layers. (or Google or

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 32 or 64-bit

2014-11-02 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 02.11.2014 um 10:48 schrieb Lester Anderson: Hi all, Rather basic query, but is there a real advantage of the 64-bit version over 32-bit when on say Windows 7/8 ? I use QGIS at home and work, and have readily had multiple copies of QGIS running for separate projects and not seen any real

Re: [Qgis-user] Vectors data and raster with same projection didnot overlap

2014-10-24 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 23.10.2014 um 08:51 schrieb Nadarajah Thirugnanasothy: I was trying to help someone and had similar problem with two sets of vector data. Tried all these methods and failed.When I searched the net to find an answer, I found many people have similar problem.What about some one actually showing

Re: [Qgis-user] Vectors data and raster with same projection didnot overlap

2014-10-22 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 22.10.2014 um 19:35 schrieb Yada Elisabeth: I follow many methods (exploring differents tutorials documents): 1- I set the in one project properties under CRS: EPSG:32631 -WGS 84 / UTM zone 31 N and open my layers 2- for the second project, I Rightclick - Set CRS for layer 3- I tried the both

Re: [Qgis-user] Copying / pasting polygons between layers?

2014-10-08 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 08.10.2014 17:56, schrieb Luciano: thanks ... and copying between layers of points. Why can not perform the copy / paste? because whenever I take the following error: ogr error ... Can you report the full error message? It works for me usually. Some data formats are not writeable, so

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap - Cannot load open ways

2014-10-02 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 02.10.2014 07:34, schrieb Tony Bazeley: Many thanks to the author of the new OpenStreetMap loading arrangements. It looks like an excellent tool but I'm having some trouble using it in v2.4 under Ubuntu 14.04. Same here on Windows 7, so it has nothing to do with the OS. In short the osm

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap - Cannot load open ways

2014-10-02 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 02.10.2014 17:02, schrieb Andre Joost: Am 02.10.2014 07:34, schrieb Tony Bazeley: Querying with the Spatialite Gui indicates that open ways are loaded into the database %3C but fail to be extracted into the display table

Re: [Qgis-user] Problem installing qgis-dev with OSGEO4W installer on Windows

2014-09-27 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 27.09.2014 11:09, schrieb Darek Bobak: I have installed all OSGEO4W packages except of Web category, ie: mapscript-java, mapscript-java-dev, mapscript-java-stable-dev, mapscript-python, mapscirpt-python-dev, mapscript-python-stable-dev, mapserver, mapserer-dev, mapserver-stable-dev,

Re: [Qgis-user] A great example of QGIS symbology in action

2014-09-24 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 23.09.2014 18:24, schrieb G. Allegri: I think it's a great example of QGIS symbology professional use, and an educational resource. I've created a web page to explain how to download the project and set it up: This looks good, but I

Re: [Qgis-user] shapefile .cpg ignored

2014-09-19 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 19.09.2014 11:05, schrieb Redoute: Am 03.09.2014 13:13, schrieb Redoute: in QGIS 2.4, when I use Add Vector Layer to open a shapefile, the dialog forces selection of an encoding. I see no option for auto detect. Then this encoding is used, and a cpg file attached to the shapefile is

Re: [Qgis-user] procedure for submitting bugs

2014-09-09 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 09.09.2014 16:22, schrieb Stefan Löhr: Did I make a mistake by publishing the problem like this? No. Is the description to complicated? Should I have contacted a specific developer first? Which one? From you can see that there

Re: [Qgis-user] opening kml files

2014-08-30 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 30.08.2014 08:53, schrieb Innisfree McKinnon: Hello all, I'm also having an issue opening a .kml file. I downloaded a .kmz file of a historic map and would like to open it in QGIS. After reading what I could find online, I opened it in Google Earth and saved it as a .kml file. Then I went

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error

2014-08-29 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 29.08.2014 17:10, schrieb Glenn Weller: In my earlier reply I spoke too soon. Since I had successfully used the OpenLayers in QGIS 2.2 I decided to upgrade to QGIS 2.4. I uninstalled QGIS 2.2 and then installed QGIS 2.4. Starting with a new project I opened a shapefile I have used recently

Re: [Qgis-user] Error when loading a shape file

2014-08-28 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 28.08.2014 09:52, schrieb Siki Zoltan: Hi, your shape file contains an error message: Error with /opt/atmail/tmp/ - Please check the directory exists and the session has not timed out It is the same for the dbf and shx files. Maybe gmane does not like

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error

2014-08-28 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 28.08.2014 16:15, schrieb Glenn Weller: I have been using Qgis 1.8 for a couple of years and have decided that it is time to upgrade. I have installed Qgis 2.2 on my Windows 7 laptop and I can no longer use OpenStreetMap. By now, QGIS 2.4 is current. The Openstreetmap plugin of QGIS 1.8 did

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error

2014-08-28 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 28.08.2014 21:19, schrieb Glenn Weller: I also received a response from André who wondered if I was trying to map too large an area (like the entire U.S.). I am trying to obtain a Google/Yahoo map for an area in central California that I have been able to successfully map in QGIS 1.8. I

Re: [Qgis-user] geometry attribute units

2014-08-26 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 26.08.2014 15:48, schrieb SIT delle Riserve Naturali di Legambiente Sicilia: But before you must be sure that layer and project have equal GCS !!! Good Luck! If you disable On-the-fly-reprojection, you will not have a project CRS anymore. Greetings, André Joost

Re: [Qgis-user] orthographic projection for raster not working

2014-08-24 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 24.08.2014 16:15, schrieb muhali: I am trying to project the Natural Earth raster (e.g. using the following parameters: +proj=ortho +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs It gives me nothing (white space). If I do

Re: [Qgis-user] orthographic projection for raster not working

2014-08-24 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 24.08.2014 19:18, schrieb muhali: Andre Joost wrote The ortho projection does not cover the whole world, only the visible half. To avoid artefacts, you have to crop your data source to that visible half. I have described here how you can do it: ok, but why does it generally work for vector

Re: [Qgis-user] geometry attribute units

2014-08-22 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 22.08.2014 23:27, schrieb john polo: Hi, I have a polygon that I am trying to measure the perimeter for. I used the Export/Add geometry columns function and a column was thus added. The value in the column has a value that I don't understand, mostly because I don't know what unit it used for

Re: [Qgis-user] Reverting to version 2.2 from 2.4

2014-08-20 Per discussione Andre Joost
Second try, after reworking your steps on Windows 7 and QGIS 2.4 32-bit: Am 19.08.2014 19:46, schrieb Laura O'Grady: When I was using OSM/Open Layers before in QGIS 2.2 I used the tutorial posted here: What is written there is

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 102, Issue 34

2014-08-20 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 20.08.2014 21:21, schrieb Laura O'Grady: I'm in the process of reverting back to QGIS version 2.2 as it worked fine before. You might better stay with QGIS 2.4 I have both versions running on my PC, but OSM place search and Openlayers plugin in the current version are not compatible

Re: [Qgis-user] Reverting to version 2.2 from 2.4

2014-08-19 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 19.08.2014 19:46, schrieb Laura O'Grady: When I attempted to re-create this process in 2.4 using the instructions posted here by John I was able to load Open Street Map as the basemap I could not download the data. I tried loading it from the canvas (link to screen dump with error):

Re: [Qgis-user] qgis 2.4 plugin manager problem

2014-08-18 Per discussione Andre Joost
python than 2.7 on your system, maybe linked with a PYTHONPATH environment variable. HTH, Andre Joost ___ Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] qgis 2.4 plugin manager problem

2014-08-18 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 18.08.2014 20:47, schrieb Sergio Vignali: I use ubuntu 12.04 but I have no idea how to do that, could you explain me? Try the solutions mentioned here: HTH, André Joost

Re: [Qgis-user] Import and reference HDF4 data

2014-08-11 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 11.08.2014 15:27, schrieb SCHULZ Wolfgang: Hello, I want to import the following data (hdf format) into QGIS: Any idea how to georeference it? I can import it. The interesting layer of the hdf4 file is the

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenLayers available in 2.4?

2014-08-04 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 04.08.2014 16:07, schrieb Michael.Dodd: However did you notice whether the accuracy was maintained when you zoomed in a lot with the old version of openlayers, from memory it seemed to jump to slightly wrong place (compared to other layers) when you zoomed in too far. That applied only to

Re: [Qgis-user] CRS-problem

2014-08-04 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 04.08.2014 11:09, schrieb Hakala Oiva (MTT): Hi My decimal problem disappeared when I removed Qgis (sudo apt-get --purge remove) and reinstalled it. But a new problem appeared. When I open those old field data (as in the zip file I sent to Werner), the CRS was OK (EPSG:2392) in Qgis before.

Re: [Qgis-user] OGR2Layers

2014-07-22 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 22.07.2014 11:22, schrieb Pedro: It´s exactly that, the file generated by the OGR2Layers only open the qgis layer correctly in Firefox! With IE or Chrome I can never see the qgis layer. It's a limitation in the plugin but it works. If you search for OpenLayers Internet Explorer, you will

Re: [Qgis-user] OGR2Layers

2014-07-18 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 18.07.2014 11:31, schrieb Pedro: Even after simplified the geometries I still don't see the layer. I must be doing some very basic mistake Can you please look at the screenshots from my first post and see if there is something wrong; I don't see anything wrong. Do I need any

Re: [Qgis-user] OGR2Layers

2014-07-17 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 17.07.2014 19:24, schrieb Pedro: Andre Joost wrote It works for me if all vector layers are in EPSG:3857. HTH, André Joost Thanks for your answer André. But I still having the same problem after change the layers to EPSG:3857. If you have time and patience could you please try with my

Re: [Qgis-user] OGR2Layers

2014-07-15 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 15.07.2014 13:52, schrieb Pedro: Hi, I'm trying to produce an html map from my QGIS Desktop map. For what I saw the plugin OGR2Layers is the most suitable for my case. But I’m having a major problem and cannot make that my QGIS map appear on the html file. But when open the created file

Re: [Qgis-user] ECW file cannot open in QGIS 2.4

2014-07-13 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 13.07.2014 06:14, schrieb zehari: dear all, thanks for information. Before, ECW JPEG2000 SDK v51 it worked fine on my QGIS2.2. but when i format the boot partition and I installed new ubuntu 14:04, and I installed a new QGIS.2.4 and also install ECW.JPEG2000.SDK.v51, but the program (QIS2.4)

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis 2.2

2014-07-04 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 05.07.2014 05:01, schrieb Pablo Schweitzer: Hi! I upgrade the qgis 2.2 to 2.4, on Ubuntu 12.04, but I use a lot the openalyer plugin and in the 2.4 dont work. I chek the qgis webpage but cant find any way to install the qgis 2.2. Can someone helpme to install the qgis 2.2 o ubuntu?, of course

Re: [Qgis-user] Import of kml file containing an image

2014-07-02 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 02.07.2014 13:53, schrieb SCHULZ Wolfgang: Hello! I would like to import the attached kml file which includes the attached gif file into QGIS but always get an error. There is no problem in Google Earth. Any workaround for this? Thanks for your help. Simple answer: it is not implemented.

Re: [Qgis-user] reposting q on reprojection problem in QGIS 2.0

2014-07-01 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 01.07.2014 14:48, schrieb Peter Aldhous: Hi all, Apologies for reviving this thread (below), but does anyone have a solution other than using a different data format? I ask because I will be do some teaching using QGIS and want to work with shapefiles for that. This is a problem that's

Re: [Qgis-user] UTM Zone

2014-06-27 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 27.06.2014 14:58, schrieb Daniel S.: I try to define the coordinate system in my GIS Project. The Area of interesset be situated in UTM ZONE 37P. If I want to define the project properties the closest available ZONE is 37N. Maybe someone can say me how I can define the correct Zone or

Re: [Qgis-user] Unable to open OGR .vrt file

2014-06-20 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 19.06.2014 23:59, schrieb Andrea Acinelli: Thanks for spotting that. After correcting the quotation the virtual layer loaded but without showing any features on the canvas or the attribute table. Same here. it is loaded as empty non-spatial table, because the source file has not been

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 2.2 Postgis 2.1.2

2014-06-20 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 20.06.2014 09:20, schrieb Augusto Sisa: Recently I decided to install a new system with this features: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS QGIS 2.2.0 Valmiera PostgreSQL 9.3.4 POSTGIS=2.1.2 r12389 GEOS=3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921 GDAL=GDAL 1.10.1, released 2013/08/26 From which repository? Ubuntugis unstable is

Re: [Qgis-user] Unable to open OGR .vrt file

2014-06-20 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 20.06.2014 17:22, schrieb Andrea Acinelli: Andre/Even, Maybe I didn't explained it properly but by adding the reportSrcColumn=false attribute in GeometryField all points are displayed correctly all over the world in QGIS. GeometryField encoding=PointFromColumns reportSrcColumn=false

Re: [Qgis-user] Unable to open OGR .vrt file

2014-06-20 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 21.06.2014 03:26, schrieb Andrea Acinelli: NOTE: This is my first support request and I noticed that I didn't reply properly. Almost all my mails represent a new thread. How do I replay so that my replays appear indented from the previous post etc.. It depends on how you get the mailing

Re: [Qgis-user] Extract Projection Hangs

2014-06-19 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 19.06.2014 18:55, schrieb Rebecca Bennett: Thanks for the suggestion. I wasn't able to get gdalsrsinfo to give output using the command gdalsrsinfo filepath\filename did I miss something? I also tried and example from the webpage gdalsrsinfo ESPG:3426 led to the following ERROR - failed to

Re: [Qgis-user] Unable to open OGR .vrt file

2014-06-19 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 19.06.2014 23:59, schrieb Andrea Acinelli: Hi Andre, Thanks for spotting that. After correcting the quotation the virtual layer loaded but without showing any features on the canvas or the attribute table. After, as Even suggested, I modified the .vrt file including the relativeToVRT=1

Re: [Qgis-user] Extract Projection Hangs

2014-06-18 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 18.06.2014 18:16, schrieb Rebecca Bennett: Dear all, I am working in QGIS 2.2.0 downloaded via OSgeo4w and am trying to extract projection information for png and tif files using the gdal tool Raster Projections Extract Projections. The tool hangs without creating the world or prj files,

Re: [Qgis-user] Unable to open OGR .vrt file

2014-06-17 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 17.06.2014 00:46, schrieb Andrea Acinelli: Operating System: OS X 10.9.3 QGIS 2.2.0-9 distributed by KyngChaos Postgres 9.3.4 PostGIS 2.1.2 distributed by Hi, When trying to open a .vrt file referencing a .csv with 'lat' and ‘ ong’ in two separate columns I get the following

Re: [Qgis-user] create polygon: underlying image is covered

2014-06-17 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 17.06.2014 23:19, schrieb Thomas Recknagel: I want to vectorize land forms from an ortho image, so I make a new polygon shape file and create new objects inside it. When I follow the outline of the land form, I have the problem that the new polygon covers the underlying layer (it is red and

Re: [Qgis-user] Install Qgis on Ubuntu 14.04

2014-06-15 Per discussione Andre Joost
My complete workflow can now be found here: HTH, André Joost ___ Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Install Qgis on Ubuntu 14.04

2014-06-14 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 14.06.2014 15:01, schrieb custard: On 13/06/14 23:13, Andre Joost wrote: Am 13.06.2014 16:24, schrieb Carmine Massarelli: The guide to install SDK to read /.ecw/ is here (, but does not work in qgis 2.0, maybe i need qgis 2.2

Re: [Qgis-user] Install Qgis on Ubuntu 14.04

2014-06-14 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 14.06.2014 20:00, schrieb Andre Joost: Am 14.06.2014 15:01, schrieb custard: And then you should get something meaningful out of this and ecw files should work. gdalinfo --formats | grep ecw unfortunately not. The script ends complaining about missing gdal-config. It does not work

Re: [Qgis-user] Install Qgis on Ubuntu 14.04

2014-06-14 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 15.06.2014 06:12, schrieb Ramon Andiñach: On 15 Jun 2014, at 3:09, Andre wrote: I guess the SDK 5.1.1 version is not comaptible with the gdal build script and source file. Which is annoying. It also brings us back to, For the purpose of the original

Re: [Qgis-user] Adding Projections

2014-06-13 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 12.06.2014 19:54, schrieb Werner Horsch: I've installed QGIS 2.2 on Win as well, there the projection is available, but it looks some how strange, there must be any difference between both, this has to be the DATUM POSGAR 2007 is WGS84 EPSG 1062 POSGAR 98 is WGS84 EPSG 6190 does some one

Re: [Qgis-user] Install Qgis on Ubuntu 14.04

2014-06-13 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 13.06.2014 16:24, schrieb Carmine Massarelli: The guide to install SDK to read /.ecw/ is here (, but does not work in qgis 2.0, maybe i need qgis 2.2. The guide is for Ubuntu raring, using ubuntugis unstable repository. For ecw

Re: [Qgis-user] Install Qgis on Ubuntu 14.04

2014-06-12 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 12.06.2014 12:10, schrieb Carmine Massarelli: Dear all, I am not able to install qgis 2.2 with ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I saw a guide to view .ecw file with 2.2 installing SDK from ERDAS but not in 2.0. Someone can help me to explain the procedure to let seeing .ecw file in qgis 2.0 or to install

Re: [Qgis-user] Adding Projections

2014-06-12 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 12.06.2014 15:57, schrieb Werner Horsch: I'm running QGIS 2.0.1 Dufour on Linux I'd like to have POSGAR2007 Argentina Projection added on the projection list, can someone give me a hint on this The projection is available in QGIS 2.2 on Windows. Parameters are: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=-90

Re: [Qgis-user] OSGeoW4 download workaround?

2014-06-03 Per discussione Andre Joost
the packages onto another computer, carry the complete download folder to your pc, and install from local folder. HTH, Andre Joost ___ Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Spatial Join in QGIS 2.2

2014-05-29 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 29.05.2014 14:48, schrieb Micha Silver: Otherwise, you'll have to somehow verify the CRS of the district boundaries. AFAIK, Egypt uses two geodetic reference system know as Old Egyptian or Egypt 1907 with code 6229. The other is called New Egyptian or Egypt 1930, having code 4199. Maybe

Re: [Qgis-user] Importing open street map .osm files

2014-05-27 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 27.05.2014 04:14, schrieb Alex Mandel: I wonder why this page is still around in the 2.2 docs: It describes the old

Re: [Qgis-user] Importing open street map .osm files

2014-05-27 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 27.05.2014 10:22, schrieb G. Allegri: Mmm, this is strange. I've had some problems with lines missed during the Spatialite lines creation (third phase) but never with missing lines from the Overpass API, which is what the plugin uses to download data. This also happens for the test area used

Re: [Qgis-user] Importing open street map .osm files

2014-05-27 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 27.05.2014 17:27, schrieb G. Allegri: Andre, the example about way with id=204549674 [1] reported in the issue is a good one. The downloaded OSM contains the way and all its nodes, but it isn't passed to the polylines layer. If you take the download link at

Re: [Qgis-user] Importing open street map .osm files

2014-05-27 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 27.05.2014 18:08, schrieb G. Allegri: 2014-05-27 17:54 GMT+02:00 Andre Am 27.05.2014 17:27, schrieb G. Allegri: Andre, the example about way with id=204549674 [1] reported in the issue is a good one. The downloaded OSM contains the way and all its nodes,

Re: [Qgis-user] GDAL extension, filegdb, in QGIS

2014-05-22 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 20.05.2014 21:25, schrieb john polo: André, Your suggestion: This site: suggests not to use the latest version 1.11 of filegdb, but 1.10.1-2 I have no filegdb to test it myself. ... worked perfectly for me. Are

Re: [Qgis-user] GDAL extension, filegdb, in QGIS

2014-05-20 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 20.05.2014 17:24, schrieb john polo: I know this has been asked before and I have read a few threads about this, but I still can't figure out what to do. I am using a 64 bit Windows 7 machine. I have uninstalled and reinstalled QGIS via the Advanced Install from OSGEO. I selected the library

Re: [Qgis-user] GDAL extension, filegdb, in QGIS

2014-05-20 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 20.05.2014 17:37, schrieb Etienne Tourigny: I checked SettingsOptionsGDAL and I don't see filegdb in the list. that only shows the available GDAL Raster drivers, not the (OGR) vector drivers. But this does not solve your problem. But it would be a nice feature to have the ogr drivers

Re: [Qgis-user] GDAL extension, filegdb, in QGIS

2014-05-20 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 20.05.2014 21:25, schrieb john polo: André, Your suggestion: This site: suggests not to use the latest version 1.11 of filegdb, but 1.10.1-2 I have no filegdb to test it myself. ... worked perfectly for me.

Re: [Qgis-user] OSM import looses a lot of data when creating Spatialite tables

2014-05-16 Per discussione Andre Joost
Just for the record: osm2pgsql creates from toscana.osm: 184189 points 241755 lines from ways 8420 lines from route relations 309712 polygons from closed ways and multipolygon relations Using ogr2ogr to export the .osm into a sqlite database, I get 184141 points 243147 lines from ways 1476

Re: [Qgis-user] OSM import looses a lot of data when creating Spatialite tables

2014-05-15 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 15.05.2014 16:56, schrieb G. Allegri: Here are the counts on the tables generated by QGIS' OSM utilities: SELECT count(*) FROM ways union SELECT count(*) FROM toscana_osm_polylines count -- 221335 568129 More then a half ways are not translated. No, its not that bad. From

Re: [Qgis-user] Projection String

2014-05-08 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 09.05.2014 04:01, schrieb Leo Kris Palao: I used the projection string in the metadata to modify my custom projection. But still it won't overlay To know which layer is misplaced: open a new project with EPSG:3857 load both layers into the canvas with on-the-fly-reprojection enabled load

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenLayers plugin error

2014-04-08 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 08.04.2014 01:49, schrieb Luciano La Sala: Dear all, I am using QGIS 2.2.0 Valmiera on Windows 8. Regardless of the version of QGIS I use, I've always had some sort of problem with python plugin OpenLayers. With this version, I succeeded in installing the plugin but then when I select

Re: [Qgis-user] GPS Coordinates and linking in to QGIS

2014-04-03 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 03.04.2014 08:44, schrieb Zoltan Szecsei: Sorry - forgot to mention the obvious one: Click Add Vector Layer and then after clicking Browse use the dropdown menu to see if your GPS format is there already (try .gpx) Z Or use the GPS tools. HTH, André Joost

Re: [Qgis-user] cannot save my layer data...???

2014-03-21 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 21.03.2014 18:40, schrieb Kevin Caldwell: Does anyone know how I can save this file? I've done literally hours of work and have saved somewhat recently but this last round of edits would appear to be lost if I cannot save this. I don't have a solution rather than exiting without

Re: [Qgis-user] Installed 2.2 - Cannot use GRASS, SAGA, OTB tools

2014-03-18 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 18.03.2014 22:10, schrieb Chrest, David: I uninstalled QGIS 2.0.1 and just installed 2.2 using the Windows standalone installer 64 bit. I now am unable to use any of the 157 GRASS tools. This is a huge loss. Do these not get installed with the Windows standalone installer? They

Re: [Qgis-user] Creating a Great Circle route in Qgis?

2014-03-16 Per discussione Andre Joost
Am 16.03.2014 11:34, schrieb dranath D: So, is it possible to create great circle routes in Qgis? It is possible by creating a custom CRS with an aeqd projection on a sphere and centered on the starting point. I gave a detailed instruction here:

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIs crashes opening old (2.0.1) projects in valmiera (2.2.1)

2014-03-14 Per discussione Andre Joost
Hi Alexandre, the reduced project file refers to file=//fileserver/PUBLIC/SIG DTOP/Cascais Ambiente - logo externo.jpg. Can you substitute that to a local file to see if the composer does not like that? HTH, André Joost Am 14.03.2014 11:20, schrieb Alexandre Neto: Victor, Thank you very

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