thank you for confirmation ,
may be better output in a temp file which has a random name .
Gabriele Santilli a écrit:
>Hi pat.scotto,
>On Friday, February 27, 2004, 9:56:48 PM, you wrote:
>ps> call/wait/output reduce rejoin ["nmap sT " ipaddr] rep
>ps> print rep
>There's a problem wi
Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch napsal(a):
>Hi all,
>Has anyone programed an alternative to func (function, has, does) which declares
>every set-word as local by default?
>I find rebol's liberal use of global namespace to be the most limiting factor in
>scaling rebol to large tools.
>I'd rather ha
Ammon wrote:
> The best way to achieve this (IMHO) is to simply use CONTEXT. This sets
> everything within an object and you can set global words using SET. A
> about setting words this way though, they have the context of the CONTEXT
> they are set in so while they are global, their values
* Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040227 14:05]:
> Hi all,
> Has anyone programed an alternative to func (function, has, does) which declares
> every set-word as local by default?
> I find rebol's liberal use of global namespace to be the most limiting factor in
> scaling re
The best way to achieve this (IMHO) is to simply use CONTEXT. This sets
everything within an object and you can set global words using SET. A note
about setting words this way though, they have the context of the CONTEXT
they are set in so while they are global, their values are relative to the
Hi Rebolers,
Did someone try to make a wake on Lan , with REBOL ?
How can I send the physical adress of the target NIC ?
I know I have to use UDP protocol, and I tested this :
data: "00:D0:09:AD:71:F4" ; < is this correct ?? (physical remote NIC address)
i: 0
repeat i 16 [ ; when sendin
Hi pat.scotto,
On Friday, February 27, 2004, 9:56:48 PM, you wrote:
ps> call/wait/output reduce rejoin ["nmap sT " ipaddr] rep
ps> print rep
There's a problem with CALL/OUTPUT on Linux. The only workaround
so far is redirecting to a temp file...
Gabriele Santilli <[
Hi all,
Has anyone programed an alternative to func (function, has, does) which declares
every set-word as local by default?
I find rebol's liberal use of global namespace to be the most limiting factor in
scaling rebol to large tools.
I'd rather have to define global words than local words
when I used rebol command 2.0 on linux
#!/var/www/cgi-bin/rebcmd -qcs
ipaddr: ""
rep: ""
call/wait/output reduce rejoin ["nmap sT " ipaddr] rep
print rep
that's work
and if I try the same script with my new sdk 2.56 with rebcmd
that don't work why ?
any idea ? a bug ??
thank you
Hi Romano,
On Friday, February 27, 2004, 6:10:28 PM, you wrote:
RPT> I don't want an Apply.
RPT> I should like or a special /refinement or a function like 'do to prepend.
RPT> do-alt find /reverse false
RPT> find/alt /reverse false
You can't have that, the best we could get is:
Am Freitag, 27. Februar 2004 17:28 schrieben Sie:
> ok, it appears that 'any' or 'some' will traverse the entire input like I
> need. Not that I understand it fully but at least it appears to work.
Yes, its like a loop. the difference is how the part after the loop is
'any -> 0-n mat
> I mean, that if you have to do something like:
>args: [1 2]
>if reverse [append args /reverse]
>if skip [repend args [/skip amount]]
>apply :find args
> then a native APPLY is useless, as you doing the same amount of
> work that Ladislav's function does.
Ah, yes. It
ok, it appears that 'any' or 'some' will traverse the entire input like I
need. Not that I understand it fully but at least it appears to work.
-Original Message-
From: Tom Conlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 5:07 PM
Subject: [REBOL] R
Hi yos,
Just remove the do-events call from your show-menu code and you should
be fine I think.
What is the reason you do this to set show-menu:
show-menu: get in context
[ show-menu: func
[ ...
-- Gregg
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Re: Scroller?
> Which version exactly? Scroller was not implemented until version 1.2.10
> and forward.
No, 'scroller style is present since View 1.2.8
It was the last full functionning beta (1.2.10 does not include installation and user
This version is no longer available on the do
Hi Romano,
On Friday, February 27, 2004, 3:38:50 PM, you wrote:
RPT> I don't understand.
RPT> The apply function was a your propose.
I mean, that if you have to do something like:
args: [1 2]
if reverse [append args /reverse]
if skip [repend args [/skip amount]]
apply :find args
Thanks for the reply. This will only work once though? Or will it work on
many lines (returning the match each time -- like a loop) ?
-Original Message-
From: Tom Conlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 5:07 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: newbie
Hi Gabriele,
> Hmm, but if you have to construct the block, then why not
> constructing a path like Ladislav does in his functions. I don't
> see any advantage.
I don't understand.
The apply function was a your propose.
To unsubscribe from this list, just send a
Dear all,
Excuse me for this long mail but i think someone here can help me.
I'm working on this popup-menu for long time and i have a serious matter
with the Garbage Colector but i can't reproduce the problem
with a little console example like :
loop 100 [view/new layout [ ...] unview ]
So if s
Hi Romano,
On Friday, February 27, 2004, 11:46:59 AM, you wrote:
RPT> Instead, if i have a function like this:
RPT> my-func: [a b /skip value /reverse]
RPT> and i want to pass /reverse to find, I must construct exactly that kind of
RPT> block full of false which seems so strange to you and
> reveals the code to do this, and I can't figure out how field captures
> an enter or tab key to unfocus the field, where a textarea sets it to a
> new line. The button behaves the same way. Any ideas?
Focus directs keystroke events to a specific face - the focal face.
When a Field is the focal
Hi Gabriele,
> This is the only case I would use APPLY for --- passing arguments
> and refinements from another function. If the block you pass APPLY
> is not constructed programmatically, then you don't need APPLY at
> all. But if it is, having everything in the same order as in the
> functi
Hi Romano,
On Friday, February 27, 2004, 12:19:24 AM, you wrote:
>> Do you think you would use APPLY that way? I wouldn't. I would use
>> it this way, instead:
>> apply :find [
>> series value part range only case any
>> with wild skip size match tail last revers
23 matches
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