Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 29/05/2014 13:26, Chris Pile wrote: Cheers Wayne, I wouldn't have given a Pro-DOS rewrite a second thought if you hadn't managed to reclaim my original source disks - so thanks for that... I think! ;-) On 28/05/2014 23:15, Wayne Weedon wrote: Well done Chris. Will take a look when I get

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-28 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 28/05/2014 21:29, Chris Pile wrote: Hi Folks, Some of you may remember last year I mentioned I was rewriting Pro-DOS? Well done Chris. Will take a look when I get some time this weekend. Wayne...

Re: missing ProDos games

2013-11-11 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 10/11/2013 22:58, wrote: CP/M was certainly something I seem to remember being discussed a few times in Swansea. Hmmm - I'll have to get a Pi sorted out soon, so I can get a SAM running again. My PC is far from stable, so I've not been able to run SimCoupe on it

Re: missing ProDos games

2013-11-10 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 09/11/2013 17:39, Chris Pile wrote: P.S. - New version of Pro-DOS (v2.0) coming soon... ;-) Quite lucky we managed to save the source code then Chris, could of quite easily got into someone elses hands! Looking forward to seeing the new version. Wayne.

Re: Second Hand Sam Coupe Wanted

2012-08-03 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 03/08/2012 15:50, Rich Mellor wrote: Good afternoon all, One of my customers in Brazil has asked about getting hold of a Sam Coupe - does anyone have a working one ready for sale? Here's one!

Re: One for Simon Owen re : Simcoupi

2012-07-31 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 31/07/2012 00:34, Simon Owen wrote: On 30/07/2012 17:39, wayne wrote: Tried to build Simcoupi on my recently aquired RPI. There was a missing component in the SourceForge path, fixed now! The newer distro also simplifies things slightly, so I'll post updated instructions when I get a

Re: One for Simon Owen re : Simcoupi

2012-07-30 Thread Wayne Weedon
Managed to find a link to the sqeeze distro hidden away on the rpi site and Simcoupi runs fine on that. So seems some vital libraries have changed between squeeze and wheezy. Wayne...

Re: MasterDOS Improvements

2012-07-03 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 03/07/2012 13:47, Rich Mellor wrote: Now before anyone says anything... I know that this is one of a certain Irish gentleman's pet topics, but I can see where he is coming from on this, and rather than one of his overlong and complicated emails to get to the point, I though it worth asking

Re: SimCoupi

2012-04-16 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 16/04/2012 11:29, Simon Owen wrote: Seems like a promising start: Speed is fine with the normal SDL build, even with demanding titles like MNEMOdemo1 part 2. It ran at about 450% with the emulator turbo button held (max speed but video capped at 5fps).

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-14 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 14/04/2012 13:46, Chris Pile wrote: If it's any consolation he didn't make a joke this time either! He's just being an arse as usual... So don't be scared!!! ;-) He's probably more pissed of we don't want him or his drivel. It's self inflicted, but he's obviousy so dense he cant see it.

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-12 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 11/04/2012 22:30, Leszek Chmielewski wrote: Yes, RJ did it again. Citation: I use Boxbe to fight email overload. Boxbe prioritizes messages from people on my contact lists. SIGNUP Don't he got it? He did the eMail overload! I do not want to prioritize HIS mails. Oh, and he said: christ

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-12 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 12/04/2012 10:23, Geoff Winkless wrote: On 12 April 2012 10:08, Wayne wrote: [snip valid points] Please, can we just drop this? Not while he's deliberately and probably maliciously targeting members of this list I wont. Jowett is a freak, If you want to be

Re: Yet more junk mail

2012-04-12 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 12/04/2012 10:31, nev young wrote: Sometimes it feels like it's already gone on forever. I got the WAYN invite and also 4 invites to boxbe to different addresses that he has for me. I am thoroughly sick to death of this guy and as a result I have contacted solicitors to start proceedings

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-12 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 12/04/2012 11:04, Geoff Winkless wrote: Good luck with your fight against the evil spamtator, I guess just hitting delete is too hard for some people. I'm not fighting. Why dont you just hit delete Geoff. I have this list filtered and set to auto expire messages after 7 days so what

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-11 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 05/04/2012 06:57, nev young wrote: On 04/04/12 23:39, wrote: Was it just me who was sent a huge number of un-requested files? I've added the sender to my email blacklist. * WOOT * My R* J* spam filter works! Two attempts at indirect contact via 3rd

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-07 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 07/04/2012 06:51, nev young wrote: Do you want to hear my 4 year tale of woe of being harassed and stalked across the internet by this crazy person? Cant say he's stalked me or anything near it, but attempts of direct contact via social networking had been fairly regular. Still it seems

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-06 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 06/04/2012 16:14, Frode Tennebø wrote: On 6 April 2012 14:10, Roger wrote: [snipp] Sorry about that, folks. I shall try to be more vigilant. I have yet again forcibly unsubscribed him and will do so until I find a more permanent solution. -Frode did he

Re: Alan (Alain) Miles?

2012-04-06 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 06/04/2012 18:59, wayne wrote: See this? Got to be the same Alan surely? Answered it myself. Yes it is, he has some audio readings of his work on the web and that voice I remember very well for some reason.

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-06 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 06/04/2012 21:16, Tommo H wrote: I received five emails this morning, at least two of them to the same long list of people as those that started this conversation. For the record, I've never considered him to be a troll because he doesn't seem deliberately to be trying to annoy anyone, and

Re: Alan (Alain) Miles?

2012-04-06 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 06/04/2012 22:39, wrote: Quoting Quoting Wayne Weedon Answered it myself. Yes it is, he has some audio readings of his work on the web and that voice I remember very well for some reason. Yes indeed the same


2012-04-05 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 04/04/2012 14:15, Roger Jowett wrote: WHO SAM-USERS Roger, please don't send multiple spam to my email address again. Once more and I'll have to put your address on block.


2012-04-05 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 05/04/2012 09:26, Andy Chandler wrote: I emailed Roger the same thing in reply - I got a huge email back ranting about getting 30KB/s for £400 or something. Roger is now in my Junk filter! Well as his does appear to be a deliberate attempt to piss people off, he's in the sin bin at

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-05 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 05/04/2012 15:37, David Sanders wrote: I'm still unconvinced that he's not a bot. Well he makes human mistakes so I guess not. Attention seeker I think, a boring one at that.

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-05 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 05/04/2012 00:08, Simon Owen wrote: On 4 Apr 2012, at 23:54, Andrew Collier wrote: I fear it might be some kind of attempt at reprisal for me blocking his worldofsam account due to his spamming and abusing other users, so apologies to anyone who is getting affected by the crossfire. I've

Re: SAM Revival 24?

2011-03-09 Thread Wayne Weedon
On 09/03/2011 00:21, Steve wrote: Any news on SAM Revival 24. .. out soon... 7th October 2010 ? Gawd there is some life in the mailing list still! I was about to delete it because it was so dead. Wayne

Re: SAM's 20th Birthday

2009-08-05 Thread Wayne Weedon
Chris Pile wrote: Yep - seems like it was early if it was around December time... Memory isn't too good these days! ;-)) I have a couple of projects I started 10+ years ago, but never finished. It would be nice to complete one of these in time for the SAM's birthday. I've just been made

Re: SAM's 20th Birthday

2009-08-02 Thread Wayne Weedon
Chris Pile wrote: Hi folks... There was a thread a while ago mentioning the SAM's 20th birthday. When exactly is the 20th anniversary of the machine? Hiya Chris If it was December then we certainly got ours fairly early? I do recall having to collect mine from the couriers Southampton


2007-03-23 Thread Wayne Weedon
Chris Pile wrote: who Indeed! -- --- Wayne M Weedon Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fdos Design Poole UK Tel +44-1202-677025Fax +44-1202-770515 Mobile: 07774 439915 Specialists in small

Re: SAM Dallas module

2006-12-04 Thread Wayne Weedon
Chris Pile wrote: Hi Folks, I tried emailing Edwin about this, but all email addresses I found for him simply bounced. So I'm posting here instead... Does anyone have programming information for Edwin's SAM Dallas clock module? Particularly the port addresses and how to read/write to the

Re: Mayhem Accelerator - Prototype Complete

2006-06-09 Thread Wayne Weedon
Colin Piggot wrote: Mayhem @ 20MHz: 1.513 BogoMIPS (420% speedup) The final stage now is to complete the designs for the PCB for the production version and build one up to go through testing, then the Accelerator will be ready. All going well it will be available in 8 weeks time at the start

knock knock any one home?

2005-11-17 Thread Wayne Weedon
Is this list still active?? Wayne... -- --- Wayne M Weedon Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fdos Design Poole UK Tel +44-1202-677025Fax +44-1202-770515 Mobile: 07774

Re: MIA Fdos disks found

2005-11-17 Thread Wayne Weedon
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks to Wayne at Fdos for finding the missing disks. all 12 are now on the pro-dos site! Steve You're very welcome of course. As I said I may have more. certainly I have found the work disk which I used to prepare all the packages with. This was kind of my


2001-12-31 Thread Wayne Weedon
Hi. Looking here for purely nostalgic reasons... Still have a Sam but I doubt it's been powered since the mid 90's. How many here are actually still using the Sam? I've recently tried SimCoupe and it's certainly a wonderful emulator. I also see that MESS is also now supporting the