Re: CSmole/wart

2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
I tell you that you people are going to see from your own situations, how evil the medical community is. Mark my words. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: To post, address your

Re: CSmole/wart

2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
What it is, I hit the nail on the head. This group is mainly older people, cranky because of sickness, and living in really wide open spaces. Mark my words, you gonna learn the hard way about the medical community...soon. The key words here are MARK MY WORDS as they have gone out of my

Re: CSmole/wart

2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/21/2002 1:11:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: How many days of 600 ppm colloidal silver would it take to purge your system of contaminated thinking? You tell me. Mark my words, my sweetie, you gonna learn what I said...i just think you need to

Re: CSmgda

2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
How is calling them backwoods hicks an insult? Unless they are backwoods hicks? I don't get how that is such an insult. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: To post, address your

Re: CSmole/wart

2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
I don't get how a doctor telling you to put garlic on a wound is something he should be paid for? I don't get that. He could have called you on the phone and told you that. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions for unsubscribing may be

Re: CSmole/wart

2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/21/2002 12:26:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Be nice or you will likely encounter a local god. I speak from experience. I also have friends, and colleagues who have quite the stories to tell. In addition, I know a handful of RNs (my line of

Re: CSmgda

2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/21/2002 11:02:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Is that something you would like to be called? I didn't think it was such an insult. Back woods hicks meaning you haven't really been put in the myriad of situations to see the truth. So, you say


2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
Ivan, old man and others Mark my words, you're going to learn how corrupt things are. Mark my words. Mark my wordsyou are going to go right into the text book scenario on this one. MARK MY WORDS. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Re: CSmgda

2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/21/2002 1:28:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: This is really outrageous. You have based your assessment of where people live, and their life experiences on a person's lack of confirmation on your assumption that she or he was charged by a

Re: CSmgda

2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/21/2002 2:22:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I think most here have had *more* than enough interaction with the system to see what really goes on there. then it is: let him that has an ear, let him hear... I suppose not all that see, see...

Re: CScs in lungs

2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
Ivan: have you ever seriously screwed up someone's health with your advice? -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: To post, address your message to: Silver-list


2002-08-21 Thread QEcara
There are three people using this email people. FYI When you insult one, the other finds it and responds. That's the funny thing. I am the fourth to use this site and got slammed by someone. If there are more than 4 people I am unaware of it. One of these guys is a computer wiz ... don't

Re: CSchange in stool color while taking CS

2002-08-20 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/15/2002 10:17:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I also have hep-c geno type 1 i did the peg thing and had a partial response i went from over a million viral load down to 50,000 i couldn't take the side effects any more . my Dr. said that i was so

Re: CSmole/wart

2002-08-20 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/18/2002 6:43:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Fresh garlic sliced and held on with a Band-Aid or tape for a few days did wonders on my daughters wart on the bottom of her foot. She had it burned out by the doctor (poor child screamed her head off

Re: CSmole/wart

2002-08-20 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/20/2002 5:28:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: He did not charge me a penny for it. Should he have? Geesh. That's like paying for water. Listen, you sound like you are a back woods hick. Live in the city with 27 million people and learn what

Re: CSmy introduction

2002-08-18 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/18/2002 9:50:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: It's not necessary that anyone outdo any other, so long as we know that they all work. But mesosilver doesn't work as well as hvac or lvdc. That's my point. But people should try and see. HVAC in my

Re: CSYogurt..

2002-08-17 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/17/2002 5:48:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Does this also apply to ORGANIC YOGURT??? Grant.. Most likely. It is expensive to make yogurt properly. A good yogurt takes 12 hours minimum. Some go much longer. But, if done

Re: CSmy introduction

2002-08-17 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/17/2002 5:46:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: As long as we're swapping anecdotes, I found this particular CS works better and I use less than any other I've purchased and recommend it regularly to others. Regards, Catherine remember,

Re: CSmy introduction

2002-08-17 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/17/2002 11:09:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: That could provide some really useful insight on such things as if ionic is better than particals for topical, or internally and so forth. Marshall Good point.

Re: CSMole

2002-08-17 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/17/2002 4:05:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I am trying it with my other mole now. Any comments? Carol Yeah, keep it up!!! Mole free in 2003.

Re: CSQuestion for Marsha Hallett

2002-08-17 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/17/2002 11:30:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: The difference in cloud color has to do with the rate of agglomeration of ions into particles and small particle into larger particles which is tied to ion emmission rates and particle hydration

Re: CSYogurt..

2002-08-17 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/17/2002 1:53:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: S: Is there any way for the Layman to test for Beasties in the product??. Grant.. You need a good yogurt starter. That's how you assure quality providing the rest of

Re: CSget rid of moles

2002-08-17 Thread QEcara
I mean, those critters stealing my potatoes in the garden...will CS get rid of them too? MUAHAHAHAHAHA -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: To post, address your message to:

Re: CSQuestion for Marsha Hallett

2002-08-16 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/16/2002 11:31:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I also suggest that if you do see golden whisps, rather than white Others say that yellow means the ion size is just right to find disease.

Re: CSchange in stool color while taking CS

2002-08-16 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/16/2002 12:17:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I have had similar problems when taking a large amount of CS. To correct, take some prbiotics or yogart when you eat a meal, and do NOT take any CS within several hours of the meal. Got news for

Re: CSchange in stool color while taking CS

2002-08-16 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/16/2002 12:17:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: No you're a beat-nik. Good one. Just reading this now...delayed response.

Re: CSFw: Hepitits B Vaccinations

2002-08-16 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/16/2002 7:45:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Has anyone heard about the push for vaccinating everyone who is involved in food preparation, service, for Hepitis B A very large percentage of the gay community is in the food service industry.

Re: CSmy introduction

2002-08-16 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/15/2002 10:11:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Francis Key owns this page ( an excellent little chart on silver particles --- --- Francis Key is an excellent chemist and has slowly but assuredly expanded my knowledge and

Re: CSchange in stool color while taking CS

2002-08-15 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/14/2002 8:48:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I'm a CS newbie (on it a little over a week taking 3 tablespoons a day) so i'm kind of taking notice of any changes of all of my bodily functions lately. when i looked at my stool in the toilet after

Re: CSchange in stool color while taking CS

2002-08-15 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/15/2002 1:04:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I take about 6 to 8 ounces total daily of my own LVDC CS. This may be alot but I also have other problems I'm trying to fix, like the Hep C, etc Then again, for those problems, it may not be

Re: CSchange in stool color while taking CS

2002-08-15 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/15/2002 7:24:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: You wouldn't happen to be Irish, would you? Drink beat juice. Then what are you? Indian?

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects yeah but SILVER?????

2002-08-15 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/14/2002 3:34:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: In his own words too much non-pertinent BS and lately I am agreeing with that observation. Rich Adams Sometimes, off topic subjects help solve someone's problem. Just click delete.

Re: CSmy introduction

2002-08-15 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/15/2002 1:51:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I'm certain you will find any and everything you ever wanted to know about colloidal silver on this list. Kind Regards, Jason A

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects yeah but SILVER?????

2002-08-15 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/15/2002 5:38:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Yes, our teeth are not flat, and we do correct misinformation for folks own safety. :-) Have you examined your body in intimate detail ? :-) Bless you, Bob Lee UMMM, I don't know where you guys

Re: CSIvan the Terrible...

2002-08-15 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/14/2002 7:19:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I became aware of Barefoot sometime after beginning to supply cesium chloride as a cancer supplement of which I discovered he was also an advocate, and was more than happy to realise that we shared quite a

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-15 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/14/2002 11:51:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Human teeth and gut are consistent with faunivore/omnivore anatomy. For someone who understands PH in the body, you sure are illogical.

Re: CSmy introduction

2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/13/2002 11:54:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: My husband and I do a unique brand of public relations for health professionals having problems with government agencies...which almost always translates to 'leading edge' or CAM type professionals.

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/13/2002 8:51:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: This unfortunately is coupled with the shunning and blocking of sunlight to the skin and eyes and creates a hormone and nutrient imbalance which gives rise to a myriad of chronic health problems which are

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/12/2002 7:58:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: (or been designed) for. If were were supposed to be meat eaters, why are our teeth so flat and our insestines so long? In addition, our stomach acid gets to unhealthy levels by eating meat, causing an

Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes questions

2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/12/2002 9:42:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: If the CS can do all the other wonderful things it seems to be able to do, I'll take it forever. Again, just my opinion. Thanks, Christine What about 400 ppm, etc. Forget opinions.


2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/12/2002 12:14:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: vit. C, in doses around 500 mg/day causes cancer. they said eggs are they are good they said butter was bad, use margarine is bad they told my aunt to smoke cigarettes for her

Re: CSArtheritus injuries

2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/11/2002 12:06:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: You might try some CMO What is CMO? Please...

Re: CSBlood cells.

2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/10/2002 1:24:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Please understand I do not mean this to be a flame, but such commentaries do, indeed, cause me pause when reflecting upon the educational parameters of our current culture.

Re: CSSFU site

2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/1/2002 8:55:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Catherine, I can appreciate your mistrust of all things Quackwatchy, but I think suggesting that people might not want to listen to an informed POV, even one that you or I might not agree with... is a

Re: CSFDA and Doctor related deaths

2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/10/2002 2:27:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: The 4 articles I have written for a small local paper can all be seen, including the one on misinformation, and few more I have found to be interesting at. A

Re: CSDMSO and Arthritic Shoulder

2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/10/2002 2:30:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: My only question now is: Do I continue to do this every day, or just when the pain returns? I make and use CS on a regular basis, so I am not afraid of it, but not sure about DMSO. Thanks for

Re: CSDMSO and Arthritic Shoulder

2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/10/2002 2:32:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Here is something interesting: Q. What is done with the stem cells after the collection? A. The cells are sent to the Thompson Cancer

Re: CSDMSO and Arthritic Shoulder

2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/10/2002 8:03:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I it is my understanding that cancer cells appear spontaneously all the time, and the immune system normally kills them off. If your immune system is suppressed, then they don't get killed off and

Re: CSDMSO and Toothache

2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
Speaking of teeth...listen to this. Years ago, I had a tooth pain. Went to a dentist for an opinion, he said a filling would fix it. I decided to wait. I waited another year till the pain was really bad and I went to a dentist in another state where I was living. That dentist said, I


2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
You know, they could wipe out a huge number of illnesses just by giving away free vitamin C. It will enable proteins to be better utilized and will prevent sickness...not only that but we need it daily as we do not make it in our bodies. So, why don't they give it away? Weird. -- The

Re: CSDMSO and Arthritic Shoulder

2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/10/2002 9:13:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Robert Barefoot says cancer is a ph unbalance that is corrected by calcium supplementing (especially his Coral Calcium). Well, that is true too...

Re: CSBlood cells.

2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/10/2002 2:28:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Yep, a doctor is something like 100,000 times as likely to kill a person as a gun owner (who is not a doctor). What if a gun owner is a doctor? Then what are the odds?

Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes questions

2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/10/2002 2:27:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: if so please e-mail me I a am new to cs i'm just trying CS I have purchased the new advanced CS made through a mesoprocess HVAC may work better than meso...try it made with plates, then try it made with

CS(no subject)

2002-08-10 Thread QEcara
cs and strokes. Can CS help people who have had strokes? -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive:

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-09 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/9/2002 9:33:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: it is because of all of the flatulence . Well said. Well said. Flatulence is another word for gas. Fart. Cut one. Ripped one off. Cut the proverbial cheese. You understand the vulgate.

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-09 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/9/2002 10:09:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: A half-cup...congratulations! That man has yeast! Phew. Different body types can endure different things. Blood type determines stomach acid and who knows what will kill one will heal another.

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-09 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/9/2002 2:25:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: You should never eat bakers yeast but brewers is fine. brewers yeast is the yeast that is left over after the beer is made...right?

Re: CSArtheritus injuries

2002-08-09 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/9/2002 2:23:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: That was very interesting information about the Mold. How did you know this? Doug Kauffmann has been featuring articles of people who developed these problems due to mold in the house. It is

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-09 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/9/2002 2:22:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I guess now we know what causes the bubbles in beer! Little micro organisms making gasthe way people do in hot tubs?


2002-08-09 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 7/25/2002 4:42:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I have also built a water charger if anyone wants pictures and details I can send it to them off the list. What is a water charger and why is it important?

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-09 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/9/2002 2:09:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Now it is probably my families favorite flavoring. Try toast with butter and a sprinkling of brewers yeast. Delicious What is yeast? Yeast feeds off of sugar and grows with fungus. It pokes holes in

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-09 Thread QEcara
I hate to say it but injecting b vitamins is the best way...but you'll need a doc for that. Which sucks. It wipes out PMS in women. The craving for the b vitamin is what makes some women totally nuts when the monthly bill comes. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-09 Thread QEcara
Yeast is what eats holes in the intestinal walls. Yeast is ruthless when it comes to sucking down sugars and growth. That is why people with yeast/fungal problems have such strong cravings for sugar. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions

CSRe: dmso

2002-08-09 Thread QEcara
Can I give dmso with colloidal silver to a child? How much? Where can I go to bolster this information? -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: To post, address your message to:

Re: CSmercury

2002-08-09 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/9/2002 11:23:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: If you would like addresses for a few reputable sources let me know - but they aren't rug merchants, no hageling over price. Jack sure...send

Re: CS500 PPM

2002-08-08 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/8/2002 8:38:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: IT's just that it's extremely difficult to make small colorless particle CS at over 50 PPM that will remain stable so far as particle size goes. Ken Well, the big companies won't do work with

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-08 Thread QEcara
but the CS kills the yeast. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive:

Re: CSmercury

2002-08-08 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/7/2002 10:25:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: If you are interested in trying it has the best price that I've found. Good Luck! Naw, best prices are at at least wheel and deal with the customer.

Re: CSArtheritus injuries

2002-08-08 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/8/2002 8:12:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Does anyone have any insight on arthritis injuries vs silver. Yes. Rheumatism and mold are one and the same. CS should stop the arthritis. Look at I think that was the

Re: CSWest Nile Virus - Speaking of mosquitoes....

2002-08-08 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/8/2002 10:29:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: you'll have a better effect if you put them in your neighbor's yard. ha ha ha...that's funny

Re: CSArtheritus injuries

2002-08-08 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/8/2002 1:41:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: During the five years I have taken CS every day, my arthritis developed and progressed. It has not gotten better, it has not regressed. Go to and look how they did it. It

Re: CSmercury

2002-08-08 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/7/2002 6:54:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I will caution you about low - priced Saw Palmetto - my buying has run the bargain product list. Truth is: high priced doesn't mean it works either! I can tell you without doubt, there are

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-08 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/8/2002 3:07:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Brewer's yeast isn't still alive anyhow, is it? Who knows. I thought yeast was like dry yeast. It's alive but grows when it hits a sugar.

Re: CSArtheritus injuries

2002-08-08 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/8/2002 7:03:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I've been 4 to 6 oz. of CS at mornings on an empty stomach. My arthritis is getting worse for some reason. Thom Try different things. Also, you may want to try other colloidal minerals in conjunction

Re: CS[Listowner] Rules Reminder... READ!

2002-08-07 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/6/2002 10:36:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Hey -- if your curcifix is .999, it's OK just as long as we don't have to recite your benediction ritual... It's .9

Re: CS[Listowner] Rules Reminder... READ!

2002-08-07 Thread QEcara
Now, let's say that my neighbor has a Mercedes and the little hood ornament was made of . silver. I could then make CS and call it the Mercedes of colloidal silvers. Something just occurred to me: this isn't really all that funny is it? -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for

Re: CS[Listowner] Rules Reminder... READ!

2002-08-07 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/7/2002 10:26:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I have a crucifix made of dice. What is he going to do to me? James-Osbourne: Holmes Maybe if you're lucky, he'll roll that dice to determine what level of hell you will reside in for all

Re: CS[Listowner] Rules Reminder... READ!

2002-08-06 Thread QEcara
Religion bothers you mike? I was told that you were a priest. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive:

Re: CS[Listowner] Rules Reminder... READ!

2002-08-06 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/6/2002 5:38:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: so that replies containing religious discussion end up in the silver-off-topic forum instead of here. What if I use a silver crucifix to make colloidal silver? Is that wrong to discuss?

Re: CS[Listowner] Rules Reminder... READ!

2002-08-06 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/6/2002 5:00:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: that are bothered by religion on this list!! That is why the other list exists But what if I start a monestary that makes only colloidal silver and gold? My grandmother grew up making wine in

Re: CSThe Good Grease - was: Unsupported denials claims

2002-08-05 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/5/2002 11:32:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: We didn't evolvewe are exactly the way God made us...Robb You are right.

Re: CSThe Good Grease - was: Unsupported denials claims

2002-08-05 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/5/2002 11:55:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Which is it? Marshall From one color, all colors come. In light, it's white light..all colors can come from that one color. In clay, it's black...all colors merged make black. Don't be so


2002-08-05 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/5/2002 9:34:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: What is DSMO and where can I get It Bob I also ask what DSMO is and where can I get it?

Re: CSWest Nile Virus - Speaking of mosquitoes....

2002-08-05 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/5/2002 5:46:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Not that this is very practical, but I was told by someone recently that mosquitoes are initially attracted to the carbon dioxide that we all exhale. They seem to have the knowledge to stop

Re: CSCS for mouthwash!

2002-08-03 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/2/2002 12:46:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: It's no definitely has beneficial effects! no harmful organism can live in the presence of silver past 7 minutes...I'm told. But, how many ppm? You have to swish for 7 minutes? I

Re: CSCS for mouthwash!

2002-08-03 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/2/2002 2:51:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: All of you who are so knowledgeable! Still test and use your reason. I've been bumsteered by several along the way. Some people know... some people are selling stuff and really don't give a hoot about

CSpertaining colloidal silver

2002-08-03 Thread QEcara
One way to advance colloidal silver is to dissemnate the secrets, freely. This way, when a person first tries CS, they see the results of a properly made potent medicine. When one person learns a secret, they keep that secret and make a buck. With colloidal silver, you do the greater good


2002-08-03 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 7/28/2002 10:29:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Most people who promote HVAC have an interest in doing so. What got me was when that Gibb author wrote that argyria has never been found or reported with an HVAC product.

Re: CSSeaSilver

2002-08-02 Thread QEcara
Sea Silver has Ethyl Alcohol in it which is extremely bad and hard on the body. That is what gives them their sublingual properties. However, it is not optimal. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

Re: CSnuke it

2002-08-02 Thread QEcara
Estrogen is good if it's in the right proportion to the other hormones. In our society, people are jacked up with hormones, in beef, xenoestrogens, etc. This changes the levels in each person and the body developes cancer. FACT. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of

Re: CSnuke it

2002-08-01 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/1/2002 6:18:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: di(ethylhexyl)adepate (DEHA), considered a carcinogen, is found in plastic wrap. She also learned that the FDA had never studied the effect of microwave cooking on plastic-wrapped food. Claire

Re: CSSeaSilver

2002-08-01 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/1/2002 6:19:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: phyto silver that has silver in organic form. Is this a buch of BS or is it good stuff and what it claims it is??? Wrong. Their silver is colloidal. The product is over priced.

Re: CSUnsupported denials claims

2002-07-29 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 7/29/2002 8:19:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Are the patients being force fed burgers and fries? Coke IVs by precription? Then what we are talking about is your understanding. Where is this cancer coming from or all the other ailments?


2002-07-29 Thread QEcara
YOu need cysteine that has not been damaged by processing...don't count on me, it's damaged. The trick is finding the milk based protein with undamaged cysteine. This will bind any metal and cause it to exit the coats the metal and the body gets rid of it. -- The

Re: CSUnsupported denials claims

2002-07-28 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 7/28/2002 10:11:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: you seem to have gained quite a bit of misinformation from somewhere If I gained misinformation, blame the people writting the books. That's where I'm getting it.

Re: CSUnsupported denials claims

2002-07-28 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 7/28/2002 10:40:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Which books are these? I went to amazon and typed in colloidal silver, all the books that come up, I bought them. Those books.


2002-07-28 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 7/28/2002 6:22:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: HVAC wet electrode what is hvac wet electrode? I thought it was unsafe to make CS where there is arcing...


2002-07-28 Thread QEcara
If hvac isn't better, what are these people propagating in their books? That guy gibb? and others say no negatives have ever been seen with hvac. One says this. Another says that. Man, talk about confusion. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Re: CSUnsupported denials claims

2002-07-27 Thread QEcara
How can the FDA outlaw the use of colloidal silver? They would have to outlaw the use of batteries and silver to do that. However, isn't it true that using a high voltage generator bypasses all these negatives? I'm asking. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal

Re: CSUnsupported denials claims

2002-07-27 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 7/27/2002 12:14:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: it's not outlawed but making claims and selling it is another matter. You know, if you guys want to load your guns when you make arguments, go to He's a MD who is against the evils of

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