Facet on same date field multiple times

2011-12-12 Thread dbashford
I've Googled around a bit and seen this referenced a few times, but cannot seem to get it to work I have a query that looks like this: facet=true facet.date={!key=foo}date f.foo.facet.date.start=2010-12-12T00:00:00Z f.foo.facet.date.end=2011-12-12T00:00:00Z f.foo.facet.date.gap=%2B1DAY

StatsComponent and multi-valued fields

2010-10-06 Thread dbashford
Running 1.4.1. I'm able to execute stats queries against multi-valued fields, but when given a facet, the statscomponent only considers documents that have a facet value as the last value in the field. As an example, imagine you are running stats on fooCount, and you want to facet on bar, which

Relevancy and non-matching words

2010-07-06 Thread dbashford
Is there some sort of threshold that I can tweak which sets how many letters in non-matching words makes a result more or less relevant? Searching on title, q=fantasy football, and I get this: {title:The Fantasy Football Guys, score:2.8387074}, {title:Fantasy Football Bums, score:2.8387074},

Re: Leading Wildcard query strangeness

2010-06-30 Thread dbashford
An update in case someone stumbles upon this... At first I thought you mean the fields I intend to do leading wildcard searches on needed to have ReversedWildcardFilterFactory on them. But that didn't make sense because our prod app isn't using that at all. But our prod app does have the

Leading Wildcard query strangeness

2010-06-29 Thread dbashford
We've got an app in production that executes leading wildcard queries just fine. lst name=responseHeader int name=status0/int int name=QTime1298/int lst name=params str name=qtitle:*news/str /lst /lst result name=response numFound=5514 start=0 The same app in dev/qa has undergone a

Document boosting troubles

2010-06-17 Thread dbashford
Brand new to this sort of thing so bear with me. For sake of simplicity, I've got a two field document, title and rank. Title gets searched on, rank has values from 1 to 10. 1 being highest. What I'd like to do is boost results of searches on title based on the documents rank. Because it's

Re: Document boosting troubles

2010-06-17 Thread dbashford
One problem down, two left! =) bf == bq did the trick, thanks. Now at least if I can't get the DIH solution working I don't have to tack that on every query string. Taking the quotes away from $docBoost results in a syntax error. Needs to be quoted. Changed it up to this and still no luck

DataImportHandler + docBoost

2010-06-17 Thread dbashford
Pulled this out of another thread of mine as it's the only bit left that I haven't been able to figure out. Can someone show me briefly how one would include a docBoost inside a DIH? I've got something like this... var rank = row.get('rank'); switch (rank) {

Case Insensitive search while preserving case

2010-05-04 Thread dbashford
I've looked through the history and tried a lot of things but can't quite get this to work. Used this in my last attempt: fieldType name=lowercase class=solr.TextField positionIncrementGap=100 analyzer tokenizer class=solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory/ filter

Re: Case Insensitive search while preserving case

2010-05-04 Thread dbashford
All my fields are stored. And if my field name is state means that your suggestion is appending fl=state, then no, that's not doing anything for me. =( The above config gets me part of the way to where I need to be. Storing, for instance, Alaska in such a way that querying for alaska, AlaSkA,

Sum? Filter in term search? Something else?

2010-01-08 Thread dbashford
I get the feeling what I need to accomplish isn't necessarily in the spirit of what solr is meant to do, but it's the problem I'm facing. Of course, I'm a solr newbie, so this may not be as challenging as I think it is. Domain is a little tricky, so I'll make one up. Lets say I have the