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_*check out pointcloud9.com*_ <http://po
nt Decimal objects back in this case with DOUBLE, I’d subclass
mysql.DOUBLE and specify a new result_processor() method.
On Nov 20, 2013, at 7:00 AM, Sebastian Elsner wrote:
I am inserting float data into a MySQL column of type DOUBLE. The data gets
inserted properly (verified
engine = create_engine('mysql://user:pass@localhost/test', echo=True)
s = sessionmaker(engine)()
r = SomeClass(value=0.1234567891234567)
x = s.query(SomeClass).get(1)
print x.value
check out www.pointcloud9.com
> where(UserAddresses.user_id == id).\
> correlate_except(Address, UserAddresses)
> )
> On Oct 21, 2013, at 3:12 AM, Sebastian Elsner wrote:
>> Thank you for the help! Additionally, I was wondering if it would be
>> able to make "newe
l Bayer:
> On Oct 19, 2013, at 4:24 PM, Sebastian Elsner wrote:
>> Hello,
>> using the Address and User example, where the Address is connected to
>> the User via a many-to-many relationship, I want to get all users with
>> the date of their newest
using the Address and User example, where the Address is connected to
the User via a many-to-many relationship, I want to get all users with
the date of their newest address. This is what I have now:
s.query(User, s.query(func.max(Address.created)).\
ay :)
On 08/28/2013 08:08 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
On Aug 28, 2013, at 9:59 AM, Sebastian Elsner wrote:
Now I would like to be able to do the following:
s.query(Foo).update({"some_timecode": Foo.some_timecode.add_hours(5)}) # Adds 5
hours to every Foo's timecode
I have s
ry(Foo).update({"some_timecode": Foo.some_timecode +
I have tried implementing the __add__ for both the TC and Timecode class
and read the "Augmenting Existing Types" help, but failed to put the
puzzle together.
Thank you for helping!
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o make the select() and then call
as_scalar() on it so that it behaves like a column in a SQL expression.
On Jun 24, 2013, at 9:34 AM, Sebastian Elsner wrote:
I am trying to translate this SQL to a SQLAlchemy query, but failed so far:
select `users`.`name`, `assignments`.`id`,
I am trying to translate this SQL to a SQLAlchemy query, but failed so far:
select `users`.`name`, `assignments`.`id`,
select count(*)
from `assignments`
where `assignments`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
) as `num_assignments`
from `users`
join `assignments`
on `assignm
Thank you, this did the trick. And since only I use it offline the
security issues are OK for me.
On 02/28/2013 12:27 PM, Simon King wrote:
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Sebastian Elsner wrote:
I want to feed a Query.whereclause to mysqldump. For this i will need the
full where
I want to feed a Query.whereclause to mysqldump. For this i will need
the full where clause with all labels replaced with values, right now I
get labels like :project_id_1. How can I do that?
Many thanks,
check out www.pointcloud9.com
Sebastian Elsner - Pipeline
I want to serialize a python list, which by convention can only contain
strings and save it to mysql database in on column. I was thinking about
an unicode column and an attribute event which just does a str(list) for
saving and a eval(string) for access. I am not sure though if this i
-only, and would
that simplify the work that SA does behind the scenes?
Sebastian Elsner - Pipeline TD - r i s e | fx
t: +49 30 201 803 00 sebast...@risefx.com
c: +49 175 336 5739 7548 www.risefx.com
r i s e | fx GmbH
Schlesische Strasse 28, Aufgang B 10997 Berlin
using Python 2.6 and SA 0.6.6. Please see the example below. I want to
get the History of a relationship attribute, but whatever I pass to the
"passive" argument, I never get the "deleted version" of the object,
only the PASSIVE_NO_RESULT symbol (if I understand correctly, I would
nstances of multiple types. Is
that possible? Can you give me a hint where to read up?
Being in the design phase I am also open to other approaches on how to
tackle logging of user changes in a db.
Sebastian Elsner - Pipeline TD - r i s e | fx
t: +49 30 201 803 00 sebast.
So, using MySQL with max_connections = 100 I quickly run out of connections,
because every client is using about 6 connections, one for each dialog window,
which has its own session instance.
seems like an architecture that could use some trimming
Yes, you are probably right.
But what
I wanted to make sure, I get this right: every session creates its own
connection on demand (only if I actually do query with the session), right?
So, using MySQL with max_connections = 100 I quickly run out of
connections, because every client is using about 6 connections, one for
wanting to create the following query:
(SELECT * from tbl ORDER BY b LIMIT 5) UNION ALL (SELECT * from tbl
The important thing are the (), which I cant get to work with the
examples in the union() docs .
I came across a solution involving self_group on Queries in
, at 7:50 AM, Sebastian Elsner wrote:
have one table called 'Assets' with a 'category' (String) and
'created' (DateTime) column. Now I would like to find the records
created since a given datetime for each category:
This is what I thought would work (with a self-joi
I have one table called 'Assets' with a 'category' (String) and
'created' (DateTime) column. Now I would like to find the records
created since a given datetime for each category:
This is what I thought would work (with a self-join):
session.query(Asset).join(Asset, and_(Asset.catego
Thank you very much, from_self() works a treat!
On 06/28/2010 04:47 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
On Jun 28, 2010, at 5:23 AM, Sebastian Elsner wrote:
I build a query to filter a table depending on options a user can specify. So I
have a working query to execute when all GUI elements
I build a query to filter a table depending on options a user can
specify. So I have a working query to execute when all GUI elements
(which provide the filter information) are evaluated.
What I do is asking for the GUI elements value and depending on that I
modify the query:
class Pr
I am unsure on how to delete correctly. Lets say I have a query's result,
which is a list. del list[5] does not seem to do anything, right? I would
always have to do session.delete(list[5])?
But what about when I created a mapped object, which is not yet
persistent, how would I del
line 570, in __iter__
return iter(getattr(self._data(), '_sa_iterator')())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_sa_iterator'
I don't have a good test for this, but i'm trying to create one
would never have thought I
would say this, but now I'd like to go back to c++ :)
I am already using the newest build of PyQt, so I guess I will post on the
mailing list there.
Thank you,
On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 21:06:10 +0100, Michael Bayer
Sebastian Elsner wrote:
My first question is: What exactly is the commit doing to the list
returned from the query so that pointers to other objects are "lost"
(python.exe will crash on me then)?
The commit expires all attributes by default, since the transaction is
committed, and upon next access will be loaded again
This is the situation:
I am using Qt with its tree view to display data coming from sqlalchemy.
Mapped classes are used as nodes for the tree. Relations define the
connections to children and parent. As for the QTreeViews model data
structure a sqlalchemy list returned by a query is
qry =
this one already did the trick.
qry = qry.filter(Shot.id==shot_id_of_interest)
what did you add this for? The results seem to be identical...
that generates
SELECT DISTINCT "AssetCategory".id
I am stuck here with a query, it't not too complicated I think, but I dont
get it...
I have three Class/table mappings:
Shots, Assets, which belong to a Shot (1:n) and AssetCategories, which are
owned by Assets (n:1)
The objective is:
For a given shot instance get all distinct Asset
Oh, thanks for the pointer. There's so much to read and learn being new to
SQLAlchemy... Sorry for bugging.
On Fri, 05 Mar 2010 15:49:03 +0100, Michael Bayer
Sebastian Elsner wrote:
I have an association object declaratively with three primary keys, but
I have an association object declaratively with three primary keys, but on
insert, the first (id) is not autoincremented. Please see test the code
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column,Integer, String, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
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