[sqlite] shell.c compilation error when built with SQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION defined

2020-02-03 Thread Cameron, Jonathan
bv */ if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ sqlite3_set_authorizer(pNew->dbv, idxAuthCallback, (void*)pNew); } +#endif /* If an error has occurred, free the new object and reutrn NULL. Otherwise, ** return the new sqlite3expert handle. */ Thanks, Jonathan CONF

Re: [sqlite] Causal profiling

2019-12-30 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
virtualizing any given function call is highly context dependent. Sincerely, -- Jonathan Brandmeyer [0]: https://valgrind.org/docs/manual/cg-manual.html#branch-sim [1]: https://www.valgrind.org/docs/manual/cl-manual.html#cl-manual.options.simulation [2]: https://valgrind.org/docs/ma

Re: [sqlite] Performance vs. memory trade-off question

2019-12-24 Thread Jonathan Moules
d to know (I'm guessing there is such a page; never looked for it). My 2p, Jonathan On 2019-12-14 13:27, Richard Hipp wrote: A new feature on a branch has the following disadvantages: (1) It uses about 0.25% more CPU cycles. (Each release of SQLite is normally about 0.5% faster, so enab

Re: [sqlite] [EXTERNAL] Slow joining of tables with indexes

2019-12-03 Thread Jonathan Moules
:46, Simon Slavin wrote: On 3 Dec 2019, at 8:48am, Jonathan Moules wrote: SELECT count(1) FROM data_table JOIN joining_table USING (data_id); SELECT count(1) FROM data_table JOIN joining_table ON

Re: [sqlite] [EXTERNAL] Slow joining of tables with indexes

2019-12-03 Thread Jonathan Moules
ored USING COVERING INDEX joining_table__ignored_data_id__fk_idx (s_id=?) 11    0    0    SEARCH TABLE data USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (rowid=?) Any thoughts? This seems like relational-database bread-and-butter so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong to be getting these slow speeds but I

Re: [sqlite] [EXTERNAL] Slow joining of tables with indexes

2019-12-02 Thread Jonathan Moules
sitive integers - http://peterhansen.ca/blog/sqlite-negative-integer-primary-keys.html - but it's odd that the HDD was better than the SSD for the most part with these. Also the full-size 64bit integers were a fair percentage slower than the regular integers even though there were the exa

[sqlite] Slow joining of tables with indexes

2019-11-26 Thread Jonathan Moules
0    count(1)    00 13    Copy    1    4    0        00 14    ResultRow    4    1    0        00 15    Halt    0    0    0        00 16    Transaction    0    0    77    0    01 17    Goto    0    1    0        00 Thoughts? What (probably obvious) thing am I missing? Thanks, Jonathan ___

Re: [sqlite] Theoretical write performance for low-throughput devices

2019-10-22 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 5:47 PM Richard Hipp wrote: > > On 10/21/19, Jonathan Brandmeyer wrote: > > > > No significant change. The target filesystem only caches non-aligned > > writes, so there usually isn't anything for it to do on fsync anyway. > > > >

Re: [sqlite] Theoretical write performance for low-throughput devices

2019-10-22 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
4kB pages, but it is a particularly unfavorable row size for 2 kB database pages. -- Jonathan Brandmeyer ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

Re: [sqlite] Theoretical write performance for low-throughput devices

2019-10-21 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 5:00 PM Richard Hipp wrote: > > On 10/21/19, Jonathan Brandmeyer wrote: > > On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 10:31 AM Richard Hipp wrote: > >> > >> On 10/21/19, Jonathan Brandmeyer wrote: > >> > Or, how many times is each page written

Re: [sqlite] Theoretical write performance for low-throughput devices

2019-10-21 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 10:31 AM Richard Hipp wrote: > > On 10/21/19, Jonathan Brandmeyer wrote: > > Or, how many times is each page written by SQLite for an insert-heavy > > test? The answer appears to be "4", but I can only account for two of > > those fou

[sqlite] Theoretical write performance for low-throughput devices

2019-10-21 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
ill seems too high. Any other ideas? Thanks, -- Jonathan Brandmeyer ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

Re: [sqlite] Should SQLite distinguish between +0.0 and -0.0 on output?

2019-06-12 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
_ > sqlite-users mailing list > sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org > http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users -- Jonathan Brandmeyer Vice President of Software Engineering PlanetiQ _

Re: [sqlite] Should SQLite distinguish between +0.0 and -0.0 on output?

2019-06-12 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 12:02 PM David Raymond wrote: > https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html#record_format > > The storage type of each record is given by an integer. And in the current > format, all non-negative integers are used. > Ouch. Yes, an additional data type was closer to what I ha

Re: [sqlite] Should SQLite distinguish between +0.0 and -0.0 on output?

2019-06-12 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
; ___ > sqlite-users mailing list > sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org > http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users > -- Jonathan Brandmeyer Vice President of Software Engineering PlanetiQ

Re: [sqlite] Please help me fix the SQLite Git mirror

2019-04-22 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
ly` would have Just Worked, `git rebase master` from a patch series would have Just Worked, and a merge-based workflow would have Just Worked, too. -- Jonathan Brandmeyer ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

Re: [sqlite] Please help me fix the SQLite Git mirror

2019-04-22 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
r mistake onto the corrected master. User's would need to perform a one-time `git rebase --onto master mistake ` instead. -- Jonathan Brandmeyer ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

Re: [sqlite] Stack allocation upper bound with SQLITE_USE_ALLOCA

2019-04-03 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 8:55 AM Richard Hipp wrote: > > On 4/3/19, Jonathan Brandmeyer wrote: > > What is the upper bound for stack consumption under the > > SQLITE_USE_ALLOCA compile-time option? I see that there are a number > > of configurable size limits available as

[sqlite] Stack allocation upper bound with SQLITE_USE_ALLOCA

2019-04-03 Thread Jonathan Brandmeyer
What is the upper bound for stack consumption under the SQLITE_USE_ALLOCA compile-time option? I see that there are a number of configurable size limits available as compile-time and/or run-time options. Which ones affect the maximum alloca? Thanks, Jonathan Brandmeyer

Re: [sqlite] Backing up a SQLite database without the CLI

2019-03-18 Thread Jonathan Moules
st option is to create a new database with the requisite structure and copy the data across via an ATTACH (there are only two tables and one will almost always be empty at this point). Any other thoughts welcome though! Cheers, Jonathan On 2019-03-18 13:37, Simon Slavin wrote: On 18 Mar 2019, at 1

[sqlite] Backing up a SQLite database without the CLI

2019-03-18 Thread Jonathan Moules
eems prone to error. Any suggestions? Thanks, Jonathan ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

Re: [sqlite] Foreign Key constraint fails due to unrelated field

2019-02-25 Thread Jonathan Moules
Thanks Clemens, that was it (the comma). That was a mildly embarrassing oversight. Thanks again, Jonathan On 2019-02-25 12:52, Clemens Ladisch wrote: Jonathan Moules wrote: UPDATE lookups set error_code=3 and exp_content_type='ogc_except' WHERE content_hash = '0027f2c9b

[sqlite] Foreign Key constraint fails due to unrelated field

2019-02-25 Thread Jonathan Moules
reason when updating to error_code = 60 via Python (and I've confirmed the SQL being run does have this) it actually gets updated to error_code = 1 (what the code used to be). Any thoughts what's going on here? I think either SQLite has its wires crossed or maybe I'

Re: [sqlite] Optimisation opportunity on subquery?

2019-01-02 Thread Jonathan Moules
ables are siblings not correlates. --- The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic volume. -Original Message- From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users- boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org] On Behalf Of Jonathan Moules Sent:

Re: [sqlite] Optimisation opportunity on subquery?

2019-01-02 Thread Jonathan Moules
ecking, it doesn't seem like it was an ambiguity thing. Cheers, Jonathan On 2019-01-02 22:04, Simon Slavin wrote: On 2 Jan 2019, at 9:50pm, Jonathan Moules wrote: Sorry, but which column is ambiguous? The users.item_id is a foreign key to the item_info.item_id - that's why it's a &qu

Re: [sqlite] Optimisation opportunity on subquery?

2019-01-02 Thread Jonathan Moules
ry by keeping the WHERE clause inside - this one gets the full speed without needing the WHERE clause twice: SELECT * FROM item_info JOIN (select count(1) from users where item_id = ?) USING (item_id); Anyway, just an observation. Thanks, Jonathan On 2019-01

[sqlite] Optimisation opportunity on subquery?

2019-01-02 Thread Jonathan Moules
m_id)     where item_id = ?; sqlite 3.24.0 Cheers, Jonathan ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

Re: [sqlite] Regarding CoC

2018-10-24 Thread Jonathan Moules
The one I usually see as being referred to as being "political" is the Contributor Covenant - https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct From reading it, while it does have some specifics, it has all the exact same problems you're highlighting "Don't be evil" has. Why? B

Re: [sqlite] Regarding CoC

2018-10-24 Thread Jonathan Moules
I think the big problem with this CoC is that it triggers Poe's Law - it's impossible to tell if it's serious or a joke without further context. I know I spent a good 10 minutes trying to decide either way when I first saw this thread a few days ago; now I know from the below post that it's ser

Re: [sqlite] geopoly data input options

2018-10-20 Thread Jonathan Moules
t; is for - Enhanced"?) - "PostGIS EWKB/EWKT add 3dm,3dz,4d coordinates support and embedded SRID information" - probably beyond the scope of what you want in geopoly at this point. Cheers, Jonathan On 2018-10-19 21:56, Noel Frankinet wrote: There a WKB and WKT (text) repres

[sqlite] Glob documentation clarity

2018-09-25 Thread Jonathan Moules
ack as is done for "instr", "substr" etc. Thanks, Jonathan p.s. (Apparently X is the needle and Y is the haystack, but I had to get that from a source external to the docs) ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@mailinglis

Re: [sqlite] Attachments and Views - suggested tweak

2018-09-25 Thread Jonathan Moules
r where name = 'a_view'; sqlite> pragma writable_schema = off; sqlite> .tables a_table sqlite> -Original Message- From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org] On Behalf Of Jonathan Moules Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 11:55 AM

[sqlite] Attachments and Views - suggested tweak

2018-09-25 Thread Jonathan Moules
arning/error at creation time if specifying schema names inside of Views that are not TEMP given they're unnecessary for such views. The former would self-solve the problem, the later would provide transparency and stop you accidentally creating invalid s

[sqlite] SELECT becomes very slow when converted to UPDATE

2018-06-23 Thread Jonathan Moules
e disk IO / sec for the same query/data))? Thanks, Jonathan ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

[sqlite] How to use WHERE clause in UPSERT's conflict target

2018-06-20 Thread Jonathan Koren
*-- row was updated again* At least in this case, there appears to be no difference between a truth-y and false-y result of that WHERE clause. Shouldn't there be a difference? What am I not understanding about this? Thanks, Jonathan Koren ___

Re: [sqlite] How to get ORDER BY / LIMIT to stick to the fast-path?

2018-03-22 Thread Jonathan Moules
it's using, it still evidences, though the timings are higher (0.1s without, 0.2s with ORDER BY/LIMIT). Cheers, Jonathan On 2018-03-22 22:13, Simon Slavin wrote: On 22 Mar 2018, at 10:09pm, Jonathan Moules wrote: Sure; I didn't include them because the only difference is the last line,

Re: [sqlite] How to get ORDER BY / LIMIT to stick to the fast-path?

2018-03-22 Thread Jonathan Moules
On 2018-03-22 22:08, Richard Hipp wrote: Quick workaround: put a "+" on front of the first term of your ORDER BY clause. This gives me an ending of: ORDER BY +u.url_id ASC LIMIT 1; Alas it makes no difference to the speed. The sole difference in the EXPLAIN plan when that's added from the

Re: [sqlite] How to get ORDER BY / LIMIT to stick to the fast-path?

2018-03-22 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Simon, Sure; I didn't include them because the only difference is the last line, and that just seems to be the standard "ordering" line. I figured the explain was more useful as a lot has changed in that. Cheers, Jonathan Fast version: 100SEARCH TABLE lookups

[sqlite] How to get ORDER BY / LIMIT to stick to the fast-path?

2018-03-22 Thread Jonathan Moules
R BY/LIMIT EXPLAIN are also here (they start changing at item 36). Any suggestions for what's going on here and how to coerce the planner to stick to the fast-path and then do a simple order by on those 86 (or however many - it'll always be a low number) results? (ANALYZE has been ru

Re: [sqlite] How to optimise a somewhat-recursive query?

2018-03-22 Thread Jonathan Moules
On 2018-03-22 12:03, Richard Hipp wrote: On 3/21/18, Jonathan Moules wrote: I've spent the last ~90 minutes trying to build this but to no avail The query planner enhancements are now available in the pre-release snapshot on the https://sqlite.org/download.html page. Well, after a l

Re: [sqlite] How to optimise a somewhat-recursive query?

2018-03-21 Thread Jonathan Moules
RDER BY ASC query is back to being modestly speedy - 0.07s - and with no ORDER BY it's the same as well. c) But with the LEFT JOIN's the query takes about 1.1s for ORDER BY DESC I can provide another copy of the database with the new data in if you wish. Or test the fix if you hav

Re: [sqlite] How to optimise a somewhat-recursive query?

2018-03-21 Thread Jonathan Moules
n I brought up a couple of days ago (and why I'm using 3.15) - probably why Dr H is suggesting I try his branch. I'm executing the query using SQLiteStudio (Or Python). Thanks, Jonathan On 2018-03-21 17:58, Richard Hipp wrote: On 3/21/18, Jonathan Moules wrote: So, I'm back to b

Re: [sqlite] How to optimise a somewhat-recursive query?

2018-03-21 Thread Jonathan Moules
n't no ORDER BY be at least the same speed as ORDER BY u.url_id ASC? Thoughts welcome; Thanks! Jonathan On 2018-03-19 00:24, Jonathan Moules wrote: Thanks Simon and Quan. I'm not sure it's the view itself per-se - It takes 0.000s (time too small to measure) for just the full

[sqlite] Query speed Regression: 3.15 much faster than 3.22 (Was: How to optimise a somewhat-recursive query? )

2018-03-18 Thread Jonathan Moules
ut in 3.15 it was taking 0.004s! The original query also takes 0.15s in 3.22 - so that has been mildly optimised (from ~0.2s). My general thinking-aloud notion is that my "fix" is getting optimised away in 3.22. I can provide a small replication database if desired. Thanks, Jonathan

Re: [sqlite] How to optimise a somewhat-recursive query?

2018-03-18 Thread Jonathan Moules
minimum-effort solution. I'm not actually sure what SQLite was doing in the previous query to make it take so long. , so I imagine there was some hideous recursing going on or something. Scope for optimisation? Thanks again, Jonathan On 2018-03-18 23:37, Simon Slavin wrote: On 18 Mar

Re: [sqlite] How to optimise a somewhat-recursive query?

2018-03-18 Thread Jonathan Moules
id_idx ON urls ( url_id, source_seed_id ); CREATE INDEX source_id_url_id_idx ON urls ( url_id, source_seed_id ); SQLite will use the former (url_id, then source_seed_id), but it makes absolutely no difference to the speed. So I'm still stumped. On 2018-03-18 22:30, Tim

[sqlite] How to optimise a somewhat-recursive query?

2018-03-18 Thread Jonathan Moules
tion0340 35datetime(-1)02 125Goto01000 Any thoughts/suggestions/feedback welcome. Many thanks, Jonathan ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

[sqlite] Why doesn't SQLite optimise this subselect?

2018-01-06 Thread Jonathan Moules
ere clause in the outermost scope would also apply to the subselect and put it in there automatically so the group-by would only be for the things the WHERE clause affected. Is this an optimisation opportunity? Or is my SQL so bad it was inevitable (more likely)? Cheers, Jonathan _

Re: [sqlite] Emulate right-join

2018-01-03 Thread Jonathan Moules
In lieu of adding the syntactic sugar, might it be worth documenting the alternative(s)? Currently the docs for these are "https://sqlite.org/omitted.html"; - which simply says: "LEFT OUTER JOIN is implemented, but not RIGHT OUTER JOIN or FULL OUTER JOIN." A couple of lines saying why this isn't

Re: [sqlite] FTS5 query results different before/after MERGE command.

2017-04-20 Thread Jonathan Gaillard
;ve confirmed it also happens on 3.17.0 and 3.18.0 From: Jonathan Gaillard Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 12:00:09 PM To: sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org Subject: FTS5 query results different before/after MERGE command. I have a db where I have a query re

Re: [sqlite] FTS5 query results different before/after MERGE command.

2017-04-20 Thread Jonathan Gaillard
firmed it also happens on 3.17.0 and 3.18.0 From: Jonathan Gaillard Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 12:00:09 PM To: sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org Subject: FTS5 query results different before/after MERGE command. I have a db where I have a query returning results from something I believe is

[sqlite] FTS5 query results different before/after MERGE command.

2017-04-17 Thread Jonathan Gaillard
I have a db where I have a query returning results from something I believe is deleted already from a FTS5 table. This is a normal FTS5 table, not a contentless one so I used the normal DELETE. Only after I run: INSERT INTO MyFTSTable(MyFTSTable, rank) VALUES('automerge', 0); INSERT INTO MyF

Re: [sqlite] Group contiguous rows (islands)

2017-02-16 Thread Rossel, Jonathan
@ Pasma and Hainaut, Thanks again, that looks promising ! Jonathan Message: 42 Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 21:10:10 +0100 From: "E.Pasma" To: SQLite mailing list Subject: Re: [sqlite] Group contiguous rows (islands) Message-ID: <55fa9699-22fe-4dd9-9b86-36a190485...@concepts.nl> Co

Re: [sqlite] Group contiguous rows (islands)

2017-02-15 Thread Rossel, Jonathan
@ Simon, Thanks for the input ! I was afraid someone was going to mention the dreaded recursive CTEs. Jonathan *** This e-mail message is intended only for the addressee(s) and contains information which may be

Re: [sqlite] Group contiguous rows (islands)

2017-02-15 Thread Rossel, Jonathan
@ Clemens, Petite Abeille, Thanks, that's what I thought, but it's comforting to know for sure... @ Jean-Luc, Thanks a lot for the detailed answer, that's awesome ! I'll give it a try and see how it compares with an external "ma

[sqlite] Group contiguous rows (islands)

2017-02-15 Thread Rossel, Jonathan
olves quite a lot of subqueries. For completeness, it is inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30455227/date-range-for-set-of-same-data/30460263#30460263. So, is there a better / official way in SQLite ? Any help will b

Re: [sqlite] WAL and consistency

2017-02-02 Thread Rossel, Jonathan
Dear Mr Hipp, That's quite a privilege to get this answer from SQLite's creator himself ! Thanks for the clarification, I guess I didn't switch my brain to formal logic when I read this part of the docs... Have a nice day, Jonathan -Original Message- Fro

[sqlite] WAL and consistency

2017-02-02 Thread Rossel, Jonathan
that subject in the docs. Why would consistency be lost ? Is SQLite in WAL mode not ACID when synchronous=FULL ? What kind of damage can we expect in case of power loss (assuming the disk performs the syncs as supposed) ? Thanks in

Re: [sqlite] Unusual behavior implementing an "upsert" statement

2017-01-21 Thread Jonathan Koren
orithm is used. Sorry for the trouble. Thanks, Jonathan Koren On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 9:59 PM, Jonathan Koren wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I've been experimenting with an interesting form of statement that tries > to implement an "upsert" operation and came across some

[sqlite] Unusual behavior implementing an "upsert" statement

2017-01-21 Thread Jonathan Koren
default value instead of null. Is this behavior expected? If it is, is it also documented somewhere? If it's not, is this a bug? Thanks for your attention, Jonathan Koren ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org http://mailinglists.sqlite.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

[sqlite] FTS5 pagination

2016-12-30 Thread Jonathan Gaillard
Hi, How can I paginate fts5 queries when ordered by rank? Normailly I use an index on an expression that gives me something to put in a WHERE exp > X and then also ORDER BY exp. Exp always has to be deterministic so it might be a text field (name or whatever) concatenated to a fixed length text

Re: [sqlite] "Responsive" website revamp at www.sqlite.org

2016-09-06 Thread Jonathan Moules
I'm not aware of any log files that record screen size. Screen size works well at render time using JavaScript (how Bootstrap etc work I believe), but for this sort of post-event analysis, user-agent is pretty much the only information there is to work with - with the caveat that as Stephen Bea

Re: [sqlite] "Responsive" website revamp at www.sqlite.org

2016-09-06 Thread Jonathan Moules
This page may have the solution: http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/ There are a bunch of scripts in different languages to detect if the user is on a mobile or not using some absurdly complicated RegExps. I've not tried them myself, but they look like they do the right kind of thing. On Tue, 0

Re: [sqlite] Setting temp location with Python

2016-08-19 Thread Jonathan Moules
purposes? Thanks, Jonathan Hi Kevin, Yep, Item 5.0 was the one I was looking at, but as best I can tell there is no OS-agnostic way of doing it except the PRAGMA. But the pragma has been deprecated so I was wondering what the new, post-deprecation, OS-agnostic solution. Cheers, Jonathan

Re: [sqlite] Setting temp location with Python

2016-08-13 Thread Jonathan
Hi Kevin, Yep, Item 5.0 was the one I was looking at, but as best I can tell there is no OS-agnostic way of doing it except the PRAGMA. But the pragma has been deprecated so I was wondering what the new, post-deprecation, OS-agnostic solution. Cheers, Jonathan On 11/08/2016 15:42, Kevin

[sqlite] Setting temp location with Python

2016-08-10 Thread Jonathan Moules
e I can see for using it via Python would be the PRAGMA. But the docs for PRAGMA temp_store_directory; ( https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_temp_store_directory ) say this is deprecated. So what's the recommended way to achieve this? Thanks, Jonathan __

Re: [sqlite] bug report (security)

2016-05-31 Thread Jonathan Brossard
Hi Richard, Thanks for getting back to me. I agree it seems like the same bug. Best regards, j- On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 4:19 AM, Richard Hipp wrote: > On 5/27/16, Jonathan Brossard wrote: > > > > I'd like to report a heap overflow, please find an advisory attach

[sqlite] bug report (2/2) [security]

2016-05-28 Thread Jonathan Brossard
Dear Sqlite team, Please find attached a second bug report for a use after free() in sqlite. Kindest regards, j- --- * * * Sqlite3 use

[sqlite] bug report (security)

2016-05-28 Thread Jonathan Brossard
Dear Sqlite team, I hope this email finds you well. I'd like to report a heap overflow, please find an advisory attached to this email. Best regards, j- --- *

Re: [sqlite] Messages posted on Nabble not getting to list

2016-05-27 Thread Jonathan Moules
f to domain specific stackexchange sub-sites, but that has it's own problem (splitting the community between venues). Just my 2p, Cheers, Jonathan On Fri, 27 May 2016 10:55:30 +0100 Rob Willett <rob.sql...@robertwillett.com> wrote I agree with Tim. I filter all my SQ

Re: [sqlite] Searching this mailing lsit

2016-05-25 Thread Jonathan Moules
;s ignoring the fact that many organisations actually block "personal" email access from work anyway and/or forbid using them for work related purposes. Cheers, Jonathan On Tue, 24 May 2016 20:23:56 +0100 Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote On 24 May 2016, at

[sqlite] Optimising max(datetime()) queries.

2016-05-21 Thread Jonathan
but I was hoping the second would be optimised to the same thing as the first. Is there a reason for this? And is there a even more efficient way to do this? Cheers, Jonathan

[sqlite] Podcast with Dr Hipp: SQLite history,    success and funding

2016-05-18 Thread Jonathan Moules
I've not heard of fossil so this thread piqued my interest; I currently use Mercurial where I have a choice. I don't seem to be able to find much about Fossil v's Mercurial. This blog post looked interesting though: http://www.omiyagames.com/farewell-fossil-version-control/ Despite Mercurial bei

[sqlite] Summing values by date, returning 0 for missing dates

2016-05-17 Thread Jonathan
e the "fewest iterations" - can I trouble to ask what that would look like? Then I can try working backwards and seeing what the differences are. (Note: having my data type of "DATE" - it worked just fine as you suspected it would.) Many thanks again, Jonathan On 13/05/2016 23:2

[sqlite] Summing values by date, returning 0 for missing dates

2016-05-13 Thread Jonathan Moules
test it yet - CTE's are entirely new to me), but looking at it quickly now I see that the type is actually NUMERIC there rather than my DATE - perhaps that's to what you're referring. Cheers, Jonathan On Thu, 12 May 2016 18:29:47 +0100 Simon Slavin<slavins at bigfraud.o

[sqlite] Summing values by date, returning 0 for missing dates

2016-05-12 Thread Jonathan Moules
at column. I figured that's why those "type" synonyms exist (I use DATETIME as well!) Cheers, Jonathan On Wed, 11 May 2016 23:45:44 +0100 Simon Slavin<slavins at bigfraud.org> wrote ---- On 11 May 2016, at 11:20pm, Jonathan <jonathan-lists at lightpear.com> wrote

[sqlite] Summing values by date, returning 0 for missing dates

2016-05-11 Thread Jonathan
) but I can't think of how to get SQLite to return data that it doesn't have. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to achieve this? Thanks, Jonathan

[sqlite] C API reference manpages

2016-04-04 Thread Jonathan Moules
How about the CC0 license? I think it's designed for these sorts of things (you want to make something public domain even if you're not allowed to) - https://creativecommons.org/about/cc0/ On Fri, 01 Apr 2016 00:05:30 +0100 Kristaps Dzonsons wrote >> As for publ

[sqlite] sqlite3.c:89394: int sqlite3ExprCompare(Expr *, Expr *, int): Assertion `0' failed.

2015-12-20 Thread Jonathan Metzman
(a,b,t); CREATE INDEX i ON t0(a in(0,0)); INSERT INTO t0 VALUES(0,0,0); UPDATE t0 SET b=0 WHERE a in(0,0)=0; Running the same case without assertions on doesn't seem to cause a crash of any kind. I also tried running it without assertions and with asan/msan and there was no crash there either.

[sqlite] Deference of Unitialized Pointer in shell_dbinfo_command in the sqlite shell (3.9.2)

2015-11-17 Thread Jonathan Metzman
: > On 11/17/15, Jonathan Metzman wrote: > > When fuzzing sqlite with American Fuzzy Lop, I believe I found the > > following bug in the sqlite shell: > > > > Thanks for the report. Joe has checked in a fix. > > Be careful about running AFL on the "sql

[sqlite] Deference of Unitialized Pointer in shell_dbinfo_command in the sqlite shell (3.9.2)

2015-11-17 Thread Jonathan Metzman
le = NULL; Would fix this problem. Thank you, Jonathan Metzman

[sqlite] two memory leaks in shell

2015-11-01 Thread Jonathan Landis
These were found by valgrind and verified by hand. I do not think they are serious. I'm sorry for not including line numbers, but I doubt they would be the same as in your actual source files anyway. 1. string returned from find_home_dir() not freed in process_sqliterc(). The find_home_dir() func

[sqlite] Help SQlite

2015-10-06 Thread jonathan
> Hello my friends, i need your help, i have problems with the use special > character for example "?" , work with vb net. The problem consist when save > this character in the data base sqlite, this chance in another character. I > hope your help. Thank you. Bach. Jonathan Mej?a Acosta

[sqlite] Problem sqlite

2015-10-06 Thread Jonathan
> Hello, i need your help, i have problems with the use special > character for example "?" , work with vb net. The problem consist when save > this character in the data base sqlite, this chance in another character. I > hope your help. Thank you. Bach. Jonathan Mej?a

[sqlite] Outdated section of docs?

2015-09-21 Thread Jonathan Moules
hat was written years ago, and the bits that apply to Vista also apply to the Windows releases since then? I don't know enough about Windows Timezone things to be able to find out easily but this reads like it was written back in the era of Vista and probably holds for newer releases too. Cheers, Jonathan

[sqlite] Doc page revision request

2015-07-21 Thread Jonathan Moules
For a slightly broader brushed overview of why the web-filter is wrong (a false positive), see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem -Original Message- From: sqlite-users-bounces at mailinglists.sqlite.org [mailto:sqlite-users-boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org] On Behalf Of Ber

[sqlite] Mozilla wiki 'avoid SQLite'

2015-06-16 Thread Jonathan Moules
te.org] On Behalf Of Jonathan Moules Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 4:33 PM To: 'General Discussion of SQLite Database' Subject: Re: [sqlite] Mozilla wiki 'avoid SQLite' > The question is: what should a database language do? Andl can already match > or surpass SQL on datab

[sqlite] Mozilla wiki 'avoid SQLite'

2015-06-16 Thread Jonathan Moules
there. Ok, that's an unrealistically low bar, but many people who use SQL just have simple queries/problems. While I appreciate andl doesn't have documentation yet, it doesn't look like it will pass the "not a computer scientist" test for usability. Just my 2

[sqlite] Docs suggestion - Attach

2015-05-15 Thread Jonathan Moules
inglists.sqlite.org] On Behalf Of Richard Hipp Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 3:55 PM To: General Discussion of SQLite Database Subject: Re: [sqlite] Docs suggestion - Attach Change implemented now on the website. On 5/15/15, Jonathan Moules wrote: > Hi, > A relatively simpl

[sqlite] Docs suggestion - Attach

2015-05-15 Thread Jonathan Moules
nd out (in my case I was googling for "UNATTACH" which obviously didn't find anything). The DETACH page does link to ATTACH. Cheers, Jonathan HR Wallingford and its subsidiaries uses faxes and emails for confidential and legally privileged busi

[sqlite] Best way to temporarily store data before processing

2015-04-17 Thread Jonathan Moules
:40 AM, Jonathan Moules > wrote: > > Options that have come to mind (probably missed a lot): I personally use temp tables, e.g. 'create temporary table if not exists foo?, coupled with 'pragma temp_store = memory?, and drop/create them as necessary, e.g. 'drop table if

[sqlite] Best way to temporarily store data before processing

2015-04-14 Thread Jonathan Moules
ot;DELETE FROM Raw_Tables" to truncate it after each file (there are no indexes). - And/Or place it into :memory:. - And/Or just CREATE the Raw Tables for each file? - And/Or do it within the Prepared Tables database and use "DELETE FROM Raw_Tables". (That fi

[sqlite] Best way to temporarily store data before processing

2015-04-14 Thread Jonathan Moules
- And/Or just CREATE the Raw Tables for each file? - And/Or do it within the Prepared Tables database and use "DELETE FROM Raw_Tables". (That file you wouldn't want in :memory: of course). Thoughts welcome, thanks for your time, Jonathan __

[sqlite] Err

2015-02-24 Thread Jonathan Camilleri
cache writes: 0 Schema Heap Usage: 4040 bytes Statement Heap/Lookaside Usage: 2368 bytes Fullscan Steps: 0 Sort Operations: 0 Autoindex Inserts: 0 Virtual Machine Steps: 8 sqlite> See

[sqlite] Appropriate Uses For SQLite

2015-02-19 Thread Jonathan Moules
te too. Another thought - the rich ecosystem of administrative GUI's (Both open source and commercial). Given most folks on this list appear to be Guru's who breathe SQL, I can see why it was missed, but they're important to us lay-users. Cheers, Jonathan -Original Me

Re: [sqlite] SQL newbie, how to implement a delete correctly.

2014-12-30 Thread Jonathan Leslie
ot;;\"}"delete from "parent01" where --- 1417556005;delete from "child01" where --- 1417626376;delete from "child01" where --- 1417626391;delete from "child01" where --- 1417703626;delete from "child01" where --- 1417703753;delete from

Re: [sqlite] SQL newbie, how to implement a delete correctly.

2014-12-30 Thread Jonathan Leslie
7626391delete from "child01" where VALUES(1417703626delete from "child01" where VALUES(1417703753delete from "child01" where VALUES(1419259626 From: Jonathan Leslie To: Jonathan Leslie ; General Discussion of SQLite Database ; General Discussion of SQLite Data

Re: [sqlite] SQL newbie, how to implement a delete correctly.

2014-12-30 Thread Jonathan Leslie
d01" VALUES(1417703753,'second record, same as first ok so I change the description a bit.','anotherfilename.txt',1417556005,1417561613,1417556069,1417626207,'myfile.txt');INSERT INTO "child01" VALUES(1419259626,'second record, same as first duplcated

Re: [sqlite] SQL newbie, how to implement a delete correctly.

2014-12-30 Thread Jonathan Leslie
y|31|CREATE TABLE sim_attenuation_summary (table|st_launch_params|st_launch_params|32|CREATE TABLE st_launch_params (table|st_scenario|st_scenario|33|CREATE TABLE st_scenario (table|threat_cfg|threat_cfg|36|CREATE TABLE threat_cfg (table|cm_cfg|cm_cfg|38|CREATE TABLE cm_cfg ( From: J Decker T

Re: [sqlite] SQL newbie, how to implement a delete correctly.

2014-12-30 Thread Jonathan Leslie
PRAGMA foreign_key_list(table-name) I don't know the table-name, how do I get a list of table names in the database? From: Simon Slavin To: Jonathan Leslie ; General Discussion of SQLite Database Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 11:14 AM Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQL newbie, h

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