Re: [OSM-talk] Missing Background Layers

2016-01-08 Thread tony wroblewski
Silly question, why would you trace from Mapnik, since it's OSM anyway? On 8 January 2016 at 23:13, Steve Doerr wrote: > When editing in Potlatch 2, the list of background layers seems rather > short. In particular, Mapnik (the default style) is not on the list. > > Bug? Or change of policy? > >

Re: [OSM-talk] Why newbies' comment/message response rate is so low?

2015-11-14 Thread tony wroblewski
hould also be a requirement that people add a comment upon every commit to avoid such arguments. I'm getting a little tired of seeing constant updates in my area from people who don't add comments on why or what they've changed. Tony On 14 November 2015 at 18:04, Michał Brzozowski wrot

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto v2.33.0 release

2015-08-15 Thread tony wroblewski
The woodland change looks much better, but would it not be possible to render broadleaved, needleleaved and mixed using different tree images, as seen on other maps? This would, I think, give people more incentive to add this information when mapping woodland. Regards Tony On 15 August 2015 at

Re: [OSM-talk] Looking for well mapped rural area and well mapped town/city

2015-07-22 Thread tony wroblewski
I can recommend most of East Yorkshire in the UK It's very well mapped, most fields are traced, landuse, buildings, etc.. Tony On 22 July 2015 at 10:30, Simone Cortesi wrote: > > On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 12:04 PM, Mateusz Koniecz

Re: [OSM-talk] online survey about the OSM community

2014-08-20 Thread Tony
motivates people to contribute and what sort of people they are. Tony On 20 August 2014 10:27, Nick Whitelegg wrote: > > I have to admit I filled the thing in - I assumed the middle questions were > perhaps psychology related (psychology of OSM users, etc). > It never asks for name

Re: [OSM-talk] UK is turning blue?

2014-08-18 Thread tony wroblewski
:-) Hit refresh, it seems to be fixed now. On 18 August 2014 10:17, Nick Whitelegg wrote: > > The endless rain of 2014 might though ;-) > > (sorry for the flippant comment) > > -SomeoneElse wrote: - > To: > From: SomeoneElse > Date: 17/08/2014 09:41PM > Subject:

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-GB] UK is turning blue?

2014-06-17 Thread tony wroblewski
27;t find the error. Does anyone know what else we can do here? Tony On 18 June 2014 08:27, Colin Smale wrote: > > > It only appears to be happening on areas with the "default" landuse - > residential, farms etc are rendered normally. That might be a clue. So far > it see

Re: [OSM-talk] Pre-delete-bot

2012-09-27 Thread Tony Morris
On 27/09/12 16:56, Hendrik Oesterlin wrote: > "Tony Morris" wrote on 27/09/2012 at 17:46:53 +1100 > subject "[OSM-talk] Pre-delete-bot" : > >> On 27/09/12 16:30, Hendrik Oesterlin wrote: >>> "Tony Morris" wrote on 27/09/201

Re: [OSM-talk] Pre-delete-bot

2012-09-26 Thread Tony Morris
On 27/09/12 16:50, Frederik Ramm wrote: > Hi, > > On 09/27/12 08:46, Tony Morris wrote: >>> gives you all what you need... > >> I don't see pre-deletion data there. Only the latest CC-BY-SA data. > > The "pre-redaction&quo

Re: [OSM-talk] Pre-delete-bot

2012-09-26 Thread Tony Morris
On 27/09/12 16:30, Hendrik Oesterlin wrote: > "Tony Morris" wrote on 27/09/2012 at 16:29:23 +1100 > subject "[OSM-talk] Pre-delete-bot" : > >> Hello, >> I am trying to get the OSM data prior to the running of the deletion >> bot.

[OSM-talk] Pre-delete-bot

2012-09-26 Thread Tony Morris
Hello, I am trying to get the OSM data prior to the running of the deletion bot. I am able to access CC-BY-SA licenced data from geofabrik, but the deletion occurred prior to the licence change. Is it possible to access this data, even if it is by region? Thanks for any tips. -- Tony Morris http

[OSM-talk] UK coastline problem

2009-11-10 Thread Tony Grimley
anyone I can contact who might be able to assist? Tony ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Schengen boundaries

2008-01-19 Thread Tony Bowden
way to say whether it's an open border or a closed border seems much simpler than trying to model relationships at a country level. Tony ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] voting ended? - population

2008-01-16 Thread Tony Bowden
t of date data or crude estimates. And, when better data is available, it's trivial to change it. Tony ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] I've removed historic=icon from map features

2008-01-12 Thread Tony Bowden
speak > german or i'd do it Why does it need a proposal? It was already on Map Features until a unilateral decision to remove it. Now that it's been explained what it is, why not just put it back and document it? Tony ___ talk ma

Re: [OSM-talk] I've removed historic=icon from map features

2008-01-10 Thread Tony Bowden
almost certainly agree with it. Saying that it was removed because there was no real response or no good explanation of what it is, is rather different, though. Tony ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] I've removed historic=icon from map features

2008-01-10 Thread Tony Bowden
in the meantime this was only confusing ... Was my explanation not valid? Tony ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] proposal templates

2008-01-10 Thread Tony Bowden
teArticle These would allow us to create a little 'form' that people can type into when proposing a feature, that will then create the relevant wiki page. Tony ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] voting open - museum

2008-01-10 Thread Tony Bowden
ensibly also be areas? (Plus lots on proposed features) Tony ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] administrative boundaries and is_in

2008-01-10 Thread Tony Bowden
ones (Campione and Büsingen are Italian and German towns in Switzerland, Llívia a Spanish town in France, etc) Usually these are enclaves or exclaves, so slightly easier to deal with, but we need to constantly remember that the world is a very tricky thing to model, with large numbers of quirky

Re: [OSM-talk] voting open - museum

2008-01-10 Thread Tony Bowden
discussion on this somewhere? Would it not make sense to allow all amenity / shop / tourism / historic etc to be areas unless specifically decided otherwise? Tony ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Adding vmap0 road data to OSM

2008-01-05 Thread Tony Bowden
ikely to fix data that's wrong, or to add data that's missing? I don't have an answer to that. I suspect for wikis in general it's the first, but moving misplaced roads in OSM is harder than an average wiki edit, so I'm even less sure here. Tony ___

Re: [OSM-talk] Freemap - now using standard tiling system with wider range of zoom levels

2008-01-05 Thread Tony Bowden
Nick Whitelegg wrote: > Freemap ... starts with a map of the > whole UK making it easier to locate any part of the country. As long as you don't want to go further north than Edinburgh? Tony ___ talk mailing list talk@openstreetm

Re: [OSM-talk] Recent Potlatch changes

2007-12-30 Thread Tony Bowden
h'. It would be nice if this worked with TAB as well, of course, but in the meantime if you can retrain your fingers then you can avoid that up-arrow. Tony ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Yahoo's imagery VS Google's imagery?

2007-12-29 Thread Tony Bowden
hoo's, particularly in cities. But there are also quite a few places where Yahoo provides traceable imagery in locations where Google doesn't, mostly outside cities. It's not quite as simple as breadth vs depth but I'd hope that if we got permission to use Google then we'

Re: [OSM-talk] route pub_crawl

2007-12-29 Thread Tony Bowden
ot / whatever in each location. A favourite of many a freshers' week is the Three-legged golf pub crawl, where teams of two have one leg each tied together and and they have to down a shot apiece at each of 18 pubs. (Less versions allow them to altern

[OSM-talk] UK 'C' roads, 'ref', and Potlatch

2007-12-20 Thread Tony Bowden
s to make sense to add it. I'm not sure though whether this is just a feature request for Potlatch, or whether there's previous discussion that led to its current behaviour. Thoughts? Tony [1] [2] Although they're