Re: [Talk-de] Motorway im Atlantik

2009-08-25 Thread Peter Körner
ich überlege gerade, ob es vielleicht nicht sinnvoll wäre, so etwas wie eine Spielwiese einzurichten. Ich sehe den Vorteil zum Speichern-Modus von Potlatch nicht (JOSM hat sowas ja systembedingt). Lg, Peter ___ Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Umgehungsstraße vs. Landstraße

2009-08-25 Thread Peter Körner
Hi Wir haben in unserem Ort eine Landsrtraße, welche kurvig mitten durch den Ortskern führt (aka Alzeyer/Mainzer/Wormser Straße). Zusätzlich gibt's eine Umgehungsstraße (aka Bahnstraße), jedoch nur als gut ausgebaute Ortsstraße definiert ist. - der Start ist hier

Re: [OSM-talk] [Maps-l] using default country name

2009-08-23 Thread Peter Körner
I have read the above mentioned discussion[1] (unfortunately it is spread among two mailing lists) Sorry for that. (1) Default tags can be changed. We should remember that default tags can be edited by somebody later and they will no longer be good for other languages. This will mark all

Re: [OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-21 Thread Peter Körner
/8/09, Peter Körner wrote: If you have some kind of database anyway (e.g. postgis for mapnik-rendering on cassini, it shouldn't be the problem. I have a suitable query, I just don't know how to turn the query into kml data, such as lines. select way from

Re: [OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-21 Thread Peter Körner
admin_level=2 is country level, 4 and lower for state and regional boundaries. I'm aware of that and the admin_level=2 is only used in the subquery to determine the boundary of germany. The main query runs without a admin_level-condition, only with boundary='administrative', does it? Peter

Re: [OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-21 Thread Peter Körner
John Smith schrieb: --- On Sat, 22/8/09, Peter Körner wrote: I'm aware of that and the admin_level=2 is only used in the subquery to determine the boundary of germany. The main query runs without a admin_level-condition, only with boundary='administrative', does

Re: [OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-21 Thread Peter Körner
John Smith schrieb: --- On Sat, 22/8/09, Peter Körner wrote: Any :) I'm just getting started. I tried to find any boundaries in a given Area, in this case in Germany. Leave admin_level= out of the query Thank you for the hint :) Please take a look at my query

Re: [OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-21 Thread Peter Körner
John Smith schrieb: --- On Sat, 22/8/09, Jon Burgess wrote: This admin.kml loads up fine in GoogleEarth and the boundaries appear as lines. Thanks for your help, just admin_level=10 information for only the Australia region is 186M uncompressed and 76M when

[OSM-talk] Mysterious PostGIS Problem with Polygons

2009-08-21 Thread Peter Körner
The second should fetch the border of Germany and the first one all boundaries in that. At least that's what I want it to do :) I just ran that query on my database and used name='Australia' and it works as you thought it should. Yes, you're right. It works with Nederland, Australia,

Re: [Talk-de] Siche selbst überschneidende Wege in Deu tschland

2009-08-21 Thread Peter Körner
Gary68 schrieb: Hi, habe einen kleinen Checker geschrieben, der selbst überschneidende Wege findet. Ich weiß, der OSM Inspektor macht das auch. Bei mir gibt es aber die berüchtigten Listen :-) Viel Spaß Gerhard

Re: [Talk-de] Siche selbst überschneidende Wege in Deu tschland

2009-08-21 Thread Peter Körner
Peter Körner schrieb: Gary68 schrieb: Hi, habe einen kleinen Checker geschrieben, der selbst überschneidende Wege findet. Ich weiß, der OSM Inspektor macht das auch. Bei mir gibt es aber die berüchtigten Listen :-) http

Re: [Talk-de] OSMdocs letzter Stand?

2009-08-21 Thread Peter Körner
Kurzzusammenfassung: Ich bin nicht mehr so aktiv in OSM und hatte das daher ein bißchen auf Eis gelegt. Will es aber wieder reaktivieren habe nun aber Probleme die Daten zu verarbeiten (mir fehlt ein Rechner mit viel RAM) - der Prozess läuft grad aber ob der jemals fertig wird ist ne andere

Re: [Talk-de] Twitterbots

2009-08-21 Thread Peter Körner
Oder anders, was ist erforderlich um so einen Bot aufzusetzen? Nicht viel. Steht alles hier: Peter ___ Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner
Has anyone ever made an whether-overlay for openstreetmap using the Google [1] or the Yahoo API [2]? I think this would be possible with mapnik: * load a planet.osm into some kind of db (or process it in-place with a sax-parser) * find the regions with ZIP, PLZ or whatever * fetch the

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner
Wmm why can't we say: 1L for the leftmost lane 2L for the second lane from left 1R for the rightmost lane where left and right is seen in driving-direction. So then the 2 rightmode lane seperates you can talk about 1R and 2R. Peter Yann Coupin schrieb: Plus what does inner mean on a oneway

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner
The building tag could be a multiple value tag like building, so: business=yes or business=printer or business=pr_consultant or business=logistics or business=medical_devices or ... If it's a building use building=yes if it's a business-building use building=business if you know

Re: [OSM-talk] Business Building Conventions

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner
IN such circumstances I use building=... or landuse=retail to outline the combined structure or area, and then use landuse=retail NODES within them to label each unit How can a node be of any landuse - it's no land, just a 0-dimensional point.. Peter

Re: [OSM-talk] Weather overlay

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner
Any suggestions on exporting admin boundaries from a database to kml format? If you have some kind of database anyway (e.g. postgis for mapnik-rendering on cassini, it shouldn't be the problem. You may also try query2map [1]. If none of this works for you, you may consider processing a

Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: my JOSM 1981 + wmsplugin does not work :(

2009-08-20 Thread Peter Körner
Hi PB, you're wrong here. Go to josm ticket-system [1] and search for a ticket. If you're unable to find one, describing your problem, ask at the josm-dev list [2] or, if you're really sure that this is a bug (all components up2date and still happening), open a new ticket at [1]. Good luck!

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-19 Thread Peter Körner
andrzej zaborowski schrieb: 2009/8/19 Peter Körner andrzej zaborowski schrieb: 2009/8/18 Peter Körner Namely they are and which are both

Re: [OSM-talk] GSoC End: signFinder

2009-08-19 Thread Peter Körner
Since this version can't be trained to handle white background signs, I wonder what color are streetname signs around the world? Netherlands white on blue Sweden black on white German Black on White (newer) or White on dark Blue (older, but not uncommon) and sometimes White on dark Red

Re: [OSM-talk] Lane turn restrictions

2009-08-19 Thread Peter Körner
What's left to be clarified is how lanes are numbered. I'd suggest to be the inner one to be 1, ascending the more you're going to the border Peter ___ talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Postal_code oder addr:postcode

2009-08-19 Thread Peter Körner
Im Gegenteil: Duplizierte Daten sind prima, wenn sie voneinander abweichen. Dann erkennt man nämlich sehr einfach, dass was nicht stimm und kann es fixen. Wenn man die Daten nur einmal hat und sie sind falsch, kann ich das nicht erkennen. :-) Das sehe ich anders. man bezieht sich hierbei nur

Re: [Talk-de] Knicks (Wallhecken) einzeichnen

2009-08-19 Thread Peter Körner
Nein, m.E. nicht. Buschland/Unterholz hat mit einer Hecke auf einem Wall nichts zu tun. Ich halte auch barrier für das bessere tag. Wenn man (evtl. zusätzlich und je nach Breite und Breitenänderung) auch eine Fläche markieren will, sollte man dafür was neues erfinden und nicht was

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
Lennard schrieb: Peter Körner wrote: It reaches 100% when /Tromelin Island /is set to not-ok. I got Bahasa Indonesia at 229/230 with 2 countries (Tromelin, Turkey) as not ok. This happened because some countries were degraded to states, so they don't show up in the list but are still

Re: [OSM-talk] Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
This is not possible at the moment, as the list is based upon the list of existing wikipedias [1]. Which language do you want to add? Send me the name, the code, and the link to an wiki article and i'll think about how to add it. Peter [1]

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
Hi As I guessed the bug with the 100% comes from countries that aren't countries anymore. They are removed from the list with the hourly update, but if you got your list open while this happens you can still mark it as ok. so we got a country that only exists in this language - and more than

Re: [OSM-talk] GSoC End: signFinder

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
Whooohoow this is so cool! Looks like a lot of Voodoo to me :) As I saw from the samples It doesn't work well on blurred images, so it won't work with sth. like a helmet or a car camera, would it? Peter Tijs Zwinkels schrieb: Hey All, As of yesterday, the Google Summer of Code has ended.

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
andrzej zaborowski schrieb: 2009/8/18 Peter Körner Namely they are and which are both islands now. By the way i added

Re: [Talk-de] Metadaten in OSM

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
Hi ich würde auf den on the ground-Ansatz verweisen: Wenn etwas tatsächlich auf der Erde existiert (z.B. fixme=incomplete - der weg existiert tatsächlich, fehlt aber in osm) würd ich's als Tag hinterlegen. Meta-Infos, die keinen direkten Bezug zu Dingen auf der Erde haben

Re: [Talk-de] Metadaten in OSM

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
Hi Warum nicht eine Liste mit den BoundingBoxen der Regionen machen, wo man seine Teilnahme eintragen kann. Die BBox kann man dann mit einem Josm-Link (siehe Josm-Remote-Plugin) schnell mal in Josm runter laden. Lg, Peter Werde versuchen die Qualitaetssicherung mehr relationsorientiert zu

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen überwechen

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
Ich kenne mich mit Relationen noch nicht sonderlich gut aus, aber das gibt doch jedes mal eine aktualisierung der Version der Relation, oder? Also könnte sich eine entsprechende Überwachung doch darauf stützen.. Peter Florian Lohoff schrieb: On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 04:42:15PM +0200, Matthias

Re: [Talk-de] ZoneImport

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
I'm sorry from the german part I did not understand what you're trying to do or what you're doing. Is any one able to translate the dutch text to english or directly to proper german? Entschuldige bitte, ich konnte aus dem deutschen Teil nicht erkennen, was du zu tun planst oder bereits

Re: [Talk-de] ZoneImport

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
Ich danke dir. Peter So wie ich es verstanden habe, hat die niederländische Regierung die Tarifzonen des ÖPNVs bereitgestellt. Diese möchte er nun importieren und mit den vorhandenen Haltestellen verbinden. Was allerdings fehlt, sind die Grenzbereiche (EUREGIO etc.). @Thomas: *freu*

Re: [Talk-de] Batchverarbeitung von OSM Daten

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
Ooops, falscher Thread, hm? Peter Dies ist nicht nur beim Bereitstellen von (Höhendaten-)Daten durch Behörden problematisch. Auch, wenn man mit einem Garmin GPSmap 60 CSx mappt, hat man massenhaft Höhendaten von einem barometrisch geeichten Höhenmesser (denke diese Quelle ist recht

Re: [Talk-de] Postal_code oder addr:postcode

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
Tobias Wendorff schrieb: Jan Tappenbeck schrieb: Nun möchte ich auch noch pro PLZ-Zelle die Zahl darstellen lassen. Sollte ich hierfür einen Node mit addr:postcode oder postal_code setzen ??? Öhm, wieso nicht beides? Weil duplizierte Daten immer dann böse werden, wenn sie voneinander

Re: [Talk-de] Vermessung der Höhen von Hessen

2009-08-18 Thread Peter Körner
Soweit ich weiß werden die Höhenangaben über die hochgeladenen gpx-Tracks mit erfasst (s. z.B. . da stehen ele-Tags mit der Höhenangabe drin.) Damit sind diese Daten durchaus in OSM verfügbar, nur nicht in der Haupt-Datenbank. Diese Daten sollten

Re: [OSM-talk] Link for editing via JOSM-remote-control-plugin

2009-08-17 Thread Peter Körner
This is true if you use Greasemonkey to *remove* existing josm-links, but (in my eyes) not if you're proposing a Greasemonkey-script to add them. Peter These kinds of things can easily be fixed using a tool like Greasemonkey. I've made a few scripts myself, but none that is suitable for

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-17 Thread Peter Körner
Thank you for the bug-report, i'll check both bugs soon. Peter I think there was a bug introduced during resorting of the list or during the transition from zh-classic - zh-classical. The list behaves strange. Once I noticed that when i changed a country name in one language, the status

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen überwechen

2009-08-17 Thread Peter Körner
Falk Zscheile schrieb: Hallo, gibt es eine Möglichkeit Relationen bzw. die an ihnen vorgenommenen Änderungen automatisch zu überwachen? Es scheint ja doch hin und wieder vorzukommen, dass etwas aus Versehen gelöscht wird. Je später so etwas entdeckt wird, um so komplizierter ist ja die

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen überwechen

2009-08-17 Thread Peter Körner
Ich werde das als Tool auf dem Wikimedia-Toolserver einrichten mit RSS und Mail-Push. In kann ich's nicht integireren. Peter Alexander Menk schrieb: Peter Körner wrote: Falk Zscheile schrieb: gibt es eine Möglichkeit Relationen bzw. die an ihnen vorgenommenen Änderungen

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik render

2009-08-16 Thread Peter Körner
Peteris Krisjanis schrieb: HI there! I am new to this list, so if this question is already answered, please don't be harsh :) I browsed archive, and I didn't saw anything for answer, but maybe I didn't look hard enough. As far as I understand mapnik render rules have been subject of

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-16 Thread Peter Körner
Maarten Deen schrieb: Peter Körner wrote: Hello OSM folks For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, that a lot of countries are not translated yet. To get an overview over the status and make

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-16 Thread Peter Körner
Marc Schütz schrieb: Still I think a case could be made for country names to be different: most of them are so prominent that I would say they exist in most languages, even if they are identical to the native names. For example, the German names for most European countries are different from

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-16 Thread Peter Körner
Jonas Häggqvist schrieb: Peter Körner wrote: Marc Schütz schrieb: [Should name:xx equal to name tags stay or not?] In my eyes the rule should be: If it has a name in language xxx *that differs from it's native name*, then add a name:xxx tag That seemed sensible to me also, but now that I

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-16 Thread Peter Körner
Arlindo Pereira schrieb: I need some advice: I'm currently translating the names to Portuguese, and for some countries the portuguese name differ from the brazilian portuguese (which I speak) to the european portuguese. So, should I tag, official_/name:pt=one of the forms or

Re: [Talk-de] Was tun bei massiver Abweichung zwischen OSM und GPX-Daten?

2009-08-16 Thread Peter Körner
Bernd Hohmann schrieb: Chris-Hein Lunkhusen schrieb: ich werde hier noch wahnsinnig... War das im Wald ? Wald schon, an den Stellen mit massiver Abweichung hab ich aber immer nachgeschaut was das Garmin meinte genau zu sein (6m) und hatte mir mit Trimble Planning auch ein Fenster

Re: [Talk-de] Meinen selbstgerenderten Tiles fehlt etwas

2009-08-16 Thread Peter Körner
Tobias Wendorff schrieb: Am So, 16.08.2009, 12:02 schrieb Rainer Knaepper: Sollte sowas nicht irgendwo ins wiki? Ist doch, nur die zickt manchmal ein wenig. Funktioniert aber natürlich auch ;-) Dann stell doch bitte auch deine, verbesserte Version ins Wiki. Ich bin z.B. zunächst daran

Re: [Talk-de] Was tun bei massiver Abweichung zwischen OSM und GPX-Daten?

2009-08-16 Thread Peter Körner
Bernd Hohmann schrieb: Peter Körner schrieb: Ich glaube Mitteln bezog sich darauf zwischen mehreren Tracks den besten mittelwert zu erfassen. Also: Nochmal ablaufen und vergleichen. Mehrfach ablaufen fände ich jetzt nicht so glücklich, ich möchte ja gerne Abwechslung wenn ich schonmal

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-15 Thread Peter Körner
Marc Schütz schrieb: But this implicates that if there is no different name, no name:xx-tag should be set (even if it's not *bad* to have one, its also not *necessary*). Do you agree with that, Marc? I was replying in a hurry, and I see now that it is not as easy as I thought it to be. I

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-14 Thread Peter Körner
. It's too easy to read through the names and mark them as OK without thinking too much. /Erik Peter Körner skrev: No, just mark it as ok. If there's an existing one with an identical name you may also delete the needless translation. I'll add some highlight to those needless

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-14 Thread Peter Körner
Micha Ruh schrieb: Hallo Peter! Ich habe ein paar Übersetzungen mit Hilfe deines sehr gelungenen Tools und Wikipedia erstellt. Dabei ist mir bei der Sprache der traditionellen chinesischen Schriftzeichen eine Inkonsistenz zwischen Deinem Tool und Wikipedia aufgefallen: Es werden

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-14 Thread Peter Körner
Marc Schütz schrieb: What is the opinion for translations that are the same in other languages? For instance: Andorra is Andorra in a lot of languages. Do you add a translation even though the translation is the same as the original name? Maarten No, just mark it as ok. If there's an

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-14 Thread Peter Körner
Martin Koppenhoefer schrieb: Am 14. August 2009 13:34 schrieb Peter Körner I understand your concerns when looking at the country-level, but what should we do on the city-level? add the name of all cities in all languages as a translation? Or: what should we do

Re: [Talk-de] [Fwd: [OSM-talk] Server Down Time - 22nd to 23rd August 2009]

2009-08-14 Thread Peter Körner
Martin Koppenhoefer schrieb: 2009/8/14 Frederik Ramm Hallo, am 22./23.8. werden die OSM-Server ( und API) nicht erreichbar sein. Der Tile-Server wird vielleicht irgendwie weiterlaufen koennen, das ist noch unklar. Grund sind Wartungsarbeiten am

Re: [Talk-de] [Fwd: [OSM-talk] Server Down Time - 22nd to 23rd August 2009]

2009-08-14 Thread Peter Körner
Martin Koppenhoefer schrieb: Am 14. August 2009 17:41 schrieb Peter Körner Weiss jemand, wie die derzeitige Serverkonfiguration ist, bzw. wieviel größer/besser die neuen Server bzw. Upgrades sind? Steht am Ende der englischen Mail: 2:

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
Maarten Deen schrieb: Peter Körner wrote: Hello OSM folks For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, that a lot of countries are not translated yet. To get an overview over the status and make

Re: [OSM-talk] Incorrectly tagged place=country nodes

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason schrieb: The multilingual-country-list[1] tool reveals a bunch of nodes that are tagged place=country but aren't so by anyone's definition. For example the uninhabited Bassas da India atoll[2]. There are also various overseas territories of the UK which should

Re: [OSM-talk] Tag official_name ? (was Multilingual Country-List)

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
Pieren schrieb: On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:08 AM, andrzej wrote: The instructions at the top of the pages could also mention the official_name:* tags - I don't know if these are approved in any way but I found they were on some of the nodes and I thought it was a

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
Jonas Häggqvist schrieb: Peter Körner wrote: Hello OSM folks For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, that a lot of countries are not translated yet. If you need help translating country

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
andrzej zaborowski schrieb: 2009/8/13 Lauris Bukšis-Haberkorns To me it seems standard MIT license. Maybe someone could contact them about country name data import into OSM and ask special permision? There are probably more complete sources like the wikipedia page titles

Re: [OSM-talk] [Maps-l] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
Maarten Dammers schrieb: Hi Peter, Peter Körner schreef: Hello OSM folks For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, that a lot of countries are not translated yet. I see you created your

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
Maarten Deen schrieb: Peter Körner wrote: Hello OSM folks For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, that a lot of countries are not translated yet. To get an overview over the status and make

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
Peter Körner schrieb: Hello OSM folks For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, that a lot of countries are not translated yet. To get an overview over the status and make translating those

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM status POIs?

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
Morten Kjeldgaard schrieb: I realized when mapping today that it would be very useful to have a set of OSM status POIs that you could use to mark the status of the mapping at certain places. I find I sometimes have to skip roads, tracks or paths, because I am too tired, don't have

Re: [Talk-de] HTML taget für JOSM links...

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
André Riedel schrieb: was ist die beste lösung? Mir würde am besten gefallen, wenn gar nichts geöffnet wird, sondern alles im Hintergrund abläuft, ähnlich wie Dort läuft das über ein verstecktes iframe-Element hiddenIframe, das die Links als target haben. Wollte ich auch

Re: [Talk-de] Doppelte Wege - Untersuchung

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
Steffen Wolf schrieb: Hi Andre Hinrichs, Ich bereite mal eine GPX-Datei fuer ganz Deutschland vor, mit Wegen mit mehr als 4 gemeinsamen Knoten. Damit koennte man in JOSM schnell die Fehler entfernen. Ich halt mich aber lieber mit Aenderungen mangels Ortskenntnis zurueck.

Re: [Talk-de] Doppelte Wege - Untersuchung

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
Steffen Wolf schrieb: Ich koennte irgendwelche taeglichen Diffs einspielen, um die Downloadmenge zu verringern. Und ich koennte eine bz2-xml-Einleseroutine fuer das C-Programm gebrauchen. Ich kann ja mal was zurechthacken, bislang sind naemlich die OSM-Dateien vorhersehbar eingerueckt.

Re: [Talk-de] HTML taget für JOSM links...

2009-08-13 Thread Peter Körner
Florian Lohoff schrieb: On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 07:49:15PM +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote: Hallo, Florian Lohoff wrote: Alternativ ein javascript snippet was ein AJAX call macht ;) Da geht nicht wegen der same origin-Sicherheitspolicy. Okay - dann dom node mit was anhaengen ;) JQuery, extjs

[OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-12 Thread Peter Körner
Hello OSM folks For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, that a lot of countries are not translated yet. To get an overview over the status and make translating those countries more easy, I

Re: [OSM-talk] [Maps-l] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-12 Thread Peter Körner
Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason schrieb: On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Peter Kö wrote: Hello OSM folks For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, that a lot of countries are

Re: [OSM-talk] [Maps-l] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-12 Thread Peter Körner
Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason schrieb: On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:53 PM, Peter Kö wrote: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason schrieb: On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Peter Kö wrote: Hello OSM folks For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there

Re: [OSM-talk] Parking and Access

2009-08-09 Thread Peter Körner
Roy Wallace schrieb: On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 5:48 AM, wrote: Hi All, While trying (and failing miserably) to find a parking space in Birmingham (UK) the other day (terrible sign age - talk about leaving it to the last minute - AND to top it all I must have parked in

Re: [Talk-de] Daten aus eTrex H übernehmen

2009-08-07 Thread Peter Körner
Jan Tappenbeck schrieb: Moin ! ein bekannter hat einen **eTrex H und hat mir erzählt das der mit einer seriellen Schnittstelle arbeitet. Sein Rechner hat allerdings keine solche Schnittstelle mehr - nur noch USB. Hat einer von Euch eine Alternative zur Hand? Gruß Jan :-) **

[OSM-talk] Spam on TAH-Map

2009-08-06 Thread Peter Körner
Hi This looks a little like spam to me or at least like bad rendering rules for tah. Can anyone confirm one of these? Peter ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Spam on TAH-Map

2009-08-06 Thread Peter Körner
Peter Körner schrieb: Hi This looks a little like spam to me or at least like bad rendering rules for tah. Can anyone confirm one of these? Peter Addendum: This seems to be bad imports by user cyana: http

Re: [OSM-talk] Spam on TAH-Map

2009-08-06 Thread Peter Körner
Maarten Deen schrieb: Peter Körner wrote: Hi This looks a little like spam to me or at least like bad rendering rules for tah. Can anyone confirm one of these? It looks to me like a lot of place=town nodes have been added

Re: [OSM-talk] Spam on TAH-Map

2009-08-06 Thread Peter Körner
andrzej zaborowski schrieb: 2009/8/6 Peter Körner Maarten Deen schrieb: Peter Körner wrote: Hi This looks a little like spam to me or at least like bad rendering rules for tah. Can anyone confirm one of these?

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM ist nur ein wirrer Haufen bunter Pixel

2009-08-06 Thread Peter Körner
Ulf Lamping schrieb: SLXViper schrieb: Ulf Lamping schrieb: Mag sein das die Bilderfunktion zu viel Speicher verbraucht - benutze ich wie gesagt nicht. Aussagen wie JOSM ist eine Speicherschlampe halte ich aber für viel zu Pauschal. Naja, josm ist in der Tat relativ speicherhungrig - *wenn*

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - 4wd_only

2009-08-05 Thread Peter Körner
Morten Kjeldgaard schrieb: On 05/08/2009, at 10.09, Frederik Ramm wrote: Maybe it makes sense to use a variation of the motorcar tag which is already widely used to model car access (e.g. highway=tertiary, motorcar=4wdonly - or even highway=tertiary, motorcar=no, motorcar:4wd=yes or

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - 4wd_only

2009-08-05 Thread Peter Körner
John Smith schrieb: --- On Wed, 5/8/09, Peter Körner wrote: But never the less I think if 4wd-only is common in that region, why not tag it? The more data, the better. But I'm unsure if the renderer should implement it, as it could just be used in this area

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - 4wd_only

2009-08-05 Thread Peter Körner
David Lynch schrieb: On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 09:45, Morten wrote: So using the surface=* tag is a better approach IMHO to warn that a road is in a bad shape for ordinary traffic. Surface alone doesn't tell you enough. A standard car can handle just about any

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - 4wd_only

2009-08-05 Thread Peter Körner
Jonathan Bennett schrieb: Morten Kjeldgaard wrote: Remember that data is no good if it's not rendered, Remember that rendering a map isn't the only use for geodata. And also remember that the Main-OSM-Mapnik renderer isn't the only one out there. If someone wants to render a map with this

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - 4wd_only

2009-08-05 Thread Peter Körner
John Smith schrieb: --- On Wed, 5/8/09, Morten Kjeldgaard wrote: Remember that data is no good if it's not rendered, and the software can't be expected to deal with a gazillion different situations. It's better to keep the data general. So using the surface=* tag is

Re: [OSM-talk] Potlatch really slow

2009-08-04 Thread Peter Körner
Mike Ryan schrieb: Hi All I'm trying to update the map using a GPS trace I took while on holiday in Udine in Northern Italy However, the map itself is really slow to show all the existing ways once I go into edit mode - I have already

Re: [OSM-talk] Potlatch really slow

2009-08-04 Thread Peter Körner
Richard Fairhurst schrieb: Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: I also experienced the same issue when mapping in Italy. When I was in Germany, it was a completely different potlatch-experience and I was sorry for blaming potlatch in the past ;-) :) Potlatch is indeed quite sensitive to

Re: [OSM-talk] (no subject)

2009-08-04 Thread Peter Körner
I think name should be what the shop is called like (e.g. what stands on a sign on top / in front of it). If there are additional information like the operator it could be added via an additional tag but not as part of the name. Peter Shaun McDonald schrieb: Could you please give examples of

Re: [OSM-talk] Multiple nodes for one country

2009-08-03 Thread Peter Körner
Peter Körner schrieb: andrzej zaborowski schrieb: Hi Peter, I don't think anybody has a reason to object to merging them. At least me and User:Mala have been merging some of these nodes last week and we got no blackmail so far :) I believe we went through all the country nodes which didn't

[OSM-talk] Multiple nodes for one country

2009-08-02 Thread Peter Körner
I noticed that for some countries there seems to be more than one node. E.g. for Slovakia there are 5:

Re: [OSM-talk] Multiple nodes for one country

2009-08-02 Thread Peter Körner
andrzej zaborowski schrieb: Hi Peter, I don't think anybody has a reason to object to merging them. At least me and User:Mala have been merging some of these nodes last week and we got no blackmail so far :) I believe we went through all the country nodes which didn't have a name:pl= or

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