Re: [OSM-talk-be] GR Flanders data available for mapping!

2016-06-16 Thread joost schouppe
Hoi, De mensen van GR hebben per provincie mensen die de paden in hun eigen streek goed kennen. ZIj zijn verantwoordelijk voor het onderhoud van de GPX'en die je op de website van de GR kunt vinden. In de week van 4 of 11 juli, zouden we met hen kunnen afspreken. Wie mee wil, stuur mij een

Re: [OSM-talk-be] GR Flanders data available for mapping!

2016-06-08 Thread joost schouppe
GR wil een artikel schrijven voor hun tijdschrift "Op Weg". Deadline is 20 juni. Tegen dan komt er ook al een (beknopter) bericht op hun website over de samenwerking. Het nummer zal in de bus vallen begin augustus bij 5000 leden en is ook te vinden in de betere tijdschriftenhandel. Het artikel zou

Re: [OSM-talk-be] GR Flanders data available for mapping!

2016-06-06 Thread Marc Gemis
With a server you could also keep count of the number of relations over time and monitor changes. That is what Wambacher does for admin boundaries. So you will also see when people delete route relations, something that is harder to do with Josm and Overpass. You might also monitor large changes

Re: [OSM-talk-be] GR Flanders data available for mapping!

2016-06-06 Thread Jo
We're doing that in JOSM. It isn't very hard to download all relations of a given type for a region using Overpass and then run JOSM's validator on it. I then fix the problem. The validator usually reports some other problems, which I also resolve, then upload. The run the validator on the whole

Re: [OSM-talk-be] GR Flanders data available for mapping!

2016-06-06 Thread Marc Gemis
On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Jo wrote: > Darya is working on such a tool for public transport (GSoC project). I don't > think it would be very hard to extend it to walking and cycle routes. But > let's see in a month or 2 if there is time left to do that. > Will that be a

Re: [OSM-talk-be] GR Flanders data available for mapping!

2016-06-02 Thread Erik B
Just take care with using the GPX files on the GR Vlaanderen website to _correct_ GR routes on OpenStreetMap without further concerns. The GPX files on that GR website are not always up to date. You should at least take in account the route corrections 'Trajectwijzigingen' on the GR website

[OSM-talk-be] GR Flanders data available for mapping!

2016-06-02 Thread joost schouppe
Good news everyone! We're going on a long hike! After contacts initiated by Jo, licencing advice by Glenn and Ben, and a talk with Wouter and myself, the Flemish GR organization today gave us the explicit permission to use the GPX files of their routes for improving the GR routes mapped in OSM.