[Talk-de] Fragen an die Kandidaten (was: Vorstandswahlen der OSMF ...)

2020-11-08 Thread Roland Olbricht via Talk-de
Hallo zusammen, außer der Kandidatur läuft auch sehr bald die Frist für Fragen an die Kandidaten ab: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Foundation/AGM20/Election_to_Board#Community_questions_to_OSMF_board_candidates.2C_upon_which_the_official_set_will_be_based Damit da überhaupt was steht,

Re: [Talk-de] Vorstandswahlen der OSMF - Kandidatur bis 7.11. Ende des Tages

2020-11-06 Thread Roland Olbricht via Talk-de
Hallo, Im Dezember ist wieder OSMF-Vorstandswahl. In ziemlich genau 52 Stunden ist Ende der Bewerbungsfrist. Wenn ihr Interesse habt, als Vorstandsmitglied zu dienen, könnt ihr Euch hier eintragen: [..]> Ich selber bin ja nun schon eine Weile raus da, aber es ist meiner Ansicht nach eine

Re: [Talk-de] Evangelische Kirchen in Deutschland

2020-10-25 Thread Roland Olbricht via Talk-de
Hallo zusammen, die Idee für die Wochenaufgabe verdient auf jeden Fall Unterstützung. Jenseits des denomination-Tags lohnt es sich bei allen Gemeinden, auch die URL der Gemeinde, die das Gebäude nutzt, einzutragen. Neben der Service-Funktion, um tatsächliche Gottesdienst- und Öffnungszeiten zu

Re: [OSM-talk] Referential integrity of https://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/minute//004/146/694.osc.gz

2020-08-13 Thread Roland Olbricht via talk
Hi all, There is a new release of the Overpass API https://dev.overpass-api.de/releases/osm-3s_v0.7.56.6.tar.gz that adheres to these rules. Unfortunately, getting network communication right is hard. In that version, there is a race condition. For that reason, there is another new release

Re: [OSM-talk] Referential integrity of https://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/minute//004/146/694.osc.gz

2020-08-13 Thread Roland Olbricht via talk
Hi all, in the minute diff, in file https://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/minute//004/146/694.osc.gz the way 40657824 uses node 7804408284, but that node is contained neither in 694.osc.gz nor in any earlier minute diff. It's in 693 as far as I can see? Tom I would like to thank mmd

[OSM-talk] Referential integrity of https://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/minute//004/146/694.osc.gz

2020-08-12 Thread Roland Olbricht via talk
Dear all, in the minute diff, in file https://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/minute//004/146/694.osc.gz the way 40657824 uses node 7804408284, but that node is contained neither in 694.osc.gz nor in any earlier minute diff. In addition, it looks like there are large batches of nodes

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposal for Software Dispute Resolution Panel

2020-08-05 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello, first of all I'm glad to read that the board addresses the sudden funding hole for iD, and does in addition care about the critique around iD. I would like to self-nominate for the software dispute resolution panel. For my understanding of the task please (re-)read

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM nicknames are Unicode characters? (not Ascii?)

2020-05-28 Thread Roland Olbricht
See https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/%F0%9D%96%92%F0%9D%96%86%F0%9D%96%98%F0%9D%96%99%F0%9D%96%97%F0%9D%96%94 URL-Percent-Encoding works fine, so does the involved XML. It is solely a problem of UX software. ___ talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Regionalbahn-Relationen: was in network einzutragen?

2020-04-23 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo Michael, Mir ist noch etwas eingefallen, was bei der Aufgabenträger-Bedeutung problematisch wäre Ich denke mal, dass die Idee hinter dem "network=" urpsrünglich mal war, dass derjenige drinsteht, der die Liniennummer vergibt. Dann ist die Kombination aus network= und ref= für jede Linie

[OSM-talk] Overpass API version 0.7.56

2020-04-13 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear all, I'm back with providing updates. After more than a year I'm proud to present a new release. This release provides some smaller new features. It is possible to use _angle()_ to filter ways by the angles of their inner vertices. This way, you can find e.g. non-rectangular buildings or

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposed new status for tags in the wiki: "import" for undiscussed tags that were only used by an import

2020-03-18 Thread Roland Olbricht
I would like to add a new status to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Approval_status and to Tag and Key pages in the wiki The value "import" would be used for tags that were used in a large import, but are no longer commonly being added. The misunderstanding about "object:street" has

Re: [Diversity-talk] [Osmf-talk] First Meeting of Diversity and Inclusion Special Committee

2020-02-13 Thread Roland Olbricht via Diversity-talk
Hi all, 4) Some aspects of the diversity discussion foreground northern/western participation channels by (for example) wondering why other communities aren't participating in Talk@, SOTM, or other locations. I’m interested in trying to flip this question to ask why core board and community

[OSM-talk] User manual for the Overpass API

2019-12-22 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello, for the Overpass API, a user manual is now accessible at https://dev.overpass-api.de/overpass-doc/en/ Key features: - It is a guided tour (and neither a full reference nor an example library, which both are useful but separate resources) - Focus on long term stable functionality -

Re: [Talk-GB] Reference numbers for UK admin areas?

2019-10-30 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi all, I'm at the moment writing a documentation for the Overpass API. The challenge was to get Overpass to return grit bins in /this /Sutton, and not in all places called Sutton. Coincidentially, I just have translated a section about that type of question:

Re: [Talk-de] Kreuz Werl - seltsame Spurnutzung

2019-10-15 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo Michael, Was für eine Geschwindigkeit sollte vom routing bei signals angenommen werden? Kurzfassung: Ich würde mir 120 km/h für maxspeed=signals und 80 km/h für highway=motorway_link wünschen. Zu maxspeed=signals kenne ich viele der Anlage in NRW https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/N9k Auf

Re: [Talk-de] Fragen, Anregung eines Neulings

2019-10-02 Thread Roland Olbricht
er Fall vorzuführen, warum durch Open Source man schnell den richtigen Ansprechpartner mit dem richtigen Kontext finden kann. Viele Grüße, Roland Olbricht ___ Talk-de mailing list Talk-de@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de

[OSM-talk] Wording (was: Re: From the SotM: tagging session)

2019-09-30 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello, I'm happy to help out understanding the report of the discussion session. It has been a talking point that the wiki should be purely descriptive. There is no objection that people sort out tagging questions in the wiki, but the mixture of purely descriptive and as normative intended

[OSM-talk] From the SotM: tagging session

2019-09-29 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody, I have promised to report results from the tagging session at the SotM. I'm sorry for being late. The good news are that there is a relatively actionable item that has found general acclaim. We would like to have a secondary tag documentation with the properties: - It is

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging Governance

2019-09-11 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody, first of all, I am grateful that the responses have all been calm and well-thought. I will make room in the session to document the results of this discussion. Changing to a github-like system of version management I thought of Git, not Github. This is an important

[OSM-talk] Tagging Governance

2019-09-09 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi all, I have got into the duty to talk about tagging governance on the SotM and I would like to develop that opportunity towards something that is rather helpful in the long term. To ensure that I am on the right track and not unintentionally after a personal agenda I would like to ask you to

[Talk-de] Spielregeln fürs Tagging

2019-09-09 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo zusammen, bei der SotM werde ich eine Stunde zum Thema Tagging moderieren und will die Gelegheit nutzen, etwas möglichst langfristig Hilfreiches zu schaffen. Damit ich dabei nicht meine persönlichen Wünsche über die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse stelle, würde ich mir Rückmeldung wünschen,

[OSM-talk-fr] Gestion des documentation d'attributs

2019-09-09 Thread Roland Olbricht
Bonjour, J'ai le devoir de parler de la gestion des règles des attributs sur la SotM et j'aimerais développer cette opportunité vers quelque truc d'utile à long terme. Pour m'assurer que je suis sur la bonne voie et non pas involontairement après un programme personnel, j'aimerais vous demander

Re: [Talk-de] Änderungen im Wiki: Tag:public transport=platform

2019-08-08 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo Nzara, da pflichte ich Martin dringend bei. Gut 99% aller Name-Nutzungen an public_transport=platform in Deutschland sind die Namen der Station. Ich habe das für die fünf größten Bundesländer ausgezählt: Land Hst mit Name Hstname Steigref NRW673246630466299 5

[Talk-de] Dokumentation zur Overpass API

2019-08-05 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo zusammen, es gibt jetzt ein nutzbares Handbuch zur Overpass API https://dev.overpass-api.de/overpass-doc/de/ Das Handbuch soll einerseits den Wunsch nach einer umfassenden Dokumentation erfüllen, andererseits Features jenseits von schlichtem key=value und Bounding-Box mehr Mappern

[Talk-GB] Displaced nodes

2019-08-04 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear all, there has been a couple of probably accidential movements of thousands of nodes off central London. The changesets in question are most likely 72980739 72980741 72980743 72980748 72980751 72980758 72980760 72980761 72980762 72980765 72980767 I'm attempting to revert them right now.

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Anyone who likes to organize an ID discussion panel at SotM?

2019-06-04 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, reading the discussions about the direction of ID development and how the community wants the ID at the OSM website I had the idea that there could perhaps be a panel at SotM. Does anyone want to organize an ID discussion panel at SotM? Please tell me or us (program committee in CC) and we

Re: [Talk-de] Erreichbarkeit von Adressen

2019-05-03 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo zusammen, Wie hast du die Auswertung erstellt, mit Overpass turbo evtl.? Kannst du die Abfrage bekanntgeben? Ohne zu wissen, wie Florian das konkret gemacht hat. Es funktioniert https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/IF0 Empfohlene Zoom-Level 13-19. Liste der Highway-Typen in Zeile 1,

Re: [OSM-talk] usefulness of brand:wikipedia and brand:wikidata tags (was Re: Bank of India (and other) Wikidata tags)

2019-04-18 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear Andy, I would like to use a metaphor: If I had known that the captain of the Titanic considered the ship unsinkable then I had not boarded the ship. Not so much because I had been interested in the captain's belief but because believing to be unsinkable is way too little for a contingency

Re: [OSM-talk] problems with differential update?

2019-04-11 Thread Roland Olbricht
Unzipping and re-zipping helps so it is not actually an error in the OSM data. AFAIK both sys admins are currently unavailable so it will take a while to fix. There has been any problem at all here on the Overpass API instances: I got from the server within seconds

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Overpass API en grève

2019-03-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
Bonjour, l'Overpass API a returnée à operation normale. Je veux remercier l'association OpenStreetMap France pour la traduction de l'information sur la problème a https://www.openstreetmap.fr/copyright-article-13/ Roland ___ Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Overpass API turned off due to Upload Filter thread

2019-03-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody, Overpass API is now back to normal operations. Thank you for your understanding. To ensure that OpenStreetMap will have a place in the future, it still makes sense to phone (yes, phone) your member of the EP. Platforms that assist on that are: https://pledge2019.eu/en

Re: [Talk-de] Overpass API wegen Upload-Filtern temporär aus

2019-03-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo zusammen, danke für das Verständnis und die positive Rückmeldung. Die Overpass API ist jetzt wieder im Normalbetrieb. Es ergibt natürlich trotzdem Sinn, weiterhin die EU-Abgeordneten anzurufen, siehe https://www.openstreetmap.de/uf/ Viele Grüße, Roland

Re: [Talk-de] Overpass API wegen Upload-Filtern temporär aus

2019-03-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo zusammen, Super, dass eine weiterhin funktionstüchtige Alternative eingerichtet wurde -- leider erhalte ich dort aber nur einen 403-Fehler. Ist da eventuell ein Konfigurationsfehler drin? Der Zugriff z.B. mit der URL https://overpass-api.de/no_art11art13/interpreter?data=out; sollte

[OSM-talk-fr] Overpass API en grève

2019-03-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
Bonjour, le Parlement européen va voter la Proposition de directive sur le droit d'auteur dans le marché unique numérique. Cette proposition menace l'existence d'OpenStreetMap par des affaires juridiques tres cheres. Les articles problematiques sont article 11 et article 13. Un loi comme

[OSM-talk] Overpass API turned off due to Upload Filter thread

2019-03-20 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody, on 26th March the European parliament will vote on the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. This directive would as a side effect threaten the OpenStreetMap project with substantial legal and technical burdens, see https://www.openstreetmap.de/uf/en.html To

[Talk-de] Overpass API wegen Upload-Filtern temporär aus

2019-03-20 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo zusammen, am 26. März soll das EU-Parlament über eine Urheberrechtsreform abstimmen, die als Seiteneffekt unter anderem OpenStreetMap gefährdet. Details siehe https://www.openstreetmap.de/uf/ Um alle Nutzer auf die Möglichkeiten zu Protesten hinzuweisen, schließen sich mehrere OSM-Dienste

Re: [OSM-talk] Relation #2632934 is "killing" differential update

2019-02-11 Thread Roland Olbricht
There must have happened something ugly at versions 99 and 106: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/FYm Thanks for that - yet again something useful in overpass-turbo ("make stat") that I had no idea existed.  Is there any documentation about it anywhere?  There is

Re: [OSM-talk] Relation #2632934 is "killing" differential update

2019-02-11 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, the relevant changesets are 65448087 (for version 99, created_by "upload.py v. 1") and 67093992 (for version 106, created_by "Vespucci"). I cite the user agents because the data looks like unintentionally changed that way. I have left a bug report on Vespucci, see

Re: [OSM-talk] Relation #2632934 is "killing" differential update

2019-02-11 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, > there is a relation https://openstreetmap.org/relation/2632934, which > currently has 42698 members. Processing this rel with osm2pgsql fails, > because this value is bigger than 32737 (small int). this is an Osmosis problem. Nonetheless, the relation does not make sense. It is an

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM augmented reality project - affordable hosting recommendations or Overpass?

2019-02-05 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, As an alternative, I was wondering how acceptable it would be to use the Overpass API to obtain the data? Downloaded data would be cached on the device so for a given area, data would only need to be downloaded once. I'm fine with such a usage. The fine print is about other issues: -

Re: [Talk-de] Overpass Abfrage

2019-01-28 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo, area[name="Rettungsdienstbereich Trier"]; out tags; hat den folgenden Fund: und ( node[amenity=nursing_home](area:3604168993); way[amenity=nursing_home](area:3604168993); relation[type=multipolygon][amenity=nursing_home](area:3604168993); ); out

Re: [Talk-de] Overpass Abfrage

2019-01-28 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, Was ich mich schon lange frage bzw. wünsche ist, dass auch bei anderen Output-Formaten als CSV (also den out settings xml,json,custom,popup) die Rückgabe-Attribute eingeschränkt werden könnten. Grundsätzlich geht das mit "convert", hat aber gewollte Einschränkungen. Beispiel: (

Re: [OSM-talk] Help - how to get rid of wrong image in wiki?

2018-12-20 Thread Roland Olbricht
have found at all. Note that this is referenced on https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisselstrook and this is still referring to reversible lanes in general, not reversible streets. Best regards, Roland -- Dr. Roland Olbricht MENTZ GmbH, Am Mittelhafen 10, 48155 Münster T: +49 (0)251 7 03 30-232, F

Re: [OSM-talk] Ground truth for non-physical objects

2018-12-12 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, I would not be surprised if this was more of a rural/urban divide than a country divide. We had run a building for 15 years without an official address here in Germany, Wuppertal (has more than 350k inhabitants): https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/190295244 To cut the story short: It

[Talk-de] Rein unterirdische Gebäude?

2018-12-11 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo zusammen, aus der Changeset-Diskussion https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/64670512 ist die Frage aufgekommen, ob eine Tiefgarage schon ein Gebäude darstellt, wenn die Zufahrt an einer Seite ebenerdig ist. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass der Betreiber die Tiefgarage "Parkhaus" nennt.

Re: [OSM-talk] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries

2018-11-27 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi all, a much simpler approach is to look into the respective constitution. The Ukrainian constitution defines the state's territory in article 133. Other countries, like Germany do so as well, and Ireland does or has done so. France does not define its terriotry in the constitution, and

Re: [Talk-de] Relation für Gebäude

2018-09-18 Thread Roland Olbricht
Fällen funktioniert). Viele Grüße, Roland (in diesem Fall dienstlich) -- Dr. Roland Olbricht MENTZ GmbH, Am Mittelhafen 10, 48155 Münster T: +49 (0)251 7 03 30-232, F: +49 (0)251 7 03 30-300 E: olbri...@mentz.net, www.mentz.net Sitz der Gesellschaft: Grillparzerstraße 18, 81675 München Geschä

[OSM-talk] No access to Overpass API

2018-09-03 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear all, there have been repeated rumors that Overpass API is not reachable from everywhere. This is of course not intended from my side. There has been the conjecture that censorship is involved. As I do see accesses from 214 countries (ISO 3166-2) in the world in the logfiles, I simply

Re: [Talk-de] Gemeindegrenzen finden

2018-08-27 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo, alle Gemeinden in Bayern als Tabelle: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/BpC Für andere Ziele als Bayern müsste man den Eintrag hinter "area" anpassen. Viele Grüße, Roland ___ Talk-de mailing list Talk-de@openstreetmap.org

Re: [OSM-talk] Representing places with no housenumber

2018-08-22 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi Christoph, You probably have to give a real world example since i have no idea if you want to say you have a building with a unique address consisting of addr:street and addr:postcode (could be if there is only one building at this street or with this postcode) or if you want to defend

Re: [OSM-talk] "Nearby features" does no longer work:

2018-08-06 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello, Tryin go use [?] - feature I get "Error contacting https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter: " I'm sorry for the inconvenience. The problem has been fixed. It essentially has been human error (my error). I would like to thank all the people that have contacted me over various

Re: [Talk-transit] SotM: tram network of Milano

2018-07-28 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody, the code is public available as part of the Overpass API repository and has always been. A pointer to the main file is: https://github.com/drolbr/Overpass-API/blob/minor_issues/src/pt_diagrams/topographic.cc I'm sorry for the confusion. "not publicly announced" shall mean that

[OSM-talk] SotM workshop about Overpass API

2018-07-19 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody, My SotM workshop will be partly or mostly dedicated to a HowTo-and-Q session about Overpass API. This is an experimental format; I would like to test out whether this works as a workshop or not. The stuff about thinking outside the box of the OSM data model shall fill only a

Re: [OSM-talk] API a lot slower?

2018-07-19 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi Maarten, > Nothing special really, I was just downloading the data from a lot of > relations sequentially in JOSM. I downloaded relation 1360154 with its > members which are bus master_relations that then also load the bus > relations but without their contents, and then I selected all the

Re: [Talk-de] OSM + Wikidata: Wikidata property proposal fuer eine OSM node ID

2018-07-10 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo, > Ob OSM "Permanent ID" bereits aus dem Experimentierstadium raus ist, > ist mir unklar. Auf der technischen Ebene ist die Permanent-Id seit Jahren ausgereift. Sie hat aber praktisch keine Akzeptanz. Die Externen suchen da nach einer dauerhaft vergebene Id, und weder Koordinaten nach

[OSM-talk] Overpass API 0.7.55

2018-05-15 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear all, A new release of Overpass API is now available, version 0.7.55. The core feature of this version are geometries for derived objects: We tell and have told since a long time to people who want to mechanical edit the database that they should rewrite the data on the client side. The

Re: [Talk-de] Overpass-Integration meldet seit kurzem "Bad-Request" ohne Code-Änderung

2018-05-07 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo, auf der TüBus-Karte [1] funktioniert seit kurzem -- obwohl der Code nicht geändert wurde -- die Overpass-Abfrage nicht mehr. Der Request wird mit Status 400 beantwortet. Weiß jemand, was sich geändert hat und was ich ändern müsste, damit die Abfrage wieder funktioniert? da muss ich

Re: [OSM-talk] New wave of Pokémon Go mappers – check the parks

2018-04-24 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, Michael, thank you for pointing to the problem. The query finds parks that existed already on April 23rd midnight. I think the relevant parks are rather those parks that have changed since that date. Thus, I suggest the query [timeout:120] [bbox:{{bbox}}]; ( way[leisure=park];

Re: [Talk-transit] stop_position proposal

2018-04-16 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear all, as a follow-up a statistic about whether highway=bus_stop is rather used on-street or off-street. The vast majority is (now) mapping bus stops off the street. The numbers vary, 99% of all bus stops in United Kingdom are mapped off street, about 80%-90% in France, Italy, and Germany.

[Talk-transit] stop_position proposal

2018-04-16 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear all, there is another proposal, distinct from Polyglot's proposal that is in RFC since some days: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Drop_stop_positions_and_platforms Before I tell a personal opinion, I would like to present some related facts. The basic idea is to

Re: [Talk-transit] Proposal for simplification of mapping public transport

2018-04-15 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi Polyglot, https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Public_Transport_map_all_stops_as_nodes I do agree that it would be easier for everyone to have one and only one member on the line relation per actual stop. However, trains and sometimes also trams can have a significant

Re: [OSM-talk] Power Lines and topological error detection

2018-03-06 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, > Various topological errors related to power lines are not detected by > OSM editors. Monitoring the High Voltage power network for Quebec I > often find nodes connecting crossing waterbody, highways, landuse to the > power lines. FWIW, you can find them with a query like

[Talk-de] Verkehrsverbund Mittelsachsen und OSM

2018-02-05 Thread Roland Olbricht
, gern auch mit Themen, die diskutiert werden sollten. Viele Grüße, Roland -- Dr. Roland Olbricht MENTZ GmbH, Am Mittelhafen 10, 48155 Münster T: +49 (0)251 7 03 30-232, F: +49 (0)251 7 03 30-300 E: olbri...@mentz.net, www.mentz.net Sitz der Gesellschaft: Grillparzerstraße 18, 81675 München

[Talk-de] Relationen löschen (was: Königreich Württemberg)

2018-02-02 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo zusammen, ich habe mal eine Anleitung geschrieben, damit man das gut in einem Changeset hinbekommen kann: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:How_to_delete_a_relation Da ich gerade keine löschbedürftige Relation gefunden habe, habe ich das Hochladen nicht ausprobiert. Von der Logik

Re: [OSM-talk] Tool for tag tracking

2018-01-13 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi Pierre, This new query on the test server reports action=deleted when and object is simply modified to remove all tags. See https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/uJ8 Thank you for pointing to this example. To get the information what has happened, please use [adiff:...] instead of [diff:...]. You

Re: [OSM-talk] Tool for tag tracking

2018-01-11 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, for the sake of completeness, I would like to give a preview what is in the development for Overpass API: Similar to this one https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/54268/search-for-objects-created-after-a-certain-date-with-overpass you could nowadays search with

Re: [Talk-de] Tagprioritaet bei OSM-Suche (historic=yes vs. man_made=*)

2018-01-08 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hoi, wenn man in der Kartenansicht auf osm.org mit dem Fragezeichen sucht, dann bekommt man auf der linken Seite eine Trefferliste angezeigt. Keine Ahnung welche Softwarekomponente, die erstellt, jedenfalls wird dort jeweils die Objektnummer und das Haupttag anzeigt, also um was es sich

[OSM-talk] Wiki Proposals: An OSM Echo Chamber?

2017-12-04 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi all, We recently had an experienced and productive community member, Ilya, putting a lot of time in a Wiki Proposal just to see the whole process fail. Given the feedback from the process, this has been due to a whole bunch of hard-to-control problems - the whole thing has been too complex

Re: [Talk-GB] pub defined as a relation

2017-10-25 Thread Roland Olbricht
While i'm here, can anyone tell me why http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/szG does not return nodes and ways-and-their-nodes? It is very similar to the example Thank you for asking. As I will explain below, this is an opportunity to improve the documentation. area[name="Brighton and

Re: [OSM-talk] Could we just pause any wikidata edits for a month or two?

2017-10-24 Thread Roland Olbricht
But what you are saying is very strange if I understood you correctly.  What I read here is that the only people allowed to fix things are those that know ALL tags and their meaning. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Welcome_to_Wikipedia_users#Original_research_always_wins Or similar

Re: [OSM-talk] Could we just pause any wikidata edits for a month or two?

2017-10-23 Thread Roland Olbricht
So, to sum up: 1) There was a link to disambiguation page that no one has corrected until it was detected by Yuri's tool. 2) User kartonage has wrongly linked "Žagarės I piliakalnis" to "Žagarės II piliakalnis" in Wikipedia. 3) You have reverted it back to disambiguation link and no wikidata=*

Re: [Talk-GB] Barriers and PRoWs

2017-10-16 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi Bob, I'm sorry or the late answer. I'm currently not at home. Thus, I'm reading emails less frequent. could the barrier locations be shown on the ways to which they relate in the case of /> 1. to identify PRoWs having stiles/? Yes, that is a useful idea. I suggest

Re: [Talk-GB] Barriers and PRoWs

2017-10-11 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi all, I should be most grateful for assistance in achieving the following > 3. to obtain such results for an individual civil parish, either by > selecting those ways within an admin level 10 boundary named > "Checkendon", say, or selecting those PRoWs whose prow_ref value > contains

Re: [OSM-talk] All the subway systems in the world

2017-10-07 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, I strongly suggest to oppose the proposal. To do so, you need to add {{vote|no}} --[[User:|]] date under the headline == Voting == once voting is opened. Said in short: Adding more contradictions and confusion in public transport mapping makes a too complex topic worse in terms of

Re: [OSM-talk] Draft Trademark Policy

2017-08-05 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi Simon, I appreciate that you have in the past helped to smoothen so much of the law bureaucracy that OpenStreetMap cannot avoid. > It obviously wasn't to complicated and required lawyers to register the > domain names in the first place and as the FAQ says we are only asking > for the

Re: [Talk-de] Public transport V2: wie Fahrt-Nr. zu einer Ref angeben?

2017-06-23 Thread Roland Olbricht
elation angelegt und bisher wird nur im Tag note.de die Fahrt-Nr. >>> gespeichert. Die eine ausgewählte Fahrt-Nr. steht stellvertretend für >>> meist mehrere Fahrt-Nr. >>> >>> Wie soll die Fahrt-Nr. getaggt werden (ich würde dann im Value die >>> gesamten

Re: [Talk-de] Nutzung von building:part durch Mentz GmbH

2017-06-20 Thread Roland Olbricht
building=elevator eintragen Für die Stockwerke ist der Verweis auf building:part auch für mich etwas verwirrend. Ich muss mal herausfinden, ob wir das überhaupt für etwas brauchen. Eigentlich sollte indoor=yes reichen. Viele Grüße, Roland -- Dr. Roland Olbricht MENTZ GmbH, Am Mittelhafen 10

Re: [OSM-talk] HDYC, login requirement and "privacy"

2017-05-09 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, because the whole issue alao affects Overpass API, I have written down my thoughts in a blog post: http://dev.overpass-api.de/blog/fahrenheit_451.html Best regards, Roland ___ talk mailing list talk@openstreetmap.org

Re: [OSM-talk] Finding duplicate cycleways

2017-04-27 Thread Roland Olbricht
http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/oEm Thank you for the link. Unfortunately it does not (yet)catch also the segregated and not-segregated foot-cycle-paths that are tagged using the JOSM presets (highway=path, foot=designated, bicycle=designated, segregated=yes|no)

Re: [OSM-talk] Coordinates in OSM. Really annoying

2017-04-23 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, Is there /really/ any need for *six* coordinate formats? It's hard enough to learn a new process without basics like this tripping you up. There is nobody who is trusted enough to set an universal standard: https://xkcd.com/927/ Basically, there is an ISO standard

Re: [OSM-talk] Follow up on last summer discussion about the Automated Edits Code of Conduct and the DWG

2017-04-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
ctices and then start to make rules on that. Best regards, Roland -- Dr. Roland Olbricht MENTZ GmbH, Am Mittelhafen 10, 48155 Münster T: +49 (0)251 7 03 30-232, F: +49 (0)251 7 03 30-300 E: olbri...@mentz.net, www.mentz.net Sitz der Gesellschaft: Grillparzerstraße 18, 81675 München Geschäft

Re: [OSM-talk] New Overpass API v0.7.54 version

2017-04-03 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody, the blog http://dev.overpass-api.de/blog/ has not only new entries but now also an RSS feed: http://dev.overpass-api.de/blog/rss.xml Cheers, Roland ___ talk mailing list talk@openstreetmap.org

Re: [OSM-talk] New Overpass API v0.7.54 version

2017-03-13 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody, the next blog post is now online: http://dev.overpass-api.de/blog/index.html I will add further post once per week Monday evening without further notice. Cheers, Roland ___ talk mailing list talk@openstreetmap.org

[OSM-talk] New Overpass API v0.7.54 version

2017-03-07 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear all, a new version of Overpass API is now available. It has already been rolled out on a the production server. There are release notes on the releases page in the wiki: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/versions As the new features are quite a lot, I will present them

Re: [Talk-GB] Turbo Overpass Help

2017-02-06 Thread Roland Olbricht
am as area name - use "out meta" instead of "out" to get the metadata as well - prepend the query with a line "[out:csv(::lat,::lon,::timestamp,::user,name)];" to see a condensed table that tells you whether any of these stops have seen recent updates. Regards Rolan

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM - mehr Speicher

2017-01-31 Thread Roland Olbricht
enstrechner liegt im Download-Verzeichnis: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -jar "josm-tested.jar" Grüße Roland -- Dr. Roland Olbricht MENTZ GmbH, Am Mittelhafen 10, 48155 Münster T: +49 (0)251 7 03 30-232, F: +49 (0)251 7 03 30-300 E: olbri...@mentz.n

[Talk-de] Mechanischer Edit: Tag-Anpassung

2017-01-11 Thread Roland Olbricht
ch Auffassung des Bahnhofsbetreibers) auch verkehren. Das es sich um Bahnhöfe in Großstädten handelt, habe ich oft Ortskenntnis, wenn auch bis zu 10 Jahre alt. Was ich bei diesem Edit nicht prüfen würde, ist ob das Schild kürzlich wegvandaliert wurde oder ähnliches. Insofern ist es ein Mechanical Edit.

Re: [Talk-de] 20 City-Zonen in Westfalen

2017-01-05 Thread Roland Olbricht
unter Umständen als Nur-Teilaufgabe miterledigt, auch ein Tool für Shapefiles bekommen, darin geschult werden und wir müssen Support dafür leisten, obwohl alle übrigen Aufgaben mit JOSM gehen. Auch das ist dann eher mit Kanonen auf Spatzen geschossen. Viele Grüße, Roland -- Dr. Roland

[Talk-de] 20 City-Zonen in Westfalen

2016-12-22 Thread Roland Olbricht
isen, dann böte es sich an, den Link hier zu posten. Viele Grüße, Roland (dienstlich) -- Dr. Roland Olbricht MENTZ GmbH, Am Mittelhafen 10, 48155 Münster T: +49 (0)251 7 03 30-232, F: +49 (0)251 7 03 30-300 E: olbri...@mentz.net, www.mentz.net Sitz der Gesellschaft: Grillparzerstraße 18, 816

[OSM-talk] Overhaul of https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Use_OpenStreetMap

2016-11-22 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hello everybody, I would like to overhaul one of the second level landing pages in the wiki https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Use_OpenStreetMap The main reason is that I've found a forum thread with a completely misinformed user https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=56469 When

Re: [Talk-transit] Naming concepts

2016-10-31 Thread Roland Olbricht
ntually resigned. There is quite a vocal part of the community concerned with more rural-style services, and they have defeated so far all apporaches to metropolitan style information to OSM. Best regards, Roland -- Dr. Roland Olbricht MENTZ GmbH, Am Mittelhafen 10, 48155 Münster T: +49 (0)251 7

Re: [OSM-talk] Overpass XAPI URL Status

2016-09-15 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi Bryce, I help support a large company that uses OSM data, pulled via a specific query at ://www.overpass-api.de/api/xapi . This query runs about once a month. thank you for asking back. First about the status: when I last checked some days ago

Re: [Talk-de] Konfigurationsfehler Apache www.openstreetmap.de (WAS: Deutsche Homepage - Fehlermeldung)

2016-08-28 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, es gibt einen ganz neuen Security-Checker von Mozilla. http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Mozilla-bringt-kostenlosen-Sicherheitstest-fuer-Websites-3306197.html An dem beiße ich mir zur Zeit die Zähne aus. Die Details kann ich noch nicht beurteilen, geschweige denn anpassen. Das Ding

[Talk-GB] Overpass API in English

2016-07-26 Thread Roland Olbricht
Dear mappers, I would like to ask those of you that are keen of proper British English to help with the wording of Overpass API. As SomeoneElse pointed out in https://github.com/drolbr/Overpass-API/issues/291 there are messages from Overpass API that are poor language. DaveF has pointed out

Re: [Talk-transit] GTFS, tools and pt tags generally

2016-06-24 Thread Roland Olbricht
I'm sorry if I was unclear. I didn't mean that one person should just blindly dump every GTFS feed into OSM and leave it to others to clean up. I was thinking of something that an individual mapper could use to import the feed(s) in their particular area and resolve conflicts or errors before

Re: [Talk-transit] GTFS, tools and pt tags generally

2016-06-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hi, OTOH, this doesn't seem like a huge problem if we're importing the data from elsewhere using automated tools and only tweaking by hand where it's wrong--and ideally, there should be some sort of feedback mechanism to get the source corrected so even that's a short-term problem. Well,

[Talk-GB] Remove tag "priority" from railways

2016-04-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
quot; from the ways of this line. Best regards, Roland -- Dr. Roland Olbricht mdv - Mentz Datenverarbeitung GmbH Am Mittelhafen 10 48155 Münster e-Mail: olbri...@mentz.net Tel: +49 (0) 251 70330 232 Fax: +49 (0) 251 70330 300 http://www.mentz.net Sitz der Gesellschaft: Grillparzerstraße 18, 81675 Mün

[Talk-de] Eisenbahn-Themen auf osm-nahverkehr

2016-04-13 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo zusammen, bevor jemand sich übergangen fühlt, ein Mechanischer Edit ("priority" von Ways mit "railway" entfernen) und eine Fragestellung zu einem Eisenbahn-Tag ("service"="siding" an wichtigen Bahnhofsgleisen) habe ich auf der Liste

[OSM-talk] RfD notification: Purge tag "priority" from tracks

2016-04-08 Thread Roland Olbricht
like to discuss, please do so there. Best regards, Roland -- Dr. Roland Olbricht mdv - Mentz Datenverarbeitung GmbH Am Mittelhafen 10 48155 Münster e-Mail: olbri...@mentz.net Tel: +49 (0) 251 70330 232 Fax: +49 (0) 251 70330 300 http://www.mentz.net Sitz der Gesellschaft: Grillparzerstraße 18

Re: [Talk-de] Solingen

2016-02-15 Thread Roland Olbricht
Hallo Simon, Ich habe einen Kontakt. via legal-questi...@osmfoundation.org, mit jemand von "Vermessung und Kataster" der Stadt Solingen, der uns anscheinend diverse Strassen(um)benennungen mitteilen will. Der nächstgelegene tatsächlich aktive Stammtisch ist Düsseldorf. In der Umgebung, in

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