Re: Data too long for column errors

2011-08-12 Thread Stephen Rufle
ABC-CATALOG_PROMOTIONS is greater then the default 20 chars On 8/12/2011 12:06 PM, Tim Stoel wrote: I am getting this ³Data too long for column² error when adding a category. I tried using only one character and still get this error. Am I making another parameter too long? I am using 11.04

How to Run OFBiz as Windows Service with Java Service Wrapper

2011-07-22 Thread Stephen Rufle Step 5 of Preparation references Download the files attached to this Wiki Post, to OFBIZ_HOME/win32 : InstallOFBiz.bat, UninstallOFBiz.bat, service.conf. Where are these files?

CreditCard Entity XML export

2011-01-28 Thread Stephen Rufle
I created Credit Card entries using OfBiz 10.04. In the Web Tools and when I export to XML I can see the credit card number I entered in plain text. I expected that they would show up like UserLogin.currentPassword. I am currently using test card numbers. Is it possible there is a property

CheckOutEvents setCheckOutPages

2011-01-28 Thread Stephen Rufle
In CheckOutEvents.setCheckOutPages(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) the lines Line 182 if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(selectedPaymentMethods)) { return error; } prevents a message from being shown on the 3)How shall you pay? step of checkout

Re: CreditCard Entity XML export

2011-01-28 Thread Stephen Rufle On 29/01/2011, at 3:36 AM, Stephen Rufle wrote: I created Credit Card entries using OfBiz 10.04. In the Web Tools and when I export to XML I can see the credit card number I entered in plain text. I expected that they would show up like UserLogin.currentPassword. I am

CMS SIte Content Creation Issue

2010-12-09 Thread Stephen Rufle
I found this issue while trying to create a new top level item like the existing CMS Site Demo screen/decorator example on the left Nave Start at Click the CMS sub-tab next to Parties I am presented with a

Re: Sorting a string column as a number

2010-04-14 Thread Stephen Rufle
want externalId selected for use in the function ]* complex-alias operator=- - seems to require an operator which I do not think I want complex-alias-field entity-alias=A field=externalId default-value=/ /complex-alias /alias Bob Morley wrote: Stephen Rufle wrote: Is there a way

Sorting a string column as a number

2010-04-07 Thread Stephen Rufle
Is there a way to sort a list of GenericValue objects by number on a column that is actually a string representation of a number? Ex. I have a party list where the externalId of the rows are 1,2,...,10,11,...,22. When I query and order by externalId they come back as 1 10 11 2 22 I would

Re: Ordering Products in specific quantity multiples per product

2010-02-23 Thread Stephen Rufle
to write some custom code (and a good error message). -David On Feb 22, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Stephen Rufle wrote: I want a product ABC-001 to only be able to be bought when a quantity of 5, 10, or 15 ... is specified . Otherwise I want to show an error. Ruth Hoffman wrote: Hi Stephen

Ordering Products in specific quantity multiples per product

2010-02-22 Thread Stephen Rufle
I would like to setup product data such that certain products can only be bought is quantities of 5. How would I setup that data?

Re: Ordering Products in specific quantity multiples per product

2010-02-22 Thread Stephen Rufle
I want a product ABC-001 to only be able to be bought when a quantity of 5, 10, or 15 ... is specified . Otherwise I want to show an error. Ruth Hoffman wrote: Hi Stephen: Do you want to display one price for each product or a single price for all 5 products? Regards, Ruth Stephen Rufle

Re: Importing UserLogin rows

2010-01-07 Thread Stephen Rufle
a change in import data which allows that. Look for EncryptedString in datafiles.xsd Jacques From: Stephen Rufle Is there a way to import UserLogin records encrypting their password as the import happens? I found the /ofbiz/framework/security/config/

Importing UserLogin rows

2010-01-05 Thread Stephen Rufle
Is there a way to import UserLogin records encrypting their password as the import happens? I found the /ofbiz/framework/security/config/ property which solves any immediate issues for plain text passwords.

Re: instances

2009-12-11 Thread Stephen Rufle
Hope the attached file is helpful. wrote: which files??? anyone have any script? On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 15:08:29 -0500 Tim Ruppert wrote: Yes - for sure - we run well over 10 simultaneously. You just need to update your configuration

Re: instances

2009-12-11 Thread Stephen Rufle
multiple instances per box seems to pop up from time to time? Many thanks, Chris Stephen Rufle wrote: Hope the attached file is helpful. wrote: which files??? anyone have any script? On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 15:08:29 -0500 Tim Ruppert

After loadCartFromOrder missing Shipping Location

2009-12-07 Thread Stephen Rufle
Steps ShoppingCartEvents.loadCartFromOrder(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) ShoppingCart cart = ShoppingCartEvents.getCartObject(request); String contactMech = cart.getContactMech(SHIPPING_LOCATION); I expected the value of contactMech to be filled with a value from OrderCcontactMech,

Last referred url

2009-12-04 Thread Stephen Rufle
I want to create a back link in an ftl page that goes back to the calling page. How would I accomplish that? I think I want whatever the value would have been for view-last. I just do not know if there is some OfBiz way of doing it or if I should just look at the request directly in the ftl.

Re: Filter duplicates method

2009-11-19 Thread Stephen Rufle
useful. Regards Scott HotWax Media On 19/11/2009, at 2:17 AM, Stephen Rufle wrote: I have a query that I think require that I join in such a way that the resultset has multiple rows with the same id value. I would like to do something similar

Filter duplicates method

2009-11-18 Thread Stephen Rufle
I have a query that I think require that I join in such a way that the resultset has multiple rows with the same id value. I would like to do something similar to org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil.filterByAnd(ListT, MapString, ? extends Object) but maybe called

Can setting a value through javascript invoke an HTML event

2009-11-18 Thread Stephen Rufle
I have a field on my page that uses a pop-up window to allow input. When you click the link in the pop-up. I use javascript to set the vale on the parent page. Is there a way to invoke some HTML event that I could then handle. I had thought the onChange or onBlur events would fire, but neither

Single quote escape utility function

2009-11-16 Thread Stephen Rufle
Is there a utility function that would turn 4'Widgit into 4\'Widgit? I am passing a product name through javascript and the fact that there is a single quote ' is causing an error on the page.

Re: Single quote escape utility function

2009-11-16 Thread Stephen Rufle
I found a solution productName = org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(productName) ftl version #assign productNameJsEscaped = Static[org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils].escapeJavaScript(productName)/ Stephen Rufle wrote: Is there a utility function that would

Re: Getting a handle to uiLabelMap in javascript

2009-11-05 Thread Stephen Rufle
. -Adrian Stephen Rufle wrote: In an ftl file we can access a property/xml file value as follows ${uiLabelMap.CommonFollowingErrorsOccurred} Is there a way to do something similar in a javascript function? In a separate thread Rishi pointed me to [0], but that only does a show/hide of a div

Example of saving a list of edits in one shot

2009-11-04 Thread Stephen Rufle
I am looking for an example of a screen that has a list of edits, but only a single save function. I have seen examples [1] of a list that has update and delete buttons on each row. [1] https://localhost:8443/catalog/control/EditProductPrices?productId=GZ-1004 More generally what would be

Marketing Manager Application

2009-05-19 Thread Stephen Rufle
I tried looking on the OfBiz website, but the docs seem a bit sparse In the Marketing Manager Application what are the Data Source records used for? An example would be I see a DataSource dataSourceId=GENERAL_MAILING, but how is that

Re: Data Import API

2009-05-01 Thread Stephen Rufle
I think much of the functionality you would need to write custom import code would be in org.ofbiz.webtools.WebToolsServices I have also recently have to deal with large xml import files. My trick was to break up the large file by entity. Orig file: 238 mb had many different entities Created a

Re: FTL Error in Project MGR/ Blog

2009-04-30 Thread Stephen Rufle
I think you may need to provide more detailed steps to reproduce.Otherwise it looks to be a simple case of passing a value to enableEditValue that is not a true/false value (As stated in the message). Sascha Rodekamp wrote: Hm, nobody an idea about my error msg? Error on line 54, column 105 in

Re: attachments to a Product

2009-04-28 Thread Stephen Rufle
I do not see the attachments Sunny is mentioning. Sunny wrote: Hey folks, In evaluating Ofbiz, I'm trying to create various attachment types by classification (eg: owners manuals, warranty card, etc.) so that I can associate various docs/PDFs with a product. I've read the docs at Dashboard

Re: Ofbiz Installation

2009-04-22 Thread Stephen Rufle
I am not sure if the JVM_Bind:8080 issue was solved. I had an issue with my oracle install grabbing port 8080 for some web base management application. Cimballi wrote: Well, it's pretty clear : Address already in use: JVM_Bind:8080 It means you have another server application running and using

UserLogin seeding and passwords

2009-03-31 Thread Stephen Rufle
How would I generate the hash values for currentPassword on the UserLogin entity. I was trying to create a user login but set currentPassword to a plaintext value. When I then tried login I get Password incorrect., I think this is because I did not hash the password. Is there an external utility

Re: UserLogin seeding and passwords

2009-03-31 Thread Stephen Rufle
with the WebTools Entity Data Maintenance screens) to get the hashed value for the password. -David On Mar 31, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Stephen Rufle wrote: How would I generate the hash values for currentPassword on the UserLogin entity. I was trying to create a user login but set currentPassword

GlAccountOrganization and roleTypeId

2009-03-24 Thread Stephen Rufle
On entity GlAccountOrganization what is the roleTypeId used for? I searched the seed data and looked at some of the services. roleTypeId seems to never be set.

Re: Weird random error

2009-03-18 Thread Stephen Rufle
Could it be that the xml file does not get fully parsed? I also think that if we switched to ttl= NumberUtils.toLong(ServiceConfigUtil.getElementAttr(thread-pool, ttl),THREAD_TTL); from ttl = Long.parseLong(); the problem might never showup. Bilgin Ibryam wrote: I also face this error from

Getting Rid of Annoying Tabs

2009-03-18 Thread Stephen Rufle
I think this section is counter to what Jacque's comment says on this page not really sure what to do about it , just wanted to point it out. -- Stephen P Rufle

Re: How to Import files into ofbiz?

2009-03-17 Thread Stephen Rufle
I think you may have success with using ant run-install-file -Ddata.file=[name_of_your_data.xml] This does not use a ant task , but and ant target. I am also looking a the trunk build so, it may or may not be there for you. shrishti wrote: hello all, i am new to ofbiz and now-a-days i am

Re: depreciate fields

2009-03-13 Thread Stephen Rufle
I would like to state that I am currently using the current CommunicationEvent system with no CommunicationEventRole rows being created. CommunicationEvent communicationEventId=1 communicationEventTypeId=PHONE_COMMUNICATION statusId=COM_IN_PROGRESS contactMechTypeId=TELECOM_NUMBER

Re: Javascript is parsed to HTML (Freemarker ?)

2009-03-04 Thread Stephen Rufle
I think I have a related issue to this. I have .properties files with table headings in them. I used to be able to put a br tag br in the content of my labels to break two words. ex. Cust.brOrder# would turn into Cust. Order# on my display, now it sends it literally. How do I get the old

Re: Javascript is parsed to HTML (Freemarker ?)

2009-03-04 Thread Stephen Rufle
the property) into a StringBuilder Jacques From: Stephen Rufle I think I have a related issue to this. I have .properties files with table headings in them. I used to be able to put a br tag br in the content of my labels to break two words. ex. Cust.brOrder# would turn

Re: Javascript is parsed to HTML (Freemarker ?)

2009-03-04 Thread Stephen Rufle
the original String I can see any other means maybe there are and someone will suggest you something easier. Jacques From: Stephen Rufle In the ftl I use ${uiXXXLabelMap.CUSTOMER_ORDER_NUMBER} Does this process get passed through some class that I can change and send

Re: Linux software/package to merge

2009-02-10 Thread Stephen Rufle
Are you looking for a merge tool? Meld Kdiff3 This may be in addition to what other people have suggested about Vendor Branches. I have no first hand experience on a day to day basis for either of the above so YMMV. Eric DE MAULDE

Re: SFA Manager Application - Events Tab

2009-02-02 Thread Stephen Rufle
is that I wanted an independent workflow . The workflow seems to be dictated by StatusItem and StatusValidChange and I see that CommunicationEvent already has a series of status values (statusTypeId=COM_EVENT_STATUS). Stephen Rufle wrote: In the current SFA Manager Application I noticed

Re: SFA Manager Application - Events Tab

2009-02-02 Thread Stephen Rufle
CommunicationEvent properly all by itself? Stephen Rufle wrote: I created a patch that starts on the work that I think is needed for my request. The reason I am not creating a JIRA issue is that I think my code might be a little rough and would like to know what modification my be needed. I started

Re: SFA Manager Application - Events Tab

2009-02-02 Thread Stephen Rufle
all the communication event entities like role, purpose, contentAssoc Stephen Rufle sent the following on 2/2/2009 2:21 PM: After closer examination CommunicationEvent looks like it was designed


2009-01-29 Thread Stephen Rufle
/ofbiz/applications/marketing/script/org/ofbiz/sfa/account/AccountServices.xml#createAccount I am using createAccount to create a PartyGroup with its associated address and phones. The result map I get from the method only contains messages. [successMessage=Prefix:Prefix message:Telecom Number

SFA Manager Application - Events Tab

2009-01-29 Thread Stephen Rufle
In the current SFA Manager Application I noticed that the Events tab in not active. What is the current state of the application for the Event section? We have the following requirements and are hoping that we can use existing functionality to fulfill them. If this functionality does not

SFA Manager Application

2009-01-28 Thread Stephen Rufle
I am running trunk 738606. Trying to Create New Account https://localhost:8443/sfa/control/NewAccounts In the Primary Phone Number section if you enter an extension it is ignored. I was able to verify that the ext was not actually saved by going to Party: tab and viewing the just created

resetGrandTotal exception

2008-12-04 Thread Stephen Rufle
I have been getting an exception [1] in resetGrandTotal. My solution was just to convert the updatedTotal value to a Double the way it expects. I also did the same for remainingSubTotal lines 1280 and 1281 Old: orderHeader.set(grandTotal, updatedTotal); orderHeader.set(remainingSubTotal,

Re: resetGrandTotal exception

2008-12-04 Thread Stephen Rufle
Ok , I thought it was an easy fix :) I will just wait thanks Scott Scott Gray wrote: That issue will be solved when the type clean up branch gets merged back (I've already completed the ordermgr component). Stephen, the exception you are seeing should only be a warning and not actually cause

How to create an Outer Join using DynamicViewEntity

2008-06-17 Thread Stephen Rufle
I am currently using dynamicView.setEntityName(Product); dynamicView.addMemberEntity(P, Product); dynamicView.addMemberEntity(I, InventoryItem); to join Product and InventoryItem We would like to create an additional PartyProductAssociation table with partyId and

Re: User login problem

2008-05-20 Thread Stephen Rufle
I just updated (rev. 658402) and re ran the install to a fresh database . I got the following after trying to login as admin/ofbiz for the first time. [java] 2008-05-20 12:42:55,291 (http- [] Error in Service [userLogin]: Password