Re: not displaying Action errors

2008-08-11 Thread Richard Yee
. Regards, - On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 9:55 PM, Richard Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You are using == to test string equality instead of equals() -R Sent from my iPhone On Aug 8, 2008, at 11:52 PM, Narasimha Raju Naidu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi to all, im sending my

Re: not displaying Action errors

2008-08-10 Thread Richard Yee
You are using == to test string equality instead of equals() -R Sent from my iPhone On Aug 8, 2008, at 11:52 PM, Narasimha Raju Naidu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi to all, im sending my code please check where i am doing mistake form.jsp --- %@ taglib

Re: Data Leakage in Struts 2

2008-07-26 Thread Richard Yee
Why don't you post your code. It seems that it might have a threading issue. -R Arun M wrote: We are using struts 2.0.11 We have lots of action class. Say one of them is CustomerRegisterAction (which extends ActionSupport ) . When a say user X registers himself on the website; this

Re: Newbie question about parameters for an Action

2007-09-23 Thread Richard Yee
You might try changing the attributes and setters to Strings and see if that works. -Richard Phil404 wrote: I would like to draw a Pie Chart using JFreeChart. I call the action from a JSP like so: s:url id='chartUrl' action='piechart' s:param name='visual'10/s:param

Re: Working with other technologies

2007-03-02 Thread Richard Yee
Well that is a bit of a broad question. What type of frameworks are you looking for? If you are a developer, then you should be able to integrate almost any framework with Struts. -Richard puchacz wrote: Hi I have a question. If anyone could list me all frameworks that I can intagrate with

Re: select - format date

2007-02-20 Thread Richard Yee
Don't forget that DateFormat and any of its subclasses (ie SimpleDateFormat) are NOT thread-safe. This means that you can't create a static class instance of a SimpleDateFormat object that can be used by different threads without creating a threading issue. If you need to use a date formatter,

Re: disable enter key functionality

2006-10-28 Thread Richard Yee
Fea, You need to add this javascript function to your form jsp files (or template) function noenter() { return !(window.event window.event.keyCode == 13); } and then add an onkeypress attribute to your text input fields that looks like this: onkeypress=return noenter(); -R fea jabi

Re: Problem in setting the value of hidden field in JSP

2006-09-13 Thread Richard Yee
Pankaj, You shouldn't be setting both the value and the property attributes of html:hidden -Richard Pankaj Gupta wrote: Hi, In a JSP, I am iterating over a collection and want to set a hidden field with the value of one of the properties of the objects contained in hashtable. I am using

Re: Each tiles:insert invokes ServletFilter

2006-09-11 Thread Richard Yee
Bhay, Before you spend much time on the current design, I suggest that you try sending a page with dummy data to a browser that has 1000 rows and 10 columns. You might be able to demonstrate the lack of usability to the customer and also uncover browser rendering issues with the design.

Re: Problems to fill a DropDownListbox on a DynaValidatorActionForm

2006-09-03 Thread Richard Yee
Tom, Try this for your options tag instead: html:options collection=expenseTypes property=typeCode labelProperty=typeDescription/ This will work if your have an attribute called expenseTypes in some scope (ie. session, request). The options tag collection attribute expects the name of

Re: No getter method for property

2006-08-15 Thread Richard Yee
Make sure you don't have any old versions of your form bean in your classpath or in old jar files from previous builds. From what you have sent, things look correct and it should work. What tool are you using to build? Are you using JDeveloper? -Richard Daoud Abdelmonem Faleh wrote: Hello

Re: Validate boolean

2006-06-29 Thread Richard Yee
Use the Boolean wrapper object. -Richard Emmanouil Batsis wrote: Just wondering what people use as a best practice to handle/validate boolean values in form beans: * Do you use boolean or string objects in your form beans? * What do you use instead of @struts.validator type=boolean ?

Re: Not getting URL rewriting with html:link

2006-06-19 Thread Richard Yee
According to the documentation if you use href, the value passed will be unchanged. It looks like you should use action=userlogin_display and the property and name attributes to set the action parameter. -Richard Mon Cab wrote: I have a jsp page called link test (included below), However, the

Re: How to set size of submit button

2006-06-18 Thread Richard Yee
My appologies. Please disregard. is correct. -Richard Yee, Richard K CTR DMDC wrote: Pankaj, You are sending this to the wrong address. You should be sending it to -Richard -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto

Re: Checkling Security

2006-06-18 Thread Richard Yee
I'd suggest doing it in a filter or a base Action class. -Richard chamal desilva wrote: Hi, How should we test wether a user has permission for an action. Can we do it in action class or do we have to do it in EJB tier. Thanking You, Chamal.

Re: PLZ help : urgent

2006-06-16 Thread Richard Yee
Look at the Set interface in java.lang.util -Richard Nikita Desai wrote: Hi, I have one problem in displaying value of form bean in jsp page. In my action class i am getting collection of formbean from database. Form bean contains division, heading, date as property. From database I can

Re: null actionform returned by action servlet

2006-05-22 Thread Richard Yee
Asif, Do you have a name attribute set in your action definition? The name attribute should be set to a form-bean name. Why don't you send your struts-config.xml file? -Richard Asif Saleem wrote: Hi, I am starting to use struts for my project. I have a proble that the action servlet is

Re: unable to load validation-rules.xml

2006-05-08 Thread Richard Yee
Anil, Is validation-rules.xml located in your /WEB-INF directory and is this in your struts-config.xml? plug-in className=org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn set-property property=pathnames value=/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml,/WEB-INF/validation.xml/ -Richard

Re: page validation in wizzard app

2006-05-07 Thread Richard Yee
Jakub, Why can't you reset the page attribute to the appropriate value in your Action classes when validation fails. -Richard Richard Yee wrote: Jakub, I think the more elegant solution is to do the validations in the ActionForm validate method and also use a hidden static 'page' variable

Re: page validation in wizzard app

2006-05-07 Thread Richard Yee
and validation process fails again... If validation fails i do not enter any action's execute() method. 2006/5/7, Richard Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Jakub, Why can't you reset the page attribute to the appropriate value in your Action classes when validation fails. -Richard Richard Yee wrote: Jakub, I

Re: Issue with checkboxes!

2006-05-07 Thread Richard Yee
Rizwan, Have you tried using a source level debugger to watch the value of the boolean in the reset method? You should also view the source of your page to make sure the checkbox has the right name. -Richard Rizwan Merchant wrote: Thanks Rick. I have 6 checkboxes in that session scope

Re: Validation Problems

2006-05-07 Thread Richard Yee
Sandeep, You can do complex validations in your ActionForm validate method. You can also still invoke Validator validations by calling super.validate() in your validation method if you are extending |org.apache.struts.validator.action.ValidatorForm I have found that there are many situations

Re: page validation in wizzard app

2006-05-06 Thread Richard Yee
Jakub, I think the more elegant solution is to do the validations in the ActionForm validate method and also use a hidden static 'page' variable in the JSP. Your Action.execute method should be fairly small and mainly have code that calls business delegates and that necessary for determining

Developing and running Struts on Tomcat without an Internet Connection

2006-03-16 Thread Richard Yee
I know this is supposed to work, but I'm getting an error starting up my Struts 1.2.8 application on Tomcat 5.5.15 when I unplug my computer from the Internet. The stack trace is: at

Re: org.apache.log.format.Formatter

2006-02-05 Thread Richard Yee
Martin, Did you subscribe? I was going to point that out to you but since the last time I used the site, they've started charging $15/yr. to subscribe. -Richard Martin Gainty wrote: Guys- I found this site extremely helpful Sorry for the bother!

Re: Validation Issue

2006-01-29 Thread Richard Yee
What is the form definition for privacyPrefForm? Where is the tag for your strFirstName field in your form? Are you using a debugger at all? -Richard Karthik Manimaran wrote: Hi, I am using the validator framework for form validation. Validation doesnt seem to happen and no error messages

Re: Validation Issue

2006-01-29 Thread Richard Yee
Karthik, I don't think you will be able to access your query parameter when you post your form. Your action attribute in your html:form tag should just be /Control Have you looked at the struts-example application? -Richard Karthik Manimaran wrote: Hi, I am using the validator framework

Re: problem with forms

2005-12-11 Thread Richard Yee
Does the JSP have a html:form tag in it that has the action attribute set to an action mapping that has the action form as the value of the 'name' parameter? Otherwise, what scope is the action form in? -Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: HI, I have an action form, an action and a couple of

Re: problem with forms

2005-12-11 Thread Richard Yee
/data_match/ Quoting Richard Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Does the JSP have a html:form tag in it that has the action attribute set to an action mapping that has the action form as the value of the 'name' parameter? Otherwise, what scope is the action form in? -Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: UnsupportedClassVersionError

2005-12-08 Thread Richard Yee
This error occurs when you are running an earlier JVM with code that was compiled with a newer JDK. In your case, I think you might be running a 1.4.2 JVM with code that was compiled with the 1.5 JDK. -Richard e-denton Java Programmer wrote: Hi, I recently uploaded an updated Struts

Re: OT: OutOfMemory

2005-11-28 Thread Richard Yee
Jerry, Are you trying to output HTML? If so, you should consider: 1) using CSS instead of the font tags 2) use an XSLT transform or transform the text as you output it rather than doing it in memory. -Richard Jason Lea wrote: What is textFormat? It isn't a StringBuilder is it?

Re: initialize dynaform

2005-11-14 Thread Richard Yee
Fea, To initialize a dynaform staticly, do as Niall suggested. To dynamically pre-populate a dynaform, you need code to do it as follows: ModuleConfig moduleConfig = RequestUtils.getModuleConfig(request, getServlet().getServletContext()); FormBeanConfig formConfig =

Re: Bean write problem on emebedding an image

2005-11-11 Thread Richard Yee
Vineesh, You are nesting the bean:write tag within a html:img tag. You can't nest the tags. Either don't use the html:img tag or replace the bean:write with a scriptlet %= % -Richard vineesh . kumar wrote: Hi all, I am trying to create a page, so that based on some crieterial the

Re: java.util.Date in Action Form Bean

2005-10-28 Thread Richard Yee
You should be aware that when using a java.text.DateFormat class or its subclass as a static variable in a bean that can be accessed via multiple threads simultaneously, you need to synchronize access to it because DateFormat is not thread-safe. So you should change the code below to:

Re: [ot] utility to verify if an Object implements all methods from Interface?

2005-10-28 Thread Richard Yee
Mick, You could write a wrapper object that wraps (extends) the generated object and implements the interface. If the extended object does not have all of the methods defined in the interface, you will get a compile error. -Richard --- Mick Knutson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have some

Using the StrutsPleaseWait solution with dynaforms

2005-10-12 Thread Richard Yee
Has anyone used the StrutsPleaseWait solution from the Struts Wiki with DynaForms? It seems that the code in the example doesn't handle DynaActionForms correctly because org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.cloneBean() is used to clone the form. Has anyone else arrived at the same conclusion? I

Re: Submit buttons getting their value

2005-10-11 Thread Richard Yee
. -Richard --- Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Actually this won't work either. The problem is that the request object has been purloined and given another wrapper name. You might want to look at the code before giving these ideas. On 10/10/05, Richard Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: Submit buttons getting their value

2005-10-10 Thread Richard Yee
Try getParameter() instead of getAttribute(). -Richard C.F. Scheidecker Antunes wrote: Hello all, I have two submit buttons, one with a value of Continue and the other Back. How do I check their values? I've tried request.getAttribute(submit).toString() but I do not get anything. My

Re: Debugging

2005-09-28 Thread Richard Yee
My suggestion is to use an IDE that has source level debugging (JDeveloper, Eclipse, NetBeans). If you start your appserver in debugging mode, you can connect remotely with your IDE and step through the code and observe variable values. -Richard Bryon Lape wrote: Bryon Lape wrote:

Re: CactusStrutsTestCase working problem with tiles extension

2005-09-25 Thread Richard Yee
Carl, Check the CactusStrutsTestCase javadoc. You should use verifyTilesForward instead of verifyForward(). There is also a verifyInputTilesForward() too. -Richard Carl Smith wrote: Is there any helps here? Thank you in advance. Carl Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am sorry for this a

StrutsTestCase and Struts Validator PlugIn

2005-09-18 Thread Richard Yee
Does anyone know if StrutsTestCase works with the Struts Validator? ie. If I make a test case and set up the request parameters for a FormBean, will the FormBean be validated using the Validator Configuration in my struts-config.xml file. Thanks, Richard

Re: [OT] AJAX (XMLHTTP) doesn't work with Ampersand

2005-09-06 Thread Richard Yee
Is the ampersand part of the XML message being sent back to the browser from the servlet? If so, you need to escape the ampersand in the servlet before it is sent in the servlet response. The ampersand is a special character in XML. -Richard --- Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: request attribute in jsp - please advice

2005-09-06 Thread Richard Yee
Can you set the listIndex as an attribute of your form in the EditStudentAction? You can then retrieve it as part of your formBean. -Richard --- Rivka Shisman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello friends I have an EditStudent.jsp page in which I have a form. Before the form tag I get a

Re: [OT] AJAX (XMLHTTP) doesn't work with Ampersand

2005-09-06 Thread Richard Yee
have thought the amp; entity would have worked frankly, but he said it didn't). -- Frank W. Zammetti Founder and Chief Software Architect Omnytex Technologies On Tue, September 6, 2005 12:09 pm, Richard Yee said: Is the ampersand part of the XML message being

Re: [OT] AJAX (XMLHTTP) doesn't work with Ampersand

2005-09-06 Thread Richard Yee On Tue, September 6, 2005 12:09 pm, Richard Yee said: Is the ampersand part of the XML message being sent back to the browser from the servlet? If so, you need to escape the ampersand in the servlet before it is sent in the servlet response. The ampersand

Re: [OT] AJAX (XMLHTTP) doesn't work with Ampersand

2005-09-06 Thread Richard Yee
David, The escape() JavaScript function can't be used to solve this problem b/c it occurs when the response is being retrieved in the JavaScript callback function if req.responseXML is used. -Richard --- David Durham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Richard Yee wrote: You should be using

ImageButtonBean and DynaActionForm

2005-09-01 Thread Richard Yee
Has anyone used an ImageButtonBean in a DynaActionForm? I'm getting the following error: org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConversionException: Cannot assign value of type 'java.lang.String' to property 'submitButton' of type 'org.apache.struts.util.ImageButtonBean' My jsp page has this in it:

Version information for Struts Commons libraries included with Struts 1.1

2005-08-26 Thread Richard Yee
Does anyone know how to determine the versions of the commons libraries that are included as part of Struts? Specifically, I need to find out the versions of the commons libraries that are part of the Struts 1.1 distribution. I am using the display tag library ( and found that

Struts Deployment with the Commons jar files - What jar files can be put at the container level?

2005-08-26 Thread Richard Yee
Does anyone on the list have any recommendations regarding putting the commons-XXX jar files that are deployed with struts at the application server container level instead of at the application level in the WEB-INF/lib directory? I'm interested in doing this in order to save on the memory

Re: Form Bean to transfer data

2005-08-14 Thread Richard Yee
Kevin, Use attributes in the request or session scope. -Richard At 07:28 AM 8/14/2005, you wrote: Hi I want to trasnfer data from One action to another using a form bean. How can i access the form bean data in the second action. I have attached my struts config and action class. The

Re: actionForm class

2005-08-13 Thread Richard Yee
Balkan, The values retrieved from the database don't need to be put into an ActionForm. Just put the collection or bean as a session or request attribute in your Action class, forward to your second page, and then retrieve the values and display them. There is no need to have an ActionForm

Anyone going to JavaOne!

2005-06-25 Thread Richard Yee
Anyone on the list going to JavaOne? -Richard - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Trying to create a form object in code

2005-02-23 Thread Richard Yee
What is the entry in your struts-config.xml file for your form. It doesn't appear that it is a DynaForm. If it isn't then you can just do a new formDataCopy(). -Richard At 04:43 AM 2/23/2005, you wrote: Does anyone have an idea on this? I am trying to create a LazyValidatorForm object in code

Re: Struts and iBATIS

2005-02-21 Thread Richard Yee
Tim, Without seeing the entire sqlMapConfig.xml it's going to be hard for anyone to figure out exactly what the problem is. You can get more direct help by posting at [EMAIL PROTECTED] I think you also need a DataSource property in your transactionManager. This is what I use. I don't set

Re: Struts and iBATIS

2005-02-21 Thread Richard Yee
with that name in the configuration files. Tim Christopher On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 08:23:55 -0800, Richard Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tim, Without seeing the entire sqlMapConfig.xml it's going to be hard for anyone to figure out exactly what the problem is. You can get more direct help by posting

Re: Struts and iBATIS

2005-02-21 Thread Richard Yee
back to the pet store example it refers to the datasource in the web.xml file as jdbc/jpetstore1 but I can't find any element with that name in the configuration files. Tim Christopher On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 08:23:55 -0800, Richard Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tim, Without seeing the entire

Re: Will struts handles any methods other than get and post?

2005-02-12 Thread Richard Yee
What other methods do you want it to handle? Get and post are the one ones that handle form input. Regards, Richard At 04:07 PM 2/11/2005, you wrote: Hi folks, Would anybody please tell me if Struts handles any methods other than get and post? Thanks! Billy Ng

Re: problem submiting List-Backed Indexed ActionForm

2005-01-16 Thread Richard Yee
Why don't you send the code in your reset() method so we can see if it is correct. -Richard At 05:51 PM 1/15/2005, you wrote: I am initializing ArrayList fields in reset(), but code is ommited. I wish it was that easy :) On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 19:17:09 -0600, Kishore Senji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: How to view the actual HTTP generated by a struts action.

2005-01-10 Thread Richard Yee
There is also a feature in JDeveloper 10g that lets you monitor TCP/IP traffic using a proxy. If you use the Apache SOAP library, there is another utility available inside it called TcpTunnelGUI in the package. -Richard At 02:47 PM 1/10/2005, you wrote: Jim Barrows

RE: Putting a field into the REQUEST

2005-01-08 Thread Richard Yee
If the hidden field is not part of the form, then you don't want to use the html:hidden tag in your JSP page, you want to use the plain input type=hidden name=regularPlan value=xxx/ and then use request.getParameter(regularPlan in your Action class to get it. -Richard At 10:57 PM 1/6/2005, you

Re: Attributes Initialization

2005-01-05 Thread Richard Yee
It is because the action class execute method is only executed when the form is submitted, not when it is displayed. If you want to pre-load the form, you need to create an action and either forward or redirect to the action which then forwards to the page that displays the form. -Richard At

Re: LogFactory error with Struts and Tomcat

2005-01-02 Thread Richard Yee
David, Put the commons-logging.jar in your E:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1\common\lib directory. -Richard At 08:42 PM 1/1/2005, you wrote: (i tried sending this a few times from the wrong mail account - hope it only gets through once) Hi all, Apologies for this question. It is

Re: (newbie) Error when installed Struts 1.2

2005-01-02 Thread Richard Yee
Sudheer, Check your web.xml file. It appears that you are missing the servlet and servlet-mapping entries for the ActionServlet. servlet servlet-nameaction/servlet-name servlet-classorg.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet/servlet-class init-param param-nameconfig/param-name

Re: Which setter do I need in the ActionForm for this example?

2004-12-23 Thread Richard Yee
Zsolt, The selected item in a html:select input is typically a String property. It is separate from the collection that is used to populate a dropdown list. You should have a getter and setter for a string property and use that property as the value of the property attribute of the html:select

Re: not getting

2004-11-18 Thread Richard Yee
What URL are you using to access the web application? What does your config file look like? How did you deploy your application? -R --- Nishant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi to all, i am using tomcat apache server i am getting following error.. error There is no web application

Re: httpsURLConnection

2004-10-03 Thread Richard Yee
Dennis, Are you closing the connection in a finally clause? If you don't, you are going to leak connections when an exception gets thrown. -Richard At 04:51 PM 10/3/2004, you wrote: I open an httpsURLConnection in my struts application. And I am getting orphaned sessions. I think this may be due

Re: Why Struts use forward instead of redirect to jump from one JSP to another?

2004-10-03 Thread Richard Yee
Chris, There are several reasons to use a forward instead of a redirect. 1) Forwards are faster b/c they do not result in another request being generated from the browser. 2) Forwards allow information to be passed in the request object rather than as strings in the query parameters on a URL or

Re: Dots in form names creates problems with Javascript Validator function names

2004-08-31 Thread Richard Yee
I believe that a period is not allowed in an identifier. You should pick another name for your form. -Richard At 09:59 PM 8/31/2004, you wrote: Hi! I have some forms with dots in their names. The problem is that the JS validation code being generated is not quite right Is there a

Re: updating values in a collection of beans through JSP

2004-08-25 Thread Richard Yee
Muhammad, The JSP is evaluated on the server and then sent to the browser. When you change a value on the web page, you submit the form to an Action class which then takes the form properties and should update your collection and then persist it or put it in request or session scope. You can

Re: updating values in a collection of beans through JSP

2004-08-25 Thread Richard Yee
user clicks submit, the values will be updated in the scope. Weird, my application should break in that case..I must be doing something wrong but somehow it still works.. Sebastian Ho On Wed, 2004-08-25 at 14:54, Richard Yee wrote: Muhammad, The JSP is evaluated on the server and then sent

Re: Read only iterate?

2004-08-13 Thread Richard Yee
Mike, What does the generated HTML look like? -Richard __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail is new and improved - Check it out! - To unsubscribe,

Re: JSTL and Multibox Submit Problem

2004-05-25 Thread Richard Yee
Ricardo, If you are going to use the html:link tag, then you need to have it trigger a call to a JavaScript function that will submit the form for you. Otherwise, jjust clicking the link will not submit the form. Regards, Richard --- Ricardo Cortes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi there, I am

Re: From bean into for loop

2004-05-24 Thread Richard Yee
Andy, You are mixing JSP scriptlets and JSTL expressions. You can: 1) use the JSTL forEach tag which is in the core library 2) use the struts logic:iterate tag 3) (least preferable) use scriptlets and access productData.someCount directly rather than throug a JSTL expression. Regards, Richard At

Re: Problem with Action Forms and html:* tags

2004-05-24 Thread Richard Yee
Tom, The form bean is created both in the JSP page and when the page is submitted back to the server. Regards, Richard --- Thomas T. Veldhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote: I am having a problem using Action forms because I do not know what to call the attributes

Re: Class path in Oracle 9Ias

2004-05-19 Thread Richard Yee
Duncan, Is there a switch or something on oc4j that will cause the ServletContextListener.contextInitialized() method to be called before the init methods of the servlets that are configured to load on startup? I think the behavior I have seen on OAS 9.0.3 is that contextInitialized() happens

Re: Naveation pages.

2004-05-17 Thread Richard Yee
The error indicates that the input attribute for your action whose path is /tb_alarmeDataAction is invalid. This is most likely caused by specifying a non-existent formBean as the action's input Regards, Richard --- Teixeira, Jorge (Informaker) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Help me pleash. I

Re: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No bean specified

2004-05-16 Thread Richard Yee
With the information you provided, it is hard to tell what the problem is. Send the contents of your struts-config.xml and which action you are invoking. Regards, Richard At 07:16 AM 5/16/2004, you wrote: Hi, I am writing a web application based on Struts and encountered a problem. When I ran

Re: How to set an ActionForm to null

2004-05-14 Thread Richard Yee
pls, If the form exists in session scope, then you need to remove it from session using the request.getSession.removeAttribute(formName) method call. Otherwise, when the JSP page is executed, struts will use the form from the session. Regards, Richard --- pls [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: that

Re: How to set an ActionForm to null

2004-05-14 Thread Richard Yee
.. the values still reappear (except for the multiboxes whcih are cleared in the reset() method) after request.getSession().removeAttribute(MBForm); and a forward to the next action. Richard Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] pls, If the form exists

Re: Struts File-Upload performance issue

2004-05-10 Thread Richard Yee
Ralf, What is the speed of your connection? What is the speed of the client's connection? How fast is your server? What is the load on the server? You need to consider those questions before pinning the problem on the Struts file upload. Regards, Richard --- Ralf Alt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: struts file upload strange error

2004-05-03 Thread Richard Yee
darn! I knew I should have answered this one! -R Dude, send me your address and I will fed-ex you a cold beer !! I should have thought of that before. Thanks for your help I've just wasted 24 hours on this If I was running linux I could have ran a

Re: Database access in contextInitialized

2004-05-02 Thread Richard Yee
Craig, When I put logging statements in the ServletContextInitializer class, I see that the ServletContextInitializer.contextInitialized() method is actually called after the servlet init() methods for servlets that load at startup. Is this correct? You say that the contextInitialized() gets

Re: urgent problem about validator !!!

2004-04-24 Thread Richard Yee
Hi, Did you set the logging level to DEBUG? Try putting validate=true in your action element in struts-config.xml. Can you see if your execute method in your Action class is getting executed in your debugger. -Richard At 06:50 PM 4/24/2004, you wrote: Hi neil: Niall Pemberton wrote: OK, so

Re: can iframe include files in web-info folder

2004-04-09 Thread Richard Yee
No, an iframe cannot access resources under WEB-INF. Note that 'WEB-INF' is case-sensitive. You will eventually encounter problems if you don't use 'WEB-INF' in your paths. Files located under the WEB-INF directory are only accessible from within the web application (ie. from servlets). Regards,

Re: Slightly OT: Preventing of buffer flush with tiles:insert

2004-04-09 Thread Richard Yee
Shahak, Why won't a filter work in you Servlet 2.3 environment? Filters exist in the Servlet 2.3 spec. They don't exist in the Servlet 2.2 spec. Regards, Richard --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm trying to use a custom tag to gzip (compress) pages (filter won't work because I'm in a servlet

Re: html:text for Date property

2004-04-09 Thread Richard Yee
Paul, You shouldn't keep an instance of SimpleDateFormat as an instance variable even though you are only using the parse method. The reason is that the SimpleDateFormat class is not thread-safe. This is caused by the fact that the DateFormat class isn't threadsafe due to the fact that a value

Re: Easily printing out session values

2004-04-07 Thread Richard Yee
Andy, Put this in your jsp page. If you create a JSP template file that includes this code and then use it as a basis for developing new JSP pages, you will be able to see what is in your request, session and ActionMessages. I found it in this article on javaboutique by Keld H. Hanson:

RE: Question about logic:iterator, continue

2004-04-07 Thread Richard Yee
Panchasheel, Use the Logic: testing tags (equal, notEqual, lessEqual, etc.) or the JSTL if tag. Regards, Richard --- Gandle, Panchasheel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How do I say continue In the Logic:iterator tag Thanks Panchasheel

Re: Question about logic:iterator, indexId and hidden fields

2004-04-06 Thread Richard Yee
This logic isn't going to help the problem. logic:iterate index=indexId input type=hidden value=c:out var=indexId// All it is going to do is create a bunch of input parameters with type=hidden and having values of 0,1,2,3 What does your form really look like? Do you have multiple