Please see
You dont have to generate a site project, all of your site docs(apt,
fml, xdoc) will be place in src/site of your existing project.
Morgovsky, Alexander (US - Glen Mills) wrote:
I have a Maven 2 project. I want to create
When i using the mvn site i got the error like
[ERROR] VM #displayTree: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2
got 0
[ERROR] VM #menuItem: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got
what was the problem for this. I didn't get where i should go to change the
You can specify the location of pom.xml through the web interface.
2006/10/19, Janos Mucsi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I am using Continuum with ClearCase. Even though the load rules are
correctly specified and the files are checked out, Continuum is looking
for pom.xml on top of the directories
Hello Paul
The NullPointerException seams to occur when the ftp wagon tries to get
the authentication data. Try to set the following settings in your
settings.xml (default location "~/.m2").
The generated site will never overwrite your sources...ok, that's not
100% true, but you'd have to be a real "genius" to do that, so don't
worry about it.
Try this.
1. Make a backup copy of your project
2. Execute the following at the root of your project
$ mvn site
James Mitchell
I have a Maven 2 project. I want to create a site for it. Should I run
the mvn site creation command with the archetype function? I am
concerned that I will overwrite my work. May someone please tell me
exactly what I need to do so that I could generate a generic site for an
already made Maven
I understand that wagon's ftp protocol does not support directory
copying; it seems this is the cause of my site goal failures. Since my
clients and server are on Windows it seems my next best option is to use
WebDAV protocol. My understanding is that this supports file and
directory copying in m
Check out the maven site and build it using "mvn site"
Carlos A. Carnero Delgado wrote:
I'm a new Maven user, and I'd like to have a local copy of the
documentation (
and a
And jsut as and added issue to this, I am trying to have a sub-module plugin
only fire in dev but it seems to fire when I run "mvn -P qa clean package
Here is what I now have working:
with "mvn clean package -e" or "mvn -Denv-qa clean package -e"
None of the profiles get picked up correctly and all my parameters are
"mvn -P qa clean package -e" works just fine with the configuration below.
In the settings.xml the dev tag seems to o
Maven will use known hosts from the user's .ssh directory if available, so
after the first connection these questions won't appear. Please see:
View this message in context:
I am trying to generate some site files using the .apt format. (I'm not
wedded to that format, but I'm starting there since it's the easiest.) I was
hoping to do something like this:
But that doesn't work. The curly braces disappear, but the
I think you have 4 managed repositories + 1 managed repository that
proxies ibiblio.
This will result in 5 different repositories to use from Maven though
- if you want a unified view over this from Maven you could do what
you say below (proxying them through the last managed repo), or make
I've added a dependency to Spring 1.2.8 in my project's POM file. When I try
to use the spring.tld tag libs (add the declaration to the web.xml as well as
the taglib reference to the JSP page), I get an error message:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: File "/WEB-INF/spring.tld" not
I just stumbled across the aggregate property for JavaDoc and am pleased with the output. I have a project currently with 5 modules and it is nice to have the overall project Javadoc now available as I do with Clover coverage from the main project site page. However, unlike Clover, the Javadoc is t
I am having problems using Maven deploy feature in the non interactive mode.
However the same command ,when used in the interactive mode works fine. It
prompts me for
The authenticity of host 'dsddb2d-swdc' can't be established.
DSA key fingerprint is 09:a4:e9:e9:44:2e:59:d0:91:40:09:47:32:
You should not need a classpath as that is included for the clientgen part
of the plugin. The mojo should recognize the proper classpath from the
plugin dependencies. Are all your dependencies set to the default scope or
are some set to some other scope like provided etc? Let me try the latest
I'm using maven to generate a website for my plugin. I would like the About
page of my site to show a link. The text for this page is based on the
element of the POM, so I tried this:
Alas, maven was too clever for me, and the tags get escaped when it
generates the html page.
Is the
How come that the query string is not set up correctly for this url? in
my continuum installation I experience the same problem.
It shows *ProjectBuild.vm/view/ProjectBuild/id/161/buildId/1322 *while
it should show *ProjectBuild.vm?view=ProjectBuild&id=161&buildId=1322
*How can this b
Very strange indeedNothing but the dev is working at all...
Here is my settings.xml scrubbed:
scm:svn:[svn url]
[svn url]
I've never tried configuring maven to put generated files outside of its
default location, but this link
seems to imply it can by setting the element.
I have setup both cvs and svn to ignore certain directories. Either one
solo turn wrote:
is it possible to do that by:
* configuring maven to put generated files somewhere out of this
directory, or
This really depends on how you're generating things. In my instance I'm
using maven to call ant to call XJC and generate code from a schema.
This ends up going into a
I think I read that things get weird if you have a profile without an
element. Try adding one to your uat profile. Then try both with your
activation property, but also by directly specifying the id with -P.
Greg Vaughn
"Mick Knutson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10/18/2006 03:34 P
Hi All
I'm having this weird error when run site:site
lets say i have dir structure like
| - com
| - raghu
in MySRC\src\pom.xml i have
is there an easy possibility to separate source code (which we write)
from generated things?
we'd prefer to keep the directory where the pom is to stay clean of
all built and generated things to use source code control systems like
mercurial or darcs on that tree.
is it possible to do that
Ah, there is a beta-1. I tried that, but I still get the same problem.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Maven - Users mailing list archive at
I should add that I tried searching around,
but almost all the links are 404s.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Maven - Users mailing list archive at
I'm trying to use ftp-wagon to deploy a plugin to my remote repository, as
described on page 69 of the BBWM book. Here is my POM:
. . .
I have the following setting in my profiles.xml:
I believe the entire Maven website is generated by Maven itself.
You'll need to checkout the maven-site component from SVN and then
build it with "mvn site".
On 10/18/06, Ian Springer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There are a number of good tools for downloading entire web sites, or
There are a number of good tools for downloading entire web sites, or
subtrees of web sites, for offline browsing. I recommend HTTrack
(, or if you prefer a command line tool, you can
use wget or curl.
| -Original Message-
| From: Carlos A. Carnero Delgado [mailto:[
Hey guys. Sorry for the spam. My company is looking for good engineers
in boston. You can find the job posting details here:
To be honest that job description is only half the picture. We also do a
lot of:
- Testing using TDD
- Tapestry
- Hibernate
- Agile/i
Take a look at the SCM plugin:
On 10/18/06, Chen, Anning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anyone know how to checkout files from CVS in maven? I want to
incorporate this feature in a Maven create project script.
Does anyone know how to checkout files from CVS in maven? I want to
incorporate this feature in a Maven create project script.
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Thx. This worked.
-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1:41 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: dependency question
On 10/18/06, Chen, Anning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thirdparty.sun.servlet.2.3 is a thirdparty jar from s
axis group has been moved to org/apache/axis, that could be the reason why
bothers to fix the missing pom.
On 10/18/06, Christian Goetze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just wondering - examples include:
Of c
I'm a new Maven user, and I'd like to have a local copy of the
documentation (
and all the documents linked from for offline browsing while
What's the best way? I could not find
Just wondering - examples include:
Of course I can create my own in my own proxy, but would like to know
whether there is a deeper reason.
On 10/18/06, Chen, Anning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
thirdparty.sun.servlet.2.3 is a thirdparty jar from sun, which I
packaged and installed to the repository. However, when I compile, I
get "package javax.servlet does not exist". Is there something else I
have to setup to add the classes in t
Wayne - Thank you very much - this worked well. You just saved me a lot
of headaches :)
-Original Message-
From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1:26 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven 2.0 Classpath Dependency Issue
I would move those de
I'm a newbie to Maven2 and have a simple question:
My pom.xml file for this package is here:
UUID Generator Servlet
I would move those dependencies to the project-level instead of plugin-level:
Generally I don't attach dependencies to a plugin unless they are
truly dependencies of the plugin itself... In this case, these are
dependencies of the code, and as such should be moved to the
Sorry...that is a typo. I get the same error with compile or no tag.
-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 12:57 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven 2.0 Classpath Dependency Issue
On 10/18/06, Devine, James <[EMAIL PR
On 10/18/06, Devine, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am new to Maven. I am trying to compile commons-discovery with JDK
1.5, but the dependent jars don't seem to be in my classpath. Here is
my pom.xml:
Unless that's a typo, it should either be 'compile' or just left out
I am new to Maven. I am trying to compile commons-discovery with JDK
1.5, but the dependent jars don't seem to be in my classpath. Here is
my pom.xml:
I'd be surprised if Cargo didn't already support WAS 5. Check the
Cargo site for details about their Maven plugin and configuration.
On 10/18/06, Mohan Gopal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am looking for the same information too
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
--- Pierfrancesc
On 10/18/06, Paul Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry to take this a little of topic, but what is ${keys}? Is there
documentation somewhere that says what replacements you can use in
custom archetypes?
I think he just meant arbitrary replacement properties. There is a
list of properties on
I am looking for the same information too
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
--- Pierfrancesco Girolami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've wrote a J2EE application (jar, ejb, war =
> ear). I succesfully compile
> the entire project with Maven 2.0 but I've some
> trouble to deploy
The inheritent is for reuse purpose. So place all your common deps in the
On 10/18/06, Sharma, Jaikumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Maven Users.
As far as I know in multi-module projects, either we can declare
dependencies in parent pom or child pom (to which dependency belo
Thanks Wayne for the response.
The is fine, as I can run the same
JUnit test case at the command line and it runs fine.
The problem is that maven cannot run it and I am
surprized at it. I have made sure that file is present in test resources,
resources, and a
Try using a fully qualified path to your argparser.jar ie:
java -cp c:\...\argparser.jar
Try adding argparser.jar to your CLASSPATH ie
set CLASSPATH=c:\...\argparser.jar;%CLASSPATH%
There might be code in the ConsoleApp that, for whatever reason, does
some funky Java classloading and thus *requi
From the stacktrace, it appears Cactus can't connect to your webserver
to run its tests. Check your configuration of Cactus.
On 10/18/06, Mohan Gopal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am running my web project with maven. It compiles
successfully. However when I test it using 'mvn test'
there's a ws_ant task that you can run inside maven-antrun plugin
Mr Peter Pilgrim was doing some M2 development with Maven2 /WAS, check
on this list to get int ouch with him..
On 10/18/06, Pierfrancesco Girolami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've wrote a J2EE appli
Dear Maven Users.
As far as I know in multi-module projects, either we can declare
dependencies in parent pom or child pom (to which dependency belongs to) -
both ways it works, but I would like to know the recommended practice for
dependencies declaration.
1.Should it be declared in the co
Jeff Mutonho a écrit :
On 10/18/06, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do you have developers defined in your pom with an id that is the
username used in your scm?
One thing I noticed is that the "Change Log" ,"Developer Activity" and
"File Activity" hype
It's a bug in 1.0.3 but normally, the url is accessible too.
Ronald Pieterse a écrit :
How come that the query string is not set up correctly for this url? in my
continuum installation I experience the same problem.
It shows ProjectBuild.vm/view/ProjectBuild/id/161/buildId/1322
On 10/18/06, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do you have developers defined in your pom with an id that is the username used
in your scm?
One thing I noticed is that the "Change Log" ,"Developer Activity" and
"File Activity" hyper links do not appear i
won't scopes work?
on the ear's pom.xml you say:
and on the ejb's pom.xml you say:
See the guide about scopes.
Mark Sudau wrote, On 2006-10-18 3:01 PM:
Well I think I got miss understood.
I have a multi project containing an ejb-
How come that the query string is not set up correctly for this url? in my
continuum installation I experience the same problem.
It shows ProjectBuild.vm/view/ProjectBuild/id/161/buildId/1322 while I
think it should be like
How can th
howabout mvn -X log?
On 10/18/06, tulasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Dan,
Yes, i did what ever you suggested.
No Error its showing. Nothing converting wsdl2java.
its showing normal compilation errors.
dan tran wrote:
> Did you try out the suggestion Iprovided? what is the error? it
Hi Dan,
Yes, i did what ever you suggested.
No Error its showing. Nothing converting wsdl2java.
its showing normal compilation errors.
dan tran wrote:
> Did you try out the suggestion Iprovided? what is the error? it is hard to
> help you without
> knowing what is the error is ;-)
Seems to be a bug. Please, file an issue.
Nicolas DE LOOF a écrit :
Yet another question :
How to handle maven1 plugins using Archiva as a proxy ?
Example : I request maven PMD plugin 1.9 using maven1
Archiva looks into and
I don't know the status of it, but we have an equivalent in the mojo project : developped by trygvis.
This implementation can't be moved under wagon umbrella because jcifs used by it (and wagon-smb)
used a license that isn't com
I don't think we have a plan for it, but a shared drive should work
Nicolas DE LOOF a écrit :
Thanks for info.
Is there any plan for this or should I mount a shared drive ? (or use a
file://.. URL) ?
Emmanuel Venisse a écrit :
smb protocol isn't supported by maven/archiva becau
I just found this :
Maybe interesting as a contrib to Wagon project ? No Idea of the project
status, just discovered it using Google...
Nicolas DE LOOF a écrit :
Thanks for info.
Is there any plan for this or should I mount a
In my project I've got some ejb-client dependencies.
Every thing is working perfectly except maven-release-plugin.
It says that I don't have the ejb-client jars in the repository.
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
we try to use the mojo xslt plugin to trasnform a .tld file with a
special stylesheet (like the apache tomahawk works). But we got
everytime follow exception:
FEHLER: 'Unexpected end of file from server'
Did you try out the suggestion Iprovided? what is the error? it is hard to
help you without
knowing what is the error is ;-)
On 10/18/06, tulasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Actully i have xml files contain wsdl file location, path. First Read xml
file, from thr its will converts to java and it
Actually, it is in src/main/webapp:
I think my problem is that I have instead of ,
I'll give that a try.
On 10/18/06, Paul Barry <[EMAIL
Sorry to take this a little of topic, but what is ${keys}? Is there
documentation somewhere that says what replacements you can use in
custom archetypes?
On 10/18/06, Jan-Christopher Bals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am currently building a custom archetype.
In addition to the replacement
I've wrote a J2EE application (jar, ejb, war = ear). I succesfully compile
the entire project with Maven 2.0 but I've some trouble to deploy to IBM
WebSphere Application Server 5.1. I've found the WAS 5 maven-plugin but only
for maven 1.x and not for the maven 2.0. The problem is to create the
Thanks for info.
Is there any plan for this or should I mount a shared drive ? (or use a
file://.. URL) ?
Emmanuel Venisse a écrit :
smb protocol isn't supported by maven/archiva because we don't have a
smb provider in wagon.
Nicolas DE LOOF a écrit :
What are the supported
Yet another question :
How to handle maven1 plugins using Archiva as a proxy ?
Example : I request maven PMD plugin 1.9 using maven1
Archiva looks into and get the POM
It also searchs the Artifact as
Actully i have xml files contain wsdl file location, path. First Read xml
file, from thr its will converts to java and it compile.
I have checked for configuration with axistool. but i could n't able to find
At the worst cased i moved Ant-run plugin.
dan tran wrote:
> what is th
smb protocol isn't supported by maven/archiva because we don't have a smb
provider in wagon.
Nicolas DE LOOF a écrit :
What are the supported protocols for proxying a repository ?
In my case, archiva is deployed on a Windows box and my corporate repo
is on another windows box, acce
Jeff Mutonho a écrit :
On 10/17/06, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jeff Mutonho a écrit :
> On 10/17/06, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes. I don't know when we'll release it, but I think we'll do it
>> shortly because it fix lot of
>> issues from the la
Well I think I got miss understood.
I have a multi project containing an ejb-project a war-project and an
ear-project. The fianlly produced ear-archive will be deployed to jboss.
To reuse the ejb-archive I need to bundle some of the dependencies to
the ejb-archive.
To use jsp / xml validation i
I've got a private repo splitted in 4 parts :
* restricted artifacts : SUN jars, oracle libs...
* free libs not yet on ibiblio
* sources : sources jars not available on ibilbio
* private : our corporate commons libs
I'd like to make my 4 repos managed to check for consistency using
archiva rep
what is the problem with axistools-maven-plugin?
On 10/18/06, tulasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I tried with axistools-maven-plugin. but its not converting to java files.
have shifted to maven-antrun-plugin
while Compiling WSDL files i am getting following error.
found the error.
It may not be :cvs:@cvsserver: but :[EMAIL PROTECTED]: So I hab a : to much.
Mark Sudau schrieb:
Hi folks,
actually I moved my Project from maven 1 to maven 2. Now I want to
generate some reports. All are runing fine except the changelog. I
wonder why as I copied the configu
> Hi,
> Anyone know when will be back up?
Nope but I experienced the same this morning.
> Anyone know of a good alternative repo in Europe?
I use which works but is not that fast.
Anyway kids, have fun, play nice
What are the supported protocols for proxying a repository ?
In my case, archiva is deployed on a Windows box and my corporate repo
is on another windows box, accessible via a SMB file share.
Is it possible to use "smb://" as URL and to pass username/password ?
This message contain
I am currently building a custom archetype.
In addition to the replacement of ${keys} in files i need a way to
rename files and directories.
|-- pom.xml
`-- src
`-- main
`-- resources
| `-- archetype.xml
1 artifact = 1 pom with 1 (default is jar).
By using scopes on your dependencies in that pom:
see guides.
It's best to inherit the version tags of the dependencies from a parent
pom's dependencyManagament.
Mark Sudau wrote, On 2006-10-18 2:09 PM:
Hi Folks,
Hi folks,
actually I moved my Project from maven 1 to maven 2. Now I want to
generate some reports. All are runing fine except the changelog. I
wonder why as I copied the configureation from the web into my pom.
Here is the configuration:
I am running my web project with maven. It compiles
successfully. However when I test it using 'mvn test'
it gives 'connection refused error'.
Here is the stack trace: Connection refused: connect
Hi Folks,
actually I have successfully moved my project from Maven 1 to Maven 2.
Now I want to bundle some archives from the dependencies to my ejb or my
war file. This is to run different web applications with different
dependencies on the same applicatoinserver.
In Maven 1 I could set prop
On 10/17/06, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jeff Mutonho a écrit :
> On 10/17/06, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes. I don't know when we'll release it, but I think we'll do it
>> shortly because it fix lot of
>> issues from the latest version.
>> Emmanu
The standard directory layout says it should be in src/main/webapp
On 10/17/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/17/06, Paul Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I create my project fr
Anyone know when will be back up?
Anyone know of a good alternative repo in Europe?
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Kiryl Kazakevich wrote:
I have an inconvenience using Maven. When I'm calling some targets, I often get
a lot of messages, like this:
The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is ...
Are you sure you want to continue connecting? (yes/no): yes
So I always
I have a shell project:
Builld definitions
clean install
My email
I receive an email but the link is incorrect:
ccc :
I have an inconvenience using Maven. When I'm calling some targets, I often get
a lot of messages, like this:
The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is ...
Are you sure you want to continue connecting? (yes/no): yes
So I always have to type "yes". May I
I tried with axistools-maven-plugin. but its not converting to java files. I
have shifted to maven-antrun-plugin
while Compiling WSDL files i am getting following error.
[wscompile] error : is not available in the
Arnaud Bailly wrote:
Gisbert Amm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
When you implement your Mojo as AbstractMavenReport, then you can
simply add it to the section within the
section of your POM and your report will be generated and linked into
the Maven site automagically.
That's indeed really si
I'm using weblogic-maven-plugin to compile my ejb.jar. Here is the plugin
Thanks Ryan,
the snapshot plugin from apache works fine for me.
Ryan Slobojan wrote:
> Hi,
> Try using:
> org.apache.maven.plugins
> maven-changelog-plugin
> The plugin apparently switched locations from Codehaus to Apache, and
> the n
Finally, I solved my problem with this config location:
Alexandre Touret wrote:
I programmed some testcases which run perfectly under M1.x . I moved
them to M2 recently. Unfortunately, I have some troubles with the
Hi Thomas,
Thomas Recloux schrieb:
> Hello all,
> I'have got a projet with some modules producing their jars, but I'd
> like to produce one jar including all modules classes.
> I looked at the assembly plugin, but :
> - There is not "jar" format
> - I think I wil not be able to install
What do others recommend for running maven 2 builds from inside eclipse,
the m2eclipse plugin (, or running mvn
as an external program?
The m2eclipse plugin seems to have most promise, in that it's able to
update the classpath and dependencies of the projects it buil
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