Re: EL public static constant

2005-09-10 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, no EL can't, but JSP can. If you just need it for output you can do something like t:out value='%= Integer.MAX_VALUE = + Integer.MAX_VALUE %' / or if you need the value inside of EL t:out value='%= #{ + Integer.MAX_VALUE + } %' / but it's a bit complicated to construct a valid EL

Re: Form data passing problem

2005-09-14 Thread Volker Weber
not seem to state what an empty JSF-page should look like and how the elements are to be nested.) Do you have any idea where that mistake is? Thanks Matt -- - Volker WeberDietrichsweg 38a 26127 Oldenburg

Re: Form data passing problem

2005-09-14 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, you must remove the immediate=true form your submit button! this skips the updatemodel phase. Matthias Klein wrote: I have written a simple JSF-page which contains only one single inputText: %@ taglib uri=; prefix=h % %@ taglib

Re: [newbie] Forward to launch page

2005-09-16 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, your redirect path shoud be relative i.e. without the leading '/'. % response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectURL(pages/launch.jsf)); % regards Robert Taylor wrote: Thanks. But I've tried redirect already. Still the same problem. I also prefer to use path mapping as opposed to

Re: [newbie] Forward to launch page

2005-09-17 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, as i mentioned before: your has to made the redirect/forward link relative. I just check this out with the redirect in my application. Prefixing the redirect url with a '/' results in a HTTP Status 404 - /faces/overview/intro.jsp ! If you use absolute url you has to add the application path

f:convertDateTime problem

2005-09-20 Thread Volker Weber
Hello, i have a problem with the f:convertDateTime: if i have a simple h:outputText with an attached f:convertDateTime where only pattern is set (to HH:mm) the convertToObject goes wrong. For testing i'm using the date.jsp in simple expamles from svn current. I add h:inputText value=#{date3}

f:convertDateTime problem

2005-09-20 Thread Volker Weber
Hello, i have a problem with the f:convertDateTime: if i have a simple h:outputText with an attached f:convertDateTime where only pattern is set (to HH:mm) the convertToObject goes wrong. For testing i'm using the date.jsp in simple expamles from svn current. I add h:inputText value=#{date3}

Re: f:convertDateTime problem

2005-09-20 Thread Volker Weber
should be reverted. Can you test this with setting the timezone in convertDateTime. Good Night Bernd Volker Weber wrote: Hello, i have a problem with the f:convertDateTime: if i have a simple h:outputText with an attached f:convertDateTime where only pattern is set

Re: f:convertDateTime problem

2005-09-21 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, setting timezone=GMT in f:convertDateTime onjsp page solves my problem. But i still think this is a bug in the converter? Bye Volker Weber wrote: Hallo Bernd, yes i think also this is a timezone problem. when adding a 'timzone=CEST' to the converter the time is stable but wrong

Re: AW: Using JSTL in JSF Datatable

2005-09-27 Thread Volker Weber
Websphere Portal Developer IBM Business Consulting Services - Public Sector Reston Office: 703-668-2478 Cell: 703-622-1977 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... -- - Volker WeberDietrichsweg 38a 26127 Oldenburg Germany

Re: date conversion headache (HELP! URGENT!)

2005-09-29 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, the javadoc says: public java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone() Return the TimeZone used to interpret a time value. If not explicitly set, the default time zone of GMT returned. so we can't change this. but i think (now) the patch we applied last week was the wrong solution. Instead of

Re: Conditional handling of list items

2005-09-30 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, what about using two tags per item in conjunction with the rendered attribute: h:outputText value=#{bean.label} rendered=#{bean.something} / h:commandLink value=#{bean.label} rendered=#{! bean.something} / Regards Matthias Klein wrote: Is it possible to handle items in a list

Re: date conversion headache (HELP! URGENT!)

2005-09-30 Thread Volker Weber
type is date only. Regards Volker Weber wrote: Hi, the javadoc says: public java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone() Return the TimeZone used to interpret a time value. If not explicitly set, the default time zone of GMT returned. so we can't change this. but i think (now) the patch we

Re: tobago and myfaces extensions in the same webapp

2005-10-04 Thread Volker Weber
Hello, Jsf only supports one renderkit (renderkitId) per page (f:view). Because tobago has it's own renderkitId you can't use any none tobago components that need a renderer. x:saveState doesen't use a renderer, so it works with tobago. x:aliasBean doesen't really need to use the renderer.


2005-10-06 Thread Volker Weber
Hello, Boris Kovalenko wrote: Hello! ... Ok, this helps... now local dates are ok. Thank You, Volker! But now I have problems with dates I reading from SQL. What should I do with them? Is there best practices how to work with dates? Is that only for old values or also for the new ones

Re: inputDate

2005-10-07 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, see maybe file an jira issue. regards Volker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello! Is it possible that if i use the component inputDate type=time that it shows only hours and minutes? I don't want to show the user the

Re: inputDate

2005-10-07 Thread Volker Weber
Hi again, there is already an issue: regards Volker Volker Weber wrote: Hi, see maybe file an jira issue. regards Volker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello

Re: [Topic Changed] UISelectMany and EvaluationException

2005-10-11 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, where did you initialize the List dataFile? you posted the code incompletly. but from your exception it looks like return dataFile.toArray(); throws a java.lang.NullPointerException. Bye Caroline Jen wrote: I have gotten rid of the Argument Type Mismatch problem. I found that if I

Re: one button 2 forms... how?

2005-10-12 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, you need a ValueExpression in the value attributes. h:form h:inputText id=name01 value=#{Bean01} maxlength=10 size=15 required=true / h:inputText id=name02 value=#{Bean02} maxlength=10 size=15 required=true / h:commandButton value=Create

Re: I Created a UISelectMany, But, It Was Not Acceptable to the f:selectItems

2005-10-12 Thread Volker Weber
=== If this is what you want to do, it should be easy to adapt it to your needs. If not you shoud explain a bit clearer what you want. Regards Volker Weber Caroline Jen wrote: I understand what you are talking about. I created select one and select many long time ago without any problem. I think

Re: I Created a UISelectMany, But, It Was Not Acceptable to the f:selectItems

2005-10-13 Thread Volker Weber
retrieved will be a String[] if I am not terribly wrong.) to be sent to the database? The type is the array type of the objects used to create the selectItems, in my example Strings. I attached updated and test.jsp with examples. Regards Volker Weber -- Don't answer to From: address

Re: ClassCastException in HtmlCommandLink

2005-10-13 Thread Volker Weber
Hallo, you should post a litle more of your code, the exception occures in a verbatim tag, i can't see a verbatim tag in your posted code. so just a guess: could be a problem with ids: you should assign an id to every created component. if on one request one of your commandlinks became a

Re: ClassCastException in HtmlCommandLink

2005-10-13 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, Marius Kreis wrote: Hi! You're right, the cause of this exception is a verbatim tag, I was not aware that the verbatim tag is getting an id aswell and this might cause the exception... the complete jsp is: %@ taglib uri=; prefix=h % %@ taglib

Re: ClassCastException in HtmlCommandLink

2005-10-13 Thread Volker Weber
Marius Kreis wrote: [...] When I remove the verbatim tag (by putting the f:view tags only around the commandLink and panelGrid) everything seems to work fine. I don't know the reason to put those html tags inside of verbatim, but i often see this. if i use html i wrote it directly

Re: how to set the class of selectItem text?

2005-10-14 Thread Volker Weber
']} / /h:selectOneRadio So where does the class get set? (class=selectItemFont) Thanks. Jeff -Original Message- From: Volker Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 14 October 2005 11:08 To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: Re: how to set the class of selectItem text? see : http

Re: [MyFaces] Custom Validator???

2005-10-16 Thread Volker Weber
Hello, if i understand you correct, you need to execute updateModelPhase, but skip validationPhase. Have you tryed immediate=true, to skip both, in your Go to Detail button and invoke viewRoot.processUpdates() in your Go to Detail action? Regards Volker Rafael Nami wrote: Good morning

Re: selectOneRadio - How to validate?

2005-10-17 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, use selectOneRadios attribute required=true. Jeffrey Porter wrote: I have a radio button on my page created by a selectOneRadio tag. But I can submit the page without selecting an option. How to I get the radio button group to be validated? I can see there is the tag

Re: UISelectMany. Mr. Weber, Regarding Cleaning Multiple Selections

2005-10-17 Thread Volker Weber
' attibute with its value being reset to clean the previous selections visually. a reset button dosen't clear a selection, just reset the whole form content to initial state. --Caroline --- Volker Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Caroline, Caroline Jen wrote: ... Meanwhile, would you

Re: Validation of inter-dependent fields

2005-10-19 Thread Volker Weber
The default behavior of the DateTimeConverter is to use GMT if no Timezone is specified. This is since 22/Sep/05 because of the jsf spec. Also showing the Date only is default behavior, if you want to show the time also you need to specify a pattern or a type to the converter. Maxence Dewil

Re: User Management - advice needed.

2005-10-20 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, there is a getUserPrincipal() method in ExternalContext, Regards Volker weber Jeffrey Porter wrote: Hello again. My question is this. I want when a JSF page is displayed, to look up the current user and display some information on them. For example

Re: User Management - advice needed.

2005-10-20 Thread Volker Weber
You can do FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getUserPrincipal() in every bean, also at first page. Jeffrey Porter wrote: I've messed about and got my action method to make a call to a SessionBean. Which then looks up the current user via the SessionContext. The

Re: IF statement..?

2005-10-20 Thread Volker Weber
No but you can use the rendered attribute. h:outputLabel value=ADMIN rendered=#{user.admin}/ h:outputLabel value=NOT ADMIN rendered=#{!user.admin}/ only the one where rendered evaluates to true is rendered. Jeffrey Porter wrote: Does MyFaces contain an IF statement? Something

Re: Change Locale

2005-10-20 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, you need to specifiy the locale to a bean in f:view tag and change the value there also. Jatinder Singh wrote: Hi, I'm trying to change the locale for the current user like this: JSP: h:commandLink immediate=true action=#{Home.germanLocal} h:graphicImage

Re: IF statement..?

2005-10-21 Thread Volker Weber
Try rendered={#UserController.user.PQE} the 'is' is added by beanutils. Jeffrey Porter wrote: What am I missing here? h:outputLabel rendered={#UserController.user.isPQE} for=finalLiability value=#{my_properties['NCM_label_finalLiability']} / h:selectOneRadio

Re: IF statement..?

2005-10-21 Thread Volker Weber
Ok, that may be the reason that he didn't found an exception in his logs. but does #{UserController.user.isPQE} works? i think not, but never tested. Martin Marinschek wrote: Try using #{ instead of {# ;) regards, Martin On 10/21/05, Volker Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: Ajax Tags usage

2005-10-23 Thread Volker Weber
much for your reply... i have one additional question.. i wasnot able to find a site from where i could download sandbox.jar sandbox.war, would you mind pointing met o the correct URL? thanks ina dvance and regards marco On 10/23/05, *Volker Weber* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL

Re: [tobago] error bad type in putfield/putstatic in layout tag

2005-10-24 Thread Volker Weber
in no error, i got the expected empty page. I found an error in your page: the label must be #{appBundle.pageTitle}, but this can't be the reason of your exception. regards Volker Weber Stefan Hedtfeld wrote: Hi, I tried to create my own web application using your example webapps as a template. I

Re: [tobago] error bad type in putfield/putstatic in layout tag

2005-10-25 Thread Volker Weber
original error. Can you try out without the app.tag, it seems me to be more a jsp problem than a tobago one. regards Volker Weber Hedtfeld wrote: [...] Maybe a look into my war-file will give you an idea what I might have missed. index.jsp

Re: Validating a DataTable

2005-10-25 Thread Volker Weber
Hello, i don't understand your intention. The purpose of a validator is to validate user input. Correct me if i'm wrong, but as i know it isn't possible for the user to change the rowcount of a datatable on client side. So what did you want to validate? regards Volker Hello Everyone! I

Re: Help still needed with valueChangeListener

2005-10-26 Thread Volker Weber
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jeff *1)* Shouldn’t this ctxt.getExternalContext().getSessionMap().put(“SHOWTHIS”, “partNumber”); be ctxt.getExternalContext().getSessionMap().put( “partNumber”, “SHOWTHIS”); surely the component id is the key And if you do this you must

Re: [PROPOSAL] PRETTY_HTML, was [RE: JFS's html output]

2005-10-26 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21) wrote: OK I looked into what JTidy delivers. Unfortunately it is not what we want :( The current jtidyServletFilter just VALIDATES the html and includes a validation-icon into the html-code delivered.The PrettyPrint feature is only available in the

Re: [PROPOSAL] PRETTY_HTML, was [RE: JFS's html output]

2005-10-26 Thread Volker Weber
Volker Weber wrote: and add filter descriptionFilter for JSP/description filter-nameJTidyFilter/filter-name filter-classorg.w3c.tidy.servlet.filter.JTidyFilter/filter-class init-param param-nametee/param-name param-valuefalse/param-value /init

Re: curious problem with dates

2005-10-26 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, there was another thread with subject 'MYFACES-656' where i give a possible solution. The fact is as to spec the converter uses GMT if you don't set him to use another timezone. If you want to use system default, like pre MYFACES-656, just give this timezone as attribute. e.g. provide a

Re: Help still needed with valueChangeListener

2005-10-26 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, your problem is the call of FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().renderResponse(). this skips the applicationPhase and so the old component tree is rendered again. During rendering an old tree the previoly submitted value takes precedence over the bean value. regards Volker Jeffrey Porter

Re: curious problem with dates

2005-10-26 Thread Volker Weber
You can register a custom date/time converter and implement what you want/need. If i remember correct there was the idea of provide such a converter to tomahawk/sandbox. There is no need to fit the spec. Maybe someone has already implement such one. regards Volker Francesco Consumi wrote:

Re: Help still needed with valueChangeListener

2005-10-26 Thread Volker Weber
I can't deploy the contained war. i got a ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.myfaces.examples.servlet.SourceCodeServlet Jeffrey Porter wrote: I’ve complied my code into an example ear. -- Don't answer to From: address! Mail

Re: Help still needed with valueChangeListener

2005-10-26 Thread Volker Weber
Jeff. -Original Message- From: Volker Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 26 October 2005 12:46 To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: Re: Help still needed with valueChangeListener Hi, your problem is the call of FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().renderResponse

Re: responseComplete + lifecycle problems

2005-10-27 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, i'm not shure, but i think your lifecircle problem is simular to this in ajax requests. For server side state saving there is additionaly to the responseComplete() call a state saving done. see sandbox AjaxPhaseListerner for details. regards Volker Lucio Piccoli wrote: hi all, i

Re: responseComplete + lifecycle problems

2005-10-28 Thread Volker Weber
I'm not sure how tis came in your case, but in case of a first request, when no stored view is found, this is exactly the expected behavior. In restore the previous tree is recreated, if no view found there is nothing to for other phases and they are skipped. regards Volker Lucio Piccoli

Re: Dynamic include not working / component tree growing indefinitely

2005-10-29 Thread Volker Weber
Volker.Weber wrote: Hello Andreas, If i remenber correct, this must be somewhere in doEndTag() of UIComponentBase. Must be UIComponentTag, not Base, off cause! I have no sources here, so i can't check this now. regards Volker Andreas Schenk wrote: Am Samstag, 29. Oktober 2005

Re: curious problem with dates

2005-10-31 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, CONNER, BRENDAN (SBCSI) wrote: Sounds good, except that, if the JSF spec says to use GMT by default, shouldn't we keep that as the default, to be consistent with it and avoid confusion among people using different implementations? Maybe we should add support for allowing the user to

Re: curious problem with dates

2005-10-31 Thread Volker Weber
Yes this is correct, but the difference is between tomahawk and JSF spec components than. CONNER, BRENDAN (SBCSI) wrote: Oh. I was under the impression that the sandbox stuff was just a preliminary step to going to Tomahawk. Sorry. - Brendan -Original Message- From: Volker

Re: curious problem with dates

2005-10-31 Thread Volker Weber
regards Volker CONNER, BRENDAN (SBCSI) wrote: Right. I was just saying that, it's one thing to explicitly add functionality, but it's another thing to silently alter the default assumptions. - Brendan -Original Message- From: Volker Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent

Re: curious problem with dates

2005-10-31 Thread Volker Weber
, BRENDAN (SBCSI) wrote: I *do* expect that t:dataTable is a version of h:dataTable with additional functionality. I don't expect it to have different defaults for borders or background color, for example. - Brendan -Original Message- From: Volker Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: PanelGrid with dynamic amount of items

2005-11-01 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, Sven Haiges wrote: thanx! i first wanted to try out the programmatic way. I bound a panelGrid to a managed bean property and once I get the result from the db, I add some outputText elements. the outputText is then added to the parent, I simply call setParent(productPanel) - productPanel

Re: Ajax inputSuggestAjax tag works??

2005-11-02 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, the 'jsf_tree_64' refers to the clientside state saving of the myfaces implementation, not to the input element. if you are not using the myfaces implementation try switching to server side state saving. regards Volker TRIFILETTI, Mel wrote: Hi, I'm trying to use the inputSuggestAjax

Re: Ajax inputSuggestAjax tag works??

2005-11-02 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, i just check that out: downloading: extracting sandbox.war and depolying to my tomcat (5.5.7). inputSuggestAjax works without problems. Regards Volker L. Morin wrote: Hi, I'm trying to run the

Re: How to create component without binding?

2005-11-04 Thread Volker Weber
Hello, you can create a component subtree in your application, but at least you need one tag with a binding to your subtrees root component to include these into your view. regards Volker Rene Ott wrote: Hello @all, I would like to create dynamically inside a backing bean some

Re: AW: How to create component without binding?

2005-11-04 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, the h:panelGroup ... tag should render nothing but just the children if no style or styleClass attributes are present. So h:panelGroup binding=#{my.backingbean} should do. see: regards Volker Rene Ott

Re: PanelGrid with dynamic amount of items

2005-11-05 Thread Volker Weber
Marinschek: Oh right, I didn't even see that. Of course, you need to add the text to the children list of the parent component. regards, Martin On 11/1/05, Volker Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Tomcat didn't load JSF-Page (Tobago-Problem?)

2005-11-11 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Juergen, the calculated sizes should cached only in the attributeMap of the component itself. But also recalculated at a new rendering phase. Im wondering how this could make a problem. Can you explain how you deploy via Idea? I also us Idea for development, but i don't know how to depoly

Re: Tomcat didn't load JSF-Page (Tobago-Problem?)

2005-11-11 Thread Volker Weber
can compile and the jsp file will be copied to correct position. iIf you have problems ask the support (very good!) or visit the website. They have a detailed desciption how to make a web project. Thanks, Juergen From: Volker Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: MyFaces Discussion users

Re: Getting the ContextPath to set stylesheet href properly

2005-11-12 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Wayne, I'm not shure about the 'best' way to solve this, but one of the easyest is to provide a bean method for getting the contectPath. public static String getContextPath() { return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath(); } Put this in a

Re: value through beans

2005-11-13 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, Airton (Terra) wrote: Hi, how could I get a value from a bean class to another? Ex.: I have a class LoginBean with setName and getName. I need get name on ListBean to query on a database. I've done: public class ListBean { ... LoginBean lb = new LoginBean(); Here you are

Re: How to customize the Tobago-Toolbar?

2005-11-14 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Jürgen, yes it's possible. you need to provide application css files to overwrite the theme ones. To remove the toolbars border in speyside theme: create a file named tobago-resource/html/speyside/standard/style/style.css in your webapp root directory, with content

Re: How to customize the Tobago-Toolbar?

2005-11-14 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Jürgen, yes it's possible. you need to provide application css files to overwrite the theme ones. To remove the toolbars border in speyside theme: create a file named tobago-resource/html/speyside/standard/style/style.css in your webapp root directory, with content

Re: How to customize the Tobago-Toolbar?

2005-11-14 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Jürgen, yes it's possible. you need to provide application css files to overwrite the theme ones. To remove the toolbars border in speyside theme: create a file named tobago-resource/html/speyside/standard/style/style.css in your webapp root directory, with content

Re: How to customize the Tobago-Toolbar?

2005-11-14 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Jürgen, yes it's possible. you need to provide application css files to overwrite the theme ones. To remove the toolbars border in speyside theme: create a file named tobago-resource/html/speyside/standard/style/style.css in your webapp root directory, with content

Re: How to customize the Tobago-Toolbar?

2005-11-14 Thread Volker Weber
Sorry for this dublicate mails. There was a problem with mail config :-(. I hope it's fixed now. -- Don't answer to From: address! Mail to this account are droped if not recieved via mailinglist. To contact me direct create the mail address by concatenating my forename to my senders domain.

Re: value through beans

2005-11-15 Thread Volker Weber
see: Tim Davies wrote: Sorry, I missed the beginning of this. What were you trying to do? Airton (Terra) wrote: Thank you all ! I've got success this way too: FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

Re: AJAX verbatim tag usage problem

2005-11-16 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Andrew, could you explain a bit more what your ajax request does? Goes your ajax request through the normal jsf lifecircle? wehre is it intercepted to render just the ajax part? Have you other, non verbatim, jsf tags inside your controll? Did they show an other behavior tahnthe verbatim? The

Re: AJAX verbatim tag usage problem

2005-11-16 Thread Volker Weber
: On 11/16/05, *Volker Weber* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Andrew, could you explain a bit more what your ajax request does? Goes your ajax request through the normal jsf lifecircle? wehre is it intercepted to render just the ajax part? Sure

Why is verbatim component transient?

2005-11-16 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, i just came over a problem with verbatim tags in ajax enabled components. see: The UIOutput components created for verbatim tags are not saved to state because there are explicitly set to transient. This makes it

Re: Why is verbatim component transient?

2005-11-16 Thread Volker Weber
It's in the spec :-(. 9.4.17 ... and the transient property must be set to true. ... Any thoughts about having a t:verbatim tag? Volker Weber wrote: Hi, i just came over a problem with verbatim tags in ajax enabled components. see:

AJAX verbatim problem (Was Re: Why is verbatim component transient?)

2005-11-17 Thread Volker Weber
evaluated inside tags will not re-evaluate -- Adam On 11/16/05, Volker Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, i just came over a problem with verbatim tags in ajax enabled components. see: The UIOutput components created

Re: AJAX verbatim problem (Was Re: Why is verbatim component transient?)

2005-11-17 Thread Volker Weber
in the lifecycle? regards, Martin On 11/17/05, Volker Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I see the problems, but i still think it should be possible to have verbatim content inside of ajax updated components. And i don't see any chance to partialy re-execute the relevant jsp files. - c:if will not re

Re: phase event...

2005-11-17 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, you can't intercept between component creation and rendering. see this thread: The only way to have components before the render phase is to provide application created components via binding attribute. Mariano Petrakovsky

Re: AJAX verbatim problem (Was Re: Why is verbatim component transient?)

2005-11-17 Thread Volker Weber
;) both that it is only evaluated in the JSP processing, but there only in the render response phase - shouldn't that happen much earlier? couldn't it be that we need the reference to an I18n text much earlier in the lifecycle? regards, Martin On 11/17/05, Volker Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: Question about t:saveState and it's scope

2005-11-19 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Susan, Susan Cline wrote: Hi, Here's the use of the saveState in the FlightList.jsp file: t:saveState value=#{flightConfig} / t:saveState value=#{flight} / Within this page I'm using a datatable to get the available flights in the flightConfig bean: t:dataTable id=data

Re: manual component rendering

2005-11-21 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, you can set a custom responseWriter into the facesContext and call encode methods on the component. like this: // backup the writer ResponseWriter writer = (ResponseWriter) facesContext.getResponseWriter(); // replace responseWriter and render page content StringWriter content = new

Re: Accessing value in a bean (hashmap of hashmap)

2005-11-21 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Wayne, you can't use a Map as value for dataTable. You need a array, java.util.List, javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result or a java.sql.ResultSet. try to use a List as messages object. regards Volker Wayne Fay wrote: I have a managed SanityCheckBean which saves values in a GenericVO

Re: manual component rendering

2005-11-22 Thread Volker Weber
) org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute( com.ias.faces.FacesServlet.service(Unknown Source) org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilter.doFilter( On 11/21/05, Volker Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, you can set a custom

Re: German Umlauts with InputSuggestAjax, Stylesheets and Speed of Code with InputSuggestAjax

2005-11-24 Thread Volker Weber
Andy -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Volker Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. November 2005 15:47 An: MyFaces Discussion Betreff: Re: {Filename?} German Umlauts with InputSuggestAjax, Stylesheets and Speed of Code with InputSuggestAjax Hi Andy, [EMAIL

Re: AW: German Umlauts with InputSuggestAjax, Stylesheets and Speed of Code with InputSuggestAjax

2005-11-24 Thread Volker Weber
Volker Regards Andy PS: JIRA is openend. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Volker Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 24. November 2005 10:29 An: MyFaces Discussion Betreff: Re: German Umlauts with InputSuggestAjax, Stylesheets and Speed of Code

Re: AW: German Umlauts with InputSuggestAjax, Stylesheets and Speed of Code with InputSuggestAjax

2005-11-24 Thread Volker Weber
Or just patch InputSuggestAjaxRenderer to do this an add the patch to myfaces-873 :-) Volker Weber wrote: Hi Andy, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Volker! I have achieved to solve the problems with the Stylesheet. I have set a styleLocation Attribute and implemented my own theme.css But I

Re: AW: AW: German Umlauts with InputSuggestAjax

2005-11-24 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, UnicodeEncoder returns the encoded string. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Volker! I have tried your suggestion with UnicodeEncoder but it didn't work. Do you mean it like that? if (fname.startsWith(upperCasePrefix)) {

Re: AW: Cannot get value for expression

2005-11-25 Thread Volker Weber
and the relevant jsp code. Regards Volker Martin Russmann wrote: Hi, we already have done that and it works fine on tomcat.5.5. It seems to be a specific Websphere 5.1 problem. Thanks in advance. Martin -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Volker Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Gesendet

Re: Problem with Changing the locale, t:dataTable f:verbatim

2005-12-01 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Thomas, i don't know what the problem with datatable and verbatim is, may be worth to investigate, but to enable users to change the locale independent from the preferences settings in there browsers, you should provide a bean with a locale property. add the attribute locale to the f:view

Re: AW: UI component behavior problem

2005-12-01 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Matthias, you can use component binding to preserve component instances over different views. If you create a bean with getter/setter for all your input components, jsf trys to get the component from there and if not found (at first time accessing) creates them and store there. So you will

Re: MethodBinding in CustomRenderer

2005-12-01 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Marcel, please post some of your code, particularly the creation of the commandLink components. With out additional info we can' help you. Regards Volker Marcel Soulier wrote: Hi, I seem to have problem with MethodBinding when i add it programatically. I have a Tree of

Re: MethodBinding in CustomRenderer(2)

2005-12-01 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, ok, you have a panelGrid in your jsp with component binding to your managed-bean property 'panelGrid' ? In your action-method schrittweiseKriteriumHinzufuegen() your are creating a new instance of SuchkriterienTable. I can't see wehre you add this instance to any parent component. Note:

Re: AW: AW: UI component behavior problem

2005-12-01 Thread Volker Weber
Volker! Many thanks, ComponentBinding works, my input values are preserved... Regards, Matthias -Ursprungliche Nachricht- Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Auftrag von Volker Weber Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2005 11:43 An: MyFaces Discussion Betreff: Re: AW: UI

Re: UI component behavior problem

2005-12-02 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Mathias, never heard of layout=spread before, it's illegal value according to the tld, but i looked into the source and the examples and at least i hopefully have understand what it mean and how it works, And my conclusion is there is a bug in this component. The submitted value is never

Re: [tobago] is there a way to say render partially two node ids?

2007-10-05 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Zied, currently this is only possible via javascript. but there is already a request to enable this: Regards, Volker 2007/10/5, Zied Hamdi [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hello, I have a case where in the whole page there are two parts that have as

Re: [Tobago] NullPointerException in AjaxResponseRenderer

2007-10-07 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Helmut, i have seen this Exception in my log before, but because i did not see any misbehavior in my app i don't bother too much. Now i take the time to have a look and found the reason. This is fixed in svn now. Regards, Volker 2007/10/5, Helmut Swaczinna [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi,

Re: [Tobago] javascript libraries

2007-10-08 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Mario, i don't know jquery. prototype.js 1.4.0 is currently bundled with tobago, this may be the problem when adding 1.5.0 also. But don't relay on the bundle, we plan to remove prototype.js in favor to dojo. Regards, Volker 2007/10/8, Schröder, Mario [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi, I

Re: [Tobago] javascript libraries

2007-10-14 Thread Volker Weber
to include all files in the script folder, no matter if they are already provided by Tobago? Regards, Mario -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Volker Weber Gesendet: Montag, 8. Oktober 2007 14:38 An: MyFaces Discussion Betreff: Re

Re: [Tobago] renderPartially inside a Popup:: no effect

2007-10-24 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Yazid, the leading : is missing in the value of the renderedPartially. Absolute clientIds must start with a colon, or you can use the relative id if no namingContainers between the Box and the command. tc:attribute value=searchBox name=renderedPartially / Regards, Volker 2007/10/24,

Re: [Tobago] renderPartially inside a Popup:: no effect

2007-10-24 Thread Volker Weber
is not submitted to the server. If I click on the selectBox, the method modeChanged (immediate=false) is executed befor sending the changing the value of bean.use (to true) Is that any other parameter to set Volker Weber-5 wrote: Hi Yazid, the leading : is missing in the value

Re: [Tobago] Weird problem with tc:link inside tc:sheet

2007-11-02 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Ramon, i can't see any functional problem in your code fragment, just some layouting issues. Can you add the DebugPhaseListener [1] to see if the applicationPhase is reached? to the layouting: you don't need the tc:cell if only one component is included. if you want layout inside a sheet

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