Re: Exceptions during redeployment in Eclipse

2012-06-19 Thread marcin
How can i get this update? I can't see new snapshot under: -- View this message in context:

Re: Exceptions during redeployment in Eclipse

2012-06-19 Thread marcin
Thanks for help, build has been triggered and ended up successfully, but still I have no idea how can I download it. Please forgive me, but I don't now how big open source projects are built and deployed. -- View this message in context:

Re: Exceptions during redeployment in Eclipse

2012-06-19 Thread marcin
Thank you very much for your instructions! Here is what I get from console during redeployment with the newest build: 2012-06-19 15:50:08 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext reload INFO: Reloading Context with name [/GreenAndGreat] has started 2012-06-19 15:50:08

Re: Exceptions during redeployment in Eclipse

2012-06-19 Thread marcin
Yes, this update has fixed the issue. Thanks a lot! -- View this message in context: Sent from the OpenEJB User mailing list archive at

Singleton EJB Scheduled Method

2012-06-11 Thread marcin
In my app I have a scheduled method implemented in singleton EJB: @Schedule(minute=*/30,hour=*, persistent=false) @Lock(LockType.WRITE) public void doSomeWork() { //... } While on beta-2 of OpenEJB everything works fine, on apache-tomee-1.0.0-beta-3-20120514.041257-131-webprofile I'm

Re: Singleton EJB Scheduled Method

2012-06-11 Thread marcin
The method is properly fired with the newest snapshot, without any exception. Thanks for your advice. I should have given a try to newest snapshot before asking on forum - sorry. -- View this message in context:

Re: Singleton EJB Scheduled Method

2012-06-11 Thread marcin
After switching to the snapshot, everytime i redeploy my application under Eclipse (i.e. i save some *.java file in Eclipse) I get following exception: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: An invalid Lifecycle transition was attempted ([before_start]) for component

MyFaces and ViewScope, Mojarra + TomEE ?

2012-06-02 Thread marcin
I have an issue with @ViewScope. My @ViewScope bean has a viewParam named id. The page example.xhtml is opened with GET parameter id, i.e example.xhtml?id=343 When I open this in browser, and fire actions on the page (both AJAX and normal HTTP) everything works fine, as it is excepted with

Re: MyFaces and ViewScope, Mojarra + TomEE ?

2012-06-02 Thread marcin
Well, I think that I've managed to solve the problem with expiring view. The problem was that I had 3 h:forms in the page. When I put all content of the page into one form, I didn't expirienced expired view exception anymore. But nevertheless I'd like to ask how I can install Mojarra on TomEE as

Re: EJB Injection in JSF Managed Bean

2012-05-16 Thread marcin
After all I think that there is some bug with resources. The following URL properly loads image: /MyApplication/javax.faces.resource/welcome.png.xhtml?ln=imgs and the following URL doesn't: /MyApplication/javax.faces.resource/okBtn.png.xhtml?ln=imgs/buttons It looks like there is some bug

Re: EJB Injection in JSF Managed Bean

2012-05-15 Thread marcin
I am replying to my original post because I was not subscribed to mailing list at the time when I posted my problem. I'd like everybody to know about existence of this topic. -- View this message in context:

Re: EJB Injection in JSF Managed Bean

2012-05-15 Thread marcin
Thanks for help. I've tried to find new snapshot in binary form but without a success. Do I have to build OpenEJB from head revision from SVN in order to acquire fixed version? -- View this message in context:

Re: EJB Injection in JSF Managed Bean

2012-05-15 Thread marcin
Thanks for the link. I've downloaded snapshot and deployed my application on this new server. The problem with injection of EJB indeed is no longer present, but I have found another bug. On beta-2 resources of JSF application can be accessed with URL such as:

Re: EJB Injection in JSF Managed Bean

2012-05-15 Thread marcin
Hmm, this is a good question. It is the only way it worked on beta-2. Maybe it is somehow connected with my declaration of servlet mapping, i.e.: servlet-mapping servlet-nameFaces Servlet/servlet-name url-pattern*.xhtml/url-pattern /servlet-mapping -- View this message in context:

RE: Cannot override security annotations

2009-01-12 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
in the current release. [Marcin Kwapisz] p.setProperty(log4j.category.OpenEJB.startup.attributes, DEBUG); ctx = new InitialContext(p); It does not work. That’s why I have set that value as a system property. We achieve this by translating the annotation into their *exact* xml equivalent and processing

RE: Cannot override security annotations

2009-01-08 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
pl.zsk.sos.ejb.endpoint.StudentEndpointBean.createStudent(pl.zsk.sos.dto.StudentDTO,pl.zsk.sos.dto.AccountDTO) throws pl.zsk.sos.exception.StudentException -- StudentEndpoint : * : * : createStudent(*) SysAdmin Regards -- Marcin Kwapisz Division of Computer Networks Technical Univeristy of Lodz, Poland

Maven and OpenEJB unit testing

2008-12-08 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
:\JavaProg\MySamples\EJB\Samplev7\JEEMavenProject2\PersonAccountModule\target\classes INFO - Found EjbModule in classpath: D:\JavaProg\MySamples\EJB\Samplev7\JEEMavenProject2\PersonAccountModule\target\test-classes INFO - Found EjbModule in classpath: e:\Profiles\Marcin Kwapisz\.m2\repository\zsk\samples

RE: Override annotations in ejb-jar.xml for a test case

2008-10-09 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
Hi, We don't have any functionality for supplying an alternate ejb-jar.xml for testing purposes. It's not a bad idea and is something we might be able to add after we get the 3.1 release out the door. [Marcin Kwapisz] My Maven2 profile is as follows. resource directs to folder src/test

RE: Rollback transactions in unit testing

2008-10-02 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
Marcin, the strategy you suggest should also work and is especially good for prototyping or smaller projects. In our case where we have a huge application with (1.5 Mio LoC, 1000 EJBs, 100 database tables with complex relationships) we cannot drop (or empty) and create tables in junit

RE: Rollback transactions in unit testing

2008-09-30 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
[Marcin Kwapisz] I do not understand why you want to rollback committed transaction, especially in unit test. Even, I do not know how to do it in JEE application. Maybe our way will suit you: 1. set drop and create strategy in persistence.xml (property name depends on JPA provider, we have

RE: Unit tests for concurrent transactions

2008-09-09 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
Great, thanks for the example. We will try to prepare unit tests for concurrent transactions definitely (and publish as an solution/example). [Marcin Kwapisz] Best regards -- Marcin Kwapisz Division of Computer Networks Technical Univeristy of Lodz, Poland

Unit tests for concurrent transactions

2008-09-08 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
-- Marcin Kwapisz Division of Computer Networks Technical Univeristy of Lodz, Poland

RE: Configuring hibernate properties in unit tests

2008-09-02 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
Thanks for the link, this post doesn't look to be able to help me with runtime configuration of hibernate properties though, looks like its not possible so I will settle for seperate persistence.xml files. [Marcin Kwapisz] Maybe I misunderstood something. You want to set persistent.xml

RE: Configuring hibernate properties in unit tests

2008-08-31 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
I think that blog entry can be useful. Regards -- Marcin Kwapisz Division of Computer Networks Technical Univeristy of Lodz, Poland Hi, I'm using openejb with hibernate for unit tetsting my EJBs and I'm running

RE: OpenEJB, Maven and Hibernate problem

2008-08-21 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
Also, we have an OpenEJB, Maven, Hibernate example here that may help. hibernate/ [Marcin Kwapisz] Hi, After a little investigation I am almost sure that the problem is with hibernate, not within OpenEJB. Hibernate cannot

OpenEJB, Maven and Hibernate problem

2008-08-20 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
/netbeans.hint.deploy.server /properties /project Thanks in advance Regards -- Marcin Kwapisz Division of Computer Networks Technical Univeristy of Lodz, Poland

RE: OpenEJB, Maven and Hibernate problem

2008-08-20 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
and SecondaryTable does not work with Hibernate. So the problem is not with OpenEJB (I think). I don’t know why I get null in original project. Can it be the same problem or a different one? Regards -- Marcin Kwapisz Division of Computer Networks Technical Univeristy of Lodz, Poland

RE: Propblem with OpenEJB + Toplink unit tests

2008-08-04 Thread Marcin Kwapisz
in TopLink? [Marcin Kwapisz] Thanks David for the hint. There is such feature and similar problem (solution also) is described here: and here: