Re: [Virtuoso-users] ISQL Result Dump format

2016-06-13 Thread Rumi
where {}" > XX.ttl 2) trim the first 9 lines so to have as content only the triples: tail -n +9 XX.ttl > XX_new.ttl Best Regards, Rumi Best Regards, Rumi On 13-Jun-16 9:50 AM, S.M.Shamimul Hasan wrote: Hello, I am running following query on Virtuoso isql. SPARQ

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Custom aggregate function in Virtuoso

2016-04-25 Thread Rumi
Hi Albert, On 12-Apr-16 8:21 PM, Albert Meroño Peñuela wrote: Hi all, I'm trying to implement a custom aggregate function in Virtuoso. Following the examples at [1] I've written something silly of the style CREATE PROCEDURE DB.DBA.MyAggregate (IN X NUMERIC) { declare m numeric; m := m +

Re: [Virtuoso-users] (no subject)

2015-03-12 Thread Rumi
limitation? If someone has an entirely different way to accomplish exactly the same: by my guest to show me! Did you try changing the type to any i.e.: DECLARE col any; Best Regards, Rumi Kocis Thanks in advance! Kenny

Re: [Virtuoso-users] vhost_define vsp_user and real user

2015-02-06 Thread Rumi
Hi Gang Fu, On 06-Feb-15 4:29 PM, Gang Fu wrote: Hi Rumi, I totally understand your point. My quesiton is about the 'vsp_user' or called 'vsp_host' used to expose the sparql endpoint. Our system security team has concern about the 'vsp_user', they are not sure what is used for, and how

Re: [Virtuoso-users] vhost_define vsp_user and real user

2015-02-05 Thread Rumi
Hi Gang Fu, On 05-Feb-15 3:03 PM, Gang Fu wrote: Hi Rumi, Using vhost_define() through isql we can achieve the same thing: DB.DBA.VHOST_DEFINE ( lhost=ip:port, vhost=name, lpath='/sparql', ppath='/!sparql/', is_dav=1, vsp_user='dba', ses_vars=0, sec='digest', auth_fn

Re: [Virtuoso-users] vhost_define vsp_user and real user

2015-02-03 Thread Rumi
Hi Gang Fu, On 03-Feb-15 3:47 PM, Gang Fu wrote: Hi Rumi, I looked at the source code of libsrc/Wi/sparql_io.sql for procedure WS.WS http://WS.WS./!sparql/: create procedure WS.WS./!sparql/(inout pathvarchar, inout params any, inout lines any) I am not sure whether the user as SPARQL

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Documentation for Strict checking of void variables

2014-11-24 Thread Rumi
http://our_namespace/something_different/ ?s . }| then I get no error -- live link: I hope this helped. Best Regards, Rumi Kocis Best, Jindřich -- Jindřich Mynarz

Re: [Virtuoso-users] FED works via isql but it does not via http

2014-10-17 Thread Rumi
What Virtuoso product are you using -- Open Source / Commercial and also what is its build version? Links: 1. -- URIBurner instance. Best Regards, Rumi Kocis HTTP SPARQL QUERY:

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Transaction aborted because it's log after image size went above the limit

2014-09-05 Thread Rumi
Hi Núria, define part should be after sparql i.e.: sparql DEFINE sql:log-enable 3 PREFIX dcterms: PREFIX np: PREFIX rdfs: etc. Please let me know if that worked for you. Best Regards, Rumi

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Transaction aborted because it's log after image size went above the limit

2014-09-05 Thread Rumi
Hi Núria, On 05-Sep-14 2:50 PM, Nuria Queralt Rosinach wrote: Hi Rumi, I did it again following your indications. Now, the message that come up with the original query: CL033: Connect failed to localhost: = localhost:. From where are you trying to execute the sparql statement

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Transaction aborted because it's log after image size went above the limit

2014-09-04 Thread Rumi
sql:log-enable 3 2) Execute the query. 3) Send us the query and the log output Best Regards, Rumi Kocis Cheers, n -- Núria Queralt Rosinach Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) Department of Experimental

Re: [Virtuoso-users] 'Too many arguments' error

2014-08-28 Thread Rumi
in array too long The error comes from the compiler's limitations .. Does it make difference if you use instead this: FILTER( ?id IN(id1, id2 ...id1025)) i.e. do you get again (the same) error or this works for you? Best Regards, Rumi Kocis I find this error message in the source file http

Re: [Virtuoso-users] 'Too many arguments' error

2014-08-26 Thread Rumi
question, I have another question :-) Am I right if I say that using an expression like ?id IN(1,2,3) is a Virtuoso-specific extension to the SPARQL standard? It is indeed part of the SPARQL 1.1 Specification: -- Best Regards, Rumi Kocis

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Trouble writing a query filter

2014-07-25 Thread Rumi
(?start_date)) = xsd:dateTime( str(bif:now () ) )) ; Best Regards, Rumi Kocis This works with the first part with ?support_status =Obsolete, however I'm stuck trying to figure out the second part. Any help is greatly appreciated. PREFIX rdfs:lt;; PREFIX swivt:lt

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Create sparql view with composite Primary Keys

2014-07-02 Thread Rumi
is replaced by the optimizer into a sub-query that is made from the body of the view. If a view refers to other views, the process is repeated. The result is an execution plan that refers solely to database tables and table function. Best Regards, Rumi Kocis Regards

Re: [Virtuoso-users] dump_nquads

2014-07-02 Thread Rumi
, Rumi Thanks, Tim Lebo [1] -- Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse Turn processes into business applications

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Optional clause location in SPAQRL

2014-06-26 Thread Rumi
of which the position in OPTIONAL is different. Best Regards, Rumi Kocis Thank you, Olga Medvedeva. -- Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse Turn processes into business applications

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Stack Overflow in cost model error

2014-06-25 Thread Rumi
something wrong ? Do you see a workaround ? Thanks a lot ! I've been able to reproduce the issue and we are looking into the cause of the error. Will report back .. Best Regards, Rumi Kocis Olivier Dalang --- Digital Humanities Lab (DHLAB) -

Re: [Virtuoso-users] bif:contains behavior

2014-06-20 Thread Rumi
/virtuoso/fn_starts_with.html -- -- Best Regards, Rumi Kocis However, I have a query that has ?searchterm bif:contains 'homo*' . and it also seems to match with ?searchterm that look like

Re: [Virtuoso-users] What does not support OPTION (...) clause for triples so SPARQL query can not be composed mean?

2014-05-30 Thread Rumi
Hi Andra, On 30-May-14 10:35 AM, Andra Waagmeester wrote: Hi Rumi, That seems odd to me, because the same query on , that means that the SERVICE parts of the query changes gives results. I would expect that if the sparql endpoint at the EBI does not support the OPTION CLAUSE

Re: [Virtuoso-users] What does not support OPTION (...) clause for triples so SPARQL query can not be composed mean?

2014-05-28 Thread Rumi
. Basically, you should be able to use the following command to interrogate a target SPARQL endpoint (if initial SPARQL-FED fails): SPARQL LOAD SERVICE {SPARQL-END-POINT-URL} DATA So in your case: LOAD SERVICE DATA ; Best Regards, Rumi Kocis I am

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Function db.dba.ttlp does not save XML datatype

2014-02-19 Thread Rumi
, Rumi Kocis Best, Enrico On 18 February 2014 21:55, Enrico Daga wrote: Hi Rumi, thank you for your feedback. I executed the instruction that you proposed, but it does not seems a solution. Doing: select * where

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Function db.dba.ttlp does not save XML datatype

2014-02-18 Thread Rumi
divEnrico Daga/div^^ Note that ''divEnrico Daga/div^^'' is ( re. apostrophe ' and quotes usage ) : ' ' div ../div ^^...Literal ' ' Best Regards, Rumi Kocis Note the '2' added

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Error using UNION of two transitive queries.

2014-01-24 Thread Rumi
... Best Regards, Rumi Kocis DBPedialink:{+%0D%0A+{%0D%0A%3Fanchor+%3FanchorPred+%3FS%0D%0AOPTION+%28+TRANSITIVE%2C%0D%0At_min+%280

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Problems with INSERT via SPARQL endpoint

2014-01-14 Thread Rumi
Another good example of being able to perform SPARQL Updates: -- Securing your SPARQL Endpoint via OAuth: Documentation: -- Best Regards, Rumi

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Group by in ASK queries error

2014-01-06 Thread Rumi
Hi Dimitris, On 03-Jan-14 1:49 PM, Dimitris Kontokostas wrote: Hi Rumi, I know about the inner select but by checking the sparql grammar [1] and validator [2] my query looks valid Yes. The query syntax is correct. A report is sent to development to fix. Will let you know when

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Group by in ASK queries error

2014-01-03 Thread Rumi
:// Best Regards, Rumi Kocis Best, Dimitris -- Kontokostas Dimitris -- Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affect your business. Most IT organizations don't have a clear picture of how application

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Strange behaviour Virtuoso when estimating execution time

2013-12-17 Thread Rumi
if that worked for you. Best Regards, Rumi Kocis #SPARQL query: PREFIX sioc: PREFIX sysont: PREFIX ns2: PREFIX xml: PREFIX ns1: PREFIX ns0:

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Unable to drop graph from isql-vt

2013-12-06 Thread Rumi
Best Regards, Rumi However I can easily drop it from the webpage interface under Linked Data - Graphs, where it is showing up. Is there any way to be more insistent that the graph is dropped through isql-vt? I should mention that the graph is built inside a quad storage as follows: alter

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Unable to drop graph from isql-vt

2013-12-06 Thread Rumi
of some quad map. What you need to do is to drop first the mapping, and then drop the graph. Best Regards, Rumi Kocis 2013/12/6 Rumi Hi Alex, On 03-Dec-13 2:59 PM, Alex Bondo Andersen wrote: Hi, Some graphs I cannot drop from the isql-vt interface using sparql

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Issue with ResultSetMaxRows property

2013-12-04 Thread Rumi
:// . OPTIONAL { ?v0 ?a . } } ORDER BY ?a } } OFFSET 1 LIMIT 1000 Result set against Hope this helps. Best Regards, Rumi Kocis Thanks

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Parallel WebDAV uploads fail

2013-03-21 Thread Rumi
Hello Harald, On 21-Mar-13 10:39 AM, Harald Beck wrote: Hi Rumi, thanks for the hint. Btw, do I need to restart the server in order for these changes in the virtuoso.ini to become active? (I remember that DirsAllowed auto refresh, what about the buffer count?) In most cases on a change

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Parallel WebDAV uploads fail

2013-03-20 Thread Rumi
= 50 MaxDirtyBuffers = 40 Note that these values are approximate depending on the RAM of your machine has etc. Best Regards, Rumi (Since I don't how many 'hundreds of thousands' exactly are, I omitted this option.) ERROR LOG 2: 12:50:50 INFO: Checkpoint started 12:50:50

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LDAP Authentication pull-down menu in LDAP Import

2013-03-13 Thread Rumi
Hello Shinichi , On 13-Mar-13 5:33 AM, Shinichi Kai wrote: Hello Rumi, I followed the steps you provided, but I still get Bad login error. Are there other settings to make the LDAP feature work? I performed following steps: 1) Set SQL_ENCRYPTION_ON_PASSWORD in the [Client] section

Re: [Virtuoso-users] changing descripton.vsp default visualisation

2013-03-13 Thread Rumi
Hello Nuno, On 13-Mar-13 10:36 AM, Nuno Lopes wrote: Hello Rumi, Thanks for the info, can you point me to some TC page? Since the data we are using is supplied by another institution I've been asked to replace the logo. Would having more logos (keeping openlink and adding another

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LDAP Authentication pull-down menu in LDAP Import

2013-03-13 Thread Rumi
Hello Shinichi, On 13-Mar-13 4:54 PM, Shinichi Kai wrote: Hello Rumi, Thank you for your assistance. I have double checked my settings and copy-pasted SQL_ENCRYPTION_ON_PASSWORD = 1 into my virtuoso.ini. However, it did not work for me. And, I already use LDAP V3. I believe the problem is my

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LDAP Authentication pull-down menu in LDAP Import

2013-03-13 Thread Rumi
Hello Shinichi, On 13-Mar-13 5:30 PM, Rumi wrote: Hello Shinichi, On 13-Mar-13 4:54 PM, Shinichi Kai wrote: Hello Rumi, Thank you for your assistance. I have double checked my settings and copy-pasted SQL_ENCRYPTION_ON_PASSWORD = 1 into my virtuoso.ini. However, it did not work for me

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LDAP Authentication pull-down menu in LDAP Import

2013-03-12 Thread Rumi
Hello Shinichi, On 12-Mar-13 3:15 PM, Shinichi Kai wrote: Hello Rumi, I set LDAP Authentication enabled on an imported user and tried to log in to Virtuoso with isql. However, I got CL034: Bad login error and Virtuoso did not make any LDAP requests to the LDAP server. I checked this by looking

Re: [Virtuoso-users] changing descripton.vsp default visualisation

2013-03-12 Thread Rumi
in ~/DAV/VAD/fct/.. but this would require to have additional permissions etc., so probably easiest will be to make changes in the source and then re-build. Btw. what changes re. logo do you want to apply? Best Regards, Rumi -- Nuno Lopes

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Virtuoso 6.16 and possible encoding weirdness?

2013-03-12 Thread Rumi
of the SPARQL Query so we can test in-house to see this issue ? Best Regards, Rumi -- Quentin | Clear Blue Water Pty Ltd -- Symantec Endpoint

Re: [Virtuoso-users] changing descripton.vsp default visualisation

2013-03-12 Thread Rumi
Hello Nuno, On 12-Mar-13 11:13 PM, Nuno Lopes wrote: Hello Rumi, Thanks for the info. Should have been more clear, sorry. I was hoping to replace the openlink logo or somehow change the default look we get from 'about/html/http/..', similar to:

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LDAP Authentication pull-down menu in LDAP Import

2013-03-11 Thread Rumi
Hello Kai, On 11-Mar-13 3:32 PM, Shinichi Kai wrote: Hello Rumi, Thank you for your prompt reply. for ex. if enabled, user will be able to perform LDAP Authentication etc. How do I perform LDAP Authentication during login to Virtuoso (e.g. isql or sparql-auth endpoint, etc.)? I enabled LDAP

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LDAP Authentication pull-down menu in LDAP Import

2013-03-10 Thread Rumi
Regards, Rumi Regards, Shinichi -- Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 positioned as A LEADER in The Forrester Wave(TM): Endpoint Security, Q1 2013 and remains a good choice in the endpoint security space. For insight

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Escape double quotes in entity name

2013-01-24 Thread Rumi Tsekova
('')` ?a ?b} } Best Regards, Rumi Kocis Yizhen -- Master Visual Studio, SharePoint, SQL, ASP.NET, C# 2012, HTML5, CSS, MVC, Windows 8 Apps, JavaScript and much

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Virtuoso Construct Query - Creating URI problem

2013-01-10 Thread Rumi Tsekova
:// ?time. ?feedback ?user. } } } Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Zehra Gül Çabuk To: Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 1:59

Re: [Virtuoso-users] dbg_printf does not print to console

2012-11-22 Thread Rumi Tsekova
\virtuoso.ini pause goto start - Just tried on Win7 with the bat from above and I can see the following output on the server console after calling your procedure: Start function Value:4 Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Mirko Madon To: virtuoso

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Again Internal error: 'output:valmode' declarationconflicts with 'output:format'

2012-06-28 Thread Rumi Tsekova
. The syntax of something ( as per your example ) should be correct so not to get SPARQL error i.e. should be on of the followng: something, :something , some:thing , something: and if the needed namespace prefixes etc. Best Regards, Rumi

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Virtuoso Docs Chapter 16

2012-06-25 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Jürgen, Thanks lot for sending the file content! It is reflected in our doc and should be live soon. Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Jürgen Jakobitsch To: Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 2:21 PM Subject

Re: [Virtuoso-users] MD5 function

2012-06-25 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Lorena, Could you send us the output of: virtuoso-t -? It seems you are having Virtuoso version that does not support the SPARQL 1.1 function extensions. What about if you try with bif:MD5 ? So for ex: SELECT bif:MD5 ('test') WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 10 Best Regards, Rumi

Re: [Virtuoso-users] MD5 function

2012-06-25 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Lorena, Hi Rumi It works with the bif prefix. Here is the output of virtuoso-t I'm working on Ubuntu 10.10 so I have built it from the sources several months ago. regards Lorena lorena@lorena-virtual-machine:~$ virtuoso-t -? Virtuoso Open Source Edition (multi threaded) Version

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Conductor not loaded

2012-06-05 Thread Rumi Tsekova
2012-05-21 15:10 2012-05-22 15:26 3 Rows. -- 0 msec. Best Regards, Rumi Adrian -- Live Security Virtual Conference Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and threat landscape has changed

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Transaction aborted because it's log after imagesize went above the limit

2012-05-18 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Alex To: Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 9:56 AM Subject: [Virtuoso-users] Transaction aborted because it's log after imagesize went above the limit Hello to everyone, I am trying

Re: [Virtuoso-users] SQ074: Line 1: SP031: SPARQL: Internal error

2012-05-11 Thread Rumi Tsekova
# . [] rdf:type rs:results ; rs:boolean TRUE . No. of rows in result: 1 False is returned when the subject is found. Best Regards, Rumi Hi, I am getting the following error with virtuoso 6.1.5: SQ074: Line 1: SP031: SPARQL: Internal error: 'output:valmode' declaration conflicts with 'output:format

Re: [Virtuoso-users] demo queries - fct

2012-03-14 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hello Houda, You can take a look at and specifically for adding your own queries the SPARQL Queries section should give light for this etc. Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Houda khrouf

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Delete a tripple with space in subject

2011-12-13 Thread Rumi Tsekova
/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type . FILTER regex(?s, 'Capers Jones') } ; Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Sachit Malhotra To: Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:07 AM Subject: [Virtuoso-users

Re: [Virtuoso-users] What does the '-f' do in the command ...

2011-09-24 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Herman, virtuoso-t +command list shows all supported commands. Hope this helps. btw, -f is for foreground. Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Herman A. Junge To: Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 4:52 PM Subject

Re: [Virtuoso-users] SPARQL Query using SERVICE

2011-06-20 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Boris, Executing the following statement should fix the problem: GRANT EXECUTE on DB.DBA.SPARQL_SINV to SPARQL_SELECT; Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Boris Villazón Terrazas To: Virtuoso Users Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 1:25 PM Subject: [Virtuoso-users

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Dump arbitrary query result as N-Triples

2011-03-02 Thread Rumi Tsekova
this helps. Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: CStadler To: Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 8:40 PM Subject: [Virtuoso-users] Dump arbitrary query result as N-Triples Hi, So far I have used the script at the end of this mail

Re: [Virtuoso-users] loading big file in virtuoso

2011-03-01 Thread Rumi Tsekova
/databaseadmsrv.html#VIRTINI Links for the Scale: Additional changes to doc will be applied in order the examples and description text to be more transperant. Best Regards, Rumi My

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Searching for dates with bif:contains?

2011-02-07 Thread Rumi Tsekova
:// Hope this helps, Best Regards, Rumi Hi! Is there any way to search for numbers using bif:contains? regex takes too long: SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?date FROM WHERE { ?s ?p ?date . FILTER regex

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Generating a unique ID via SPARQL HTTP

2010-11-22 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Aldo, Here are some links of calling (bif) functions in SPARQL queries: 1. 2. Best Regards, Rumi Thanks

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Cannot do pulk upload 2nd time - it crashes

2010-11-18 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Jamshaid, This error means Virtuoso Server is down. Please ensure it is started. If the error appears again, you might see on Virtuoso Server Console what other errors are printed out. ( i.e. ensure initially you have started the server in debug console). Best Regards, Rumi - Original

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Where to change the DBA password?

2010-08-09 Thread Rumi Tsekova
in the shown list user dba and click Edit from the very right column. 5. Change the pwd as desired. Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Matthew Tedder To: Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 7:53 PM Subject: [Virtuoso-users] Where to change

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LDAP Server configuration

2010-07-09 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Import where you can import various data from your LDAP server. Please let us know if the steps from above worked for you. Best Regards, Rumi With Regards Bart van Leeuwen -- This email is sponsored by Sprint

Re: [Virtuoso-users] creating user account

2010-07-02 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Mario, To create new account using Conductor: 1. Go to System Admin-User Accounts 2. In the shown list at the very right column (where Edit/Delete for users are shown) as heading there is a link Create New Account Best Regards, Rumi Hello, in a blog i read the following recipe

Re: [Virtuoso-users] sparql aggregate with condition on the aggr result

2010-07-02 Thread Rumi Tsekova
(?books) 2); s total VARCHAR VARCHAR ___ http://mygraph/person/book3 4 http://mygraph/person/book2 7 2 Rows. -- 16 msec. Best Regards, Rumi Thank you, Ivan fo the answer! Unfortunately I still can not run

Re: [Virtuoso-users] sparql aggregate with condition on the aggr result

2010-07-02 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Silvia, Can you send us the whole script (insert and then select etc.) and the version of Virtuoso Server you are using? Best Regards, Rumi Hi Rumi, Yes, I have a very similar set of triples. Suppose you have the following: sparql clear graph http://mygraph.person; SPARQL insert

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Querying on all the data in the triple store

2010-03-23 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Sashikiran, You can take a look at these docs: Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Rameswara Sashi Kiran Challa

Re: [Virtuoso-users] NOT EXISTS keyword support in virtuoso SPARQL endpoints?

2010-03-22 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Christian, Additionally to the example Kingsley pointed to, here is another one: Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Kingsley Idehen To: Christian Fuerber Cc: virtuoso-users

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Free text index update

2010-03-02 Thread Rumi Tsekova
( ) it was fixed so to show the correct content. Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Alexander Sidorov To: Virtuoso Users Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 6:32 AM Subject: [Virtuoso-users] Free text index

Re: [Virtuoso-users] WordPress SIOC queries

2009-12-04 Thread Rumi Tsekova
continue to return empty result. Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Bob Ferris To: Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 12:15 AM Subject: [Virtuoso-users] WordPress SIOC queries Hi, after all I deployed WordPress on an ubuntu

Re: [Virtuoso-users] WordPress SIOC queries

2009-12-04 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Bob, Just to clarify the correct link is Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Rumi Tsekova To: Bob Ferris ; Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 1:59 PM

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Correct way to shut down the Virtuoso- Server

2009-11-28 Thread Rumi Tsekova
WebDAV, where you can specifiy the graph URI. See example at 3. See the full colelction of ways to upload triples at: Best Regards, Rumi

Re: [Virtuoso-users] owl sameAs reasoning

2009-11-18 Thread Rumi Tsekova 2. Additionally you can take a look at Best Regards, Rumi Kingsley

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Changing DAV permissions programatically

2009-10-27 Thread Rumi Tsekova
the uploaded file should be shown in the list 6. Click the Properties icon from most-right column. 7. Set Permissions by your choice and update. Best Regards, Rumi Some solutions: * Use Briefcase API via REST or SQL briefcase.copy ( from_path varchar, to_path varchar, overwrite int

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Doc Typos

2009-10-12 Thread Rumi Tsekova
relationshops Thanks for reporting the typo. It was fixed and shortly the doc site will be updated. Best Regards, Rumi Regards, A -- Aldo Bucchi skype:aldo.bucchi PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION This message is only for the use

Re: [Virtuoso-users] virtuoso and bio2rdf

2009-09-14 Thread Rumi Tsekova
/rdfperformancetuning.html#rdfperfloadingbio2rdf 4. 5. Also might be an idea to refer to the bio2rdf group too. Best Regards, Rumi Thanks in advance for your help, Best regards

Re: [Virtuoso-users] VirtModel default graph

2009-09-04 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi, You should use the second method instead, i.e. createDatabaseModel. Please find more details at Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Ruben Martin To: Sent

Re: [Virtuoso-users] UTF-16 rdf/xml

2009-08-31 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Michel, In order to load the file, you need to convert it to UTF-8 and then to load it. You can use this function for the purpose: Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Michel Dumontier To: virtuoso-users

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Help needed regarding Virtuoso Facets Web Service

2009-07-10 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi, Could you dump the rdf data for ex. using describe or to make construct in order we to investigate the problem? For ex. to see what is the data for the property, to check the timezone etc. Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Jinesh

Re: [Virtuoso-users] sparul policies based on named graphs

2009-05-26 Thread Rumi Tsekova
graphs. Is that possible? Detailed information about Graph based Security you can find at Best Regards, Rumi Best, -- Sergio Fernández - RD Deparment CTIC Foundation - Phone

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Querying private dataspace data

2009-03-07 Thread Rumi Tsekova
/sparql Hope this to help. Best Regards, Rumi - Original Message - From: Steve Judkins To: Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 4:31 AM Subject: [Virtuoso-users] Querying private dataspace data What is the proper way to query private data

Re: [Virtuoso-users] inference context error

2009-02-12 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Cristian, Hello Rumi! All works fine now, Looking at sys_rdf_schema helps a lot. SQL select * from sys_rdf_schema; RS_NAME RS_URI RS_G VARCHAR NOT NULL VARCHAR NOT NULL VARCHAR ___

Re: [Virtuoso-users] trying to load RDF data into OpenVirtuoso and then query it

2009-02-10 Thread Rumi Tsekova
user11:1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//ENHTMLHEADTITLE201 Created/TITLE/HEADBODYH1Created/H1Resource /DAV/home/user11/rdf_sink/myfoaf.rdf has been created./BODY/HTML Hope this to help. Best Regards, Rumi Bob Hugh Williams wrote: Hi Bob, The problem in point 1 is a known

Re: [Virtuoso-users] trying to load RDF data into OpenVirtuoso and then query it

2009-02-10 Thread Rumi Tsekova
the sparql endpoint i.e. http://host:port/sparql or using the isql tool by adding sparql and ; sparql # here comes the query from above ; Best Regards, Rumi Hi Kingsley, Where is the FROM in the SPARQL? I didn't know it was required. Issuing the query at http://localhost:8890/sparql

Re: [Virtuoso-users] inference context error

2009-02-09 Thread Rumi Tsekova
(), '', get_graph() || '/inf'); DB.DBA.RDFS_RULE_SET (get_graph (), get_graph() || '/inf'); Best Regards, Rumi My inference context is (i think - i'm just starting to explore this world), when i make use of the other methods, like DB.DBA.SPARQL_EVAL_TO_ARRAY i can see

Re: [Virtuoso-users] inference context error

2009-02-09 Thread Rumi Tsekova
-Length: 87 failedcode37000/codemessageSOH03: There is no such procedure/message/failed As this is the same as (only query different), you should execute grant on it in order we to locate the problem. Best Regards, Rumi Hello rumi, thank you for your response, i tried some

Re: [Virtuoso-users] ODS Bookmark Manager Services

2008-10-28 Thread Rumi Tsekova
? If yes, for now in export all boomarks are exported. Best Regards, Rumi Cheers, Bryan Rasmussen - This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge Build the coolest Linux based applications

Re: [Virtuoso-users] index in WebDAV rdf_sink inconsistent

2008-03-14 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Mikael, The problem is acknowledged and we are working on fixing it. Best Regards, Rumi Hi, I'm managing my RDF data files with WebDAV in the rdf_sink directory. The problem I have is that when I remove files from there, the index is not updated accordingly. Is this the intended

Re: [Virtuoso-users] how many triples do I have?

2008-02-14 Thread Rumi Tsekova
Hi Erick, You can use: select count (*) from your graph where {?s ?p ?o} See here for more examples: Best Regards, Rumi Hi, is there an intelligent way to get the number of triples I've got in my virtuoso db? thanks

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Some ODS Bugs in Windows Binaries]

2007-06-29 Thread Rumi Tsekova
(kupu) editor anywhere for the wiki ( The kupu editor is temporary N/A in the Wiki package. Best Regards, Rumi Thanks, Mike