[no subject]

2020-12-12 Thread kel4par
Since I have been watching a LOT of TAGS in the past year, I've noticed that each time Wally is in the show, they are different actors of various ages. I wondered if they were like the Beamon family - Wally senior, Wally junior, plain Walley and Wallette. Elizabeth in Ga Well they do have that

Bookie barber

2020-12-01 Thread kel4par
I?m watching the bookie barber Floyd is overwhelmed with customer s then he gets a second chair and barber who is busy all day and all Floyd does now is stand on the sidewalk and talk to passerby s and he has no customers. Curious curious curious John 3:16 Thelma Anderson Thel,Things run in

Blowing noses

2020-11-21 Thread kel4par
Name a time when someone in TAGS either blew or wiped their nose with a hanky. Boy, am I getting hard up for topics. Ken "Barney" Anderson The Mayberry Guru The first one that comes to mind is when Andy is tending to Opies cut knee in the back room of the Courthouse and he has Opie blow into a

Clara Edwards

2020-07-08 Thread kel4par
While watching the color episode about the Battle of Mayberry, Clara Edwards shows Opie a sword belonging to her ancestor, Col. Edwards, which would imply she never married. Now in Mayberry time, several years before this episode (b/w) when Clara convinced Aunt Bee to give Andy and Helen more time

Post Office

2020-07-08 Thread kel4par
I am sure this has been discussed before, but has there ever been an episode that showed the inside of the Post Office? I have noticed that there are a lot of episodes that mention the Post Office. Maybe that could be a challenge. List episodes that mention the Post Office. Also, has anyone

[no subject]

2020-06-29 Thread kel4par
A couple weeks ago in one of his excellent Mayberry History posts, Randy Turner mentioned something in the episode "Bringing Up Opie" that occurred only once in TAGS: Otis actually being formally charged with public intoxication before being sentenced. Watching that episode recently, I think I

Aunt. Bee's Husband pick

2020-06-20 Thread kel4par
I just got a glimpse of Aunt Bee and Sen. Canfield asleep on the front porch at the end of the show. I think he would be my pick for a husband for Aunt Bee. I wish he were on more episodes. Who would you choose for a husband for Aunt Bee? Elizabeth in Ga Well I am probably in the minority here but

[no subject]

2020-06-04 Thread kel4par
How about when Otis used the courthouse phone when he was sitting in his cell? This would be the first cell phone. Ken "Barney" Anderson The Mayberry Guru My goodness Ken. A swing and a hit, homerun in fact. lol Asa ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

[no subject]

2020-05-30 Thread kel4par
Barney wasn't the only one to repeat names. Aunt Bee also did it. Can anyone tell me when Aunt Bee repeated someone else's name exactly 7 times in a row? Inquiring minds want to know Mr. Schwamp Not sure if it was 7 times, but she repeated Andy's name numerous times in the episode when the

[no subject]

2020-05-27 Thread kel4par
I can think of 3 episodes where Barney recited a character's name repeatedly- once in a state of puzzlement and twice in exasperation at Andy- any guesses?? Eric Swolgaard Sacramento, CA Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush, is that all you can think of, Leonard BLUSH??

Improvising in Mayberry

2020-02-13 Thread kel4par
Here's a question for you experts.In the episode where Sheldon is extorting Opies nickel, there is a scene when Andy and Aunt Bee go in the kitchen and she is going to give Andy a slice of apple pie. But after slicing it she goes to put it on a plate and then realizes there is no plate. She has

Andy's name

2020-02-11 Thread kel4par
Other than Andy, did anyone else use their real name on the show? Including guests. Elizabeth in Ga Great question Elizabeth. I remember in one episode (I don't recall which one) Judd (played by Burt Mustin) was actually called Burt by Andy. Not sure if it was a slip of the tongue or what.That

Nice dress Nellie

2019-07-28 Thread kel4par
With all the discussions about Nice dress Nellie going on, I need to add something that I am hoping someone can confirm or set me straight on.Several years ago I was watching an episode of My Three Sons on our local PBS station. Actually I had just turned on the television and caught the last

Barney Rubble?

2019-07-06 Thread kel4par
The good news is I am getting the Digest again.  The bad news is I am getting indigestion again.  But maybe reading the Digest will help cure my indigestion.  I think it is from too many weenies, brats, and hamburgers at all the car shows and parades. Would you believe I was a parade on the 4th

re:pot luck

2018-11-22 Thread kel4par
If there were a pot luck dinner in Mayberry, what would people bring? Aunt Bee - fried chicken and homemade pickles. Clara - nesselrode pie. Opie - apple pie. Andy - his special punch. Goober - black bear stew (since he hunts). Any others, either from them or other members of the community?


2018-11-14 Thread kel4par
I had to repair our doorbell today and whilst doing so I got to thinking about doorbells in Mayberry. Name a time on TAGS where we either see someone ringing a doorbell, we hear a doorbell, or someone is mentioning a doorbell in conversation. I will start us off with the most obvious.  Bert

re: John Masters

2018-08-21 Thread kel4par
In last night's episode of Gomer Pyle, there were several TAGS Alumni. Hubcaps Lesh was a pick pocket, Jim Begg (various TAGS roles) was her son, John Masters was a crook, Aunt Nora was a bank teller, and Otis's lawyer Neil Bentley was a con man. On tonight's episode, Ernest T. Bass's girl

re: Barney's middle inital

2018-08-21 Thread kel4par
I have asked kids this question. What is Bernard P. Fife's middle initial? Some do not get it right. -- Ken Anderson The Mayberry Guru That's funny Ken, or sad in some respects. There used to be a feller who posted on a TAGS board who called himself M.P.O. (for Milton P. Oliver) I always

Thelma Lou's lost post

2018-06-14 Thread kel4par
Well, my script continuity post finally appeared in today's digest! The post I wrote *after* that one appeared *before* it. Wonder what causes that? (Is is because my high-button shoes are too tight?) Thelma Lou Well Thelmer Lou, maybe you need bigger wires.

Prayers Ken

2018-04-01 Thread kel4par
Ken, I pray for your healing so you can get back to being a TAGS Ambassador. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.wbmutbb.com/

{Spam?} Fun Quiz

2018-02-10 Thread kel4par
This is a fun, easy little quiz where you look at photos and choose which show the photos are from. https://www.metv.com/quiz/are-these-townspeople-in-mayberry-or-the-twilight-zone Maryann That was a fun quiz. Thanks for sharing Maryann. Was that Howard Floyd in the one all dressed in white?

[no subject]

2018-01-11 Thread kel4par
Since it has been s cooold, I've been thinkin about Mayberry and all the folks that passed through. Especially those who innocently got the whole town in an uproar, like Ellen Brown and the shoe salesman. Not the ones who dealt mostly with one or two people, the whole town. Who else visited

Mavis Neff

2017-12-12 Thread kel4par
My wife and I were watching Match Game this past weekend. ?WhenI looked up Elaine Joyce on Google, to see what else she had done, I was surprised to see TAGS mentioned. ?I dont seem to recall Mavis Neff, from The Authoress episode. ?I also can't find a picture of her in that roll on-line.

re: Ken Anderson

2017-10-19 Thread kel4par
10=4 Ken, And thank you Alan for keeping the Mayberry spirit alive and kicking. Ken, you were saying how fast times are changing, and for the most part, I would say not for the better. Yes there have been some wonderful things come along that has improved the quality of life, and medical

Nurse Mary

2017-04-27 Thread kel4par
Yep, this brings into my mind a question I have had for years, even decades now I reckon. Were the two "Nurse Marys" supposed to be the same people? I have always maintained they were not. Although they were in episodes that were shown close together. Any thoughts on this? My mind has been

[no subject]

2017-04-23 Thread kel4par
The other day while musing, I came up with this TAGS trivia question. There are at least 3 instances of residents of Mayberry being played by more than one actor. (For instance if the producers had named Warren, Barney Fife, then Barney would have been played by Don Knotts and Jack


2017-04-19 Thread kel4par
I am always amazed when i look at Facebook as to all the pictures people post. Nowadays people have to take pictures of their surgery incisions, colored toenails, tattoos, body piercing, and even what they eat for breakfast. I grew up during the Mayberry era and using a camera was very rare and

[no subject]

2016-12-29 Thread kel4par
There was an 8th season episode on yesterday (12.27) where Andy didn't feel well and had to go and spend time in bed to aid his recuperation. Does anyone know if the doctor who treated him was the same person who played Asa the bank guard?? Sure looked like him. Gabe Boca Raton, FL Yes,

re: Line repetition

2016-04-23 Thread kel4par
I came across a clever repetition of a line used in both "Barney's first Car" and " Barney's Sidecar" - first from Barney to Mrs. Lesh and again from Andy to Barney. Can anyone guess Don't look back! ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com

re: Favorite non TAGS old time show

2016-04-22 Thread kel4par
So here is my question for all of our friends on this site. Not counting TAGS or Mayberry RFD what is your favorite old time television show? Why do you like it and do you own any DVD's of the show. That should give us all something to think about Well Orville, Perry Mason is right up

[no subject]

2016-03-13 Thread kel4par
Adding to the above list with a TAGS tie-in, he also played Fred Simpson on an episode of "Make Room for Daddy". But he didn't talk funny in that show. He talked just like you and me. Ron (**Barn) McLendon Must have been the actor of the man Ron. ___

re: Ron McLendon's deducing

2015-12-11 Thread kel4par
I've mentioned this before and I'll go out on a limb and mention it again. I really do NOT think Rafe said what some seem to think, and here's why: Growing up, my dad would give half a laugh or a partial chuckle at something that amused him and begin his reply with "Well". Many times, he'd

Raised entryway:

2015-10-14 Thread kel4par
Anyone ever notice that on the first episode, the entryway to Andy's home was raised? Anyone else notice this? Can you think of an explanation or reason? I have noticed that also Woody. After much studying on the subject I came to this conclusion. Andy's house must have started leaning to one

Repeated lines

2015-08-05 Thread kel4par
It's interesting to note the recurrence of certain lines in different TAGS episodes- such as Don't look back as spoken by Barney to Hubcaps Lesh in Barney's First Car and in a later episode when Andy tells the same to a forlorn Barney when he gives up his motorcycle in Barney's Sidecar. Can

Noticing new things.

2015-07-25 Thread kel4par
I love it when I notice something I've never noticed before On tonight's episode Up in Barney's Room, a camera angle really threw me for a loop. When Opie and Andy are strolling on Main Street and Opie points out that the lights are on in the court house, you could clearly see the gun

Vehicle names

2015-07-15 Thread kel4par
Does anyone else name their vehicles? We all know Barney had different names for his gun, the old Roscoe, baby and some more names. I need my bucket this morning. Yes Margaret. I own a Jeep Liberty named Libby and a Tacoma named Tommy. I know, no TAGS connections. But my favorite golf club is

RE: Two jobs

2015-06-16 Thread kel4par
Orville, I believe old Asa held down 3 jobs, maybe not all at the same time though. As a bank guard, a guard at Weavers, and in one episode was working the desk at the Hotel (the gold truck episode). And he must have been doing all that while going to school to become Doctor in a later color

re: TAGS sightings

2015-05-26 Thread kel4par
Hello fellow TAGS lovers. It seems that we are not doing justice to this wonderful site. I know that I don't write in often. But I do love to read what everyone else has written. Okay since it is the start of summer...I want to read the stories from Ken Anderson and the parades. Paul Mulik and

TAGS Alumnispottngs

2015-05-19 Thread kel4par
I have been watching some old Fugitive's and Adam 12's s of late. I saw James Best on a Fugitive episode yesterday. He was a heavy equipment operator working on a damn project in Utah. He ended up not being very nice to the boss's wife and got himself inarculated by the Utah Highway Patrol.

Adam 12 on 40 acres

2015-05-05 Thread kel4par
I was watching an old Adam 12 the other day and it sure looked like they were shooting a scene on Andy's street. Does anyone know if they shot any Adam 12's on the 40 acre lot? ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com

RE: Perplexed Allan Newsome

2015-02-25 Thread kel4par
Thank you for the explanation Allan. I appreciate it and all you do to keep Mayberry alive and well. Kel. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Perplexed about something

2015-02-22 Thread kel4par
I have noticed recently that my digests are coming with very long sentences that string out over the page causing me to have to scroll sideways to read. It used to be everything was contained in the space without having to do that. It's not on every message posted, but on many of them. Is this


2015-01-04 Thread kel4par
OK, now for an easier question: name ANY instance when a hand-written signature is seen in a TAGS episode. The mention of a signature is not sufficient, it must be visible on screen. We saw both Andy and Opies signatures... well for a few seconds before they disappeared when the Darlings

Christmas trivia

2014-12-13 Thread kel4par
Here is a new trivia question for your potential enjoyment: Give an example where Christmas is mentioned in a TAGS episode OTHER than in the Christmas episode. The word Christmas need not be specifically mentioned; for example if someone says something like three wise men bearing gifts or

re: Whistling in TAGS

2014-12-02 Thread kel4par
Goober was often whistling through his teeth, if that counts as a whistle. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Dave Ramsey/ Barney Fife

2014-10-25 Thread kel4par
A few days ago there was a Mayberry reference on The Dave Ramsey Show. If anyone is unfamiliar with this program, it is a radio show where folks call in with questions about money. A caller wanted to know Dave's opinion on homeowners' associations. His response was that most of the time

Heat in the Courthouse

2014-10-12 Thread kel4par
The three ways that I can think of to heat the Mayberry courthouse were gas heater, furnace and steam radiator. I know in the episode Andy saves Gomer there is a gas heater and in the episode The Luck of Newton Monroe there is a furnace in the basement that Newton attempts to clean. Also I

re: Winter scenes of Mayberry

2014-10-11 Thread kel4par
I don't believe it ever snowed in Mayberry. Never rained much either. In the Gold truck episode it was raining some while they were filming it. But I think that was for real an not part of the story line. Compared to the episode with Quiet Sam where it was storming and the wind was howling.

[no subject]

2014-09-21 Thread kel4par
Well my friends, I managed to survive a very emotionally packed night at my 50 year high school reunion. So much fun reliving old times with old friends whom I have known since I was 6 years old. A few tears were even shed by this overemotional guy. We were a class of 81 and we have lost only 6

[no subject]

2014-09-21 Thread kel4par
The other night on TAGS Sam Muggins and family appeared as the Skobeys. Maybe they joined the Witness Protection Program after turning in some moonshiners? Well I have seen old Sam Muggins on Dragnet and Adam12 and let's just say the Christmas he almost spent in jail did nothing to rehabilitate

[no subject]

2014-09-12 Thread kel4par
While I was driving Martha to a doctor's appointment today, we passed a truck that triggered a TAGS memory, so I decided to turn it into a question. So here is the question: What does Wally's Gas Station have in common with Wile E. Coyote from the Roadrunner cartoon? Anyone know the

RE:. Pickup and Splashes from Floor and Pool by Barney Fife

2014-08-30 Thread kel4par
Ken. Maybe Mayberry was early in getting federal funding for the school pool. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Schwuamp Identity

2014-08-15 Thread kel4par
Whew, I sure am glad he wasn't really identified. By now it is almost anti climatic if he was to be found out. Almost like when Howard caught ole Sam. The legend of who he was has become is. well... legendary! Now having seen a recent picture of Jerry Mathers (the Beaver), I see a

re: Schwump identity discovery

2014-08-11 Thread kel4par
Boy so I feel like a complete idiot. I just discoverd that the identity of Mr. Swhump was discovered over 2 years ago. Maybe If I had bigger wires I wouldn't have missed that. Randy Bloomington, Indiana It was? By golly I must have stepped in a closet or something because this is news to me.

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 9, Issue 99

2008-04-08 Thread Kel4par
In a message dated 4/8/2008 10:10:34 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: My wife, daughter and I were recently dining in one of those fine steakhouses where they bring fresh bread to the table as an appetizer while you wait for your order. When we ran out, my

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 8, Issue 245

2007-08-31 Thread Kel4par
In a message dated 8/30/2007 11:01:27 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Re: Refusal to Say Underwear I'm with Paul. I don't think this is the reason. Besides, didn't she say underwear in TAGS when she was getting on the bus to go out of Town? She told Andy to put

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 8, Issue 202

2007-07-19 Thread Kel4par
In a message dated 7/19/2007 12:21:12 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Here ya go, Mary. Click this link and will see Mr. Schwump. This scene is right after Mrs. Wiley introduces Mr. Schwump as the person who tried to stop that creatchur. Notice all the pens in Mr.

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 250

2006-08-25 Thread Kel4par
In a message dated 8/25/2006 11:02:19 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: One of my favorite pastimes is listening to a radio program called Celtic Heartbeat. I listen to it on the internet via Radio Wales. Do they carry the Leonard Blush Show? Milburn Drysdale,

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 177

2006-06-14 Thread Kel4par
In a message dated 6/14/2006 11:02:58 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: There is a debate going at the TVLand message board about an episode where Thel is seen with her hair down. No one seems to know what episode that was. Can anyone help out? Thanks. The only

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 53

2006-02-18 Thread Kel4par
In a message dated 2/18/2006 11:47:13 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hey, anybody wanna run over to Mt. Pilot for some chinese? Good food and you get a little paper umbrella in your rice. dan I hate to knock your town Dan, but Lake Charles started putting

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 50

2006-02-15 Thread Kel4par
In a message dated 2/15/2006 2:08:27 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Question came up as to whether Thelma Lou made the fudge or Barney brought it with him. Last nights episode Barney and Thelma Lou, Pfftt, Barney brought a sack of fudge with him but he and Andy

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 39

2006-02-04 Thread Kel4par
In a message dated 2/4/2006 11:01:34 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Did anyone watch TV land Friday night . John Masters was a photographer on Little House on The Prarie. I was wondering if he played on alot of different shows?? He used to show up a lot on

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 26

2006-01-24 Thread Kel4par
In a message dated 1/22/2006 11:01:54 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Message: 2 Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 11:03:52 -0800 (PST) From: Doug Gibson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: funniest episode without barney bw To: WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 9

2006-01-11 Thread Kel4par
In a message dated 1/9/2006 11:01:35 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Maybe its just me, but as a trained noticer, I picked up on something recently. It seems odd to me that a professional like Mayer Stoner can't seem to tie a tie properly. In almost all of the