Re: [Wicket-user] question about pretty URLs

2007-07-25 Thread Al Maw
Igor Vaynberg wrote: mount your homepage with indexedurlcodingstrategy Unfortunately, I don't think that works at the moment - you can't mount things on / as it's all reserved. There's an outstanding JIRA issue, but fixing it is slightly more complex than you'd expect. I'm looking into it.

Re: [Wicket-user] validation

2007-07-23 Thread Al Maw
Maris Orbidans wrote: I hope it will be fixed. Is there a JIRA issue so we can vote for it ? My WEB app. would be 100% valid, if not those ampersands in links. I fixed this in trunk about a week ago. Regards, Al -- Alastair Maw Wicket-biased blog at

Re: [Wicket-user] JPA Annotation Validation

2007-07-12 Thread Al Maw
Craig Lenzen wrote: Sorry, I was a little confused, I thought this project was using the JPA annotations for validation. Instead you are actually using the hibernate validator project annotations. Which means the @Column annotation would be pretty hard to use..:) :-) I have JPA annotation

Re: [Wicket-user] access to private fields

2007-07-10 Thread Al Maw
Igor Vaynberg wrote: On 7/7/07, *Eelco Hillenius* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: two points: this is relatively new, i think it made it in just before 1.3-beta1 or somewhere there I think it's been in there for quite a while. But as I

Re: [Wicket-user] [bug] MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy : no symmetric url encoding/decoding

2007-07-10 Thread Al Maw
David Bernard wrote: I'm new to wicket, and I found a bug (I suppose) into MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy Hi David, Welcome to the community. :-) Please open a JIRA[1] issue for this and attach your Java test-case file to that. We'll get around to it soon! Kind regards, Al [1]

Re: [Wicket-user] (no subject)

2007-07-09 Thread Al Maw
Eelco Hillenius wrote: I think getContextPath is what I need. I am trying to port my app to wicket 1.3 where getContextPath is no longer present in ApplicationSettings. I think it moved to WebApplication. But be sure to read this

Re: [Wicket-user] Seam2 and Wicket

2007-07-09 Thread Al Maw
Paolo Di Tommaso wrote: I'm not absolutely specking about a core implementation. This should regards a Seam or just JBPM integration. JBPM provides a very nice process flow designer. I think would be possible to have a process flow that defines the Wicket page and the inner model

Re: [Wicket-user] Extra / when using nice URLs

2007-07-09 Thread Al Maw
David Leangen wrote: Is there a reason why I am getting an extra / when using nice URLs? For example, when I mount a page as (/search, SearchPage.class), if I use that as my Home page, no problems. However, any time I navigate to that page via a Wicket link, the URL gets rendered as:

Re: [Wicket-user] London Wicket Event - Tuesday, 7th August, 2007

2007-07-05 Thread Al Maw
jweekend wrote: The first London Wicket Users Group went well; it was informative, interesting and entertaining. Our generous hosts at Arclight Media took really good care of us and Matt Dudbridge rounded the evening off with a nice presentation about the impressive

[Wicket-user] jWeekend London-based Wicket training course on July 14th/15th

2007-07-03 Thread Al Maw
Hi folks, This is a shameless plug. However, it's an on-topic shameless plug, so hopefully that's fine with everyone. ;-) jWeekend run weekend training courses for people who are too busy to do them during the week. I'm going to be helping run a course on Wicket on the weekend of July

Re: [Wicket-user] Trying to retrieve the absolute URL

2007-07-02 Thread Al Maw
David Leangen wrote: Wow! I can't believe how fast development is... I just updated to 1.2.6, but looking at Jira, it seems that 1.3.0 is about to be closed... ;-) Should I still file an issue? If so, for which version? (Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to verify with how things are

Re: [Wicket-user] Paging data without using DataProvider.size() ?

2007-06-29 Thread Al Maw
Gwyn Evans wrote: What I was wondering was if anyone had any suggestions about a table object that just did 'next'/'prev' paging, rather than working out Page N of M, although I'll try work out if select count(id) is faster/less cost than select count(*) In the past we didn't think there was

[Wicket-user] Resource key change for EmailAddressValidator, PatternValidator subclasses (and also RfcCompliantEmailAddressValidator)

2007-06-28 Thread Al Maw
I thought this important enough to cross-post to user and dev, sorry for the duplication if you read both. As noted in the 1.2 - 1.3 migration notes, EmailAddressPatternValidator has been renamed to EmailAddressValidator to better fit in with the naming conventions used elsewhere. I've just

Re: [Wicket-user] wicket:remove/ does not allow wicket component tags

2007-06-28 Thread Al Maw
ywtsang wrote: when I have wicket component tags inside a wicket:remove tag, the wicket complains as error: Markup remove regions must not contain Wicket component tags e.g. wicket:remove test /wicket:remove is there any configuration that allows the wicket to just accept any kind of

Re: [Wicket-user] London Wicket Users Group, July 3rd - interested?

2007-06-25 Thread Al Maw
jweekend wrote: Now that we have confirmed the venue (1 Alie Street, near Aldgate tube - thanks to Matt Dudbridge who is also going to talk about the development of the site), we know that there are still a few places left for July 3rd, so let us know if you'd like to come along.

Re: [Wicket-user] London Wicket Users Group, July 3rd - interested?

2007-06-25 Thread Al Maw
Jean-Baptiste Quenot wrote: * Al Maw: You can now sign up for this at Hey, very nice website! Eating your own dogfood. I'm just worried by the WICKET AJAX DEBUG link :-) Ahem. That'll teach me to deploy stuff when I've had a beer or two. Apologies

Re: [Wicket-user] NPE in PropertyResolver

2007-06-25 Thread Al Maw
Johan Compagner wrote: maybe we shouldn't store the class itself at all: Map getAndSetters = (Map)classesToGetAndSetters.get(clz); if (getAndSetters == null) { getAndSetters = new ConcurrentHashMap(8); classesToGetAndSetters.put(clz,

Re: [Wicket-user] Moving mailing list?

2007-06-21 Thread Al Maw
Upayavira wrote: cowwoc wrote: Now that Wicket is an official Apache project are there any plans for moving the mailing lists over? SourceForge's digest mode leaves a lot to be desired. It will likely happen soon. Though, there's some sense in timing it to immediately follow the 1.3

[Wicket-user] Wicket Google Guice integration is in trunk

2007-06-20 Thread Al Maw
Hi folks, I've just implemented Google Guice integration for Wicket 1.3.x. For more details, see here: - Please note that due to the magic proxying of stuff, it only supports field injection at the moment. Any bug reports/feature

Re: [Wicket-user] FormComponent/PropertyModel with primitive data type

2007-06-20 Thread Al Maw
This issue was fixed in trunk on 2007-06-18 at 15:04 in r548362. Regards, Al ChuckDeal wrote: I have a custom Model that extends PropertyModel. I attach an instance of that model that wraps a float value (not Float). As a result, FormComponent.typeName gets set automatically to float.

Re: [Wicket-user] Wicket Google Guice integration is in trunk

2007-06-20 Thread Al Maw
Al Maw wrote: I've just implemented Google Guice integration for Wicket 1.3.x. For more details, see here: - Please note that due to the magic proxying of stuff, it only supports field injection at the moment. It now also

Re: [Wicket-user] Wicket Google Guice integration is in trunk

2007-06-20 Thread Al Maw
Igor Vaynberg wrote: so you call those methods before the constructor is finished right? i bet that is going to get n00bs into interesting troubles. i hope you have good javadoc about that :) Yeah. I'm not sure how Guice handles that internally (i.e. if you're not even using Wicket). It's

Re: [Wicket-user] [announce] Apache Wicket

2007-06-20 Thread Al Maw
Evan Chooly wrote: Awesome! Let me be the first to say ... So when is beta 2 coming out? 8^)= ;-) This weekend. Martijn is even going to document how to do that, so someone else can roll an rc1/beta3 more rapidly, if required. Rest assured that we're now on a final big push to get 1.3

Re: [Wicket-user] how to detect http session expiry - timeout due to no user activity

2007-06-19 Thread Al Maw
shumbola wrote: How to find out what was the reason for firing onbeforeunload, window close, navigate to other place, back button, forward button, etc? I.e. is there a way to find out the exact window close here? No. Go write a desktop application. ;-) Regards, Al -- Alastair Maw

Re: [Wicket-user] getting an NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE in ff

2007-06-19 Thread Al Maw
carbonbasednerd wrote: I saw there was another message posted about this being a problem with ff 1.0.6 and the wikki states that ff 1.5* has only been verified working with ajax. That being said, I'm using ff 2.0.04 and I am occasionally getting this error: Error: [Exception... Component

Re: [Wicket-user] Customer management of site after development is completed

2007-06-19 Thread Al Maw
Tauren Mills wrote: If I was to allow the client to customize and upload new CSS files, how would you suggest this be done? Where would the CSS files be saved and how would the app know where to look for them? How would the override the CSS files that are within the WAR file? Also, as far

Re: [Wicket-user] Is it possible to set visibility in an IBehavior (in 1.3.0 trunk)?

2007-06-19 Thread Al Maw
Timo Rantalaiho wrote: Visiting all relevant components (e.g. marked with an interface) from a parent might be possible too. Beware if you go down that route. Al -- Alastair Maw Wicket-biased blog at

Re: [Wicket-user] Wicket ate my exception

2007-06-19 Thread Al Maw
Iman Rahmatizadeh wrote: Actually the Component.toString() method is somehow heavy, and normally any exception thrown in the middle of it would cause bad behavior in wicket. Is there a chance to improve this somehow, or make exception handling aware of problems that might arise when calling

Re: [Wicket-user] 1) PropertyResolver and Lists 2) Page expiration in 1.3

2007-06-18 Thread Al Maw
Juha Alatalo wrote: Eelco Hillenius wrote: Thanks. I had blocked cookies on my test site for some reason. Why cookies are needed in 1.3? In 1.2 that wasn't the case, was it? It shouldn't be the case now either; links should always be rewritten so that it includes the jsessionid if the cookie

Re: [Wicket-user] how to detect http session expiry - timeout due to no user activity

2007-06-18 Thread Al Maw
Konstantinos: Firstly, please quit replying with your own text indented with a , the same as the text you're quoting. It makes it really difficult to see what the heck is going on. ;-) Secondly, I said onbeforeunload, not onunload. Al -- Alastair Maw Wicket-biased blog at

Re: [Wicket-user] how to detect http session expiry - timeout due to no user activity

2007-06-18 Thread Al Maw
Al Maw wrote: Konstantinos: Firstly, please quit replying with your own text indented with a , the same as the text you're quoting. It makes it really difficult to see what the heck is going on. ;-) Secondly, I said onbeforeunload, not onunload. I've just added this functionality

Re: [Wicket-user] HomePage url changes when user returns from a second wicket page

2007-06-17 Thread Al Maw
howzat wrote: Page A has this code in its constructor: Link b = new Link(b){ public void onClick(){ setResponsePage(B.class); } }; add(b); This will always create a new

Re: [Wicket-user] how to detect http session expiry - timeout due to no user activity

2007-06-17 Thread Al Maw
Eelco Hillenius wrote: well, I have a project where the requirement is to do some things when user logs out, otherwise the same user can't use the application for the next 30 minutes. It works fine when user uses the logout link, but I want the same behavior when the user closes the window.

Re: [Wicket-user] Javascript Error using submit link in 1.3 that didn't happen in 1.2.5

2007-06-17 Thread Al Maw
oliver.henlich wrote: I'm still having this problem on 1.3 snapshot. Interesting point about the markup (html id attribute). My markup looks like this: form wicket:id=formTransaction id=formTransaction And the generated javascript looks like this: [a onclick=var

Re: [Wicket-user] infinite loop

2007-06-16 Thread Al Maw
I've seen this happen if you run behind a mod_proxy and fail to set up the ProxyPassReverse setting properly. Make sure you have ProxyPassReverseCookiePath, too. See the wiki for details. Al Jonathan Locke wrote: anyone have any ideas on what might cause this? in particular can a user

Re: [Wicket-user] Location of css, images, js files

2007-06-16 Thread Al Maw
Tauren Mills wrote: My goal is to allow a client with minimal web design skills to manage the html, css, image, and properties files with minimal risk of damaging the application. I'd like the java class files to be located in a separate location. And I'd like the folder structure of the

Re: [Wicket-user] wicket-contrib-gmap2

2007-06-16 Thread Al Maw
I really think you guys should get together and do this, right now while the project still has lots of momentum and the code is fresh. Having two components, one of which seems to have a superset of the functionality of the other, seems a little unnecessary. I've checked gmap2 out, BTW - very

Re: [Wicket-user] wicketstuff confluence and jira

2007-06-15 Thread Al Maw
Martijn Dashorst wrote: On 6/15/07, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ive added the label component to this page: but it does not show up on the wiki page list.. what am I doing wrong?

[Wicket-user] London Wicket Users Group, July 3rd - interested?

2007-06-14 Thread Al Maw
Hello everyone, As Wicket grows in popularity, we bump into increasing numbers of UK users. We think there are enough of you out there to set up a London-based users group, so this e-mail is to gauge interest in that. We're proposing an initial meet on Tuesday 3rd July in a reasonably

Re: [Wicket-user] [Question] render(final MarkupStream markupStream)

2007-06-13 Thread Al Maw
Hmmm, This bug looks suspiciously like another onAttach/onBeforeRender issue. Matej seems good at debugging those, care to comment? :-) Al Alex Objelean wrote: I have a question about the render method. Why, before rendering, instead of checking isVisibleInHierarchy(), isVisible() is

Re: [Wicket-user] IDataProvider.size()

2007-06-12 Thread Al Maw
kroekle wrote: If what you want is a pager that doesn't care about the count, implement it, either as a separate dataTable-esque component, or by modifying the existing one (which I suspect might even get included, if it leave the existing implementaiton compatible with existing users of

Re: [Wicket-user] Input type=image and relative urls in Wicket 1.3.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT

2007-06-12 Thread Al Maw
Mats Norén wrote: This must have been asked a million times but I couldn't find the right answer in the list archives. I think it's only been asked once, actually. ;-) I've upgraded one of my applications that uses 1.2.3 to 1.3 snapshot. In the process I got rid of my

Re: [Wicket-user] IDataProvider.size()

2007-06-11 Thread Al Maw
Lec wrote: so what s the most optimized way of doing paging using the IDataProvider? There is no optimal way. You have to engage your brain and make trade-offs, just like you do with everything else. You can make sure your database is configured to cache the COUNT(*) query, which will be as

Re: [Wicket-user] RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException generates absolute versus relative URL

2007-06-10 Thread Al Maw
mchack wrote: I am using 1.3 and the RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException generates an absolute versus relative URL and is not working with external web cache solution. Is this a bug? If you do a 302 redirect using the servlet-api with a relative URL, the servlet container will rewrite it

Re: [Wicket-user] wicket did not make the grade.

2007-06-10 Thread Al Maw
A_flj_ wrote: Bad bad bad bad thing that the examples for the wicket-extensions are either hard to find or not documented very well. I'm trying for half a day now to find an example markup for inserting a treetable, but could not find anything. I'm guessing you didn't try typing wicket

Re: [Wicket-user] wicket did not make the grade.

2007-06-05 Thread Al Maw
Florian Hehlen wrote: HI all, I am sad to announce that my company did not choose to use wicket after comparison with struts 2. :-( One criticism that came out as we were looking at Wicket code was that there seems to be a need to write a lot of Java code in a ListView for such things

Re: [Wicket-user] Form redirect issue

2007-06-05 Thread Al Maw
Joel Hill wrote: We have a JSP servlet application that we're slowing beginning to convert over to wicket. Our first wicket page is a form with submit and cancel buttons, either of which (unless there is a validation error) will redirect the user back to the old servlet using the following

Re: [Wicket-user] Confused about relative paths and my css.

2007-06-04 Thread Al Maw
Thomas R. Corbin wrote: On Friday 01 June 2007 1:42 pm, Matej Knopp escreveu: Look at what url is your stylesheet. The images withing stylesheet are always located relatively to the stylesheet itself. so there's no way to make them relative to the context path/root? If you don't care

Re: [Wicket-user] Relative path to image for javascript referral

2007-06-04 Thread Al Maw
Thies Edeling wrote: Hi, This must have been asked a zillion times but I couldn't find the right answer in the list archives. Anyway, I have some javascript which does an image replacement on a mouseover (need a JS version for browser compatibility :( ). AFAIK JavaScriptReference

Re: [Wicket-user] A couple of issues while handling bookmarkable pages....

2007-06-04 Thread Al Maw
Swaroop Belur wrote: This is to do with images . If the page is mounted, images are not shown otherwise images are shown. It appears that images do not get picked up if I mount a page. Otherwise if i click on a link in some other page [ which is not mounted] and which takes me to the

Re: [Wicket-user] Hibernate LazyInitializationException on first call

2007-06-04 Thread Al Maw
Tremelune wrote: I have OpenSessionInViewFilter configured for Spring in my web.xml file, but I'm still getting lazy init errors in Wicket. What could I be missing? Make sure you list your OpenSessionInViewFilter filter-mapping element *before* your Wicket one in your web.xml. They're run

Re: [Wicket-user] Problem with AjaxLink and images in snapshot from this morning (1.3.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT)

2007-05-31 Thread Al Maw
Hi all, This was due to the RelativePath handler not using the depth param on ajax requests inside its behaviours. This should now be fixed. Regards, Al Mats Norén wrote: Hi, The problem is still there, unfortunately... /Mats On 5/28/07, Mats Norén [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've got a

Re: [Wicket-user] Chicken-and-egg w/ Data Provider

2007-05-31 Thread Al Maw
So you need two queries in your data layer, one which returns a subset of the query results for the particular page, and one which returns the size of the potential result set (i.e. COUNT(*)). There's no other way to implement this sensibly. For Hibernate Criteria queries, this can look like

Re: [Wicket-user] Bug in 1.3? HeaderContributor.forCss(String)

2007-05-30 Thread Al Maw
Relative URLs are good - they make the page work properly behind proxy servers. Why do you want an absolute one? Do your resources live in a different context or something? If you're trying to serve resources relative to your context root, just add it with:

Re: [Wicket-user] Decorate any external link with small graphic

2007-05-24 Thread Al Maw
Thomas Singer wrote: I want to decorate any a href=... link to an external website with a small graphic and ensure it will open in a separate window. Where should I start? I'm currently trying to add an IMarkupFilter implementation to insert another openClose-ComponentTag before the

Re: [Wicket-user] how to customize Modal Window`s appearance

2007-05-23 Thread Al Maw
Scott Swank wrote: 2. have someone who understands css (i.e. not me) put lots of thingies in the above css file to override details of the css that ships with ModalWindow. E.g. background-image: url(); Now, I know you claim not to understand CSS, but I feel compelled to point out

Re: [Wicket-user] CSS Branding

2007-05-23 Thread Al Maw
craigdd wrote: I'm looking for the best way to provide CSS branding for a logged in Client. In other words a css will be added as a header contrib to a page based on the Client object found in the session and search for a name like; layout_[clientname].css. Errr, you just said what to do

Re: [Wicket-user] BookmarkablePageLink converts String parameters to String[]? (Wicket 1.2.6)

2007-05-13 Thread Al Maw
Hi, I've had a look into this. String parameters in the servlet-api spec are String arrays, so that you can go: ?color=redcolor=greencolor=blue ...and expect to get String[] color = String { red, green, blue }; This is why we have convenience methods for you (as does servlet-api). Construct

Re: [Wicket-user] logging exception with Sun Application Server and Examples

2007-04-19 Thread Al Maw
NickCanada wrote: Hi, I can't deploy the wicket examples (1.3) from the svn repository using the Sun Application Server (glassfish v2 b43). It was working in some previous wicket 1.3 version but now I get: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class

Re: [Wicket-user] First-time Wicket AJAX question

2007-04-19 Thread Al Maw
Igor Vaynberg wrote: as long as you use ajaxfallback* stuff we provide your page should function exactly the same with or without ajax. most ajax components also provide factories for link components you can override so you can make them use ajaxfallbacklink. al has been doing some very

[Wicket-user] Package rename heads-up for wicket-1.x branch

2007-03-14 Thread Al Maw
Hi folks, As part of our ongoing incubation process at Apache, we're going to be renaming the core wicket package from wicket to org.apache.wicket shortly (not quite sure when yet, but soon). If you're developing against the subversion wicket-1.x branch, you'll need to change your imports

Re: [Wicket-user] When you have tabs and forms, is it ok to have the tabs all inside one form,

2007-03-13 Thread Al Maw
Thomas R. Corbin wrote: or do you need to have each tab have it's own form? And if each tab has it's own form, does the user need to save their data before switching tabs? Would the submit button be on each form, on each tab, or outside the tabs entirely? You can do this however you

Re: [Wicket-user] Reverting the constructor change of 2.0

2007-03-13 Thread Al Maw
Eelco Hillenius wrote: Can I have the opinions of all committers please? Johan is on a skiing trip but opts for c). I don't want to do any of A, B or C. What I /really/ think we should try to achieve: 1. Have long-term JDK 1.4 and JDK 1.5 branches that are easy to sync/backport from.

Re: [Wicket-user] XHTML ContentType problem

2007-03-08 Thread Al Maw
Martin Dames wrote: Hmm... I want to embedd into my HTML template some svg graphics. This is just only for Firefox, or IE users with the adobe plugin. That means, I need that Firefox turns on its XML parser, so I would need to use XHTML, because if the file has the file extension html it

Re: [Wicket-user] XHTML ContentType problem

2007-03-07 Thread Al Maw
Martin Dames wrote: That means, wicket rendered it correct, but Firefox doesn't understand this. It seems that I have to change the Content-Type to application/xhtml in the server response to do it correct. Questions: - Why does is not work out of the box? - How do change the MimeType /

Re: [Wicket-user] XHTML ContentType problem

2007-03-07 Thread Al Maw
Martin Dames wrote: Ok thanks for the tip, but why is Firefox offering a download instead of rendering it? See Page#configureResponse() This does a: response.setContentType(text/ + getMarkupType() + ; charset= + encoding); You could override this to do what you want, but like I said before,

[Wicket-user] was Re: Fwd: VOTE: backporting wicket 2.0 model change to 1.3

2007-03-07 Thread Al Maw
Johan Compagner wrote: In 2.0 we have a model change: [...] 1 port it to 1.3 2 don't port it to 1.3 I'm afraid I'm very much -1 on this for 1.3. I have a bunch of really complex models built using the current 1.3 models, and I expect other people do too. At the moment, 1.2.x - 1.3

Re: [Wicket-user] Fwd: VOTE: backporting wicket 2.0 model change to 1.3

2007-03-07 Thread Al Maw
Iman Rahmatizadeh wrote: how many big changes are there between 1.2.x and 1.3 ? I thought big API breaks would only happen between major versions ? Have a look on the wiki. There is a migration document. Al - Take

Re: [Wicket-user] IMPORTANT: your opinion on the constructor change in 2.0

2007-03-06 Thread Al Maw
Eelco Hillenius wrote: A major issue in the discussion is that not everyone is convinced anymore that the constructor change in 2.0 is for the better. There are pros and cons for sure, but we want to get your opinion on this. I'm a committer, but I'm also a user, and I feel pretty strongly

Re: [Wicket-user] Exception using @SpringBean and HibernateSessionFactory - wicket 1.3

2007-03-06 Thread Al Maw
Michel Wichers wrote: we received the following exception within a WebPage using an injected SpringBean - HibernateSessionFactory via sublassed LocalSessionFactoryBean : ... It looks to me like that class has a reference to sessionFactory.

Re: [Wicket-user] relative urls?

2007-03-01 Thread Al Maw
ChuckDeal wrote: Al Maw wrote: What you'd ideally like to be able to do is have a Wicket page which has a div wicket:id=jsp/div in it, and render the JSP in there, yes? Have you had the chance to write up any of the details of your solution? I would be interested in seeing how you solved

Re: [Wicket-user] Add JavaScript call after Ajax update?

2007-03-01 Thread Al Maw
dukejansen wrote: What's the best way to add some JavaScript code to be called after a component is updated via Ajax? See AjaxRequestTarget#appendJavaScript(String) Al - Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT

Re: [Wicket-user] Add JavaScript call after Ajax update?

2007-03-01 Thread Al Maw
dukejansen wrote: What I'm really after is whether there is a way to set default behavior for ALL AjaxRequestTargets. Ah, I see. You can execute some JavaScript on your page that looks like this: Wicket.Ajax.registerPostCallHandler(function() { doFooHere(); }); That'll get executed

Re: [Wicket-user] PageParameter Parsing Primer

2007-02-20 Thread Al Maw
spencer.c wrote: Can someone give me a quick overview of what is safe to pass in as a page parameter? I was under the impression that if I had a page parameter that was a string, it would be encoded correctly in the URL, and decoded back to its original form in the page constructor. What I

Re: [Wicket-user] Eclipse environment

2007-02-14 Thread Al Maw
ChuckDeal wrote: How do the Wicket developers have their Eclipse environment setup? I have a SNAPSHOT project that I created from the svn tree (wicket 1.3). Each of the subprojects are below that project but the .classpath and .project are not setup to allow building of the whole project.

Re: [Wicket-user] tons of size of failed exceptions

2007-02-12 Thread Al Maw
ChuckDeal wrote: Wicket 1.3 (revision 505283) The following is a stack trace that I have experienced quite a few times recently. This new behavior started in the past couple of weeks. [...] The obvious answer would be for me to stop making stupid mistakes :) Chuck, I've opened a bug

Re: [Wicket-user] wicket under Tomcat, first steps

2007-02-12 Thread Al Maw
Gabor Szokoli wrote: This is on debian, tomcat5 package. Didn't even have default admin or manager user out of the box, I guesss the policy is maximum security unless configured otherwise. Guestbook example throws this: access denied Please see:

Re: [Wicket-user] relative urls?

2007-02-09 Thread Al Maw
%253DaimsIssueTrackerReports%2526pageTitle%253DIssue%2BTracker%2BReports What is that all about? I feel like I remember seeing a discussion or announcement by Al Maw about changing Wicket to use relative URLs, if this is true, perhaps this is a side effect of that change? What am I missing? Where

Re: [Wicket-user] relative urls?

2007-02-09 Thread Al Maw
ChuckDeal wrote: Hopefully, I don't have some unique scenario. We are going to migrate our app over to the Wicket framework in pieces. To do so, app will technically be based on Wicket and we will make calls back to the legacy code (JSPs). Ah ha, thought so. I have already been down this

Re: [Wicket-user] filterPath vs filterMappingUrlPattern

2007-02-09 Thread Al Maw
Sorry, the docs should be updated. filterPath should no longer be required, unless you configure your container without a web.xml file. Just omit it entirely. If you're calling setContextPath() in ApplicationSettings, you should avoid doing that too. I will tidy this up (including the docs)

Re: [Wicket-user] filterPath vs filterMappingUrlPattern

2007-02-09 Thread Al Maw
Al Maw wrote: Sorry, the docs should be updated. filterPath should no longer be required, unless you configure your container without a web.xml file. Just omit it entirely. If you're calling setContextPath() in ApplicationSettings, you should avoid doing that too. I will tidy this up

Re: [Wicket-user] filterPath vs filterMappingUrlPattern

2007-02-09 Thread Al Maw
Johan Compagner wrote: Sorry, the docs should be updated. filterPath should no longer be required, unless you configure your container without a web.xml file. so no i configure my container without a web.xml file Then i have to specify the filter path, but where do i specify it

Re: [Wicket-user] tons of size of failed exceptions

2007-02-09 Thread Al Maw
I sort-of debugged this the other day. The errors are caused by the Wicket exception page (which is why there are a million components - they're all the Labels for the various components/traces/whatever). This is what I think goes wrong: HtmlHeaderContainer throws an exception while

Re: [Wicket-user] How to do redirect in wicket?

2007-02-06 Thread Al Maw
Zhang Hailong wrote: How to redirect to a wicket or non-wicket page in wicket? For example, if a guest want to access a authorized page, I want to redirect it to the login page. How to do this? Al

Re: [Wicket-user] Problem with javascript initialization order and header contributions

2007-02-05 Thread Al Maw
Erik van Oosten wrote: Is there a way to force header contributions to load in a certain order? Sort of. HeaderContributors are designed so that if you add them twice, they only render once (so you can have multiple components on the page share the same contributor). Unfortunately,

Re: [Wicket-user] Size of the HTML response page

2007-02-05 Thread Al Maw
Sean Sullivan wrote: I am building a web application with Wicket 1.3 and I want to be able determine the number of bytes in the HTML response. I know that I can inspect document.fileSize on the client, but what I'm looking for is to have access to this information on the server. Does

[Wicket-user] Wicket Stuff Wiki update + shout out to all you lurking contributors...

2007-02-03 Thread Al Maw
Hi all, I've given a bit of love. Let me know what you think. Better yet, all you wicket stuff contributors please contribute to the wiki. :) When adding a top-level project page, make sure you add an appropriate label so it is listed on the root wiki page. We currently

Re: [Wicket-user] WicketFilter problem with isWicketRequest()

2007-01-18 Thread Al Maw
I've tried to replicate this using the 1.x branch, but can't. Are you using 2.x? There have been some fixes recently related to URL parsing. If you're using 1.x, try updating and let me know how you get on. If you're still having issues, please do zip up a quickstart and attach it to a JIRA

Re: [Wicket-user] WicketFilter problem with isWicketRequest()

2007-01-18 Thread Al Maw
Al Maw wrote: I've tried to replicate this using the 1.x branch, but can't. Are you using 2.x? Argh. Just seen your second post that says you're using 1.3. Also, I take it back - I can replicate it (needed to back out some other changes that probably fix this too, which I'm working on). See

Re: [Wicket-user] CSS background images

2006-08-01 Thread Al Maw
() to understand how to tell if your app is in debug mode or not (see discussion on the dev list a week or two ago about that). Best regards, Al Maw package foo.wicket.resources; import wicket.Application; import wicket.AttributeModifier; import wicket.Component; import wicket.ResourceReference; import

Results so far (was Re: [Wicket-user] VOTE)

2006-02-20 Thread Al Maw
Alexandru Popescu wrote: I know that this might be early considering the lenght of the thread, but what is the voting result? :-). So far I count: 40 votes for both at once (constructor and JDK5) 17 votes for split releases (16 plus me, I'm voting now. :-) ) Al