
I know how hard it can be to pick things like this up, incidentaly I
live in VABeach you might want to check out go ahead and
register and come on out to the meeting this Thursday, I'm sure that you
can at least talk to some more people and do a little personal
networking. If you need any help (software ect.) drop me and email.

Andrew Shumate (A+, MCP)
Hampton Roads ITPA Webmaster

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas Pichardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 10:29 AM
> Subject: Please help a young aspiring security professional
> Revered security professionals:
>       Hi, my name is Douglas Pichardo and I am 16 years old. 
> I live in Virginia 
> Beach, Virginia (USA), and I am in the 10th grade. I have 
> been a member of 
> this discussion list for several months, trying to learn all 
> I can about the 
> world of security, which I have a strong interest in. This 
> last summer, when 
> my interest popped up, I spent several hours almost every day reading 
> webpages about every security topic that I could read about 
> and understand, 
> but at that time I was using Windows 98 and was unable to 
> really get into and 
> play around with any of the information I learned, and 
> decided to get an OS 
> that would allow me to - either Linux or Windows 2000, and 
> Windows 2000 is 
> too expensive. For Christmas, I got SuSE Linux 7.3 
> Professional, <u>Hacking 
> Linux Exposed</u>, and <u>Linux System Administration</u>, as 
> these all had 
> good reviews in various places and I did not like Mandrake 
> 8.1 which I had 
> burned on CD and previously installed. 
>       Well, to the point: I would like to try out security 
> things like firewalls 
> and such and be exposed to the internet (I'm behind a Linksys 
> Cable/DSL 
> router with NAT), but I don't feel anywhere near 
> knowledgeable enough. What 
> I'm looking for is a internship of sorts, and I was wondering 
> if either: (a) 
> by some chance some of you know companies in Virginia Beach, 
> VA, that would 
> take me "under their wing", or (b) any of you know of any websites or 
> companies that might have information about local internship 
> programs in the 
> security/administration field. I am looking for a learning 
> opportunity - a 
> free one - where I could gain experience (the SANS and other 
> conferences are 
> too much money and travel for me at age 16). I would greatly 
> appreciate any 
> help that you would give me as an aspiring security 
> professional. Thank you 
> in advance, and also thank you for reading all of this - I 
> can get wordy :-) .
>                                       Sincerely,
>                                       Douglas Pichardo
> P.S. I'm not some teenage wanna-be hacker; I truly only want 
> to get into the 
> security field, not the "counter"-security field. And just in 
> case the fact 
> that I'm writing this at 10:30 AM might contribute to the 
> stereotype, I have 
> no school today; we have about 3 inches of snow and the whole 
> area has shut 
> down as if it were 3 feet.
> P.P.S. Are there any other books on Linux administration or 
> local/network 
> security that you recommend?

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