> I see lots of people recommending Netgear NICs, but nobody has mentioned
> Linksys, specifically the LNE100TX. I've had no problems whatsoever in
> the 2 yrs I've been using them. (tulip driver) A quick pricewatch search
> shows compuplus.com selling them for $4 right now.

I've had good luck with the Linksys cards too, until I upgraded to an 
athlon based machine.  I don't know why, but my old Linksys cards 
fail to work in my new athlon machine.  They will come up, but as 
soon as they see any heavy traffic (e.g. ftp'ing a 1+ MB file), they 
die.  I have to bring the interface down, reload the kernel modules, 
and then bring the interface backup before it will work again.  I 
switched it for a D-Link card, and I haven't had any problems  
since.  I still use the Linksys in my old P2-266 w/o problems.


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