There are about a million good reasons to switch.  If your comfortable in
Unix environments more then Windows that's definitely one (ease of use for
the admin).  Security for one is much better in a lot of aspect.  Such as
the recent Apache exploit, it only took a day or so for a patch/work-around
to be hatched to quickly close the hole.  With MS it usually takes a week or
more to get a update for IIS out.  Scalability is another factor.  You could
easily run Apache on say Red Hat 7.3 on a machine half what you have for IIS
and still get better performance.  This is just speaking from experience
with both.  I'm sure you could find data on google backing that up.  Then
comes support.  You can get much better, faster and free! support on lists
just like this or even if you find a friendly apache knowledgeable channel
on IRC that can help with quick questions.  Instead of sometimes uneducated
Microsoft tech support that your paying hundreds of dollars and hour for
phone tech support.  Those reasons are just the tip of the ice berg.  When I
pushed the company I work for to move to Apache the only problem I had was
ASP.  A lot of people unfortunately like ASP but that was easily solved with
ChilliSoft allowing me to run ASP on a Linux based system.

Gook Luck!

Chris D.
Network Security
Mendo Link, LLC

"An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth  A Pound Of Cure."
Om Namo Narayanaya
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mario Behring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 7:25 AM
Subject: NT/2000 vs Unix based Web Servers

> Hi list,
> I have some websites running on Microsoft IIS on NT/2000 servers and I
> have to justify a possible change to Unix servers running Apache or
> IPlanet using CORBA. The reason is only one, more secure web servers and
> more secure web sites.
> Can you guys give me your opinion and some arguments whether should I do
> this change or not ?? Costs are not an issue here, please give me
> technical and security arguments.
> Thanks in advance.
> Mario Behring
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