I ran into similar problem a while back and went with nexland units.
These things are tanks ( I have never had one crash yet and I have deployed 
over a dozen so far in high bandwidth situations).
They are relatively easy to set up and since you are not doing anything too 
complicated they should be perfect for you use. Plus they add multiple 
IPSec passthough ( not that you need it but its there ). And there are 
models that can take 2 cable modems/dsl connections (so when your cable or 
dsl goes flaky it just uses the other one (really cool, and good for a 
small business, you can put two different IPs in your dns and loadbalance 
of sorts across the two links)

At least look at them before deciding.

Just my 2c

-I am not am employee or stakeholder in Nexland, I just support a good 
product when I find it.

At 10:22 AM 7/13/2002 -0500, Tim Bowes wrote:
>I run a small internet business from my home. Originally I was using a
>combination of a Netgear FR318 and a copy of ZoneAlarm Pro on each system
>connected to the LAN. The Netgear firewall keeps breaking down, third time
>this year already. Can anyone recommend anouther hardware/software firewall
>Also I have noticed that some of the better attempts to gain access to the
>systems on the LAN have totally bypassed the firewall and acted as a local
>IP, How can I put a stop to this?

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