I'd wait for ipcop v0.2 since that one will use kernel 2.4 and iptables
before using it for a larger environment (ipchains has no stateful
packet inspection and connection tracking. iptables has...).

guarddog looks nice - I'll try this one too (thanks)

Am Mon, 2002-07-15 um 11.42 schrieb Trevor Cushen:
> Thanks Douglas, I had not heard of IPCop is some time.  I see that the
> latest verion is 0.1.1, so I guess it is still in development.  Have a
> look at GuardDog http://www.simonzone.com/software/guarddog/ and see
> what you think.
> I assume you are having no troubles with IPCop, I must try it.
> Anyway that is way off my question to everyone, so here it is
> These freeware firewalls are proving more and more successful and
> powerful, but, as with IPCop and GuardDog they are still very much under
> development.  How many of you would be happy to use these and other
> freeware security products in the enterprise.  This would even be after
> you have fully tested them to YOUR satisfaction.  
> I would be very interested in all your feedback, thanks.

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