Jeff Thompson wrote:
>  Good points about the difference between OWL DL and OWL Full.
>  So if you only want to export OWL DL, what would you do with a page like
>  the President or Dog or Wine pages on Wikipedia, which are pages about a 
> class.

Place articles about classes in the Category namespace.  Again, this
is only for the purpose of conforming with OWL DL.

With this in mind: the difference between OWL DL and OWL Full is
whether or not you respect the usage restrictions placed on you by the
former; the syntax of the two sublanguages is the same.  I'd be fine
with saying that if you want to conform to OWL DL, use the special
Class property to establish all is-a relations (and be sure to place
articles about classes in the Category namespace; otherwise, the Class
property won't be able to target them).  If you don't care about OWL
DL conformance, use a pair of special properties (say, "Subclass of"
and "Member of") that explicitly provide rdfs:subClassOf and rdf:type
functionality, respectively (and which point to the main namespace by
default).  Finally, allow wiki administrators to customize the site
based on whether or not they care about OWL DL conformance by
disabling the latter two special properties.  Better yet, reverse this
and require them to explicitly enable violations of OWL DL if they
don't care about OWL DL compatibility.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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