Would these subobjects interfere at some stage with the support of
multi-value properties or replace them? Or will they remain an additional
feature like the SIOs?

On Mon, 03 Oct 2011 10:02:32 +0100, Markus Krötzsch
<mar...@semantic-mediawiki.org> wrote:
> Following up the discussions we had at SMWCon in Berlin, we have now 
> implemented a new feature for "internal objects" in SMW. This email 
> explains this feature and starts the discussion on some open questions 
> for it to become stable.
> == Goal ==
> Allow SMW annotations to refer to objects that have their own 
> property-value pairs just like wiki pages, but that do not actually have

> an article in the wiki. This can be used to "group" property-value pairs

> given on one page without requiring new auxiliary pages to be created. 
> It also integrates the main functionality of the Semantic Internal 
> Objects (SIO) extension into SMW.
> == Feature Overview: Current Prototype Implementation ==
> SMW now has a new "subobject" feature. For example, you can use the 
> parserfunction #subobject on some page "Example page" as follows:
> {{#subobject:street address
> | street name=Parks Road
> | postcode=OX1 3QD
> | city=Oxford
> | country=UK
> }}
> This does the following:
> (A) create a new subobject called "Example page#_anInternalId",
> (B) assign the property values for "street name", ..., "country" to this

> subobject,
> (C) assign the subobject "Example page#_anInternalId" as a property 
> value for "street address" to "Example page".
> You could have achieved a similar effect as follows:
> (A') create a new page called "my auxiliary page",
> (B') edit this new page to contain the text:
>   [[street name::Parks Road]]
>   [[postcode::OX1 3QD]]
>   [[city::Oxford]]
>   [[country::UK]]
> (C') edit the page "Example page" to contain the text:
>   [[street address::my auxiliary page]]
> The difference when using #subobject is that you do not create a new 
> auxiliary page. Instead, a subobject of "Example page" is created by 
> SMW. Also, the function #subobject does not display anything unless an 
> error occurred that needs to be reported.
> Subobjects are named automatically by following the schema "Parent page 
> name#_someInternalId". When subobjects are displayed to users, they thus

> appear like links to sections within their parent page. This can happen,

> e.g., subobjects might occur in query results (example above: {{#ask: 
> [[postcode::OX1 3QD]] }}). Likewise, subobjects are also addressed by 
> this name "Parent page name#_someInternalId" in all search and export 
> interfaces in SMW. For example, one can view the data for one particular

> subobject in Special:Browse.
> In general, subobjects should work like normal pages in most SMW 
> interfaces. The goal of this naming is to avoid any clashes with real 
> pages and with real sections in real pages while still allowing the same

> methods to be used.
> The feature can be tested in the current SVN version but it is still 
> unstable and might change significantly (read on).
> == Relation to Semantic Internal Objects ==
> The feature is very similar to the SIO extension. The difference is that

> in SIO, the main property ("street address" above) points from the 
> subobject to the parent page. In the above example, "street address" 
> really means "has street address" while in SIO it would be used like "is

> street address of".
> The other difference is that subobjects work with both SQL and RDF 
> stores, are exported in RDF and are compatible with interfaces like 
> Special:Browse.
> == Alternative Proposal ==
> Instead of having a parser function that creates a subobject and assigns

> it to a property as a value, one could also have a parser function that 
> only does the first thing and that *returns* a subobject for later use. 
> This would require some further changes but it might be more elegant.
> For example, a call like
> {{#subobject: street name=Parks Road | postcode=OX1 3QD| city=Oxford }}
> would just "create" such an object and return its name (e.g. 
> "Example_page#_someId"). Then one could use this name as a value to 
> other properties, e.g.:
> [[street address::{{#subobject: street name=Parks Road
>      | postcode=OX1 3QD
>      | city=Oxford
> }}]]
> One advantage of this is that one could arbitrarily nest subobjects, 
> i.e. use subobjects as property values when declaring other subobjects 
> (SMW can already do this, just the input syntax does not support it). 
> Another advantage is that subobjects could (optionally) be named instead

> of using the name generated by SMW now. For example, one could have
> {{#subobject:department_address
>    |street name=Parks Road | postcode=OX1 3QD| city=Oxford }}
> to create a subobject called "Example page#department_address" which 
> could be used in other annotations on *any* page (this is already 
> possible with subobjects now, but since their names are generated by SMW

> they might not be stable over time). In this case, it might be less 
> desirable to return the name of the subobject.
> Overall, this alternative approach would allow subobjects to be used as 
> first-class citizens of the SMW data space instead of viewing them as 
> auxiliary objects for encoding compound property values.
> == Request for Comments ==
> Feedback is welcome. The first question is which approach to subobjects 
> should eventually be used. The follow-up question is how the respective 
> parser function should be called. But there might also be completely 
> different comments and questions.
> Cheers,
> Markus
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