On 05/10/11 15:02, Gregor Hagedorn wrote:
>>> Would these subobjects interfere at some stage with the support of
>>> multi-value properties or replace them? Or will they remain an additional
>>> feature like the SIOs?
>> Multi-valued properties in SMW 1.6 are already a special kind of
>> subobject. Both kinds of subobject work well together (i.e., one can
>> have Type:Record properties in subobjects). It is not planned to drop
>> record support.
> Sorry to ask back: you mentioned the reversal of direction compared
> with SIO. At least for the second case of the subobject returning its
> ID I am not clear how to have tabular subobjects (i.e. many subobjects
> of the same type). The example of a singular adress is clear. Not
> clear is: a literature page (= wikipage) with a hypothetical
> repeatable subobject "figure" containing of the tupel  "fig_number",
> "printed_page", and "caption". Can this be done with a subobject?

Subobjects as such do not have a type. They are defined by their content 
which is given by property-value pairs. So if you need many "Figures" on 
one page, you can simply create many subobjects with the required 
property values.

But maybe you have been asking the opposite question? If you have *one* 
subobject that you want to use as a value to *many* properies, then just 
using the #subobject function in one property assignment would not work. 
To solve this, we would allow subobjects to have "names" to be assigned 
to them. So you could have a subobject "figure_1" and this would have a 
stable ID "pagename#figure_1" that can be used in as many places as you 


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