Noel J. Bergman wrote:

> I agree that dynamic reconfiguration is a container issue.  I
> am not sure
> that we need to do anything with Mailets.  I think that we
> can stick with
> the processor is a the configurable entity, or possibly even just the
> spooler.

The spoolmanager, and hence mailets, would be restarted to pickup any
configuration changes, via...

1) Stop - sends destroy() to the mailets
2) Start - sends init() to the mailets

Done this way the Mailet API does not change, but it places a much greater
onus on mailets to free resources in the destroy() method as this cycle,
which use to occur just once and ended with the JVM being terminated, can
now occur many times without termination of the JVM.

> > Yes, the matcher/mailet syntax issue does need to resolved.
> I think we had a consensus on it, recorded in the wiki.

Where is this consensus recorded? I only see
which documents three proposals, but no outcome.

>  That
> should allow
> the user of BSF.  Also, I think that it makes sense to
> consider a Jelly
> processor...

When first proposed, Jelly was, err. wobbly. Not so now. Once the new mailet
syntax is in place Jelly should probably be included in an update of the
scripting support. A trifling change.

> My understanding is that Merlin is intended to be the basis
> for the next
> generation Avalon container.  The community is trying to
> standardize on one
> flexible codebase that they can jointly maintain.  I don't
> expect Phoenix to
> evolve beyond its current state.  More likely, some of its
> code will be
> subsumed into Merlin.

That is my understanding too. Perhaps we need a Wiki page that maps the
container services James does and will require against the current state of
Phoenix and Merlin. This way we can see where we are and where we are going.
Possibly even help Merlin get there!

-- Steve

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