Noel J. Bergman wrote:

> I am thinking that we could have a JellyProcessor, e.g.,
>    <processor name="custom-stuff"
>               class="org.apache.james.transport.JellyProcessor">
>      ...
>    </processor>
> allowing the script to handle its own matching and
> functionality.

I'm not sure that we need to force Jelly, or any other scripting language to
operate in a discrete processor. Doing so would mean that the processor
could not invoke standard or scripted mailets and matchers without making
special provision. Reuse would be lost.

Keeping basically the same architecture as used in the current
ScriptedMailet and ScriptedMatcher allows standard and scripted mailets and
matchers to be used within a processor. As the language is declared for each
scripted mailet and matcher, multiple languages can be used.

If a script wants to implement its own matching and functionality, that's
fine. If this is to be for an entire processor, that's fine too, just
include a single ScriptedMailet in the processor.

> When you
> look at something like sieve, this also makes sense.

??? sieve ???

-- Steve

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