
Could you please tell me whether you are replying as a "representative" of the James 
project, or as a fellow contributor that knows the answers?

Also, I did not see anywhere in the James site a list of contributed mailets... kind 
of strange considering that mailets are supposed to be the "main purpose" of James.  I 
probably missed it.  Can you point me to the right URL?

In reply to your questions:

I'll preface that the mailet I am implementing is not for everyone.  I expect that 10% 
of administrators will find it too restrictive, while the rest will probably find it 

The mailet will reject all email from sources that were not preapproved in a 
whitelist.  Associated tools will handle managing of the list and allow new HUMAN 
senders to request addition to the list in a manner that is not annoying to the 
receiving user.


I have read the ASF license and related info (or as much as I could understand), and 
it seems acceptable since my primary goal is to end spam once and for all, but I'd 
like you to clarify a couple of points:

1. Will I be able to keep credit as the author of the mailet?  If so, how?

2. If this anti-spam measure is as successful as I expect it to be, I fear that the 
spammers of the world will try anything to kill it and the Microsofts of the world 
will try to steal it.  Because of it I have been sitting on this design for 3 years.  
Is it true that the Apache Software Foundation provides free legal defense for its 
contributors if they are sued as a consequence of a contribution?  If it is not, I 
will not be able to contribute it and will have to go make it commercial just to make 
enough money to defend myself.


-----Original Message-----
From: ext Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 2:17 PM
To: James Developers List
Subject: RE: Contributing a mailet


> I want to make sure that
>   (a) It will be accepted as a contribution

Can you provide more details on what kind of anti-spam mailet?

> (b) It is fully compliant with the standards

Follow the sample mailets in the source distribution, keep the code clean
and documented.

> (c) It is absolutely 100% public domain and cannot be subverted
> and used for commercial products or its design principles stolen
> and placed in somebody else's patent (so it will probably need
> to be GPL or something even stronger).

This will not be acceptable, and will require us to reject your code.
Please see  ASF software projects must be
licensed using the Apache Software License, and can be used for any purpose,
including commercial.  Furthermore, "public domain" and GPL are not

        --- Noel

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