On 2 Feb 2004, at 11:44, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Could you please tell me whether you are replying as a "representative" of the James project, or as a fellow contributor that knows the answers?

Also, I did not see anywhere in the James site a list of contributed mailets... kind of strange considering that mailets are supposed to be the "main purpose" of James. I probably missed it. Can you point me to the right URL?

I don't think there is a repository for mailets just yet.

In reply to your questions:

I'll preface that the mailet I am implementing is not for everyone. I expect that 10% of administrators will find it too restrictive, while the rest will probably find it ideal.

The mailet will reject all email from sources that were not preapproved in a whitelist. Associated tools will handle managing of the list and allow new HUMAN senders to request addition to the list in a manner that is not annoying to the receiving user.

Whitelist are evil! I receive tons of those "are you really you?" emails because those bastard warms forge the email address.

Do you realize that by creating a whitelist you are, in fact, becoming a spammer yourself?


I have read the ASF license and related info (or as much as I could understand), and it seems acceptable since my primary goal is to end spam once and for all,

with whitelists? please

but I'd like you to clarify a couple of points:

1. Will I be able to keep credit as the author of the mailet? If so, how?

with the @author tag in javadocs.

2. If this anti-spam measure is as successful as I expect it to be, I fear that the spammers of the world will try anything to kill it and the Microsofts of the world will try to steal it.

And you think that a software license would stop a corporation from taking one of their programmers and reimplement the software you wrote?

What you are looking for is called "software patent". You can't get one in europe (yet)... or you can apply for one in the US. It's very expensive and takes years. By that time, the spam problem will have been solved by somebody else anyway.

Because of it I have been sitting on this design for 3 years.

[paint puzzled look on my face]

Is it true that the Apache Software Foundation provides free legal defense for its contributors if they are sued as a consequence of a contribution?

This never happened in the past, but yes, you cannot be sued if you contribute the code to the foundation because the foundation is the owner and not you. But keep in mind that this only works if you did nothing illegal. If the foundation finds out that you did something illegal, you are on your own.

If it is not, I will not be able to contribute it and will have to go make it commercial just to make enough money to defend myself.



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