Ok sounds like a good canidat for a GSOC project,,,

Any other ideas ?
If you look on my list, there are 6 other project ideas there too :) (all missing from JAMES), that would greatly extend the JAMES user base. #1. is for easy setup (something like an installer - but with a smarter wizard)
#2. is for easy admin
=> all by non-programmers too - they are the majority.

#3 and #4 is to attract new programmers too, to use JAMES as a server and programming platform.

#5 and #6 is to allow anyone to simply test the performance of JAMES and compare to other servers. This way they would be convinced by their own numbers that JAMES is the best solution.

#7 would be something that besides many small companies would need, even Apache.org could use it. Right now most Apache.org projects use external web UI solutions like GMane and Nabble.

If you need more project ideas I could add a few, but AFAIK it's possible for GSOC to submit only a few ideas per open source project.


anyone have some idea about something for GSOC ?

1. A GUI based wizard (with context help - to explain every setting), e.g.
with Swing UI+JNLP, to allow the configuration and setup of JAMES in various
architectures for non-programmer admins too (or e.g. owners of small

2. A Simple and lightweight GUI (Swing UI+JNLP) to allow the configuration
and maintenance of JAMES without the need to use the Telnet client? For most
people is very very hard to use that - and in many cases the reason why they
don't use JAMES but some other alternative?

3. Documentation. Actual (no 10 year old) documentation for JAMES?

4. Tutorials with examples how to program with JAMES, how to make mailets
do what you want, etc.

5. Postage project to be tweaked to be generic - to able to test other
mail servers too (as promissed), thus allowing very simply to compare the
results of JAMES to other Mail Servers.

6. GUI to configure Postage (don't force the users to edit XML files), or
maybe this could be a plug-in for JMeter with Postage.

7. Mailing List with JAMES + web UI? Something like Subetha:
  but based on JAMES, and also much simpler and much more lightweight (so
not with JBoss, EJBs, etc. - if possible using Apache.org frameworks)

I can detail the requirements for any of the above if you wish, and also
why they would greatly help to grow the JAMES user base.


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