Hi All, 

      I have recently purchased a SMT MV2, anyone have
any trouble hitting the club head.  I am joining the
LDA and am in the process of building a long driver. 
I know it is the largest but that doesn't always mean
it is easier to hit.  Has anyone played with the
Carnoustie, is it as hard to hit as I have heard it


--- "Harry F. Schiestel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi JP
> My son built 4 demo drivers this spring (identical
> shaft, grip, spec's) and
> he would be in total agreement that the 7* SMT
> Baltusrol LH has a big
> fade/slice tendency.  In fact he can't hit a
> straight shot with it at all,
> and he has a 1 hcp.  Anyone have a customer with a
> big draw/hook tendency
> who wants to hit a straight ball?  After a bucket of
> balls this one is
> retired.  The 4 clubs tested were; KZG RBT/325, KZG
> PFT/300, Integra L1, and
> SMT Baltusrol.  The Bang SRV-2 has recently been
> getting good press for both
> distance & accuracy.  Too bad they didn't make this
> LH.  The SMT Baltusrol
> performed so poorly from an accuracy standpoint that
> it was the first driver
> he couldn't hit, although it sports the most
> impressive paint job we have
> seen, changing to 4 different colours with light
> deflection.
> Thanks HarryS
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Jonathan LaChance
> Sent: August 12, 2002 11:48 AM
> To: 'Shoptalk (E-mail)
> Subject: RE: ShopTalk: new driver
> Dave,
> I have the Shinnecock & Baltisrol in my demo clubs
> and everybody that has
> hit them hits the Shinnecock higher and straighter
> than the Baltisrol.  The
> Shinnecock has a high draw ball flight and the
> Baltisrol has a lower fade
> ball flight (both 10° heads) when compared head to
> head.  I don't have and
> have not hit a Carnoustie or Mv2 so I can't tell you
> about those clubs.
> Good luck
> JP LaChance
> ccugolf.com
> Madison, WI

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