In experimenting with light head weight clubs I run across the old question of whether frequency or shaft deflection is the best indicator of the proper "flex" for a given persons club set. Also torque may modify the choice.
For the past several years I've used a driver with a 65 gram P1230 Quadrax shaft, a 200 gram head, combined into a 46" club with a frequency of 230 cpm. I've now switched to the light driver mentioned below and after several weeks still like it better than any I've tried. Played in our senior tournament and drove the ball very well all day. I'm in the 70+ class, which has by far the most contenders, and played with a player from each of the lower age classes and stayed with them in the driving area.  However didn't putt well so came in 4th place.
My current light driver is a 46 gram R flex PowerLite shaft, a 176 gram head, combined into a 46" driver with a frequency of 247 cpm. I've tried all the available PowerLite flexes, S, R, A, L and find the R flex giving the best results to date.
I'm beginning to lean toward shaft deflection as being a better fitting indicator than is frequency. Would like comments on others findings in this area. BTW, I've made tests to verify the form of the equation for frequency of a golf club given on page 230 in "The search for the perfect swing". The equation includes a factor of 0.24 times the club mass for modifying the frequency of the final club. This isn't really a constant but varies with shaft materials and bending profiles, but it does show what happens.
Today I'll try a new 180 gram head with a 55 mm tall face on a stiff flex PowerLite shaft at 256 cpm. I tried it on the A flex shaft  and didn't hit it very well. Also am trying a "Double Hump" putter. Works well on the living room floor but then most putters do. It certainly isn't a copy of the two ball. It weighs 400 grams and is face balanced using a straight shaft!  It doesn't have the big mass between the rear of the sole plate and the rear of long top of the head. I think the MOI of the REAL 2 Ball would be much greater. But then so is the price!

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