Hi Lloyd
If you are going to throw out the statistic on Shaft Lab = 50% fitting
then I would be curious as to:  FitChip = XX% fitting success
BTW, what is wrong in building demo's and field testing these on the golf
Wouldn't that be a better strategy to either Shaft Lab or the FitChip
At least it is direct in that you get to see what happens to the ball.
Thanks HarryS

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:owner-shoptalk@;mail.msen.com]On Behalf Of Lloyd Hackman
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: X flex shafts


After hearing all the comments on this subject I find your comment was right
on. It sounds like there are a lot of players out there that are not fitted
properly by Swing speed as the examples given have suggested. Since Dave
seems to be in love with the shaft lab I would let him know that I just sold
a FitChip to a PCS member who has used a shaft lab for four years and was
dissatisfied with its 50% fitting success. He tested the FitChip against
those the Shaft Lab misfit and found the FitChip gave the proper fitting.
John, Dave's friend here in Florida who has the Shaft Lab fitted one of my
customers recently and missed horribly, he has come back to me to get the
shafts changed.


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