...the torque in relationship to relative stiffness or frequency is a fitting variable that is often overlooked when fitting a shaft to an individual. If we are talking frequency which only tells you half a story, a 250 cpm shaft @ 2 degrees of torque will feel and perform different than a 250 cpm shaft @ 5 degrees of torque. Tom Wishon had a chart that had a relationship between swing speed torque and frequency with adjustments for frequency to torque relation a very useful tool for adjustments.
I don't remember ever seeing this curve -- explicitly anyway. Where did you see it?
That is not to say that Tom didn't implicitly give us all the info for the curve. In fact, he has published the info at least twice that I know of.
* In 1991, he and Jeff Summitt co-authored the book "Modern Guide to Shaft Fitting". If you plot their DSFI formula, it relates frequency to torque for the same subjective "stiffness".
* In 1996, Tom's "Modern Clubfitting" book has a table of RSSR numbers that can be similarly plotted.
When you plot both of them, you can see that he felt torque was less of a factor in 1996 than he did in 1991. His view has been changing over time. (That's not a bad thing. We live and learn. I certainly have learned a lot about how golf clubs work in the last 5 years.)
Cheers! DaveT