At 05:32 PM 1/30/2010, Mark A Patton wrote:
Reading this I have to ask, am I a data hog? My backups are about 400 GB

Yes you are.

Seriously, though...
It all depends what you use your computer for most.

If it's mostly application data, then I don't know where you get it from.

If you take digital videos with an HD camera and save and edit them on your computer, 400GB doesn't sound like a lot. Same if you have a 12 megapixel digital camera that you use a lot (and save everything, and keep it, where the backups can find it).

Hey, if it works for you, the technology can handle it today.

When I started in the computer business in 1961, I was part of the team that got the IBM 7094 to market. It was the high-end big computer at the time. (Don't mention Stretch, the 7030; it was a supercomputer meant only for the government.) The 7094 had under 150KB of RAM and most had no disk -- just magnetic tapes. It cost a mint to rent (IBM didn't sell them outright), and another mint to employ people who could keep it programmed and running. Today my desktop has 8GB of storage and a 1-terabyte disk. Think about it:

1961 vs 2010:

150KB RAM vs 8GB: Gain of 50,000 times
1000Hz vs 3GHz: Gain of 3,000,000 times
1000sqft of space vs about 2sqft: Savings of 500 times
(and that space had to be raised-floor and climate-controlled)
Several megabucks vs under a kilobuck: Discount of several thousand times

And that is a top-of-the-line big-iron machine for 1961 vs a good personal desktop computer for 2010.

Just a little perspective on how big your backup is -- and how small it will seem in a few years.


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