On Sep 25, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Christ Schlacta wrote:

> I thought of another benefit to a shiny new XML format
> All the files could be merged into a single shorewall.xml file with 
> different sections.
> <config>
> <adminisabsentminded>true</adminisabsentminded>
> </config>
> <rules>
> <rule>
> ...
> </rule>
> </rules>
> <tcclasses>
> ...
> </tcclasses>
> etc…

I really don't see that as a benefit. 

> Again, this could optionally be accomplished with any format that can 
> implement nested key-value pairs like json.  I'm not familiar with yaml.

I've implemented the simple extension that you suggested earlier. That will 
have to do.


Tom Eastep        \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who
Shoreline,         \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like
Washington, USA     \ all of the passengers in his car
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