
        Some comments about Steve comments:

Comment 1 (also related with 44): I agree that ISPs may operate caches
in behalf end-users ASNs, but also I think that more than 1 cache may be
operated by a single ISP. Imagine a global ASN operator with routers in
several places. Are they going to have just one master cache? Or are
they have one or two (backup), and just in one location? Considering
this, even the 40k clients may be low as worse case IMHO.

Comment 10: Not sure if I understand the point, but because we do not
trust fully on BIND we also operate DNS with NSD. In fact, I agree with
the authors that we have a problem depending on just one implementation
of rsync.

Comment 28: For LACNIC ~ 2,500 members and ~ 2,200 PI. But as opposite
to RIPE NCC, PI holders are members as well (not sure if this is
relevant to the numbers)

Comment 31: I do not have numbers of prefixes per ROA, but it is a
number that we could get soon.

Comment 44: Does any body has a pointer of that proposal?

Comment 46: This is hard to answer. I have heard some operators asking
for minutes to have fresh new ROAs. Some others do not mind and request
objects every few hours. What is the middle or agreed value? (also
related with 55)

Comment 57: I think the reason is that CDNs today work on http and we
know them more or less well. Although possible it would be more
expensive and complex to have rsync-CDNs. Also this is related to
comment 54, the "single point" is "magically" distributed by the CDN
responding with the "closest" point as it is done today for http content.

        Hope it helps for the discussion and to improve the document.


On 3/14/13 6:03 PM, Stephen Kent wrote:
> During the first SIDR session I commented that I agree with the need to
> explore new
> paradigms for distributing RPKI repository data, but that i was very
> disappointed with
> the analysis being used to motivate the exploration.
> Attached are my comments on the I-D inn question.  I have used MS Word
> with change control
> to associate the comments (and some edits) with the original text. I
> rendered this as a PDF,
> so that list members do not need to use MS Word.  I am happy to provide
> the Word doc to the
> authors if they wish.
> Steve
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