On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 6:09 AM, Oleg Muravskiy <o...@ripe.net> wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
> Christopher Morrow wrote:
>> Comment 1 (also related with 44): I agree that ISPs may operate caches in 
>> behalf end-users ASNs, but also I think that more than 1
>> cache may be operated by a single ISP. Imagine a global ASN operator with 
>> routers in several places. Are they going to have just
>> one master cache? Or are they have one or two (backup), and just in one 
>> location? Considering this, even the 40k clients may be
>> low as worse case IMHO.
>> oops, so... we need to be clear in terminology here there are at least:
>>   o publication points - places/machines AS Operators would make their
>> authoritative information available to the world.
> In our analysis we associate number of CAs in the global RPKI with the number 
> of distinct IP resource holders.

sure, and as a proxy for that 'AS Operator', it's not a 1:1
correlation to be sure but it should be reasonably close, no?

> You seem to associate publication points (that directly relate to CAs) with 
> AS Operators.
> Since it's a second place where publication points are associated with AS 
> Operators (another is the "RPKI rsync Download Delay
> Modeling" presentation), I wonder if I miss something?

most likely you are not... I think I jump to 'CA == REPO ==
AS-Operator == ASN allocated' because lacking any direct data
otherwise it seems like a good estimation of numbers. Essentially each
ASN allocated is going to be a repository that needs to be gathered,
right? If there are 10% more repositories due to EndSite allocations
without an ASN also allocated to them I think it's still in the
ballpark to say "number of Repos == ASN allocation number".

I could be wrong.
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