On Dec 5, 9:12 pm, Paul Wallbank <paulwallb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sadly I think getting sensible, sustainable development policies into
> Sydney are about as likely as negative gearing being abolished.
Since I'm a Kiwi, I'd point out that the NZ incubator model for


scheme seems to be working or at least not immediately drying up. The
indicative figures are:
- 150 graduations since the incubator programme was set up in 2001
about 20/year
- annual govt seed funding of $NZ 4.5M ~$A3.8 = ~$200k/startup
- of 90 companies responding to survey revenue of $130M (45% export),
staff of 1,100 and followon investment raised $30M (which on average
is not so hot)

However they have difficulties in crossing the valley of death (VC
level of funding >$2M) and would still be considered micro-enterprise
(many 10-20 staff). Looking at the US with population nearly x100,
angels fund ~10,000 startups, VCs ~1,500/year so there is still a big
gap for NZ to close with US.

> Right now, given the amount of investor money sloshing around, I'd
> suggest the startup sector probably doesn't need immediate support.

Looking around the world, the Isrealis seem to have gotten the right
mix of entrepreneurial policies. Singapore is pouring a lot into their
incubators but no figures on their effectiveness (anyone?). As for
Australian govt policy ... tax breaks for R&D favor those large
enterprises with existing cashflow and not really relevant to startups
who are scrapping by on the smell of an oily rag.


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