On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Geoff McQueen - Hiive Systems <
geoff.mcqu...@hiivesystems.com> wrote:

> Compared to solar powered trains, this is super ON topic ;-)

Haha - Glad you still remember the Solar Train.

I'm helping out on the American Design team for the Solar Train building
that system
simultaniously Texas. I'm now linked in with solartrain.com and building a
in the States also.

People can track progress (in USA) at :

Prepaids are the way to go for making local calls. Doesn't matter which
country you
go to. Asia, Europe, Middle East, America, Europe Etc.

A lot of people find that it's a good idea to have a vodaphone sim card. You
can call
between wherever you are and Australia for (was) 30c per minute and people
can call
you with normal (vodaphone) call quality.

Another thing a lot of people use overseas is dual-sim phones. Then whatever
you go to you can just pop in a local sim in addition to your Australian
roaming service
and get the best of both worlds.


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