
I like your way of thinking. I had been thinking about the whole forum
posting idea, my website will be beauty industy mainly, so this option
is good. I could then target any fashion, beauty/hair or womens blogs
out there. I'm still learing a lot about this industry but found your
advice very helpful. I have started a social media campaign, which
seems to be working well as I am offering free advice to people and
doing product reviews. I am starting to get a following and lots of
posts from people asking questions/ wanting advice. I hope to then
link this to my site when it is up and running.

This is just a start, but as you said it will all take time, I look
forward to trying out all of your ideas!

On May 27, 4:00 am, Shane Greenup <> wrote:
> While the advice already given should be very useful and, as described,
> 'provide the most bang for buck', I am a big fan of what I consider
> "guerrilla marketing" - taking advantage of every form of free exposure you
> can get your hands on. One of the most effective in my experience, is forum
> posting - not spam advertising your business, but making productive,
> contributing posts in forums related to the subject matter of your business.
> With a signature link to your business, you are providing a direct link to
> your business, while presenting a helpful face to public in need. I have
> found this can be useful for not only getting direct referal traffic (for
> free!) but also can be the beginning of your growing number of website
> backlinks.
> Then there are all of the other standard internet marketing basics, and a
> few things which I just consider standard:
>    - Write articles on the general topic of your business (or pay someone
>    else to write them for you) and submit them to various article websites
>    (Buzzle and ezinearticles are the first two which come to mind). With an
>    imbedded link to your website, sometimes these articles will be indexed
>    faster and higher than the articles on your own site, and be a way for that
>    search traffic to be redirected to your store. More importantly though, it
>    provides more backlinks to your website, which eventually add up and help
>    make your website top ranker for those key words.
>    - - make a page for your website here. Add enough
>    information, verify yourself and get the page set to "follow"
>    - Every article you write in your blog should be shared on facebook,
>    bookmakers in Delicious, submitted to Stumble Upon, submitted to Digg etc.
>    Everyone of those services not only provides a chance of making that 
> article
>    viral in one way or another, but it at least creates another backlink to
>    that specific article, and every little bit counts.
>    - Find blog articles on subjects related to your topic, and comment on
>    them (meaningfully again!). This won't help the backlink count as blog
>    comments are nearly always "NoFollow" - but if people find your comment
>    useful enough, they might click through to see your website.
>    - Better still, contact the owner of that blog, and ask if they would be
>    willing to post an article you have written. They get free content - you 
> get
>    free publicity. Do this to every blog you can find which is related to your
>    area.
>    - Submit link to DMOZ. And maybe some other directories too. Try googling
>    "<mytopic> Directory" and any which come up, submit to them if you can. A
>    lot of my early traffic came from a website which just provided a directory
>    listing of websites related to my area - so while there are a Billion
>    directory websites out there which are worthless, if you can find some 
> which
>    come up on Google when searched for in relation to your topic - they have
>    already demonstrated their value in your niche.
> That's all I can think of for the moment. These require a lot more work than
> paying CPC, advertising, or mailing out to email lists (for a fee), but that
> is usually the case with free vs paid. If you lack money, but have some
> time, then these techniques definitely work.
> And if anyone else knows any more cool guerrilla marketing tricks, I'd love
> to hear them :)
> Shane
> -------------------------
> On 26 May 2011 06:05, Beck Rands <> wrote:
> > wow! thanks Mat, that is brilliant and helpful, and thanks to Jeromy for
> > piping in too, thats very useful stuff
> > Beck
> > On 26 May 2011 15:01, Mathew French 
> > <>wrote:
> >> Hi Bec.
> >> Yes, I have come accross that with Mail Chimp and Also VR. When you set
> >> your website up, make sure you have facilities on your site to capture
> >> e-mail, as well as options to sign in for News. This is what they will look
> >> at when authorising your account.
> >> In terms of Mailing list, it is a little bit of a grey area. You can go to
> >> providers and ask them for what they call opt-in lists. Some providers will
> >> give you the list to send, or, they will ask you for your template and send
> >> on your behalf. If they give you the list they will "seed" it to make sure
> >> you are only using it once. You then get the enquiries based on the blast
> >> for your database (or Sales Made). This is what you would call renting a
> >> "once only" list. which costs about 1/3 of purchasing the list outright.
> >> I can vouch for companies like incnet and contactability. Have used them
> >> and their lists are great.
> >> When you do the blast, What you can do here is get some Help Desk
> >> Software, and insert live chat on your site, This was you can see in real
> >> time who is visiting (Track IP Addresses). Now, this may not be of use if
> >> your are sellinf B to C as Consumers don't have IP addresses you can easily
> >> track, but for B to B, you can. This will really help you get some runs on
> >> the board early.
> >> You may also like to approach Industry Associations that have Lists of
> >> their members that they will let you market to. Once again, they will ask
> >> you for your content (Mail Template) and send on your behalf.
> >> When you do this you need to be quite clear about what the purpose of the
> >> campaign is. Is it to generate leads (Prospect Names) that you can then
> >> continue to market to, or is it to make sales. THis will allow you to 
> >> define
> >> the message in the blast. Remember, in e-marketing, the message needs to be
> >> short and simple. Otherwise you will not get the best results. For example,
> >> we do e-marketing based on Generating Leads to then use to build our
> >> database and then continue to work the list. (You will have about 5 Seconds
> >> to Engage). You need to write the message in your Tampate so that in the
> >> first 2-3 Sentences, you have convinved the reader about what you are
> >> promoting so that want to then click the Call To Action.
> >> You can also think about bolting your CRM system onto your website to
> >> automatically send templates to businesses or people based on Ket stages of
> >> the sales process. This is not easy to do and takes time and technical
> >> expertise, but is a good phase 2-3 when you are up and running.
> >> Hope this helps.
> >> Mat
> >> On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Beck Rands <> wrote:
> >>> Hi Matthew
> >>> All the stuff you say here is good and I had not heard of Vertical
> >>> Response so thanks for that.
> >>> I just need to ask about purchased lists here.
> >>> The reason being I did some marketing for a friends' business a few weeks
> >>> ago who had very little idea about the internet and marketing.  So I went
> >>> the easiest route, through (who I can highly highly highly
> >>> recommend, they are fabulous in every way and I will certainly use them 
> >>> for
> >>> my business) with a list of 750 email addresses that my friend had 
> >>> provided.
> >>> As well as FB Twitter, bugging them to start a blog etc
> >>> She had gathered these email addresses by what she saw as legitimate
> >>> means over a period of a number of years. Unfortunately because these 
> >>> people
> >>> hadn't signed up for this specific newsletter we were branded spammers and
> >>> the account was suspended, which took a fair bit of wiggling and 
> >>> explaining
> >>> to get out of. So being classed as a spammer (using purchased lists or 
> >>> lists
> >>> that were not obtained legally) can throw a spanner in the works, and
> >>> untangling the mess can take time and be quite disheartening to the new
> >>> business owner.
> >>> I thought I would just throw that out there as an experience that I had
> >>> the misfortune to encounter and I have learned that it can end up being 
> >>> more
> >>> of a pain in the arse than a benefit.
> >>> Has anyone else had a similar experience with being branded a spammer?
> >>> How did others build their email lists?
> >>> Beck
> >>> On 26 May 2011 09:18, Mathew French 
> >>> <>wrote:
> >>>> Get Your SEO Right.
> >>>> Learn about CPC advertising and how you can reduce your cost through
> >>>> have good web and good content.
> >>>> Get a Blog up and Running. I am not technical but am OK at Writing and
> >>>> we are getting good exposure through key words from our blog. Word Press 
> >>>> is
> >>>> optimised well out of the box.
> >>>> Remember to make the content meaningful and place key words in it for
> >>>> maximum effect.
> >>>> Also, try to look at purchasing some lists. Not sure what you target
> >>>> market is but this is a good effective way to start driving traffic. Use 
> >>>> an
> >>>> e-mail tool like vertical response.
> >>>> These types of things are going to get you out these in the shortest
> >>>> possible time and with the best bang for you buck.
> >>>> YOu need to track things to make sure your campaigns are working well.
> >>>> Put your website on some sort of CMS so you can make changes to content
> >>>> easily.
> >>>> Use Viral Sharing through Social Media to try and also get know in
> >>>> specific groups.
> >>>> Hope this makes sense.
> >>>> These things take your time to work through and put together. Most these
> >>>> things relate to Owned Content rather than purchased Content. In the long
> >>>> run, will be very powerful for you.
> >>>> Mathew
> >>>> On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 9:19 PM, doogirl <>wrote:
> >>>>> Hi all,
> >>>>> Let me introduce myself, my name is Olivia, I am totally new to SB. I
> >>>>> am about to embark in possibly the scariest and most exciting thing I
> >>>>> have ever done. I am starting an online business (retail), it's still
> >>>>> early days for me. I have had this niggiling idea for years and
> >>>>> decided to finally take the punt into the online world, problem is I
> >>>>> am not a technical person! I am
> ...
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