Was: "Nikki Durkin in SMH"

On 22/11/2011, at 6:02 AM, Andrew Roberts <andrew.robe...@ephox.com> wrote:

> The San Francisco Bay Area is different. You can stay in Australia and be a 
> big fish in a small pond or come here and be a small fish in a big pond. The 
> more entrepreneurs we can get learning to thrive in the primordial swamp of 
> Silicon Valley, the better Australia will be. 

I think the Valley's fame is not just due to the number of startups, but also, 
and probably more so, the gigantic success stories. 

Every time a startup moves from Aus to the Valley and makes it big, I think 
that business becomes a Valley success story with Aussie founders, not an 
Aussie success story. That's no criticism of those who choose to do that; it's 
totally their prerogative and most entrepreneurial types are very envious of 
people like Nikki who've done enough hard yards to be invited to participate in 
something bigger. 

That said, as long as the big successes are happening in Silicon Valley, it's 
hard to see how "Silicon Beach" will become a reality. Instead, the rest of the 
world will see us more like OzCombinator: a source of talent and ideas, but not 
a hot enough house to allow things to blossom fully. 

I take it as a given that the purpose of this group is to stimulate the 
building of Silicon Beach, not OzCombinator. If that's the case, then while 
it's appropriate to recognize the wins of people who are moving on to something 
bigger, what we really need to be doing is encouraging promising businesses to 
stay in, or to come back to, Australia, rather than saying "Go away, it'll be 
good for you."



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