That software no doubt works just fine.

Recently I've been using Wings3D which is a modelling program for making
3D primitives. It's sortof fun modelling stuff in 3D and last night I was
thinking how this modelling experience could work for web design.

For example, being able to work on a front rendering of the web page, then
rotating the system around to the back in 3D to see wire like connections
to various working regions of the web page.

With such a system, you could model each of the different web pages that
are in the system on a 3D plane. Sortof like is done in FoxTab.

Instead of a flat 2D rendering of database connections, do them in 3D as
wires with each wire on the bus representing a database row.

At the basis would still remain the wireframe view. Implemented as a sort
of bitmap or sketch on a page. A simple toggle key could flip from wireframe
view to implemented view which could make working that way nice and quick.

One package, OpenSCAD is rather nice. It's a programmatic modelling
software and you write the code on the left hand side and your 3D model
comes up on the right. It's written using Qt and is rather effective.

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