On 27/06/06 18:53 +0100, Ashish Gulhati wrote:
> On 27-Jun-06, at 5:24 PM, Ashish Gulhati wrote:
> >On 27-Jun-06, at 5:04 PM, sastry wrote:
> >
> >>Mahesh could well be right. a cursory check supports his statement
> >>http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/list.htm
> >
> >Which of those countries would you say provides conditions amenable
> >to capitalism?
> To attempt to answer that question, I cross-related the list of LDCs  
> against
> Heritage Foundation's Economic Freedom Index of 2006 [1]. The results  
> are
> below. The number against each country name is its rank on the  
> freedom index
> (out of 161 countries, lower ranks mean less economic freedom). The  
> number in
> square brackets is the "score", with broad categories for the score  
> as follows:
Could we correlate this over the past couple of hundred years? Include
issues relating to the empire, slavery, feudalism and the world wars.
Also include the shipping of poor people to other countries (or
continents) when the local country gets overpopulated.

I have a feeling that you are missing a lot of context involved in the
development of an economy while it is moving from the dark ages (due to
being subjects of an empire, or otherwise) to a more modern, egalitarian

Devdas Bhagat

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